blob: 286e13a696b65e726dc747e955b1bd1ff390d126 [file] [log] [blame]
Contributions welcome!
* Finish firefox 3 / chrome cookies support
* Remove either "docs-in-progress" or existing docs
This is an old list and may not reflect my priorities or intentions any more:
* Test .any_response() two handlers case: ordering.
* Test referer bugs (frags and don't add in redirect unless orig req had Referer)
* Remove use of urlparse from
* Proper XHTML support!
* Fix BeautifulSoup support to use a single BeautifulSoup instance per page.
* Test BeautifulSoup support better / fix encoding issue.
* Support BeautifulSoup 3.
* Add another History implementation or two and finalise interface.
* History cache expiration.
* Investigate possible leak further (see Balazs Ree's list posting).
* Make EncodingFinder public, I guess (but probably improve it first). (For example: support Mark Pilgrim's universal encoding detector?)
* Add two-way links between BeautifulSoup & mechanize form object models.
* In 0.2: switch to Python unicode strings everywhere appropriate (HTTP level should still use byte strings, of course).
* clean_url(): test browser behaviour. I *think* this is correct...
* Use a nicer RFC 3986 join / split / unsplit implementation.
* Figure out the Right Thing (if such a thing exists) for %-encoding.
* How do IRIs fit into the world?
* IDNA -- must read about security stuff first.
* Unicode support in general.
* Provide per-connection access to timeouts.
* Keep-alive / connection caching.
* Pipelining??
* Content negotiation.
* gzip transfer encoding (there's already a handler for this in mechanize, but it's poorly implemented ATM).
* proxy.pac parsing (I don't think this needs JS interpretation)
* Topological sort for handlers, instead of .handler_order
attribute. Ordering and other dependencies (where unavoidable)
should be defined separate from handlers themselves. Add new
build_opener and deprecate the old one? Actually, _useragent is
probably not far off what I'd have in mind (would just need a
method or two and a base class adding I think), and it's not a high
priority since I guess most people will just use the UserAgent and
Browser classes.