blob: e4980d24cf1d42552c2f3a90acff74997130f76a [file] [log] [blame]
* @license
* Copyright 2013 The Emscripten Authors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// Implementation of libuuid creating RFC4122 version 4 random UUIDs.
mergeInto(LibraryManager.library, {
// Clear a 'compact' UUID.
uuid_clear__deps: ['$zeroMemory'],
uuid_clear: function(uu) {
// void uuid_clear(uuid_t uu);
zeroMemory(uu, 16);
// Compare whether or not two 'compact' UUIDs are the same.
// Returns an integer less than, equal to, or greater than zero if uu1 is found, respectively, to be
// lexigraphically less than, equal, or greater than uu2.
uuid_compare__deps: ['memcmp'],
uuid_compare: function(uu1, uu2) {
// int uuid_compare(const uuid_t uu1, const uuid_t uu2);
return _memcmp(uu1, uu2, 16);
// Copies the 'compact' UUID variable from src to dst.
uuid_copy: function(dst, src) {
// void uuid_copy(uuid_t dst, const uuid_t src);
_memcpy(dst, src, 16);
// Write a RFC4122 version 4 compliant UUID largely based on the method found in
// tweaked slightly in order to use the 'compact' UUID form used by libuuid.
uuid_generate: function(out) {
// void uuid_generate(uuid_t out);
var uuid = null;
// If Node.js try to use crypto.randomBytes
try {
var rb = require('crypto')['randomBytes'];
uuid = rb(16);
} catch(e) {}
} else if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_WEB &&
typeof(window.crypto) !== 'undefined' &&
typeof(window.crypto.getRandomValues) !== 'undefined') {
// If crypto.getRandomValues is available try to use it.
uuid = new Uint8Array(16);
// Fall back to Math.random if a higher quality random number generator is not available.
if (!uuid) {
uuid = new Array(16);
var d = new Date().getTime();
for (var i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
var r = ((d + Math.random() * 256) % 256)|0;
d = (d / 256)|0;
uuid[i] = r;
// Makes uuid compliant to RFC-4122
uuid[6] = (uuid[6] & 0x0F) | 0x40; // uuid version
uuid[8] = (uuid[8] & 0x3F) | 0x80; // uuid variant
writeArrayToMemory(uuid, out);
// Compares the value of the supplied 'compact' UUID variable uu to the NULL value.
// If the value is equal to the NULL UUID, 1 is returned, otherwise 0 is returned.
uuid_is_null: function(uu) {
// int uuid_is_null(const uuid_t uu);
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++, uu = (uu+4)|0) {
var val = {{{ makeGetValue('uu', 0, 'i32') }}};
if (val) {
return 0;
return 1;
// converts the UUID string given by inp into the binary representation. The input UUID is a string of
// the form "%08x-%04x-%04x-%04x-%012x" 36 bytes plus the trailing '\0'.
// Upon successfully parsing the input string, 0 is returned, and the UUID is stored in the location
// pointed to by uu, otherwise -1 is returned.
uuid_parse: function(inp, uu) {
// int uuid_parse(const char *in, uuid_t uu);
inp = UTF8ToString(inp);
if (inp.length === 36) {
var i = 0;
var uuid = new Array(16);
inp.toLowerCase().replace(/[0-9a-f]{2}/g, function(byte) {
if (i < 16) {
uuid[i++] = parseInt(byte, 16);
if (i < 16) {
return -1;
} else {
writeArrayToMemory(uuid, uu);
return 0;
} else {
return -1;
// Convert a 'compact' form UUID to a string, if the upper parameter is supplied make the string upper case.
uuid_unparse__docs: '/** @param {number|boolean=} upper */',
uuid_unparse: function(uu, out, upper) {
// void uuid_unparse(const uuid_t uu, char *out);
var i = 0;
var uuid = 'xxxx-xx-xx-xx-xxxxxx'.replace(/[x]/g, function(c) {
var r = upper ? ({{{ makeGetValue('uu', 'i', 'i8', 0, 1) }}}).toString(16).toUpperCase() :
({{{ makeGetValue('uu', 'i', 'i8', 0, 1) }}}).toString(16);
r = (r.length === 1) ? '0' + r : r; // Zero pad single digit hex values
return r;
stringToUTF8(uuid, out, 37); // Always fixed 36 bytes of ASCII characters and a trailing \0.
// Convert a 'compact' form UUID to a lower case string.
uuid_unparse_lower__deps: ['uuid_unparse'],
uuid_unparse_lower: function(uu, out) {
// void uuid_unparse_lower(const uuid_t uu, char *out);
_uuid_unparse(uu, out);
// Convert a 'compact' form UUID to an upper case string.
uuid_unparse_upper__deps: ['uuid_unparse'],
uuid_unparse_upper: function(uu, out) {
// void uuid_unparse_upper(const uuid_t uu, char *out);
_uuid_unparse(uu, out, true);
uuid_type: function(uu) {
// int uuid_type(const uuid_t uu);
return {{{ cDefine('UUID_TYPE_DCE_RANDOM') }}};
uuid_variant: function(uu) {
// int uuid_variant(const uuid_t uu);
return {{{ cDefine('UUID_VARIANT_DCE') }}};