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| let canhazImg = document.getElementById('canhazimg'); |
| if ('xr' in navigator) { |
| canhazElement.innerText = "Your browser implements the WebXR API and may be able to run Virtual Reality or Augmented Reality experiences if you are using a supported OS and the appropriate hardware." |
| navigator.xr.isSessionSupported('immersive-vr').then((supported) => { |
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| span.innerText = supported ? '✔️- VR support detected' : '❌ - VR support not detected'; |
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| }); |
| navigator.xr.isSessionSupported('immersive-ar').then((supported) => { |
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| canhazElement.innerText = "Your browser does not support WebXR, but does support the deprecated WebVR API. You may be able to run Virtual Reality experiences on sites that use the WebXR Polyfill, like this one!" |
| canhazImg.src = "media/textures/info-button.png"; |
| } else if (isMobile(window)) { |
| canhazElement.innerText = "Your browser does not support WebXR, but you appear to be using a mobile device. You may be able to run Virtual Reality experiences on sites that use the WebXR Polyfill, like this one!" |
| canhazImg.src = "media/textures/info-button.png"; |
| } else { |
| canhazElement.innerText = "Sorry, your browser does not support WebXR." |
| canhazImg.src = "media/textures/x-button.png"; |
| } |
| </script> |
| |
| <p><b>Sample pages demonstrating how to use various aspects of the WebXR API.</b><br/> |
| <a href="explainer.html">Learn More</a></p> |
| |
| <script> |
| let pages = [ |
| { title: 'Immersive VR Session', category: 'Basics', |
| path: 'immersive-vr-session.html', |
| description: 'Demonstrates use of an "immersive-vr" XRSession to present a WebGL scene on a VR headset.' }, |
| |
| { title: 'Immersive AR Session', category: 'Basics', |
| path: 'immersive-ar-session.html', |
| description: 'Demonstrates use of an "immersive-ar" XRSession to present a WebGL scene on an AR-enabled phone or headset.' }, |
| |
| { title: 'Inline Session', category: 'Basics', |
| path: 'inline-session.html', |
| description: 'Demonstrates use of an "inline" XRSession to present the same WebGL scene on the page and on an XR device.' }, |
| |
| { tag: 'hr' }, |
| { tag: 'br' }, |
| |
| { title: 'Reduced-Bind Rendering', category: 'Performance', |
| path: 'reduced-bind-rendering.html', |
| description: 'Demonstrates a technique to reduce the number of state changes made while rendering.' }, |
| |
| { title: 'Room Scale', category: 'Basics', |
| path: 'room-scale.html', |
| description: 'Demonstrates using a "local-floor" reference space to provide room scale tracking.' }, |
| |
| { title: 'Input Tracking', category: 'Input', |
| path: 'input-tracking.html', |
| description: 'Demonstrates basic tracking and rendering of XRInputSources.'}, |
| |
| { title: 'Input Profiles', category: 'Input', |
| path: 'input-profiles.html', |
| description: 'Demonstrates loading appropriate controller models based on the XRInputSources profiles array.'}, |
| |
| { title: 'Input Selection', category: 'Input', |
| path: 'input-selection.html', |
| description: 'Demonstrates handling \'select\' events generated by XRInputSources.'}, |
| |
| { title: 'Controller State', category: 'Input', |
| path: 'controller-state.html', |
| description: 'Demonstrates responding to controller state from an XRInputSource\'s gamepad attribute.'}, |
| |
| { title: 'Hand Tracking', category: 'Input', |
| path: 'immersive-hands.html', |
| description: 'Demonstrates using the Hand Tracking API to track the user\'s hands.'}, |
| |
| { title: 'Framebuffer Scaling', category: 'Performance', |
| path: 'framebuffer-scaling.html', |
| description: 'Demonstrates scaling a layer\'s framebuffer to statically control performance or quality.' }, |
| |
| { title: '360 Stereo Photos', category: 'Content', |
| path: '360-photos.html', |
| description: 'Demonstrates displaying a 360 degree equirectangular stereo photo.' }, |
| |
| { title: 'Stereo Video', category: 'Content', |
| path: 'stereo-video.html', |
| description: 'Demonstrates playing stereo videos.' }, |
| |
| { title: 'Positional Audio', category: 'Content', |
| path: 'positional-audio.html', |
| description: 'Demonstrates playing audio that sounds as if it originates at a specific point in the space.' }, |
| |
| { title: 'Spectator Mode', category: 'Advanced Techniques', |
| path: 'spectator-mode.html', |
| description: 'Demonstrates rendering a 3rd person view of the scene to an external monitor.' }, |
| |
| { title: 'Teleportation', category: 'Advanced Techniques', |
| path: 'teleportation.html', |
| description: 'Demonstrates teleporting the viewer around the scene with getOffsetReferenceSpace().'}, |
| |
| { tag: 'hr' }, |
| { tag: 'br' }, |
| |
| { title: 'Anchors', category: 'AR Basics', |
| path: 'anchors.html', |
| description: 'Demonstrates using the Anchors API to place virtual objects in real-world locations.'}, |
| |
| { title: 'Hit Test', category: 'AR Basics', |
| path: 'hit-test.html', |
| description: 'Demonstrates using the Hit Test API to place virtual objects on real-world surfaces.'}, |
| |
| { title: 'Hit Test with Anchors', category: 'AR Basics', |
| path: 'hit-test-anchors.html', |
| description: 'Demonstrates using the Hit Test API together with the Anchors API to place virtual objects on real-world surfaces.'}, |
| |
| { tag: 'hr' }, |
| { tag: 'br' }, |
| |
| { title: 'Barebones VR', category: 'No Dependencies', |
| path: 'vr-barebones.html', |
| description: 'Extremely simple use of "immersive-vr" sessions with no library dependencies. Doesn\'t render anything exciting.', |
| noPolyfill: true }, |
| |
| { title: 'Barebones AR', category: 'No Dependencies', |
| path: 'ar-barebones.html', |
| description: 'Extremely simple use of "immersive-ar" sessions with no library dependencies. Doesn\'t render anything exciting.', |
| noPolyfill: true }, |
| ]; |
| |
| let mainElement = document.getElementById("main"); |
| |
| // Append an element for every item in the pages list. |
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| for (var i = 0; i < pages.length; ++i) { |
| var page = pages[i]; |
| |
| if (page.tag) { |
| mainElement.appendChild(document.createElement(page.tag)); |
| continue; |
| } else { |
| pageIndex++; |
| } |
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| let title = document.createElement('h3'); |
| title.setAttribute('data-index', pageIndex); |
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| let titleLink = document.createElement('a'); |
| titleLink.href = page.path; |
| titleLink.textContent = page.title; |
| title.appendChild(titleLink); |
| article.appendChild(title); |
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| let category = document.createElement('h4'); |
| category.textContent = page.category; |
| article.appendChild(category); |
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| let description = document.createElement('p'); |
| description.textContent = page.description; |
| article.appendChild(description); |
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| links.classList.add('links'); |
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| let sourceLink = document.createElement('a'); |
| sourceLink.href = 'https://github.com/immersive-web/webxr-samples/blob/master/' + page.path; |
| sourceLink.textContent = 'Source'; |
| links.appendChild(sourceLink); |
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| if (!page.noPolyfill) { |
| let polyfillLink = document.createElement('a'); |
| polyfillLink.href = page.path + '?usePolyfill=0'; |
| polyfillLink.textContent = 'Run Without Polyfill'; |
| links.appendChild(polyfillLink); |
| } |
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| article.appendChild(links); |
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| mainElement.appendChild(article); |
| } |
| </script> |
| </main> |
| |
| <p>Models used in these samples come from <a href="https://poly.google.com">Poly</a>, and many were modeled in <a href="https://vr.google.com/blocks/">Blocks</a>.<br/> |
| They are stored and loaded using the <a href="https://www.khronos.org/gltf/">glTF 2.0 format</a>.<br/> |
| Attribution for individual models can be found under the <a href="https://github.com/immersive-web/webxr-samples/tree/master/media/gltf">media/gltf</a> folders for this repository.</p> |
| |
| <h3><a class='github-link' href='https://github.com/immersive-web/webxr-samples'>View samples source on GitHub</a></h3> |
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