blob: 139eacefa5308e541d975c0152cd46fb0a075e33 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2010 The Emscripten Authors. All rights reserved.
* Emscripten is available under two separate licenses, the MIT license and the
* University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License. Both these licenses can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
* GL support. See
* for current status.
var LibraryWebGL2 = {
glGetStringi__deps: ['$stringToNewUTF8'],
glGetStringi__sig: 'iii',
glGetStringi: function(name, index) {
if (GL.currentContext.version < 2) {
GL.recordError(0x502 /* GL_INVALID_OPERATION */); // Calling GLES3/WebGL2 function with a GLES2/WebGL1 context
return 0;
var stringiCache = GL.stringiCache[name];
if (stringiCache) {
if (index < 0 || index >= stringiCache.length) {
err('GL_INVALID_VALUE in glGetStringi: index out of range (' + index + ')!');
return 0;
return stringiCache[index];
switch(name) {
case 0x1F03 /* GL_EXTENSIONS */:
var exts = GLctx.getSupportedExtensions() || []; // .getSupportedExtensions() can return null if context is lost, so coerce to empty array.
exts = exts.concat( { return "GL_" + e; }));
exts = { return stringToNewUTF8(e); });
stringiCache = GL.stringiCache[name] = exts;
if (index < 0 || index >= stringiCache.length) {
err('GL_INVALID_VALUE in glGetStringi: index out of range (' + index + ') in a call to GL_EXTENSIONS!');
return 0;
return stringiCache[index];
err('GL_INVALID_ENUM in glGetStringi: Unknown parameter ' + name + '!');
return 0;
glGetInteger64v__sig: 'vii',
glGetInteger64v__deps: ['$emscriptenWebGLGet'],
glGetInteger64v: function(name_, p) {
emscriptenWebGLGet(name_, p, {{{ cDefine('EM_FUNC_SIG_PARAM_I64') }}});
glGetInternalformativ__sig: 'viiiii',
glGetInternalformativ: function(target, internalformat, pname, bufSize, params) {
if (bufSize < 0) {
err('GL_INVALID_VALUE in glGetInternalformativ(target=' + target + ', internalformat=' + internalformat + ', pname=' + pname + ', bufSize=' + bufSize + ', params=' + params + '): Function called with bufSize < 0!');
GL.recordError(0x501 /* GL_INVALID_VALUE */);
if (!params) {
// GLES3 specification does not specify how to behave if values is a null pointer. Since calling this function does not make sense
// if values == null, issue a GL error to notify user about it.
err('GL_INVALID_VALUE in glGetInternalformativ(target=' + target + ', internalformat=' + internalformat + ', pname=' + pname + ', bufSize=' + bufSize + ', params=0): Function called with null out pointer!');
GL.recordError(0x501 /* GL_INVALID_VALUE */);
var ret = GLctx['getInternalformatParameter'](target, internalformat, pname);
if (ret === null) return;
for (var i = 0; i < ret.length && i < bufSize; ++i) {
{{{ makeSetValue('params', 'i', 'ret[i]', 'i32') }}};
glCompressedTexImage3D__sig: 'viiiiiiiii',
glCompressedTexImage3D: function(target, level, internalFormat, width, height, depth, border, imageSize, data) {
if (GLctx.currentPixelUnpackBufferBinding) {
GLctx['compressedTexImage3D'](target, level, internalFormat, width, height, depth, border, imageSize, data);
} else {
GLctx['compressedTexImage3D'](target, level, internalFormat, width, height, depth, border, HEAPU8, data, imageSize);
glCompressedTexSubImage3D__sig: 'viiiiiiiiiii',
glCompressedTexSubImage3D: function(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, width, height, depth, format, imageSize, data) {
if (GLctx.currentPixelUnpackBufferBinding) {
GLctx['compressedTexSubImage3D'](target, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, width, height, depth, format, imageSize, data);
} else {
GLctx['compressedTexSubImage3D'](target, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, width, height, depth, format, HEAPU8, data, imageSize);
glGetBufferParameteri64v__sig: 'viii',
glGetBufferParameteri64v: function(target, value, data) {
if (!data) {
// GLES2 specification does not specify how to behave if data is a null pointer. Since calling this function does not make sense
// if data == null, issue a GL error to notify user about it.
err('GL_INVALID_VALUE in glGetBufferParameteri64v(target=' + target + ', value=' + value + ', data=0): Function called with null out pointer!');
GL.recordError(0x501 /* GL_INVALID_VALUE */);
{{{ makeSetValue('data', '0', 'GLctx.getBufferParameter(target, value)', 'i64') }}};
glInvalidateFramebuffer__deps: ['_tempFixedLengthArray'],
glInvalidateFramebuffer__sig: 'viii',
glInvalidateFramebuffer: function(target, numAttachments, attachments) {
assert(numAttachments < __tempFixedLengthArray.length, 'Invalid count of numAttachments=' + numAttachments + ' passed to glInvalidateFramebuffer (that many attachment points do not exist in GL)');
var list = __tempFixedLengthArray[numAttachments];
for (var i = 0; i < numAttachments; i++) {
list[i] = {{{ makeGetValue('attachments', 'i*4', 'i32') }}};
GLctx['invalidateFramebuffer'](target, list);
glInvalidateSubFramebuffer__deps: ['_tempFixedLengthArray'],
glInvalidateSubFramebuffer__sig: 'viiiiiii',
glInvalidateSubFramebuffer: function(target, numAttachments, attachments, x, y, width, height) {
assert(numAttachments < __tempFixedLengthArray.length, 'Invalid count of numAttachments=' + numAttachments + ' passed to glInvalidateSubFramebuffer (that many attachment points do not exist in GL)');
var list = __tempFixedLengthArray[numAttachments];
for (var i = 0; i < numAttachments; i++) {
list[i] = {{{ makeGetValue('attachments', 'i*4', 'i32') }}};
GLctx['invalidateSubFramebuffer'](target, list, x, y, width, height);
glTexImage3D__sig: 'viiiiiiiiii',
glTexImage3D__deps: ['_heapObjectForWebGLType', '_heapAccessShiftForWebGLHeap'],
glTexImage3D: function(target, level, internalFormat, width, height, depth, border, format, type, pixels) {
if (GLctx.currentPixelUnpackBufferBinding) {
GLctx['texImage3D'](target, level, internalFormat, width, height, depth, border, format, type, pixels);
} else if (pixels) {
var heap = __heapObjectForWebGLType(type);
GLctx['texImage3D'](target, level, internalFormat, width, height, depth, border, format, type, heap, pixels >> __heapAccessShiftForWebGLHeap(heap));
} else {
GLctx['texImage3D'](target, level, internalFormat, width, height, depth, border, format, type, null);
glTexSubImage3D__sig: 'viiiiiiiiiii',
glTexSubImage3D__deps: ['_heapObjectForWebGLType', '_heapAccessShiftForWebGLHeap'],
glTexSubImage3D: function(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, width, height, depth, format, type, pixels) {
if (GLctx.currentPixelUnpackBufferBinding) {
GLctx['texSubImage3D'](target, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, width, height, depth, format, type, pixels);
} else if (pixels) {
var heap = __heapObjectForWebGLType(type);
GLctx['texSubImage3D'](target, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, width, height, depth, format, type, heap, pixels >> __heapAccessShiftForWebGLHeap(heap));
} else {
GLctx['texSubImage3D'](target, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, width, height, depth, format, type, null);
// Queries
glGenQueries__sig: 'vii',
glGenQueries__deps: ['_glGenObject'],
glGenQueries: function(n, ids) {
__glGenObject(n, ids, 'createQuery', GL.queries
, 'glGenQueries'
glDeleteQueries__sig: 'vii',
glDeleteQueries: function(n, ids) {
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
var id = {{{ makeGetValue('ids', 'i*4', 'i32') }}};
var query = GL.queries[id];
if (!query) continue; // GL spec: "unused names in ids are ignored, as is the name zero."
GL.queries[id] = null;
glIsQuery__sig: 'ii',
glIsQuery: function(id) {
var query = GL.queries[id];
if (!query) return 0;
return GLctx['isQuery'](query);
glBeginQuery__sig: 'vii',
glBeginQuery: function(target, id) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.queries, id, 'glBeginQuery', 'id');
GLctx['beginQuery'](target, GL.queries[id]);
glGetQueryiv__sig: 'viii',
glGetQueryiv: function(target, pname, params) {
if (!params) {
// GLES2 specification does not specify how to behave if params is a null pointer. Since calling this function does not make sense
// if p == null, issue a GL error to notify user about it.
err('GL_INVALID_VALUE in glGetQueryiv(target=' + target +', pname=' + pname + ', params=0): Function called with null out pointer!');
GL.recordError(0x501 /* GL_INVALID_VALUE */);
{{{ makeSetValue('params', '0', 'GLctx[\'getQuery\'](target, pname)', 'i32') }}};
glGetQueryObjectuiv__sig: 'viii',
glGetQueryObjectuiv: function(id, pname, params) {
if (!params) {
// GLES2 specification does not specify how to behave if params is a null pointer. Since calling this function does not make sense
// if p == null, issue a GL error to notify user about it.
err('GL_INVALID_VALUE in glGetQueryObjectuiv(id=' + id +', pname=' + pname + ', params=0): Function called with null out pointer!');
GL.recordError(0x501 /* GL_INVALID_VALUE */);
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.queries, id, 'glGetQueryObjectuiv', 'id');
var query = GL.queries[id];
var param = GLctx['getQueryParameter'](query, pname);
var ret;
if (typeof param == 'boolean') {
ret = param ? 1 : 0;
} else {
ret = param;
{{{ makeSetValue('params', '0', 'ret', 'i32') }}};
// Sampler objects
glGenSamplers__sig: 'vii',
glGenSamplers__deps: ['_glGenObject'],
glGenSamplers: function(n, samplers) {
__glGenObject(n, samplers, 'createSampler', GL.samplers
, 'glGenSamplers'
glDeleteSamplers__sig: 'vii',
glDeleteSamplers: function(n, samplers) {
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
var id = {{{ makeGetValue('samplers', 'i*4', 'i32') }}};
var sampler = GL.samplers[id];
if (!sampler) continue;
GLctx['deleteSampler'](sampler); = 0;
GL.samplers[id] = null;
glIsSampler__sig: 'ii',
glIsSampler: function(id) {
var sampler = GL.samplers[id];
if (!sampler) return 0;
return GLctx['isSampler'](sampler);
glBindSampler__sig: 'vii',
glBindSampler: function(unit, sampler) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.samplers, sampler, 'glBindSampler', 'sampler');
GLctx['bindSampler'](unit, GL.samplers[sampler]);
glSamplerParameterf__sig: 'viif',
glSamplerParameterf: function(sampler, pname, param) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.samplers, sampler, 'glBindSampler', 'sampler');
GLctx['samplerParameterf'](GL.samplers[sampler], pname, param);
glSamplerParameteri__sig: 'viii',
glSamplerParameteri: function(sampler, pname, param) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.samplers, sampler, 'glBindSampler', 'sampler');
GLctx['samplerParameteri'](GL.samplers[sampler], pname, param);
glSamplerParameterfv__sig: 'viii',
glSamplerParameterfv: function(sampler, pname, params) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.samplers, sampler, 'glBindSampler', 'sampler');
var param = {{{ makeGetValue('params', '0', 'float') }}};
GLctx['samplerParameterf'](GL.samplers[sampler], pname, param);
glSamplerParameteriv__sig: 'viii',
glSamplerParameteriv: function(sampler, pname, params) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.samplers, sampler, 'glBindSampler', 'sampler');
var param = {{{ makeGetValue('params', '0', 'i32') }}};
GLctx['samplerParameteri'](GL.samplers[sampler], pname, param);
glGetSamplerParameterfv__sig: 'viii',
glGetSamplerParameterfv: function(sampler, pname, params) {
if (!params) {
// GLES3 specification does not specify how to behave if params is a null pointer. Since calling this function does not make sense
// if p == null, issue a GL error to notify user about it.
err('GL_INVALID_VALUE in glGetSamplerParameterfv(sampler=' + sampler +', pname=' + pname + ', params=0): Function called with null out pointer!');
GL.recordError(0x501 /* GL_INVALID_VALUE */);
sampler = GL.samplers[sampler];
{{{ makeSetValue('params', '0', 'GLctx[\'getSamplerParameter\'](sampler, pname)', 'float') }}};
glGetSamplerParameteriv__sig: 'viii',
glGetSamplerParameteriv: function(sampler, pname, params) {
if (!params) {
// GLES3 specification does not specify how to behave if params is a null pointer. Since calling this function does not make sense
// if p == null, issue a GL error to notify user about it.
err('GL_INVALID_VALUE in glGetSamplerParameteriv(sampler=' + sampler +', pname=' + pname + ', params=0): Function called with null out pointer!');
GL.recordError(0x501 /* GL_INVALID_VALUE */);
sampler = GL.samplers[sampler];
{{{ makeSetValue('params', '0', 'GLctx[\'getSamplerParameter\'](sampler, pname)', 'i32') }}};
// Transform Feedback
glGenTransformFeedbacks__sig: 'vii',
glGenTransformFeedbacks__deps: ['_glGenObject'],
glGenTransformFeedbacks: function(n, ids) {
__glGenObject(n, ids, 'createTransformFeedback', GL.transformFeedbacks
, 'glGenTransformFeedbacks'
glDeleteTransformFeedbacks__sig: 'vii',
glDeleteTransformFeedbacks: function(n, ids) {
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
var id = {{{ makeGetValue('ids', 'i*4', 'i32') }}};
var transformFeedback = GL.transformFeedbacks[id];
if (!transformFeedback) continue; // GL spec: "unused names in ids are ignored, as is the name zero."
GLctx['deleteTransformFeedback'](transformFeedback); = 0;
GL.transformFeedbacks[id] = null;
glIsTransformFeedback__sig: 'ii',
glIsTransformFeedback: function(id) {
return GLctx['isTransformFeedback'](GL.transformFeedbacks[id]);
glBindTransformFeedback__sig: 'vii',
glBindTransformFeedback: function(target, id) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.transformFeedbacks, id, 'glBindTransformFeedback', 'id');
GLctx['bindTransformFeedback'](target, GL.transformFeedbacks[id]);
glTransformFeedbackVaryings__sig: 'viiii',
glTransformFeedbackVaryings: function(program, count, varyings, bufferMode) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.programs, program, 'glTransformFeedbackVaryings', 'program');
program = GL.programs[program];
var vars = [];
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
vars.push(UTF8ToString({{{ makeGetValue('varyings', 'i*4', 'i32') }}}));
GLctx['transformFeedbackVaryings'](program, vars, bufferMode);
glGetTransformFeedbackVarying__sig: 'viiiiiii',
glGetTransformFeedbackVarying: function(program, index, bufSize, length, size, type, name) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.programs, program, 'glGetTransformFeedbackVarying', 'program');
program = GL.programs[program];
var info = GLctx['getTransformFeedbackVarying'](program, index);
if (!info) return; // If an error occurred, the return parameters length, size, type and name will be unmodified.
if (name && bufSize > 0) {
var numBytesWrittenExclNull = stringToUTF8(, name, bufSize);
if (length) {{{ makeSetValue('length', '0', 'numBytesWrittenExclNull', 'i32') }}};
} else {
if (length) {{{ makeSetValue('length', '0', 0, 'i32') }}};
if (size) {{{ makeSetValue('size', '0', 'info.size', 'i32') }}};
if (type) {{{ makeSetValue('type', '0', 'info.type', 'i32') }}};
$emscriptenWebGLGetIndexed: function(target, index, data, type) {
if (!data) {
// GLES2 specification does not specify how to behave if data is a null pointer. Since calling this function does not make sense
// if data == null, issue a GL error to notify user about it.
err('GL_INVALID_VALUE in glGetInteger(64)i_v(target=' + target + ', index=' + index + ', data=0): Function called with null out pointer!');
GL.recordError(0x501 /* GL_INVALID_VALUE */);
var result = GLctx['getIndexedParameter'](target, index);
var ret;
switch (typeof result) {
case 'boolean':
ret = result ? 1 : 0;
case 'number':
ret = result;
case 'object':
if (result === null) {
switch (target) {
ret = 0;
default: {
GL.recordError(0x500); // GL_INVALID_ENUM
err('GL_INVALID_ENUM in glGetInteger(64)i_v(' + target + ') and it returns null!');
} else if (result instanceof WebGLBuffer) {
ret = | 0;
} else {
GL.recordError(0x500); // GL_INVALID_ENUM
err('GL_INVALID_ENUM in glGetInteger(64)i_v: Unknown object returned from WebGL getIndexedParameter(' + target + ')!');
GL.recordError(0x500); // GL_INVALID_ENUM
err('GL_INVALID_ENUM in glGetInteger(64)i_v: Native code calling glGetInteger(64)i_v(' + target + ') and it returns ' + result + ' of type ' + typeof(result) + '!');
switch (type) {
case {{{ cDefine('EM_FUNC_SIG_PARAM_I64') }}}: {{{ makeSetValue('data', '0', 'ret', 'i64') }}}; break;
case {{{ cDefine('EM_FUNC_SIG_PARAM_I') }}}: {{{ makeSetValue('data', '0', 'ret', 'i32') }}}; break;
case {{{ cDefine('EM_FUNC_SIG_PARAM_F') }}}: {{{ makeSetValue('data', '0', 'ret', 'float') }}}; break;
case {{{ cDefine('EM_FUNC_SIG_PARAM_B') }}}: {{{ makeSetValue('data', '0', 'ret ? 1 : 0', 'i8') }}}; break;
default: throw 'internal emscriptenWebGLGetIndexed() error, bad type: ' + type;
glGetIntegeri_v__sig: 'viii',
glGetIntegeri_v__deps: ['$emscriptenWebGLGetIndexed'],
glGetIntegeri_v: function(target, index, data) {
emscriptenWebGLGetIndexed(target, index, data, {{{ cDefine('EM_FUNC_SIG_PARAM_I') }}});
glGetInteger64i_v__sig: 'viii',
glGetInteger64i_v__deps: ['$emscriptenWebGLGetIndexed'],
glGetInteger64i_v: function(target, index, data) {
emscriptenWebGLGetIndexed(target, index, data, {{{ cDefine('EM_FUNC_SIG_PARAM_I64') }}});
// Uniform Buffer objects
glBindBufferBase__sig: 'viii',
glBindBufferBase: function(target, index, buffer) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.buffers, buffer, 'glBindBufferBase', 'buffer');
GLctx['bindBufferBase'](target, index, GL.buffers[buffer]);
glBindBufferRange__sig: 'viiiii',
glBindBufferRange: function(target, index, buffer, offset, ptrsize) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.buffers, buffer, 'glBindBufferRange', 'buffer');
GLctx['bindBufferRange'](target, index, GL.buffers[buffer], offset, ptrsize);
glGetUniformIndices__sig: 'viiii',
glGetUniformIndices: function(program, uniformCount, uniformNames, uniformIndices) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.programs, program, 'glGetUniformIndices', 'program');
if (!uniformIndices) {
// GLES2 specification does not specify how to behave if uniformIndices is a null pointer. Since calling this function does not make sense
// if uniformIndices == null, issue a GL error to notify user about it.
err('GL_INVALID_VALUE in glGetUniformIndices(program=' + program + ', uniformCount=' + uniformCount + ', uniformNames=' + uniformNames + ', uniformIndices=0): Function called with null out pointer!');
GL.recordError(0x501 /* GL_INVALID_VALUE */);
if (uniformCount > 0 && (uniformNames == 0 || uniformIndices == 0)) {
GL.recordError(0x501 /* GL_INVALID_VALUE */);
program = GL.programs[program];
var names = [];
for (var i = 0; i < uniformCount; i++)
names.push(UTF8ToString({{{ makeGetValue('uniformNames', 'i*4', 'i32') }}}));
var result = GLctx['getUniformIndices'](program, names);
if (!result) return; // GL spec: If an error is generated, nothing is written out to uniformIndices.
var len = result.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
{{{ makeSetValue('uniformIndices', 'i*4', 'result[i]', 'i32') }}};
glGetActiveUniformsiv__sig: 'viiiii',
glGetActiveUniformsiv: function(program, uniformCount, uniformIndices, pname, params) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.programs, program, 'glGetActiveUniformsiv', 'program');
if (!params) {
// GLES2 specification does not specify how to behave if params is a null pointer. Since calling this function does not make sense
// if params == null, issue a GL error to notify user about it.
err('GL_INVALID_VALUE in glGetActiveUniformsiv(program=' + program + ', uniformCount=' + uniformCount + ', uniformIndices=' + uniformIndices + ', pname=' + pname + ', params=0): Function called with null out pointer!');
GL.recordError(0x501 /* GL_INVALID_VALUE */);
if (uniformCount > 0 && uniformIndices == 0) {
GL.recordError(0x501 /* GL_INVALID_VALUE */);
program = GL.programs[program];
var ids = [];
for (var i = 0; i < uniformCount; i++) {
ids.push({{{ makeGetValue('uniformIndices', 'i*4', 'i32') }}});
var result = GLctx['getActiveUniforms'](program, ids, pname);
if (!result) return; // GL spec: If an error is generated, nothing is written out to params.
var len = result.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
{{{ makeSetValue('params', 'i*4', 'result[i]', 'i32') }}};
glGetUniformBlockIndex__sig: 'iii',
glGetUniformBlockIndex: function(program, uniformBlockName) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.programs, program, 'glGetUniformBlockIndex', 'program');
return GLctx['getUniformBlockIndex'](GL.programs[program], UTF8ToString(uniformBlockName));
glGetActiveUniformBlockiv__sig: 'viiii',
glGetActiveUniformBlockiv: function(program, uniformBlockIndex, pname, params) {
if (!params) {
// GLES2 specification does not specify how to behave if params is a null pointer. Since calling this function does not make sense
// if params == null, issue a GL error to notify user about it.
err('GL_INVALID_VALUE in glGetActiveUniformBlockiv(program=' + program + ', uniformBlockIndex=' + uniformBlockIndex + ', pname=' + pname + ', params=0): Function called with null out pointer!');
GL.recordError(0x501 /* GL_INVALID_VALUE */);
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.programs, program, 'glGetActiveUniformBlockiv', 'program');
program = GL.programs[program];
switch(pname) {
var name = GLctx['getActiveUniformBlockName'](program, uniformBlockIndex);
{{{ makeSetValue('params', 0, 'name.length+1', 'i32') }}};
var result = GLctx['getActiveUniformBlockParameter'](program, uniformBlockIndex, pname);
if (!result) return; // If an error occurs, nothing will be written to params.
if (typeof result == 'number') {
{{{ makeSetValue('params', '0', 'result', 'i32') }}};
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
{{{ makeSetValue('params', 'i*4', 'result[i]', 'i32') }}};
glGetActiveUniformBlockName__sig: 'viiiii',
glGetActiveUniformBlockName: function(program, uniformBlockIndex, bufSize, length, uniformBlockName) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.programs, program, 'glGetActiveUniformBlockName', 'program');
program = GL.programs[program];
var result = GLctx['getActiveUniformBlockName'](program, uniformBlockIndex);
if (!result) return; // If an error occurs, nothing will be written to uniformBlockName or length.
if (uniformBlockName && bufSize > 0) {
var numBytesWrittenExclNull = stringToUTF8(result, uniformBlockName, bufSize);
if (length) {{{ makeSetValue('length', '0', 'numBytesWrittenExclNull', 'i32') }}};
} else {
if (length) {{{ makeSetValue('length', '0', 0, 'i32') }}};
glUniformBlockBinding__sig: 'viii',
glUniformBlockBinding: function(program, uniformBlockIndex, uniformBlockBinding) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.programs, program, 'glUniformBlockBinding', 'program');
program = GL.programs[program];
GLctx['uniformBlockBinding'](program, uniformBlockIndex, uniformBlockBinding);
glClearBufferiv__sig: 'viii',
glClearBufferiv: function(buffer, drawbuffer, value) {
assert((value & 3) == 0, 'Pointer to integer data passed to glClearBufferiv must be aligned to four bytes!');
GLctx['clearBufferiv'](buffer, drawbuffer, HEAP32, value>>2);
glClearBufferuiv__sig: 'viii',
glClearBufferuiv: function(buffer, drawbuffer, value) {
assert((value & 3) == 0, 'Pointer to integer data passed to glClearBufferuiv must be aligned to four bytes!');
GLctx['clearBufferuiv'](buffer, drawbuffer, HEAPU32, value>>2);
glClearBufferfv__sig: 'viii',
glClearBufferfv: function(buffer, drawbuffer, value) {
assert((value & 3) == 0, 'Pointer to float data passed to glClearBufferfv must be aligned to four bytes!');
GLctx['clearBufferfv'](buffer, drawbuffer, HEAPF32, value>>2);
glFenceSync__sig: 'iii',
glFenceSync: function(condition, flags) {
var sync = GLctx.fenceSync(condition, flags);
if (sync) {
var id = GL.getNewId(GL.syncs); = id;
GL.syncs[id] = sync;
return id;
} else {
return 0; // Failed to create a sync object
glDeleteSync__sig: 'vi',
glDeleteSync: function(id) {
if (!id) return;
var sync = GL.syncs[id];
if (!sync) { // glDeleteSync signals an error when deleting a nonexisting object, unlike some other GL delete functions.
GL.recordError(0x501 /* GL_INVALID_VALUE */);
GLctx.deleteSync(sync); = 0;
GL.syncs[id] = null;
glClientWaitSync__sig: 'iiiii',
glClientWaitSync: function(sync, flags, timeoutLo, timeoutHi) {
// WebGL2 vs GLES3 differences: in GLES3, the timeout parameter is a uint64, where 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL means GL_TIMEOUT_IGNORED.
// In JS, there's no 64-bit value types, so instead timeout is taken to be signed, and GL_TIMEOUT_IGNORED is given value -1.
// Inherently the value accepted in the timeout is lossy, and can't take in arbitrary u64 bit pattern (but most likely doesn't matter)
// See
timeoutLo = timeoutLo >>> 0;
timeoutHi = timeoutHi >>> 0;
var timeout = (timeoutLo == 0xFFFFFFFF && timeoutHi == 0xFFFFFFFF) ? -1 : makeBigInt(timeoutLo, timeoutHi, true);
return GLctx.clientWaitSync(GL.syncs[sync], flags, timeout);
glWaitSync__sig: 'viiii',
glWaitSync: function(sync, flags, timeoutLo, timeoutHi) {
// See WebGL2 vs GLES3 difference on GL_TIMEOUT_IGNORED above (
timeoutLo = timeoutLo >>> 0;
timeoutHi = timeoutHi >>> 0;
var timeout = (timeoutLo == 0xFFFFFFFF && timeoutHi == 0xFFFFFFFF) ? -1 : makeBigInt(timeoutLo, timeoutHi, true);
GLctx.waitSync(GL.syncs[sync], flags, timeout);
glGetSynciv__sig: 'viiiii',
glGetSynciv: function(sync, pname, bufSize, length, values) {
if (bufSize < 0) {
// GLES3 specification does not specify how to behave if bufSize < 0, however in the spec wording for glGetInternalformativ, it does say that GL_INVALID_VALUE should be raised,
// so raise GL_INVALID_VALUE here as well.
err('GL_INVALID_VALUE in glGetSynciv(sync=' + sync + ', pname=' + pname + ', bufSize=' + bufSize + ', length=' + length + ', values='+values+'): Function called with bufSize < 0!');
GL.recordError(0x501 /* GL_INVALID_VALUE */);
if (!values) {
// GLES3 specification does not specify how to behave if values is a null pointer. Since calling this function does not make sense
// if values == null, issue a GL error to notify user about it.
err('GL_INVALID_VALUE in glGetSynciv(sync=' + sync + ', pname=' + pname + ', bufSize=' + bufSize + ', length=' + length + ', values=0): Function called with null out pointer!');
GL.recordError(0x501 /* GL_INVALID_VALUE */);
var ret = GLctx.getSyncParameter(GL.syncs[sync], pname);
{{{ makeSetValue('length', '0', 'ret', 'i32') }}};
if (ret !== null && length) {{{ makeSetValue('length', '0', '1', 'i32') }}}; // Report a single value outputted.
glIsSync__sig: 'ii',
glIsSync: function(sync) {
var sync = GL.syncs[sync];
if (!sync) return 0;
return GLctx.isSync(sync);
glGetUniformuiv__sig: 'viii',
glGetUniformuiv__deps: ['$emscriptenWebGLGetUniform'],
glGetUniformuiv: function(program, location, params) {
emscriptenWebGLGetUniform(program, location, params, {{{ cDefine('EM_FUNC_SIG_PARAM_I') }}});
glGetFragDataLocation__sig: 'iii',
glGetFragDataLocation: function(program, name) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.programs, program, 'glGetFragDataLocation', 'program');
return GLctx['getFragDataLocation'](GL.programs[program], UTF8ToString(name));
glGetVertexAttribIiv__sig: 'viii',
glGetVertexAttribIiv__deps: ['$emscriptenWebGLGetVertexAttrib'],
glGetVertexAttribIiv: function(index, pname, params) {
// N.B. This function may only be called if the vertex attribute was specified using the function glVertexAttribI4iv(),
// otherwise the results are undefined. (GLES3 spec 6.1.12)
emscriptenWebGLGetVertexAttrib(index, pname, params, {{{ cDefine('EM_FUNC_SIG_PARAM_I') }}});
// N.B. This function may only be called if the vertex attribute was specified using the function glVertexAttribI4uiv(),
// otherwise the results are undefined. (GLES3 spec 6.1.12)
glGetVertexAttribIuiv__sig: 'viii',
glGetVertexAttribIuiv__deps: ['$emscriptenWebGLGetVertexAttrib'],
glGetVertexAttribIuiv: 'glGetVertexAttribIiv',
glUniform1ui__sig: 'vii',
glUniform1ui: function(location, v0) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.uniforms, location, 'glUniform1ui', 'location');
GLctx.uniform1ui(GL.uniforms[location], v0);
glUniform2ui__sig: 'viii',
glUniform2ui: function(location, v0, v1) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.uniforms, location, 'glUniform2ui', 'location');
GLctx.uniform2ui(GL.uniforms[location], v0, v1);
glUniform3ui__sig: 'viiii',
glUniform3ui: function(location, v0, v1, v2) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.uniforms, location, 'glUniform3ui', 'location');
GLctx.uniform3ui(GL.uniforms[location], v0, v1, v2);
glUniform4ui__sig: 'viiiii',
glUniform4ui: function(location, v0, v1, v2, v3) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.uniforms, location, 'glUniform4ui', 'location');
GLctx.uniform4ui(GL.uniforms[location], v0, v1, v2, v3);
glUniform1uiv__sig: 'viii',
glUniform1uiv: function(location, count, value) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.uniforms, location, 'glUniform1uiv', 'location');
assert((value & 3) == 0, 'Pointer to integer data passed to glUniform1uiv must be aligned to four bytes!');
GLctx.uniform1uiv(GL.uniforms[location], HEAPU32, value>>2, count);
glUniform2uiv__sig: 'viii',
glUniform2uiv: function(location, count, value) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.uniforms, location, 'glUniform2uiv', 'location');
assert((value & 3) == 0, 'Pointer to integer data passed to glUniform2uiv must be aligned to four bytes!');
GLctx.uniform2uiv(GL.uniforms[location], HEAPU32, value>>2, count*2);
glUniform3uiv__sig: 'viii',
glUniform3uiv: function(location, count, value) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.uniforms, location, 'glUniform3uiv', 'location');
assert((value & 3) == 0, 'Pointer to integer data passed to glUniform3uiv must be aligned to four bytes!');
GLctx.uniform3uiv(GL.uniforms[location], HEAPU32, value>>2, count*3);
glUniform4uiv__sig: 'viii',
glUniform4uiv: function(location, count, value) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.uniforms, location, 'glUniform4uiv', 'location');
assert((value & 3) == 0, 'Pointer to integer data passed to glUniform4uiv must be aligned to four bytes!');
GLctx.uniform4uiv(GL.uniforms[location], HEAPU32, value>>2, count*4);
glUniformMatrix2x3fv__sig: 'viiii',
glUniformMatrix2x3fv: function(location, count, transpose, value) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.uniforms, location, 'glUniformMatrix2x3fv', 'location');
assert((value & 3) == 0, 'Pointer to float data passed to glUniformMatrix2x3fv must be aligned to four bytes!');
GLctx.uniformMatrix2x3fv(GL.uniforms[location], !!transpose, HEAPF32, value>>2, count*6);
glUniformMatrix3x2fv__sig: 'viiii',
glUniformMatrix3x2fv: function(location, count, transpose, value) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.uniforms, location, 'glUniformMatrix3x2fv', 'location');
assert((value & 3) == 0, 'Pointer to float data passed to glUniformMatrix3x2fv must be aligned to four bytes!');
GLctx.uniformMatrix3x2fv(GL.uniforms[location], !!transpose, HEAPF32, value>>2, count*6);
glUniformMatrix2x4fv__sig: 'viiii',
glUniformMatrix2x4fv: function(location, count, transpose, value) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.uniforms, location, 'glUniformMatrix2x4fv', 'location');
assert((value & 3) == 0, 'Pointer to float data passed to glUniformMatrix2x4fv must be aligned to four bytes!');
GLctx.uniformMatrix2x4fv(GL.uniforms[location], !!transpose, HEAPF32, value>>2, count*8);
glUniformMatrix4x2fv__sig: 'viiii',
glUniformMatrix4x2fv: function(location, count, transpose, value) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.uniforms, location, 'glUniformMatrix4x2fv', 'location');
assert((value & 3) == 0, 'Pointer to float data passed to glUniformMatrix4x2fv must be aligned to four bytes!');
GLctx.uniformMatrix4x2fv(GL.uniforms[location], !!transpose, HEAPF32, value>>2, count*8);
glUniformMatrix3x4fv__sig: 'viiii',
glUniformMatrix3x4fv: function(location, count, transpose, value) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.uniforms, location, 'glUniformMatrix3x4fv', 'location');
assert((value & 3) == 0, 'Pointer to float data passed to glUniformMatrix3x4fv must be aligned to four bytes!');
GLctx.uniformMatrix3x4fv(GL.uniforms[location], !!transpose, HEAPF32, value>>2, count*12);
glUniformMatrix4x3fv__sig: 'viiii',
glUniformMatrix4x3fv: function(location, count, transpose, value) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.uniforms, location, 'glUniformMatrix4x3fv', 'location');
assert((value & 3) == 0, 'Pointer to float data passed to glUniformMatrix4x3fv must be aligned to four bytes!');
GLctx.uniformMatrix4x3fv(GL.uniforms[location], !!transpose, HEAPF32, value>>2, count*12);
glVertexAttribI4iv__sig: 'vii',
glVertexAttribI4iv: function(index, v) {
assert((v & 3) == 0, 'Pointer to integer data passed to glVertexAttribI4iv must be aligned to four bytes!');
assert(v != 0, 'Null pointer passed to glVertexAttribI4iv!');
GLctx.vertexAttribI4i(index, HEAP32[v>>2], HEAP32[v+4>>2], HEAP32[v+8>>2], HEAP32[v+12>>2]);
glVertexAttribI4uiv__sig: 'vii',
glVertexAttribI4uiv: function(index, v) {
assert((v & 3) == 0, 'Pointer to integer data passed to glVertexAttribI4uiv must be aligned to four bytes!');
assert(v != 0, 'Null pointer passed to glVertexAttribI4uiv!');
GLctx.vertexAttribI4ui(index, HEAPU32[v>>2], HEAPU32[v+4>>2], HEAPU32[v+8>>2], HEAPU32[v+12>>2]);
glProgramParameteri__sig: 'viii',
glProgramParameteri: function(program, pname, value) {
err("GL_INVALID_ENUM in glProgramParameteri: WebGL does not support binary shader formats! Calls to glProgramParameteri always fail. See");
glGetProgramBinary__sig: 'viiiii',
glGetProgramBinary: function(program, bufSize, length, binaryFormat, binary) {
err("GL_INVALID_OPERATION in glGetProgramBinary: WebGL does not support binary shader formats! Calls to glGetProgramBinary always fail. See");
glProgramBinary__sig: 'viiii',
glProgramBinary: function(program, binaryFormat, binary, length) {
err("GL_INVALID_ENUM in glProgramBinary: WebGL does not support binary shader formats! Calls to glProgramBinary always fail. See");
glFramebufferTextureLayer__sig: 'viiiii',
glFramebufferTextureLayer: function(target, attachment, texture, level, layer) {
GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.textures, texture, 'glFramebufferTextureLayer', 'texture');
GLctx.framebufferTextureLayer(target, attachment, GL.textures[texture], level, layer);
glVertexAttribIPointer__sig: 'viiiii',
glVertexAttribIPointer: function(index, size, type, stride, ptr) {
#if FULL_ES3
var cb = GL.currentContext.clientBuffers[index];
assert(cb, index);
if (!GL.currArrayBuffer) {
cb.size = size;
cb.type = type;
cb.normalized = false;
cb.stride = stride;
cb.ptr = ptr;
cb.clientside = true;
cb.vertexAttribPointerAdaptor = function(index, size, type, normalized, stride, ptr) {
this.vertexAttribIPointer(index, size, type, stride, ptr);
cb.clientside = false;
GL.validateVertexAttribPointer(size, type, stride, ptr);
GLctx['vertexAttribIPointer'](index, size, type, stride, ptr);
glDrawRangeElements__sig: 'viiiiii',
glDrawRangeElements__deps: ['glDrawElements'],
glDrawRangeElements: function(mode, start, end, count, type, indices) {
// TODO: This should be a trivial pass-though function registered at the bottom of this page as
// glFuncs[6][1] += ' drawRangeElements';
// but due to,
// we work around by ignoring the range.
_glDrawElements(mode, count, type, indices);
glVertexAttribI4i__sig: 'viiiii',
glVertexAttribI4ui__sig: 'viiiii',
glCopyBufferSubData__sig: 'viiiii',
glTexStorage2D__sig: 'viiiii',
glTexStorage3D__sig: 'viiiiii',
glBeginTransformFeedback__sig: 'vi',
glEndTransformFeedback__sig: 'v',
glPauseTransformFeedback__sig: 'v',
glResumeTransformFeedback__sig: 'v',
glBlitFramebuffer__sig: 'viiiiiiiiii',
glReadBuffer__sig: 'vi',
glEndQuery__sig: 'vi',
glRenderbufferStorageMultisample__sig: 'viiiii',
glCopyTexSubImage3D__sig: 'viiiiiiiii',
glClearBufferfi__sig: 'viifi',
// Simple pass-through functions. Starred ones have return values. [X] ones have X in the C name but not in the JS name
var webgl2Funcs = [[0, 'endTransformFeedback pauseTransformFeedback resumeTransformFeedback'],
[1, 'beginTransformFeedback readBuffer endQuery'],
[2, ''],
[3, ''],
[4, 'clearBufferfi'],
[5, 'vertexAttribI4i vertexAttribI4ui copyBufferSubData texStorage2D renderbufferStorageMultisample'],
[6, 'texStorage3D'],
[7, ''],
[8, ''],
[9, 'copyTexSubImage3D'],
[10, 'blitFramebuffer']];
// If user passes -s MAX_WEBGL_VERSION >= 2 -s STRICT=1 but not -lGL (to link in WebGL 1), then WebGL2 library should not
// be linked in as well.
if (typeof createGLPassthroughFunctions === 'undefined') {
throw 'In order to use WebGL 2 in strict mode with -s MAX_WEBGL_VERSION=2, you need to link in WebGL support with -lGL!';
createGLPassthroughFunctions(LibraryWebGL2, webgl2Funcs);
mergeInto(LibraryManager.library, LibraryWebGL2);