blob: 90ae45e331e19157479439d263f89ec9c992cbd2 [file] [log] [blame]
Written July 15, 2011 by Josiah Carlson
Released under the GNU LGPL v2.1 and v3
Other licenses may be available upon request.
from collections import namedtuple
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import sys
import warnings
_ranges = [
(0, 59),
(0, 59),
(0, 23),
(1, 31),
(1, 12),
(0, 6),
(1970, 2099),
ENTRIES = len(_ranges)
_attribute = [
_alternate = {
MONTH_OFFSET: {'jan': 1, 'feb': 2, 'mar': 3, 'apr': 4, 'may': 5, 'jun': 6,
'jul': 7, 'aug': 8, 'sep': 9, 'oct': 10, 'nov':11, 'dec':12},
WEEK_OFFSET: {'sun': 0, 'mon': 1, 'tue': 2, 'wed': 3, 'thu': 4, 'fri': 5,
'sat': 6},
_aliases = {
'@yearly': '0 0 1 1 *',
'@annually': '0 0 1 1 *',
'@monthly': '0 0 1 * *',
'@weekly': '0 0 * * 0',
'@daily': '0 0 * * *',
'@hourly': '0 * * * *',
Version 0.22.0+ of crontab will use datetime.utcnow() and
datetime.utcfromtimestamp() instead of and
datetime.fromtimestamp() as was previous. This had been a bug, which will be
remedied. If you would like to keep the *old* behavior:
`, default_utc=False)` . If you want to use the new behavior *now*:
`, default_utc=True)`. If you pass a datetime object with a tzinfo
attribute that is not None, timezones will *just work* to the best of their
ability. There are tests...'''
if sys.version_info >= (3, 0):
_number_types = (int, float)
xrange = range
_number_types = (int, long, float)
SECOND = timedelta(seconds=1)
MINUTE = timedelta(minutes=1)
HOUR = timedelta(hours=1)
DAY = timedelta(days=1)
WEEK = timedelta(days=7)
MONTH = timedelta(days=28)
YEAR = timedelta(days=365)
WARN_CHANGE = object()
# find the next scheduled time
def _end_of_month(dt):
ndt = dt + DAY
while dt.month == ndt.month:
dt += DAY
return ndt.replace(day=1) - DAY
def _month_incr(dt, m):
odt = dt
dt += MONTH
while dt.month == odt.month:
dt += DAY
# get to the first of next month, let the backtracking handle it
dt = dt.replace(day=1)
return dt - odt
def _year_incr(dt, m):
# simple leapyear stuff works for 1970-2099 :)
mod = dt.year % 4
if mod == 0 and (dt.month, < (2, 29):
return YEAR + DAY
if mod == 3 and (dt.month, > (2, 29):
return YEAR + DAY
return YEAR
_increments = [
lambda *a: SECOND,
lambda *a: MINUTE,
lambda *a: HOUR,
lambda *a: DAY,
lambda *a: DAY,
lambda dt,x: dt.replace(second=0),
lambda dt,x: dt.replace(minute=0),
lambda dt,x: dt.replace(hour=0),
lambda dt,x: dt.replace(day=1) if x > DAY else dt,
lambda dt,x: dt.replace(month=1) if x > DAY else dt,
lambda dt,x: dt,
# find the previously scheduled time
def _day_decr(dt, m):
if != 'l':
return -DAY
odt = dt
ndt = dt = dt - DAY
while dt.month == ndt.month:
dt -= DAY
return dt - odt
def _month_decr(dt, m):
odt = dt
# get to the last day of last month, let the backtracking handle it
dt = dt.replace(day=1) - DAY
return dt - odt
def _year_decr(dt, m):
# simple leapyear stuff works for 1970-2099 :)
mod = dt.year % 4
if mod == 0 and (dt.month, > (2, 29):
return -(YEAR + DAY)
if mod == 1 and (dt.month, < (2, 29):
return -(YEAR + DAY)
return -YEAR
def _day_decr_reset(dt, x):
if x >= -DAY:
return dt
cur = dt.month
while dt.month == cur:
dt += DAY
return dt - DAY
_decrements = [
lambda *a: -SECOND,
lambda *a: -MINUTE,
lambda *a: -HOUR,
lambda *a: -DAY,
lambda dt,x: dt.replace(second=59),
lambda dt,x: dt.replace(minute=59),
lambda dt,x: dt.replace(hour=23),
lambda dt,x: dt.replace(month=12) if x < -DAY else dt,
lambda dt,x: dt,
Matcher = namedtuple('Matcher', 'second, minute, hour, day, month, weekday, year')
def _assert(condition, message, *args):
if not condition:
raise ValueError(message%args)
class _Matcher(object):
__slots__ = 'allowed', 'end', 'any', 'input', 'which', 'split'
def __init__(self, which, entry):
_assert(0 <= which <= YEAR_OFFSET,
"improper number of cron entries specified")
self.input = entry.lower()
self.split = self.input.split(',')
self.which = which
self.allowed = set()
self.end = None
self.any = '*' in self.split or '?' in self.split
for it in self.split:
al, en = self._parse_crontab(which, it)
if al is not None:
self.end = en
_assert(self.end is not None,
"improper item specification: %r", entry.lower()
self.allowed = frozenset(self.allowed)
def __call__(self, v, dt):
for i, x in enumerate(self.split):
if x == 'l':
if v == _end_of_month(dt).day:
return True
elif x.startswith('l'):
# We have to do this in here, otherwise we can end up, for
# example, accepting *any* Friday instead of the *last* Friday.
if dt.month == (dt + WEEK).month:
x = x[1:]
if x.isdigit():
x = int(x) if x != '7' else 0
if v == x:
return True
start, end = map(int, x.partition('-')[::2])
allowed = set(range(start, end+1))
if 7 in allowed:
if v in allowed:
return True
return self.any or v in self.allowed
def __lt__(self, other):
if self.any:
return self.end < other
return all(item < other for item in self.allowed)
def __gt__(self, other):
if self.any:
return _ranges[self.which][0] > other
return all(item > other for item in self.allowed)
def __eq__(self, other):
if self.any:
return other.any
return self.allowed == other.allowed
def __hash__(self):
return hash((self.any, self.allowed))
def _parse_crontab(self, which, entry):
This parses a single crontab field and returns the data necessary for
this matcher to accept the proper values.
See the README for information about what is accepted.
# this handles day of week/month abbreviations
def _fix(it):
if which in _alternate and not it.isdigit():
if it in _alternate[which]:
return _alternate[which][it]
"invalid range specifier: %r (%r)", it, entry)
it = int(it, 10)
_assert(_start <= it <= _end_limit,
"item value %r out of range [%r, %r]",
it, _start, _end_limit)
return it
# this handles individual items/ranges
def _parse_piece(it):
if '-' in it:
start, end = map(_fix, it.split('-'))
# Allow "sat-sun"
if which in (DAY_OFFSET, WEEK_OFFSET) and end == 0:
end = 7
elif it == '*':
start = _start
end = _end
start = _fix(it)
end = _end
if increment is None:
return set([start])
_assert(_start <= start <= _end_limit,
"%s range start value %r out of range [%r, %r]",
_attribute[which], start, _start, _end_limit)
_assert(_start <= end <= _end_limit,
"%s range end value %r out of range [%r, %r]",
_attribute[which], end, _start, _end_limit)
_assert(start <= end,
"%s range start value %r > end value %r",
_attribute[which], start, end)
return set(range(start, end+1, increment or 1))
_start, _end = _ranges[which]
_end_limit = _end
# wildcards
if entry in ('*', '?'):
if entry == '?':
_assert(which in (DAY_OFFSET, WEEK_OFFSET),
"cannot use '?' in the %r field", _attribute[which])
return None, _end
# last day of the month
if entry == 'l':
_assert(which == DAY_OFFSET,
"you can only specify a bare 'L' in the 'day' field")
return None, _end
# for the last 'friday' of the month, for example
elif entry.startswith('l'):
_assert(which == WEEK_OFFSET,
"you can only specify a leading 'L' in the 'weekday' field")
es, _, ee = entry[1:].partition('-')
_assert((entry[1:].isdigit() and 0 <= int(es) <= 7) or
(_ and es.isdigit() and ee.isdigit() and 0 <= int(es) <= 7 and 0 <= int(ee) <= 7),
"last <day> specifier must include a day number or range in the 'weekday' field, you entered %r", entry)
return None, _end
increment = None
# increments
if '/' in entry:
entry, increment = entry.split('/')
increment = int(increment, 10)
_assert(increment > 0,
"you can only use positive increment values, you provided %r",
# allow Sunday to be specified as weekday 7
if which == WEEK_OFFSET:
_end_limit = 7
# handle singles and ranges
good = _parse_piece(entry)
# change Sunday to weekday 0
if which == WEEK_OFFSET and 7 in good:
return good, _end
class CronTab(object):
__slots__ = 'matchers',
def __init__(self, crontab):
self.matchers = self._make_matchers(crontab)
def _make_matchers(self, crontab):
This constructs the full matcher struct.
crontab = _aliases.get(crontab, crontab)
ct = crontab.split()
if len(ct) == 5:
ct.insert(0, '0')
elif len(ct) == 6:
ct.insert(0, '0')
_assert(len(ct) == 7,
"improper number of cron entries specified; got %i need 5 to 7"%(len(ct,)))
matchers = [_Matcher(which, entry) for which, entry in enumerate(ct)]
return Matcher(*matchers)
def _test_match(self, index, dt):
This tests the given field for whether it matches with the current
datetime object passed.
at = _attribute[index]
attr = getattr(dt, at)
if index == WEEK_OFFSET:
attr = attr() % 7
return self.matchers[index](attr, dt)
def next(self, now=None, increments=_increments, delta=True, default_utc=WARN_CHANGE):
How long to wait in seconds before this crontab entry can next be
if default_utc is WARN_CHANGE and (isinstance(now, _number_types) or (now and not now.tzinfo) or now is None):
warnings.warn(WARNING_CHANGE_MESSAGE, FutureWarning, 2)
default_utc = False
now = now or (datetime.utcnow() if default_utc and default_utc is not WARN_CHANGE else
if isinstance(now, _number_types):
now = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(now) if default_utc else datetime.fromtimestamp(now)
# handle timezones if the datetime object has a timezone and get a
# reasonable future/past start time
onow, now = now, now.replace(tzinfo=None)
tz = onow.tzinfo
future = now.replace(microsecond=0) + increments[0]()
if future < now:
# we are going backwards...
_test = lambda: future.year < self.matchers.year
if now.microsecond:
future = now.replace(microsecond=0)
# we are going forwards
_test = lambda: self.matchers.year < future.year
# Start from the year and work our way down. Any time we increment a
# higher-magnitude value, we reset all lower-magnitude values. This
# gets us performance without sacrificing correctness. Still more
# complicated than a brute-force approach, but also orders of
# magnitude faster in basically all cases.
to_test = ENTRIES - 1
while to_test >= 0:
if not self._test_match(to_test, future):
inc = increments[to_test](future, self.matchers)
future += inc
for i in xrange(0, to_test):
future = increments[ENTRIES+i](future, inc)
if _test():
return None
print(future, type(future), type(inc))
to_test = ENTRIES-1
to_test -= 1
# verify the match
match = [self._test_match(i, future) for i in xrange(ENTRIES)]
"\nYou have discovered a bug with crontab, please notify the\n" \
"author with the following information:\n" \
"crontab: %r\n" \
"now: %r", ' '.join(m.input for m in self.matchers), now)
delay = future - now
if tz:
delay += tz.utcoffset(now)
delay -= tz.utcoffset(future)
if not delta:
begin = datetime(1970, 1, 1)
delay = future - begin
if tz:
delay -= tz.utcoffset(future)
return delay.days * 86400 + delay.seconds + delay.microseconds / 1000000.
def previous(self, now=None, delta=True, default_utc=WARN_CHANGE):
return, _decrements, delta, default_utc)
def test(self, entry):
if isinstance(entry, _number_types):
entry = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(entry)
for index in xrange(ENTRIES):
if not self._test_match(index, entry):
return False
return True