blob: d8a256b1be8af7d652254b3b1d8f2ac4403d6307 [file] [log] [blame]
// ==========================================================================
// Dynamic library loading
// ==========================================================================
var LibraryDylink = {
$resolveGlobalSymbol__internal: true,
$resolveGlobalSymbol__deps: ['$asmjsMangle'],
$resolveGlobalSymbol: function(symName, direct) {
var sym;
if (direct) {
// First look for the orig$ symbol which is the symbols without
// any legalization performed.
sym = asmLibraryArg['orig$' + symName];
if (!sym) {
sym = asmLibraryArg[symName];
// Check for the symbol on the Module object. This is the only
// way to dynamically access JS library symbols that were not
// referenced by the main module (and therefore not part of the
// initial set of symbols included in asmLibraryArg when it
// was declared.
if (!sym) {
sym = Module[asmjsMangle(symName)];
if (!sym && symName.startsWith('invoke_')) {
sym = createInvokeFunction(symName.split('_')[1]);
return sym;
$GOT: {},
// Create globals to each imported symbol. These are all initialized to zero
// and get assigned later in `updateGOT`
$GOTHandler__internal: true,
$GOTHandler__deps: ['$GOT'],
$GOTHandler: {
'get': function(obj, symName) {
if (!GOT[symName]) {
GOT[symName] = new WebAssembly.Global({'value': '{{{ POINTER_TYPE }}}', 'mutable': true});
err("new GOT entry: " + symName);
return GOT[symName]
$isInternalSym__internal: true,
$isInternalSym: function(symName) {
// TODO: find a way to mark these in the binary or avoid exporting them.
return [
// Exports synthesized by wasm-split should be prefixed with '%'
|| symName[0] == '%'
$updateGOT__internal: true,
$updateGOT__deps: ['$GOT', '$isInternalSym'],
$updateGOT: function(exports, replace) {
err("updateGOT: adding " + Object.keys(exports).length + " symbols");
for (var symName in exports) {
if (isInternalSym(symName)) {
var value = exports[symName];
if (symName.startsWith('orig$')) {
symName = symName.split('$')[1];
replace = true;
if (!GOT[symName]) {
GOT[symName] = new WebAssembly.Global({'value': 'i32', 'mutable': true});
if (replace || GOT[symName].value == 0) {
if (typeof value === 'function') {
GOT[symName].value = addFunction(value);
err("updateGOT: FUNC: " + symName + ' : ' + GOT[symName].value);
} else if (typeof value === 'number') {
GOT[symName].value = value;
} else if (typeof value === 'bigint') {
GOT[symName].value = Number(value);
} else {
err("unhandled export type for `" + symName + "`: " + (typeof value));
err("updateGOT: " + symName + ' : ' + GOT[symName].value);
else if (GOT[symName].value != value) {
err("updateGOT: EXISTING SYMBOL: " + symName + ' : ' + GOT[symName].value + " " + value);
err("done updateGOT");
// Applies relocations to exported things.
$relocateExports__internal: true,
$relocateExports__deps: ['$updateGOT'],
$relocateExports: function(exports, memoryBase, replace) {
var relocated = {};
for (var e in exports) {
var value = exports[e];
// Do not modify exports synthesized by wasm-split
if (e.startsWith('%')) {
relocated[e] = value
if (typeof value === 'object') {
// a breaking change in the wasm spec, globals are now objects
value = value.value;
if (typeof value === 'number') {
value += memoryBase;
relocated[e] = value;
updateGOT(relocated, replace);
return relocated;
$reportUndefinedSymbols__internal: true,
$reportUndefinedSymbols__deps: ['$GOT', '$resolveGlobalSymbol'],
$reportUndefinedSymbols: function() {
for (var symName in GOT) {
if (GOT[symName].value == 0) {
var value = resolveGlobalSymbol(symName, true)
assert(value, 'undefined symbol `' + symName + '`. perhaps a side module was not linked in? if this global was expected to arrive from a system library, try to build the MAIN_MODULE with EMCC_FORCE_STDLIBS=1 in the environment');
err('assigning dynamic symbol from main module: ' + symName + ' -> ' + prettyPrint(value));
if (typeof value === 'function') {
GOT[symName].value = addFunction(value, value.sig);
err('assigning table entry for : ' + symName + ' -> ' + GOT[symName].value);
} else if (typeof value === 'number') {
GOT[symName].value = value;
} else {
assert(false, 'bad export type for `' + symName + '`: ' + (typeof value));
err('done reportUndefinedSymbols');
#if MAIN_MODULE == 0
_dlopen_js: function(filename, flag) {
abort("To use dlopen, you need to use Emscripten's linking support, see");
_emscripten_dlopen_js: function(filename, flags, user_data, onsuccess, onerror) {
abort("To use dlopen, you need to use Emscripten's linking support, see");
_dlsym_js: function(handle, symbol) {
abort("To use dlopen, you need to use Emscripten's linking support, see");
#else // MAIN_MODULE != 0
// dynamic linker/loader (a-la on ELF systems)
$LDSO: {
// name -> dso [refcount, name, module, global]; Used by dlopen
loadedLibsByName: {},
// handle -> dso; Used by dlsym
loadedLibsByHandle: {},
$dlSetError__internal: true,
$dlSetError: ['___dl_seterr',
$dlSetError: function(msg) {
withStackSave(function() {
var cmsg = allocate(intArrayFromString(msg), ALLOC_STACK);
// Dynamic version of This is needed for invokes
// that originate from side modules since these are not known at JS
// generation time.
$createInvokeFunction__internal: true,
$createInvokeFunction__deps: ['$dynCall', 'setThrew'],
$createInvokeFunction: function(sig) {
return function() {
var sp = stackSave();
try {
return dynCall(sig, arguments[0],, 1));
} catch(e) {
if (e !== e+0 && e !== 'longjmp') throw e;
_setThrew(1, 0);
// We support some amount of allocation during startup in the case of
// dynamic linking, which needs to allocate memory for dynamic libraries that
// are loaded. That has to happen before the main program can start to run,
// because the main program needs those linked in before it runs (so we can't
// use normally malloc from the main program to do these allocations).
// Allocate memory even if malloc isn't ready yet.
$getMemory__deps: ['$GOT', '__heap_base'],
$getMemory: function(size) {
// After the runtime is initialized, we must only use sbrk() normally.
err("getMemory: " + size + " runtimeInitialized=" + runtimeInitialized);
if (runtimeInitialized)
return _malloc(size);
var ret = ___heap_base;
var end = (ret + size + 15) & -16;
assert(end <= HEAP8.length, 'failure to getMemory - memory growth etc. is not supported there, call malloc/sbrk directly or increase INITIAL_MEMORY');
___heap_base = end;
GOT['__heap_base'].value = end;
return ret;
// returns the side module metadata as an object
// { memorySize, memoryAlign, tableSize, tableAlign, neededDynlibs}
$getDylinkMetadata__internal: true,
$getDylinkMetadata: function(binary) {
var offset = 0;
var end = 0;
function getU8() {
return binary[offset++];
function getLEB() {
var ret = 0;
var mul = 1;
while (1) {
var byte = binary[offset++];
ret += ((byte & 0x7f) * mul);
mul *= 0x80;
if (!(byte & 0x80)) break;
return ret;
function getString() {
var len = getLEB();
offset += len;
return UTF8ArrayToString(binary, offset - len, len);
var name = 'dylink.0';
if (binary instanceof WebAssembly.Module) {
var dylinkSection = WebAssembly.Module.customSections(binary, name);
if (dylinkSection.length === 0) {
name = 'dylink'
dylinkSection = WebAssembly.Module.customSections(binary, name);
assert(dylinkSection.length != 0, 'need dylink section');
binary = new Uint8Array(dylinkSection[0]);
end = binary.length
} else {
var int32View = new Uint32Array(new Uint8Array(binary.subarray(0, 24)).buffer);
assert(int32View[0] == 0x6d736100, 'need to see wasm magic number'); // \0asm
// we should see the dylink custom section right after the magic number and wasm version
assert(binary[8] === 0, 'need the dylink section to be first')
offset = 9;
var section_size = getLEB(); //section size
end = offset + section_size;
name = getString();
var customSection = { neededDynlibs: [], tlsExports: {} };
if (name == 'dylink') {
customSection.memorySize = getLEB();
customSection.memoryAlign = getLEB();
customSection.tableSize = getLEB();
customSection.tableAlign = getLEB();
// shared libraries this module needs. We need to load them first, so that
// current module could resolve its imports. (see tools/
// WebAssembly.make_shared_library() for "dylink" section extension format)
var neededDynlibsCount = getLEB();
for (var i = 0; i < neededDynlibsCount; ++i) {
var name = getString();
} else {
assert(name === 'dylink.0');
var WASM_SYMBOL_TLS = 0x100;
while (offset < end) {
var subsectionType = getU8();
var subsectionSize = getLEB();
if (subsectionType === WASM_DYLINK_MEM_INFO) {
customSection.memorySize = getLEB();
customSection.memoryAlign = getLEB();
customSection.tableSize = getLEB();
customSection.tableAlign = getLEB();
} else if (subsectionType === WASM_DYLINK_NEEDED) {
var neededDynlibsCount = getLEB();
for (var i = 0; i < neededDynlibsCount; ++i) {
var name = getString();
} else if (subsectionType === WASM_DYLINK_EXPORT_INFO) {
var count = getLEB();
while (count--) {
var name = getString();
var flags = getLEB();
if (flags & WASM_SYMBOL_TLS) {
customSection.tlsExports[name] = 1;
} else {
err('unknown dylink.0 subsection: ' + subsectionType)
// unknown subsection
offset += subsectionSize;
var tableAlign = Math.pow(2, customSection.tableAlign);
assert(tableAlign === 1, 'invalid tableAlign ' + tableAlign);
err('dylink needed:' + customSection.neededDynlibs);
assert(offset == end);
return customSection;
// Module.symbols <- libModule.symbols ( handler)
$mergeLibSymbols__deps: ['$asmjsMangle'],
$mergeLibSymbols: function(exports, libName) {
// add symbols into global namespace TODO: weak linking etc.
for (var sym in exports) {
if (!exports.hasOwnProperty(sym)) {
// When RTLD_GLOBAL is enable, the symbols defined by this shared object will be made
// available for symbol resolution of subsequently loaded shared objects.
// We should copy the symbols (which include methods and variables) from SIDE_MODULE to MAIN_MODULE.
if (!asmLibraryArg.hasOwnProperty(sym)) {
asmLibraryArg[sym] = exports[sym];
else {
var curr = asmLibraryArg[sym], next = exports[sym];
// don't warn on functions - might be odr, linkonce_odr, etc.
if (!(typeof curr === 'function' && typeof next === 'function')) {
err("warning: symbol '" + sym + "' from '" + libName + "' already exists (duplicate symbol? or weak linking, which isn't supported yet?)"); // + [curr, ' vs ', next]);
// Export native export on the Module object.
// TODO(sbc): Do all users want this? Should we skip this by default?
var module_sym = asmjsMangle(sym);
if (!Module.hasOwnProperty(module_sym)) {
Module[module_sym] = exports[sym];
// Loads a side module from binary data or compiled Module. Returns the module's exports or a
// promise that resolves to its exports if the loadAsync flag is set.
$loadWebAssemblyModule__deps: ['$loadDynamicLibrary', '$createInvokeFunction', '$getMemory', '$relocateExports', '$resolveGlobalSymbol', '$GOTHandler', '$getDylinkMetadata', '$alignMemory'],
$loadWebAssemblyModule: function(binary, flags) {
var metadata = getDylinkMetadata(binary);
var originalTable = wasmTable;
// loadModule loads the wasm module after all its dependencies have been loaded.
// can be called both sync/async.
function loadModule() {
// alignments are powers of 2
var memAlign = Math.pow(2, metadata.memoryAlign);
// finalize alignments and verify them
memAlign = Math.max(memAlign, STACK_ALIGN); // we at least need stack alignment
// prepare memory
var memoryBase = alignMemory(getMemory(metadata.memorySize + memAlign), memAlign); // TODO: add to cleanups
err("loadModule: memoryBase=" + memoryBase);
// TODO: use only __memory_base and __table_base, need to update asm.js backend
var tableBase = wasmTable.length;
// zero-initialize memory and table
// The static area consists of explicitly initialized data, followed by zero-initialized data.
// The latter may need zeroing out if the MAIN_MODULE has already used this memory area before
// dlopen'ing the SIDE_MODULE. Since we don't know the size of the explicitly initialized data
// here, we just zero the whole thing, which is suboptimal, but should at least resolve bugs
// from uninitialized memory.
// in a pthread the module heap was already allocated and initialized in the main thread.
for (var i = memoryBase; i < memoryBase + metadata.memorySize; i++) {
HEAP8[i] = 0;
for (var i = tableBase; i < tableBase + metadata.tableSize; i++) {
wasmTable.set(i, null);
// This is the export map that we ultimately return. We declare it here
// so it can be used within resolveSymbol. We resolve symbols against
// this local symbol map in the case there they are not present on the
// global Module object. We need this fallback because:
// a) Modules sometime need to import their own symbols
// b) Symbols from side modules are not always added to the global namespace.
var moduleExports;
function resolveSymbol(sym) {
var resolved = resolveGlobalSymbol(sym, false);
if (!resolved) {
resolved = moduleExports[sym];
assert(resolved, 'undefined symbol `' + sym + '`. perhaps a side module was not linked in? if this global was expected to arrive from a system library, try to build the MAIN_MODULE with EMCC_FORCE_STDLIBS=1 in the environment');
return resolved;
// TODO kill ↓↓↓ (except "symbols local to this module", it will likely be
// not needed if we require that if A wants symbols from B it has to link
// to B explicitly: similarly to -Wl,--no-undefined)
// wasm dynamic libraries are pure wasm, so they cannot assist in
// their own loading. When side module A wants to import something
// provided by a side module B that is loaded later, we need to
// add a layer of indirection, but worse, we can't even tell what
// to add the indirection for, without inspecting what A's imports
// are. To do that here, we use a JS proxy (another option would
// be to inspect the binary directly).
var proxyHandler = {
'get': function(stubs, prop) {
// symbols that should be local to this module
switch (prop) {
case '__memory_base':
return memoryBase;
case '__table_base':
return tableBase;
if (prop in asmLibraryArg) {
// No stub needed, symbol already exists in symbol table
return asmLibraryArg[prop];
// Return a stub function that will resolve the symbol
// when first called.
if (!(prop in stubs)) {
var resolved;
stubs[prop] = function() {
if (!resolved) resolved = resolveSymbol(prop, true);
return resolved.apply(null, arguments);
return stubs[prop];
var proxy = new Proxy({}, proxyHandler);
var info = {
'GOT.mem': new Proxy({}, GOTHandler),
'GOT.func': new Proxy({}, GOTHandler),
'env': proxy,
{{{ WASI_MODULE_NAME }}}: proxy,
function postInstantiation(instance) {
// the table should be unchanged
assert(wasmTable === originalTable);
// add new entries to functionsInTableMap
for (var i = 0; i < metadata.tableSize; i++) {
var item = wasmTable.get(tableBase + i);
// verify that the new table region was filled in
assert(item !== undefined, 'table entry was not filled in');
// Ignore null values.
if (item) {
functionsInTableMap.set(item, tableBase + i);
moduleExports = relocateExports(instance.exports, memoryBase);
if (!flags.allowUndefined) {
moduleExports['__set_stack_limits']({{{ STACK_BASE }}} , {{{ STACK_MAX }}});
// initialize the module
// Only one thread (currently The main thread) should call
// __wasm_call_ctors, but all threads need to call emscripten_tls_init
registerTlsInit(moduleExports['emscripten_tls_init'], instance.exports, metadata)
var init = moduleExports['__wasm_call_ctors'];
if (init) {
if (runtimeInitialized) {
} else {
// we aren't ready to run compiled code yet
return moduleExports;
if (flags.loadAsync) {
if (binary instanceof WebAssembly.Module) {
var instance = new WebAssembly.Instance(binary, info);
return Promise.resolve(postInstantiation(instance));
return WebAssembly.instantiate(binary, info).then(function(result) {
return postInstantiation(result.instance);
var module = binary instanceof WebAssembly.Module ? binary : new WebAssembly.Module(binary);
var instance = new WebAssembly.Instance(module, info);
return postInstantiation(instance);
// now load needed libraries and the module itself.
if (flags.loadAsync) {
return metadata.neededDynlibs.reduce(function(chain, dynNeeded) {
return chain.then(function() {
return loadDynamicLibrary(dynNeeded, flags);
}, Promise.resolve()).then(function() {
return loadModule();
metadata.neededDynlibs.forEach(function(dynNeeded) {
loadDynamicLibrary(dynNeeded, flags);
return loadModule();
// loadDynamicLibrary loads dynamic library @ lib URL / path and returns
// handle for loaded DSO.
// Several flags affect the loading:
// - if, symbols from the loaded library are merged into global
// process namespace. is thus similar to RTLD_GLOBAL in ELF.
// - if flags.nodelete=true, the library will be never unloaded. Flags.nodelete
// is thus similar to RTLD_NODELETE in ELF.
// - if flags.loadAsync=true, the loading is performed asynchronously and
// loadDynamicLibrary returns corresponding promise.
// - if flags.fs is provided, it is used as FS-like interface to load library data.
// By default, when flags.fs=undefined, native loading capabilities of the
// environment are used.
// If a library was already loaded, it is not loaded a second time. However
// and flags.nodelete are handled every time a load request is made.
// Once a library becomes "global" or "nodelete", it cannot be removed or unloaded.
$loadDynamicLibrary__deps: ['$LDSO', '$loadWebAssemblyModule', '$asmjsMangle', '$isInternalSym', '$mergeLibSymbols'],
$loadDynamicLibrary: function(lib, flags, handle) {
err('loadDynamicLibrary: ' + lib + ' handle:' + handle);
if (lib == '__main__' && !LDSO.loadedLibsByName[lib]) {
LDSO.loadedLibsByName[lib] = {
refcount: Infinity, // = nodelete
name: '__main__',
module: Module['asm'],
global: true
// when loadDynamicLibrary did not have flags, libraries were loaded
// globally & permanently
flags = flags || {global: true, nodelete: true}
var dso = LDSO.loadedLibsByName[lib];
if (dso) {
// the library is being loaded or has been loaded already.
// however it could be previously loaded only locally and if we get
// load request with global=true we have to make it globally visible now.
if ( && ! { = true;
if (dso.module !== 'loading') {
// ^^^ if module is 'loading' - symbols merging will be eventually done by the loader.
mergeLibSymbols(dso.module, lib)
// same for "nodelete"
if (flags.nodelete && dso.refcount !== Infinity) {
dso.refcount = Infinity;
if (handle) {
LDSO.loadedLibsByHandle[handle] = dso;
return flags.loadAsync ? Promise.resolve(true) : true;
// allocate new DSO
dso = {
refcount: flags.nodelete ? Infinity : 1,
name: lib,
module: 'loading',
LDSO.loadedLibsByName[lib] = dso;
if (handle) {
LDSO.loadedLibsByHandle[handle] = dso;
// libData <- libFile
function loadLibData(libFile) {
// for wasm, we can use fetch for async, but for fs mode we can only imitate it
if (flags.fs && flags.fs.findObject(libFile)) {
var libData = flags.fs.readFile(libFile, {encoding: 'binary'});
if (!(libData instanceof Uint8Array)) {
libData = new Uint8Array(libData);
return flags.loadAsync ? Promise.resolve(libData) : libData;
if (flags.loadAsync) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
readAsync(libFile, function(data) { resolve(new Uint8Array(data)); }, reject);
// load the binary synchronously
if (!readBinary) {
throw new Error(libFile + ': file not found, and synchronous loading of external files is not available');
return readBinary(libFile);
// libModule <- lib
function getLibModule() {
// lookup preloaded cache first
if (Module['preloadedWasm'] !== undefined &&
Module['preloadedWasm'][lib] !== undefined) {
var libModule = Module['preloadedWasm'][lib];
return flags.loadAsync ? Promise.resolve(libModule) : libModule;
// module not preloaded - load lib data and create new module from it
if (flags.loadAsync) {
return loadLibData(lib).then(function(libData) {
return loadWebAssemblyModule(libData, flags);
return loadWebAssemblyModule(loadLibData(lib), flags);
// module for lib is loaded - update the dso & global namespace
function moduleLoaded(libModule) {
if ( {
mergeLibSymbols(libModule, lib);
dso.module = libModule;
if (flags.loadAsync) {
err("loadDynamicLibrary: done (async)");
return getLibModule().then(function(libModule) {
return true;
err("loadDynamicLibrary: done");
return true;
$preloadDylibs__internal: true,
$preloadDylibs__deps: ['$loadDynamicLibrary', '$reportUndefinedSymbols'],
$preloadDylibs: function() {
if (!dynamicLibraries.length) {
err('preloadDylibs: no libraries to preload');
// Load binaries asynchronously
dynamicLibraries.reduce(function(chain, lib) {
return chain.then(function() {
return loadDynamicLibrary(lib, {loadAsync: true, global: true, nodelete: true, allowUndefined: true});
}, Promise.resolve()).then(function() {
// we got them all, wonderful
err('preloadDylibs done!');
// void* dlopen(const char* filename, int flags);
$dlopenInternal__deps: ['$FS', '$ENV', '$dlSetError'],
$dlopenInternal: function(handle, flags, jsflags) {
// void *dlopen(const char *file, int mode);
var searchpaths = [];
var filename = UTF8ToString(handle + {{{ }}});
var isValidFile = function(filename) {
var target = FS.findObject(filename);
return target && !target.isFolder && !target.isDevice;
if (!isValidFile(filename)) {
searchpaths = ENV['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'].split(':');
for (var ident in searchpaths) {
var searchfile = PATH.join2(searchpaths[ident], filename);
if (isValidFile(searchfile)) {
filename = searchfile;
err('dlopenInternal: ' + filename);
// We don't care about RTLD_NOW and RTLD_LAZY.
var combinedFlags = {
global: Boolean(flags & {{{ cDefine('RTLD_GLOBAL') }}}),
nodelete: Boolean(flags & {{{ cDefine('RTLD_NODELETE') }}}),
loadAsync: jsflags.loadAsync,
fs: jsflags.fs,
if (jsflags.loadAsync) {
return loadDynamicLibrary(filename, combinedFlags, handle);
try {
return loadDynamicLibrary(filename, combinedFlags, handle)
} catch (e) {
err('Error in loading dynamic library ' + filename + ": " + e);
dlSetError('Could not load dynamic lib: ' + filename + '\n' + e);
return 0;
_dlopen_js__deps: ['$dlopenInternal'],
_dlopen_js__sig: 'iiii',
_dlopen_js: function(handle, flags) {
return Asyncify.handleSleep(function(wakeUp) {
var jsflags = {
loadAsync: true,
fs: FS, // load libraries from provided filesystem
var promise = dlopenInternal(handle, flags, jsflags);
promise.then(wakeUp).catch(function() { wakeUp(0) });
var jsflags = {
loadAsync: false,
fs: FS, // load libraries from provided filesystem
return dlopenInternal(handle, flags, jsflags);
// Async version of dlopen.
_emscripten_dlopen_js__deps: ['$dlopenInternal', '$callUserCallback', '$dlSetError',
_emscripten_dlopen_js__sig: 'viiiii',
_emscripten_dlopen_js: function(handle, flags, onsuccess, onerror) {
function errorCallback(e) {
var filename = UTF8ToString({{{ makeGetValue('handle',, '*') }}});
dlSetError('Could not load dynamic lib: ' + filename + '\n' + e);
{{{ runtimeKeepalivePop() }}}
callUserCallback(function () { {{{ makeDynCall('vi', 'onerror') }}}(handle); });
function successCallback() {
{{{ runtimeKeepalivePop() }}}
callUserCallback(function () { {{{ makeDynCall('vii', 'onsuccess') }}}(handle); });
{{{ runtimeKeepalivePush() }}}
var promise = dlopenInternal(handle, flags, { loadAsync: true });
if (promise) {
promise.then(successCallback, errorCallback);
} else {
// void* dlsym(void* handle, const char* symbol);
_dlsym_js__deps: ['$dlSetError'],
_dlsym_js__sig: 'iii',
_dlsym_js: function(handle, symbol) {
// void *dlsym(void *restrict handle, const char *restrict name);
symbol = UTF8ToString(symbol);
var result;
if (handle == {{{ cDefine('RTLD_DEFAULT') }}}) {
result = resolveGlobalSymbol(symbol, true);
if (!result) {
dlSetError('Tried to lookup unknown symbol "' + symbol + '" in dynamic lib: RTLD_DEFAULT');
return 0;
} else {
var lib = LDSO.loadedLibsByHandle[handle];
assert(lib, 'Tried to dlsym() from an unopened handle: ' + handle);
if (!lib.module.hasOwnProperty(symbol)) {
dlSetError('Tried to lookup unknown symbol "' + symbol + '" in dynamic lib: ' +
return 0;
result = lib.module['orig$' + symbol];
if (!result)
result = lib.module[symbol];
if (typeof result === 'function') {
// Insert the function into the wasm table. If its a direct wasm function
// the second argument will not be needed. If its a JS function we rely
// on the `sig` attribute being set based on the `<func>__sig` specified
// in library JS file.
return addFunction(result, result.sig);
} else {
return result;
#endif // MAIN_MODULE != 0
mergeInto(LibraryManager.library, LibraryDylink);