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PiperOrigin-RevId: 245313728
diff --git a/google/cloud/language/v1/language.tests.yaml b/google/cloud/language/v1/language.tests.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d133b04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/google/cloud/language/v1/language.tests.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+  suites:
+  - name: Natural Language V1
+    cases:
+    - name: Analyze Syntax
+      spec:
+      - call: {sample: language_syntax_text}
+      - assert_contains:
+        - literal: "Text: This"
+        - literal: "Text: is"
+        - literal: "Text: short"
+        - literal: "Text: sentence"
+        - literal: "Text: ."
+    - name: Analyze Syntax – GCS
+      spec:
+      - call:
+          sample: language_syntax_gcs
+      - assert_contains:
+        - literal: "Text: This"
+        - literal: "Text: is"
+        - literal: "Text: short"
+        - literal: "Text: sentence"
+        - literal: "Text: ."
+    - name: Analyze Sentiment
+      spec:
+      - call: {sample: language_sentiment_text}
+      - assert_contains:
+        # Default message should return positive: 'I am so happy and joyful'
+        - literal: "Sentiment score: 0."
+        - literal: "Magnitude: 0."
+    - name: Analyze Sentiment – Negative
+      spec:
+      - call:
+          sample: language_sentiment_text
+          params:
+            text_content:
+              literal: "I am so sad and upset."
+      - assert_contains:
+        - literal: "Sentiment score: -0."
+        - literal: "Magnitude: 0."
+    - name: Analyze Sentiment – GCS
+      spec:
+      - call: {sample: language_sentiment_gcs}
+      - assert_contains:
+        # Default message should return positive: 'I am so happy and joyful'
+        - literal: "Sentiment score: 0."
+        - literal: "Magnitude: 0."
+    - name: Analyze Sentiment – GCS – Negative
+      spec:
+      - call:
+          sample: language_sentiment_gcs
+          params:
+            gcs_uri:
+              literal: "gs://cloud-samples-data/language/sentiment-negative.txt"
+      - assert_contains:
+        - literal: "Sentiment score: -0."
+        - literal: "Magnitude: 0."
+    - name: Analyze Entities
+      spec:
+      - call: {sample: language_entities_text}
+      - assert_contains:
+        - literal: "Entity name: California"
+        - literal: "Entity salience score: 1"
+        - literal: "Mention: California"
+        - literal: "Mention: state"
+    - name: Analyze Entities – GCS
+      spec:
+      - call: {sample: language_entities_gcs}
+      - assert_contains:
+        - literal: "Entity name: California"
+        - literal: "Entity salience score: 1"
+        - literal: "Mention: California"
+        - literal: "Mention: state"
+    - name: Analyze Entity Sentiment
+      spec:
+      - call: {sample: language_entity_sentiment_text}
+      - assert_contains:
+        - literal: "Entity name: Grapes"
+        - literal: "Entity sentiment score: 0."
+        - literal: "Mention: Grapes"
+        - literal: "Mention sentiment score: 0."
+        - literal: "Mention sentiment magnitude: 0."
+        - literal: "Entity name: Bananas"
+        - literal: "Entity sentiment score: -0."
+        - literal: "Mention: Bananas"
+        - literal: "Mention sentiment score: -0."
+    - name: Analyze Entity Sentiment – GCS
+      spec:
+      - call: {sample: language_entity_sentiment_gcs}
+      - assert_contains:
+        - literal: "Entity name: Grapes"
+        - literal: "Entity sentiment score: 0."
+        - literal: "Mention: Grapes"
+        - literal: "Mention sentiment score: 0."
+        - literal: "Mention sentiment magnitude: 0."
+        - literal: "Entity name: Bananas"
+        - literal: "Entity sentiment score: -0."
+        - literal: "Mention: Bananas"
+        - literal: "Mention sentiment score: -0."
+    - name: Classify Text
+      spec:
+      - call: {sample: language_classify_text}
+      - assert_contains:
+        - literal: "Category name: /Arts & Entertainment"
+        - literal: "Confidence: 0."
+    - name: Classify Text – GCS
+      spec:
+      - call: {sample: language_classify_gcs}
+      - assert_contains:
+        - literal: "Category name: /Arts & Entertainment"
+        - literal: "Confidence: 0."
diff --git a/google/cloud/language/v1/language_gapic.yaml b/google/cloud/language/v1/language_gapic.yaml
index 2b05e8b..a3796fc 100644
--- a/google/cloud/language/v1/language_gapic.yaml
+++ b/google/cloud/language/v1/language_gapic.yaml
@@ -118,6 +118,47 @@
     retry_codes_name: idempotent
     retry_params_name: default
     timeout_millis: 60000
+    samples:
+      standalone:
+      - value_sets: [language_sentiment_text]
+        region_tag: language_sentiment_text
+      - value_sets: [language_sentiment_gcs]
+        region_tag: language_sentiment_gcs
+      - region_tag: analyze_text_sentiment
+        value_sets: [analyze_text_sentiment]
+    sample_value_sets:
+    - id: analyze_text_sentiment
+      description: This sample demonstrates analyzing the sentiment of text
+      parameters:
+        defaults:
+        - document.type=PLAIN_TEXT
+        - document.content="I am so happy"
+    - id: language_sentiment_text
+      description: "Analyze sentiment of text"
+      parameters:
+        defaults:
+        - document.type=PLAIN_TEXT
+        - document.content="I am so happy and joyful."
+        attributes:
+        - parameter: document.content
+          sample_argument_name: text_content
+      on_success:
+      - define: sentiment=$resp.document_sentiment
+      - print: ["Sentiment score: %s", sentiment.score]
+      - print: ["Magnitude: %s", sentiment.magnitude]
+    - id: language_sentiment_gcs
+      description: "Analyze sentiment of text stored in GCS"
+      parameters:
+        defaults:
+        - document.type=PLAIN_TEXT
+        - document.gcs_content_uri="gs://cloud-samples-data/language/sentiment-positive.txt"
+        attributes:
+        - parameter: document.gcs_content_uri
+          sample_argument_name: gcs_uri
+      on_success:
+      - define: sentiment=$resp.document_sentiment
+      - print: ["Sentiment score: %s", sentiment.score]
+      - print: ["Magnitude: %s", sentiment.magnitude]
   - name: AnalyzeEntities
@@ -131,6 +172,59 @@
     retry_codes_name: idempotent
     retry_params_name: default
     timeout_millis: 60000
+    samples:
+      standalone:
+      - value_sets: [language_entities_text]
+        region_tag: language_entities_text
+      - value_sets: [language_entities_gcs]
+        region_tag: language_entities_gcs
+    sample_value_sets:
+    - id: language_entities_text
+      description: "Analyze entities in text"
+      parameters:
+        defaults:
+        - document.type=PLAIN_TEXT
+        - document.content="California is a state."
+        attributes:
+        - parameter: document.content
+          sample_argument_name: text_content
+      on_success:
+      - loop:
+          collection: $resp.entities
+          variable: entity
+          body:
+          - print: ["Entity name: %s",]
+          - print: ["Entity type: %s", entity.type]
+          - print: ["Entity salience score: %s", entity.salience]
+          - loop:
+              collection: entity.mentions
+              variable: mention
+              body:
+              - print: ["Mention: %s", mention.text.content]
+              - print: ["Mention type: %s", mention.type]
+    - id: language_entities_gcs
+      description: "Analyze entities in text stored in GCS"
+      parameters:
+        defaults:
+        - document.type=PLAIN_TEXT
+        - document.gcs_content_uri="gs://cloud-samples-data/language/entity.txt"
+        attributes:
+        - parameter: document.gcs_content_uri
+          sample_argument_name: gcs_ur
+      on_success:
+      - loop:
+          collection: $resp.entities
+          variable: entity
+          body:
+          - print: ["Entity name: %s",]
+          - print: ["Entity type: %s", entity.type]
+          - print: ["Entity salience score: %s", entity.salience]
+          - loop:
+              collection: entity.mentions
+              variable: mention
+              body:
+              - print: ["Mention: %s", mention.text.content]
+              - print: ["Mention type: %s", mention.type]
   - name: AnalyzeEntitySentiment
@@ -144,6 +238,65 @@
     retry_codes_name: idempotent
     retry_params_name: default
     timeout_millis: 60000
+    samples:
+      standalone:
+      - value_sets: [language_entity_sentiment_text]
+        region_tag: language_entity_sentiment_text
+      - value_sets: [language_entity_sentiment_gcs]
+        region_tag: language_entity_sentiment_gcs
+    sample_value_sets:
+    - id: language_entity_sentiment_text
+      description: "Analyze Sentiment of Entities in Text"
+      parameters:
+        defaults:
+        - document.type=PLAIN_TEXT
+        - document.content="Grapes are good. Bananas are bad."
+        attributes:
+        - parameter: document.content
+          sample_argument_name: text_content
+      on_success:
+      - loop:
+          collection: $resp.entities
+          variable: entity
+          body:
+          - print: ["Entity name: %s",]
+          - print: ["Entity sentiment score: %s", entity.sentiment.score]
+          - loop:
+              collection: entity.mentions
+              variable: mention
+              body:
+              - print: ["Mention: %s", mention.text.content]
+              - print: ["Mention type: %s", mention.type]
+              - print: ["Mention sentiment score: %s", mention.sentiment.score]
+              - print:
+                - "Mention sentiment magnitude: %s"
+                - mention.sentiment.magnitude
+    - id: language_entity_sentiment_gcs
+      description: "Analyze Sentiment of Entities in Text stored in GCS"
+      parameters:
+        defaults:
+        - document.type=PLAIN_TEXT
+        - document.gcs_content_uri="gs://cloud-samples-data/language/entity-sentiment.txt"
+        attributes:
+        - parameter: document.gcs_content_uri
+          sample_argument_name: gcs_ur
+      on_success:
+      - loop:
+          collection: $resp.entities
+          variable: entity
+          body:
+          - print: ["Entity name: %s",]
+          - print: ["Entity sentiment score: %s", entity.sentiment.score]
+          - loop:
+              collection: entity.mentions
+              variable: mention
+              body:
+              - print: ["Mention: %s", mention.text.content]
+              - print: ["Mention type: %s", mention.type]
+              - print: ["Mention sentiment score: %s", mention.sentiment.score]
+              - print:
+                - "Mention sentiment magnitude: %s"
+                - mention.sentiment.magnitude
   - name: AnalyzeSyntax
@@ -157,6 +310,47 @@
     retry_codes_name: idempotent
     retry_params_name: default
     timeout_millis: 60000
+    samples:
+      standalone:
+      - value_sets: [language_syntax_text]
+        region_tag: language_syntax_text
+      - value_sets: [language_syntax_gcs]
+        region_tag: language_syntax_gcs
+    sample_value_sets:
+    - id: language_syntax_text
+      description: "Analyze syntax of text"
+      parameters:
+        defaults:
+        - document.type=PLAIN_TEXT
+        - document.content="This is a short sentence."
+        attributes:
+        - parameter: document.content
+          sample_argument_name: text_content
+      on_success:
+      - define: tokens=$resp.tokens
+      - loop:
+          variable: token
+          collection: tokens
+          body:
+          - print: ["Part of speech: %s", token.part_of_speech.tag]
+          - print: ["Text: %s", token.text.content]
+    - id: language_syntax_gcs
+      description: "Analyze syntax of text in GCS"
+      parameters:
+        defaults:
+        - document.type=PLAIN_TEXT
+        - document.gcs_content_uri="gs://cloud-samples-data/language/syntax-sentence.txt"
+        attributes:
+        - parameter: document.gcs_content_uri
+          sample_argument_name: gcs_urs
+      on_success:
+      - define: tokens=$resp.tokens
+      - loop:
+          variable: token
+          collection: tokens
+          body:
+          - print: ["Part of speech: %s", token.part_of_speech.tag]
+          - print: ["Text: %s", token.text.content]
   - name: ClassifyText
@@ -167,6 +361,45 @@
     retry_codes_name: idempotent
     retry_params_name: default
     timeout_millis: 60000
+    samples:
+      standalone:
+      - value_sets: [language_classify_text]
+        region_tag: language_classify_text
+      - value_sets: [language_classify_gcs]
+        region_tag: language_classify_gcs
+    sample_value_sets:
+    - id: language_classify_text
+      description: "Classify text"
+      parameters:
+        defaults:
+        - document.type=PLAIN_TEXT
+        - document.content="This is about film and movies and television and acting and movie theatres and theatre and drama and entertainment and the arts."
+        attributes:
+        - parameter: document.content
+          sample_argument_name: text_content
+      on_success:
+      - loop:
+          collection: $resp.categories
+          variable: category
+          body:
+          - print: ["Category name: %s",]
+          - print: ["Confidence: %s", category.confidence]
+    - id: language_classify_gcs
+      description: "Classify text in GCS"
+      parameters:
+        defaults:
+        - document.type=PLAIN_TEXT
+        - document.gcs_content_uri="gs://cloud-samples-data/language/classify-entertainment.txt"
+        attributes:
+        - parameter: document.gcs_content_uri
+          sample_argument_name: gcs_urs
+      on_success:
+      - loop:
+          collection: $resp.categories
+          variable: category
+          body:
+          - print: ["Category name: %s",]
+          - print: ["Confidence: %s", category.confidence]
   - name: AnnotateText