We attempted to coordinate all access to system properties
for maximum security, but that didn't work out because it
also prevented reads from other threads while someone was
holding the lock. This is no longer a problem on Java 9,
but a deadlock is possible on Java 8.

We now only coordinate our own writes and accept that some
3rd party code may use setProperty() and bypass our checks
that way.
1 file changed
tree: ad99198e23c7c8e7408198a945710b231fe35b6f
  1. .github/
  2. buildSrc/
  3. config/
  4. gradle/
  5. subprojects/
  6. .editorconfig
  7. .gitignore
  8. .mailmap
  9. .tm_properties
  10. build.gradle.kts
  12. gradle.png
  13. gradle.properties
  14. gradlew
  15. gradlew.bat
  17. README.md
  18. released-versions.json
  19. settings.gradle.kts
  20. version.txt

Gradle is a build tool with a focus on build automation and support for multi-language development. If you are building, testing, publishing, and deploying software on any platform, Gradle offers a flexible model that can support the entire development lifecycle from compiling and packaging code to publishing web sites. Gradle has been designed to support build automation across multiple languages and platforms including Java, Scala, Android, C/C++, and Groovy, and is closely integrated with development tools and continuous integration servers including Eclipse, IntelliJ, and Jenkins.

For more information about Gradle, please visit: https://gradle.org

This project adheres to the Gradle Code of Conduct. By participating, you are expected to uphold this code.


You can download released versions and nightly build artifacts from: https://gradle.org/downloads

Installing from source

To create an install from the source tree you can run either of the following:

./gradlew install -Pgradle_installPath=/usr/local/gradle-source-build

This will create a minimal installation; just what's needed to run Gradle (i.e. no docs).

You can then build a Gradle based project with this installation:

/usr/local/gradle-source-build/bin/gradle «some task»

To create a full installation (includes docs):

./gradlew installAll -Pgradle_installPath=/usr/local/gradle-source-build


If you're looking to contribute to Gradle or provide a patch/pull request, you can find more info here.