feat(all): auto-regenerate .pb.go files (#512)

This is an auto-generated regeneration of the .pb.go files by
cloud.google.com/go/internal/gapicgen. Once this PR is submitted, genbot will
update the corresponding PR to depend on the newer version of go-genproto, and
assign reviewers. Whilst this or any regen PR is open in go-genproto, genbot
will not create any more regeneration PRs. If all regen PRs are closed,
gapicgen will create a new set of regeneration PRs once per night.

If you have been assigned to review this PR, please:

- Ensure that CI is passing. If it's failing, it requires your manual attention.
- Approve and submit this PR if you believe it's ready to ship. That will prompt
genbot to assign reviewers to the google-cloud-go PR.

Corresponding google-cloud-go PR: googleapis/google-cloud-go#3514

- feat: Added OAuth scope for the service

  PiperOrigin-RevId: 350670798
  Source-Link: https://github.com/googleapis/googleapis/commit/b241bbc1ad920771707fe03e4cedd4e8c492e143

- chore: remove CircleCI configuration (#637)

  We have this repo covered by Kokoro CI.
  Source-Link: https://github.com/googleapis/googleapis/commit/e843bea3e770b2c5a0e804c3465cd7485bb603ab

- feat: IntroduceMembership API v1alpha2 proto

  PiperOrigin-RevId: 350654259
  Source-Link: https://github.com/googleapis/googleapis/commit/68122a00820e74296ba0cb77be1e2509b64ed320

- chore(bigquery/reservation): use python microgenerator rules for Cloud APIs

  PiperOrigin-RevId: 350604597
  Source-Link: https://github.com/googleapis/googleapis/commit/3131ab57860adbb25dfa78858e16b69ffc868f99

- chore: update gapic-generator ruby to latest version

  PiperOrigin-RevId: 350595874
  Source-Link: https://github.com/googleapis/googleapis/commit/1d5300e77775dd3a850341710fddc1aa2133d807

- chore: update gapic-generator-go to v0.17.0

  Changes include:
  - a default audience is generated for client JWT creation
  - treats RPCs that have some pagination fields but no repeated field as normal RPCs
  - use DefaultEndpoint and DefaultMTLSEndpoint for default options
  - updates to bazel & Go deps

  PiperOrigin-RevId: 350447881
  Source-Link: https://github.com/googleapis/googleapis/commit/5a3edc8b272dcd714fd0f16d2c788b2f95183729

- chore(analytics/admin): put markdown table in a codeblock

  PiperOrigin-RevId: 350414815
  Source-Link: https://github.com/googleapis/googleapis/commit/700afd1f0bafc2155bc5e891504c53d4ac9166f5

- chore(cloudbuild/apiv1): Update C# namespace

  This is a breaking change, but *only* for C#. Google has not yet published a package for this API, so it would only break users who have generated the code themselves.

  PiperOrigin-RevId: 350388717
  Source-Link: https://github.com/googleapis/googleapis/commit/dd1d2325b189d3bb69c4a6a802185cefbd8e592e

- chore: upgrade gapic-generator-python to 0.39.1

  feat: add 'from_service_account_info' factory to clients
  fix: fix sphinx identifiers
  PiperOrigin-RevId: 350246057
  Source-Link: https://github.com/googleapis/googleapis/commit/520682435235d9c503983a360a2090025aa47cd1

- feat: Add ProvisionCloudIdentity API definitions for Cloud Channel API. Update documentation for other APIs.

  PiperOrigin-RevId: 350209421
  Source-Link: https://github.com/googleapis/googleapis/commit/781d34e5c91ca8b745ab653692cde3c42712203f
6 files changed
tree: 6a853284e594a108eee2552ab6de7a75456a325c
  1. .github/
  2. firestore/
  3. googleapis/
  4. internal/
  5. protobuf/
  7. go.mod
  8. go.sum
  10. README.md
  11. regen.txt
  12. RELEASING.md
  13. tools.go

Go generated proto packages


go get google.golang.org/genproto/...

IMPORTANT This repository is currently experimental. The structure of the contained packages is subject to change. Please see the original source repositories (listed below) to find out the status of the each protocol buffer's associated service.

This repository contains the generated Go packages for common protocol buffer types, and the generated gRPC code necessary for interacting with Google's gRPC APIs.

The sources for the proto files used in this repository:

  • googleapis/googleapis: the code in the googleapis is derived from this repo. The packages here contain types specifically for interacting with Google APIs.

Historically, the packages in the protobuf directory used to contain generated code for certain well-known types hosted by google/protobuf. These types are now hosted by the google.golang.org/protobuf module and type aliases are used to forward declarations in this module over to declarations in the protobuf module.