blob: 17abd4a3962cce1648f473bb067ee4f2f80be232 [file] [log] [blame]
The EGL implementation supports only one EGLNativeDisplayType, the EGL_DEFAULT_DISPLAY.
This native display type returns the only supported EGLDisplay handle with the magic value 62000.
There is only a single EGLConfig configuration supported, that has the magic value 62002.
The implementation only allows a single EGLContext to be created, that has the magic value of 62004. (multiple creations silently return this same context)
The implementation only creates a single EGLSurface, a handle with the magic value of 62006. (multiple creations silently return the same surface)
var LibraryEGL = {
$EGL: {
// This variable tracks the success status of the most recently invoked EGL function call.
errorCode: 0x3000 /* EGL_SUCCESS */,
defaultDisplayInitialized: false,
currentContext: 0 /* EGL_NO_CONTEXT */,
currentReadSurface: 0 /* EGL_NO_SURFACE */,
currentDrawSurface: 0 /* EGL_NO_SURFACE */,
stringCache: {},
setErrorCode: function(code) {
EGL.errorCode = code;
chooseConfig: function(display, attribList, config, config_size, numConfigs) {
if (display != 62000 /* Magic ID for Emscripten 'default display' */) {
EGL.setErrorCode(0x3008 /* EGL_BAD_DISPLAY */);
return 0;
// TODO: read attribList.
if ((!config || !config_size) && !numConfigs) {
EGL.setErrorCode(0x300C /* EGL_BAD_PARAMETER */);
return 0;
if (numConfigs) {
{{{ makeSetValue('numConfigs', '0', '1', 'i32') }}}; // Total number of supported configs: 1.
if (config && config_size > 0) {
{{{ makeSetValue('config', '0', '62002' /* Magic ID for the only EGLConfig supported by Emscripten */, 'i32') }}};
EGL.setErrorCode(0x3000 /* EGL_SUCCESS */);
return 1;
// EGLAPI EGLDisplay EGLAPIENTRY eglGetDisplay(EGLNativeDisplayType display_id);
eglGetDisplay: function(nativeDisplayType) {
EGL.setErrorCode(0x3000 /* EGL_SUCCESS */);
// Note: As a 'conformant' implementation of EGL, we would prefer to init here only if the user
// calls this function with EGL_DEFAULT_DISPLAY. Other display IDs would be preferred to be unsupported
// and EGL_NO_DISPLAY returned. Uncomment the following code lines to do this.
// Instead, an alternative route has been preferred, namely that the Emscripten EGL implementation
// "emulates" X11, and eglGetDisplay is expected to accept/receive a pointer to an X11 Display object.
// Therefore, be lax and allow anything to be passed in, and return the magic handle to our default EGLDisplay object.
// if (nativeDisplayType == 0 /* EGL_DEFAULT_DISPLAY */) {
return 62000; // Magic ID for Emscripten 'default display'
// }
// else
// return 0; // EGL_NO_DISPLAY
// EGLAPI EGLBoolean EGLAPIENTRY eglInitialize(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLint *major, EGLint *minor);
eglInitialize: function(display, majorVersion, minorVersion) {
if (display == 62000 /* Magic ID for Emscripten 'default display' */) {
if (majorVersion) {
{{{ makeSetValue('majorVersion', '0', '1', 'i32') }}}; // Advertise EGL Major version: '1'
if (minorVersion) {
{{{ makeSetValue('minorVersion', '0', '4', 'i32') }}}; // Advertise EGL Minor version: '4'
EGL.defaultDisplayInitialized = true;
EGL.setErrorCode(0x3000 /* EGL_SUCCESS */);
return 1;
else {
EGL.setErrorCode(0x3008 /* EGL_BAD_DISPLAY */);
return 0;
// EGLAPI EGLBoolean EGLAPIENTRY eglTerminate(EGLDisplay dpy);
eglTerminate: function(display) {
if (display != 62000 /* Magic ID for Emscripten 'default display' */) {
EGL.setErrorCode(0x3008 /* EGL_BAD_DISPLAY */);
return 0;
EGL.currentContext = 0;
EGL.currentReadSurface = 0;
EGL.currentDrawSurface = 0;
EGL.defaultDisplayInitialized = false;
EGL.setErrorCode(0x3000 /* EGL_SUCCESS */);
return 1;
// EGLAPI EGLBoolean EGLAPIENTRY eglGetConfigs(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLConfig *configs, EGLint config_size, EGLint *num_config);
eglGetConfigs: function(display, configs, config_size, numConfigs) {
return EGL.chooseConfig(display, 0, configs, config_size, numConfigs);
// EGLAPI EGLBoolean EGLAPIENTRY eglChooseConfig(EGLDisplay dpy, const EGLint *attrib_list, EGLConfig *configs, EGLint config_size, EGLint *num_config);
eglChooseConfig: function(display, attrib_list, configs, config_size, numConfigs) {
return EGL.chooseConfig(display, attrib_list, configs, config_size, numConfigs);
// EGLAPI EGLBoolean EGLAPIENTRY eglGetConfigAttrib(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLConfig config, EGLint attribute, EGLint *value);
eglGetConfigAttrib: function(display, config, attribute, value) {
if (display != 62000 /* Magic ID for Emscripten 'default display' */) {
EGL.setErrorCode(0x3008 /* EGL_BAD_DISPLAY */);
return 0;
if (config != 62002 /* Magic ID for the only EGLConfig supported by Emscripten */) {
EGL.setErrorCode(0x3005 /* EGL_BAD_CONFIG */);
return 0;
if (!value) {
EGL.setErrorCode(0x300C /* EGL_BAD_PARAMETER */);
return 0;
EGL.setErrorCode(0x3000 /* EGL_SUCCESS */);
switch(attribute) {
case 0x3020: // EGL_BUFFER_SIZE
{{{ makeSetValue('value', '0', '32' /* 8 bits for each A,R,G,B. */, 'i32') }}};
return 1;
case 0x3021: // EGL_ALPHA_SIZE
{{{ makeSetValue('value', '0', '8' /* 8 bits for alpha channel. */, 'i32') }}};
return 1;
case 0x3022: // EGL_BLUE_SIZE
{{{ makeSetValue('value', '0', '8' /* 8 bits for blue channel. */, 'i32') }}};
return 1;
case 0x3023: // EGL_GREEN_SIZE
{{{ makeSetValue('value', '0', '8' /* 8 bits for green channel. */, 'i32') }}};
return 1;
case 0x3024: // EGL_RED_SIZE
{{{ makeSetValue('value', '0', '8' /* 8 bits for red channel. */, 'i32') }}};
return 1;
case 0x3025: // EGL_DEPTH_SIZE
{{{ makeSetValue('value', '0', '24' /* 24 bits for depth buffer. TODO: This is hardcoded, add support for this! */, 'i32') }}};
return 1;
case 0x3026: // EGL_STENCIL_SIZE
{{{ makeSetValue('value', '0', '8' /* 8 bits for stencil buffer. TODO: This is hardcoded, add support for this! */, 'i32') }}};
return 1;
case 0x3027: // EGL_CONFIG_CAVEAT
// We can return here one of EGL_NONE (0x3038), EGL_SLOW_CONFIG (0x3050) or EGL_NON_CONFORMANT_CONFIG (0x3051).
{{{ makeSetValue('value', '0', '0x3038' /* EGL_NONE */, 'i32') }}};
return 1;
case 0x3028: // EGL_CONFIG_ID
{{{ makeSetValue('value', '0', '62002' /* Magic ID for the only EGLConfig supported by Emscripten */, 'i32') }}};
return 1;
case 0x3029: // EGL_LEVEL
{{{ makeSetValue('value', '0', '0' /* Z order/depth layer for this level. Not applicable for Emscripten. */, 'i32') }}};
return 1;
{{{ makeSetValue('value', '0', '4096', 'i32') }}};
return 1;
{{{ makeSetValue('value', '0', '16777216' /* 4096 * 4096 */, 'i32') }}};
return 1;
{{{ makeSetValue('value', '0', '4096', 'i32') }}};
return 1;
{{{ makeSetValue('value', '0', '0' /* This config does not allow co-rendering with other 'native' rendering APIs. */, 'i32') }}};
return 1;
case 0x302E: // EGL_NATIVE_VISUAL_ID
{{{ makeSetValue('value', '0', '0' /* N/A for Emscripten. */, 'i32') }}};
return 1;
{{{ makeSetValue('value', '0', '0x3038' /* EGL_NONE */, 'i32') }}};
return 1;
case 0x3031: // EGL_SAMPLES
{{{ makeSetValue('value', '0', '4' /* 2x2 Multisampling */, 'i32') }}};
return 1;
case 0x3032: // EGL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS
{{{ makeSetValue('value', '0', '1' /* Multisampling enabled */, 'i32') }}};
return 1;
case 0x3033: // EGL_SURFACE_TYPE
{{{ makeSetValue('value', '0', '0x0004' /* EGL_WINDOW_BIT */, 'i32') }}};
return 1;
case 0x3034: // EGL_TRANSPARENT_TYPE
// If this returns EGL_TRANSPARENT_RGB (0x3052), transparency is used through color-keying. No such thing applies to Emscripten canvas.
{{{ makeSetValue('value', '0', '0x3038' /* EGL_NONE */, 'i32') }}};
return 1;
{{{ makeSetValue('value', '0', '-1' /* Report a "does not apply" value. */, 'i32') }}};
return 1;
case 0x3039: // EGL_BIND_TO_TEXTURE_RGB
{{{ makeSetValue('value', '0', '0' /* Only pbuffers would be bindable, but these are not supported. */, 'i32') }}};
return 1;
{{{ makeSetValue('value', '0', '1' /* TODO: Currently this is not strictly true, since user can specify custom presentation interval in JS requestAnimationFrame/emscripten_set_main_loop. */, 'i32') }}};
return 1;
case 0x303D: // EGL_LUMINANCE_SIZE
case 0x303E: // EGL_ALPHA_MASK_SIZE
{{{ makeSetValue('value', '0', '0' /* N/A in this config. */, 'i32') }}};
return 1;
// EGL has two types of buffers: EGL_RGB_BUFFER and EGL_LUMINANCE_BUFFER.
{{{ makeSetValue('value', '0', '0x308E' /* EGL_RGB_BUFFER */, 'i32') }}};
return 1;
case 0x3040: // EGL_RENDERABLE_TYPE
{{{ makeSetValue('value', '0', '0x0004' /* EGL_OPENGL_ES2_BIT */, 'i32') }}};
return 1;
case 0x3042: // EGL_CONFORMANT
// "EGL_CONFORMANT is a mask indicating if a client API context created with respect to the corresponding EGLConfig will pass the required conformance tests for that API."
{{{ makeSetValue('value', '0', '0' /* EGL_OPENGL_ES2_BIT */, 'i32') }}};
return 1;
EGL.setErrorCode(0x3004 /* EGL_BAD_ATTRIBUTE */);
return 0;
// EGLAPI EGLSurface EGLAPIENTRY eglCreateWindowSurface(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLConfig config, EGLNativeWindowType win, const EGLint *attrib_list);
eglCreateWindowSurface: function(display, config, win, attrib_list) {
if (display != 62000 /* Magic ID for Emscripten 'default display' */) {
EGL.setErrorCode(0x3008 /* EGL_BAD_DISPLAY */);
return 0;
if (config != 62002 /* Magic ID for the only EGLConfig supported by Emscripten */) {
EGL.setErrorCode(0x3005 /* EGL_BAD_CONFIG */);
return 0;
// TODO: Examine attrib_list! Parameters that can be present there are:
// - EGL_VG_COLORSPACE (can't be set)
// - EGL_VG_ALPHA_FORMAT (can't be set)
EGL.setErrorCode(0x3000 /* EGL_SUCCESS */);
return 62006; /* Magic ID for Emscripten 'default surface' */
// EGLAPI EGLBoolean EGLAPIENTRY eglDestroySurface(EGLDisplay display, EGLSurface surface);
eglDestroySurface: function(display, surface) {
if (display != 62000 /* Magic ID for Emscripten 'default display' */) {
EGL.setErrorCode(0x3008 /* EGL_BAD_DISPLAY */);
return 0;
if (surface != 62006 /* Magic ID for the only EGLSurface supported by Emscripten */) {
EGL.setErrorCode(0x300D /* EGL_BAD_SURFACE */);
return 1;
if (EGL.currentReadSurface == surface) {
EGL.currentReadSurface = 0;
if (EGL.currentDrawSurface == surface) {
EGL.currentDrawSurface = 0;
EGL.setErrorCode(0x3000 /* EGL_SUCCESS */);
return 1; /* Magic ID for Emscripten 'default surface' */
eglCreateContext__deps: ['glutInitDisplayMode', 'glutCreateWindow', '$GL'],
// EGLAPI EGLContext EGLAPIENTRY eglCreateContext(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLConfig config, EGLContext share_context, const EGLint *attrib_list);
eglCreateContext: function(display, config, hmm, contextAttribs) {
if (display != 62000 /* Magic ID for Emscripten 'default display' */) {
EGL.setErrorCode(0x3008 /* EGL_BAD_DISPLAY */);
return 0;
// EGL 1.4 spec says default EGL_CONTEXT_CLIENT_VERSION is GLES1, but this is not supported by Emscripten.
// So user must pass EGL_CONTEXT_CLIENT_VERSION == 2 to initialize EGL.
var glesContextVersion = 1;
for(;;) {
var param = {{{ makeGetValue('contextAttribs', '0', 'i32') }}};
if (param == 0x3098 /*EGL_CONTEXT_CLIENT_VERSION*/) {
glesContextVersion = {{{ makeGetValue('contextAttribs', '4', 'i32') }}};
} else if (param == 0x3038 /*EGL_NONE*/) {
} else {
/* EGL1.4 specifies only EGL_CONTEXT_CLIENT_VERSION as supported attribute */
EGL.setErrorCode(0x3004 /*EGL_BAD_ATTRIBUTE*/);
return 0;
contextAttribs += 8;
if (glesContextVersion != 2) {
Module.printErr('When initializing GLES2/WebGL1 via EGL, one must pass EGL_CONTEXT_CLIENT_VERSION = 2 to GL context attributes! GLES version ' + glesContextVersion + ' is not supported!');
EGL.setErrorCode(0x3005 /* EGL_BAD_CONFIG */);
return 0; /* EGL_NO_CONTEXT */
EGL.windowID = _glutCreateWindow();
if (EGL.windowID != 0) {
EGL.setErrorCode(0x3000 /* EGL_SUCCESS */);
// Note: This function only creates a context, but it shall not make it active.
return 62004; // Magic ID for Emscripten EGLContext
} else {
EGL.setErrorCode(0x3009 /* EGL_BAD_MATCH */); // By the EGL 1.4 spec, an implementation that does not support GLES2 (WebGL in this case), this error code is set.
return 0; /* EGL_NO_CONTEXT */
eglDestroyContext__deps: ['glutDestroyWindow', '$GL'],
// EGLAPI EGLBoolean EGLAPIENTRY eglDestroyContext(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLContext context);
eglDestroyContext: function(display, context) {
if (display != 62000 /* Magic ID for Emscripten 'default display' */) {
EGL.setErrorCode(0x3008 /* EGL_BAD_DISPLAY */);
return 0;
if (context != 62004 /* Magic ID for Emscripten EGLContext */) {
EGL.setErrorCode(0x3006 /* EGL_BAD_CONTEXT */);
return 0;
EGL.setErrorCode(0x3000 /* EGL_SUCCESS */);
if (EGL.currentContext == context) {
EGL.currentContext = 0;
return 1 /* EGL_TRUE */;
// EGLAPI EGLBoolean EGLAPIENTRY eglDestroyContext(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLContext ctx);
eglDestroyContext: function(display, context) {
if (display != 62000 /* Magic ID for Emscripten 'default display' */) {
EGL.setErrorCode(0x3008 /* EGL_BAD_DISPLAY */);
return 0;
if (context != 62004 /* Magic ID for Emscripten EGLContext */) {
EGL.setErrorCode(0x3006 /* EGL_BAD_CONTEXT */);
return 0;
EGL.setErrorCode(0x3000 /* EGL_SUCCESS */);
return 1;
// EGLAPI EGLBoolean EGLAPIENTRY eglQuerySurface(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLSurface surface, EGLint attribute, EGLint *value);
eglQuerySurface: function(display, surface, attribute, value) {
if (display != 62000 /* Magic ID for Emscripten 'default display' */) {
EGL.setErrorCode(0x3008 /* EGL_BAD_DISPLAY */);
return 0;
if (surface != 62006 /* Magic ID for Emscripten 'default surface' */) {
EGL.setErrorCode(0x300D /* EGL_BAD_SURFACE */);
return 0;
if (!value) {
EGL.setErrorCode(0x300C /* EGL_BAD_PARAMETER */);
return 0;
EGL.setErrorCode(0x3000 /* EGL_SUCCESS */);
switch(attribute) {
case 0x3028: // EGL_CONFIG_ID
{{{ makeSetValue('value', '0', '62002' /* A magic value for the only EGLConfig configuration ID supported by Emscripten. */, 'i32') }}};
return 1;
case 0x3058: // EGL_LARGEST_PBUFFER
// Odd EGL API: If surface is not a pbuffer surface, 'value' should not be written to. It's not specified as an error, so true should(?) be returned.
// Existing Android implementation seems to do so at least.
return 1;
case 0x3057: // EGL_WIDTH
{{{ makeSetValue('value', '0', 'Module.canvas.width', 'i32') }}};
return 1;
case 0x3056: // EGL_HEIGHT
{{{ makeSetValue('value', '0', 'Module.canvas.height', 'i32') }}};
return 1;
{{{ makeSetValue('value', '0', '-1' /* EGL_UNKNOWN */, 'i32') }}};
return 1;
{{{ makeSetValue('value', '0', '-1' /* EGL_UNKNOWN */, 'i32') }}};
return 1;
case 0x3092: // EGL_PIXEL_ASPECT_RATIO
{{{ makeSetValue('value', '0', '-1' /* EGL_UNKNOWN */, 'i32') }}};
return 1;
case 0x3086: // EGL_RENDER_BUFFER
// The main surface is bound to the visible canvas window - it's always backbuffered.
// Alternative to EGL_BACK_BUFFER would be EGL_SINGLE_BUFFER.
{{{ makeSetValue('value', '0', '0x3084' /* EGL_BACK_BUFFER */, 'i32') }}};
return 1;
{{{ makeSetValue('value', '0', '0x309A' /* EGL_MULTISAMPLE_RESOLVE_DEFAULT */, 'i32') }}};
return 1;
case 0x3093: // EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR
// The two possibilities are EGL_BUFFER_PRESERVED and EGL_BUFFER_DESTROYED. Slightly unsure which is the
// case for browser environment, but advertise the 'weaker' behavior to be sure.
{{{ makeSetValue('value', '0', '0x3095' /* EGL_BUFFER_DESTROYED */, 'i32') }}};
return 1;
case 0x3080: // EGL_TEXTURE_FORMAT
case 0x3081: // EGL_TEXTURE_TARGET
case 0x3082: // EGL_MIPMAP_TEXTURE
case 0x3083: // EGL_MIPMAP_LEVEL
// This is a window surface, not a pbuffer surface. Spec:
// "Querying EGL_TEXTURE_FORMAT, EGL_TEXTURE_TARGET, EGL_MIPMAP_TEXTURE, or EGL_MIPMAP_LEVEL for a non-pbuffer surface is not an error, but value is not modified."
// So pass-through.
return 1;
EGL.setErrorCode(0x3004 /* EGL_BAD_ATTRIBUTE */);
return 0;
// EGLAPI EGLBoolean EGLAPIENTRY eglQueryContext(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLContext ctx, EGLint attribute, EGLint *value);
eglQueryContext: function(display, context, attribute, value) {
if (display != 62000 /* Magic ID for Emscripten 'default display' */) {
EGL.setErrorCode(0x3008 /* EGL_BAD_DISPLAY */);
return 0;
//\todo An EGL_NOT_INITIALIZED error is generated if EGL is not initialized for dpy.
if (context != 62004 /* Magic ID for Emscripten EGLContext */) {
EGL.setErrorCode(0x3006 /* EGL_BAD_CONTEXT */);
return 0;
if (!value) {
EGL.setErrorCode(0x300C /* EGL_BAD_PARAMETER */);
return 0;
EGL.setErrorCode(0x3000 /* EGL_SUCCESS */);
switch(attribute) {
case 0x3028: // EGL_CONFIG_ID
{{{ makeSetValue('value', '0', '62002' /* A magic value for the only EGLConfig configuration ID supported by Emscripten. */, 'i32') }}};
return 1;
{{{ makeSetValue('value', '0', '0x30A0' /* EGL_OPENGL_ES_API */, 'i32') }}};
return 1;
{{{ makeSetValue('value', '0', '2' /* GLES2 context */, 'i32') }}}; // We always report the context to be a GLES2 context (and not a GLES1 context)
return 1;
case 0x3086: // EGL_RENDER_BUFFER
// The context is bound to the visible canvas window - it's always backbuffered.
// Alternative to EGL_BACK_BUFFER would be EGL_SINGLE_BUFFER.
{{{ makeSetValue('value', '0', '0x3084' /* EGL_BACK_BUFFER */, 'i32') }}};
return 1;
EGL.setErrorCode(0x3004 /* EGL_BAD_ATTRIBUTE */);
return 0;
// EGLAPI EGLint EGLAPIENTRY eglGetError(void);
eglGetError: function() {
return EGL.errorCode;
// EGLAPI const char * EGLAPIENTRY eglQueryString(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLint name);
eglQueryString: function(display, name) {
if (display != 62000 /* Magic ID for Emscripten 'default display' */) {
EGL.setErrorCode(0x3008 /* EGL_BAD_DISPLAY */);
return 0;
//\todo An EGL_NOT_INITIALIZED error is generated if EGL is not initialized for dpy.
EGL.setErrorCode(0x3000 /* EGL_SUCCESS */);
if (EGL.stringCache[name]) return EGL.stringCache[name];
var ret;
switch(name) {
case 0x3053 /* EGL_VENDOR */: ret = allocate(intArrayFromString("Emscripten"), 'i8', ALLOC_NORMAL); break;
case 0x3054 /* EGL_VERSION */: ret = allocate(intArrayFromString("1.4 Emscripten EGL"), 'i8', ALLOC_NORMAL); break;
case 0x3055 /* EGL_EXTENSIONS */: ret = allocate(intArrayFromString(""), 'i8', ALLOC_NORMAL); break; // Currently not supporting any EGL extensions.
case 0x308D /* EGL_CLIENT_APIS */: ret = allocate(intArrayFromString("OpenGL_ES"), 'i8', ALLOC_NORMAL); break;
EGL.setErrorCode(0x300C /* EGL_BAD_PARAMETER */);
return 0;
EGL.stringCache[name] = ret;
return ret;
// EGLAPI EGLBoolean EGLAPIENTRY eglBindAPI(EGLenum api);
eglBindAPI: function(api) {
if (api == 0x30A0 /* EGL_OPENGL_ES_API */) {
EGL.setErrorCode(0x3000 /* EGL_SUCCESS */);
return 1;
} else { // if (api == 0x30A1 /* EGL_OPENVG_API */ || api == 0x30A2 /* EGL_OPENGL_API */) {
EGL.setErrorCode(0x300C /* EGL_BAD_PARAMETER */);
return 0;
// EGLAPI EGLenum EGLAPIENTRY eglQueryAPI(void);
eglQueryAPI: function() {
EGL.setErrorCode(0x3000 /* EGL_SUCCESS */);
return 0x30A0; // EGL_OPENGL_ES_API
// EGLAPI EGLBoolean EGLAPIENTRY eglWaitClient(void);
eglWaitClient: function() {
EGL.setErrorCode(0x3000 /* EGL_SUCCESS */);
return 1;
// EGLAPI EGLBoolean EGLAPIENTRY eglWaitNative(EGLint engine);
eglWaitNative: function(nativeEngineId) {
EGL.setErrorCode(0x3000 /* EGL_SUCCESS */);
return 1;
// EGLAPI EGLBoolean EGLAPIENTRY eglWaitGL(void);
eglWaitGL: 'eglWaitClient',
// EGLAPI EGLBoolean EGLAPIENTRY eglSwapInterval(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLint interval);
eglSwapInterval__deps: ['emscripten_set_main_loop_timing'],
eglSwapInterval: function(display, interval) {
if (display != 62000 /* Magic ID for Emscripten 'default display' */) {
EGL.setErrorCode(0x3008 /* EGL_BAD_DISPLAY */);
return 0;
if (interval == 0) _emscripten_set_main_loop_timing(0/*EM_TIMING_SETTIMEOUT*/, 0);
else _emscripten_set_main_loop_timing(1/*EM_TIMING_RAF*/, interval);
EGL.setErrorCode(0x3000 /* EGL_SUCCESS */);
return 1;
// EGLAPI EGLBoolean EGLAPIENTRY eglMakeCurrent(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLSurface draw, EGLSurface read, EGLContext ctx);
eglMakeCurrent: function(display, draw, read, context) {
if (display != 62000 /* Magic ID for Emscripten 'default display' */) {
EGL.setErrorCode(0x3008 /* EGL_BAD_DISPLAY */);
return 0 /* EGL_FALSE */;
//\todo An EGL_NOT_INITIALIZED error is generated if EGL is not initialized for dpy.
if (context != 0 && context != 62004 /* Magic ID for Emscripten EGLContext */) {
EGL.setErrorCode(0x3006 /* EGL_BAD_CONTEXT */);
return 0;
if ((read != 0 && read != 62006) || (draw != 0 && draw != 62006 /* Magic ID for Emscripten 'default surface' */)) {
EGL.setErrorCode(0x300D /* EGL_BAD_SURFACE */);
return 0;
EGL.currentContext = context;
EGL.currentDrawSurface = draw;
EGL.currentReadSurface = read;
EGL.setErrorCode(0x3000 /* EGL_SUCCESS */);
return 1 /* EGL_TRUE */;
// EGLAPI EGLContext EGLAPIENTRY eglGetCurrentContext(void);
eglGetCurrentContext: function() {
return EGL.currentContext;
// EGLAPI EGLSurface EGLAPIENTRY eglGetCurrentSurface(EGLint readdraw);
eglGetCurrentSurface: function(readdraw) {
if (readdraw == 0x305A /* EGL_READ */) {
return EGL.currentReadSurface;
} else if (readdraw == 0x3059 /* EGL_DRAW */) {
return EGL.currentDrawSurface;
} else {
EGL.setErrorCode(0x300C /* EGL_BAD_PARAMETER */);
return 0 /* EGL_NO_SURFACE */;
// EGLAPI EGLDisplay EGLAPIENTRY eglGetCurrentDisplay(void);
eglGetCurrentDisplay: function() {
return EGL.currentContext ? 62000 /* Magic ID for Emscripten 'default display' */ : 0;
// EGLAPI EGLBoolean EGLAPIENTRY eglSwapBuffers(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLSurface surface);
eglSwapBuffers: function() {
if (Browser.doSwapBuffers) Browser.doSwapBuffers();
if (!EGL.defaultDisplayInitialized) {
EGL.setErrorCode(0x3001 /* EGL_NOT_INITIALIZED */);
} else if (!Module.ctx) {
EGL.setErrorCode(0x3002 /* EGL_BAD_ACCESS */);
} else if (Module.ctx.isContextLost()) {
EGL.setErrorCode(0x300E /* EGL_CONTEXT_LOST */);
} else {
// According to documentation this does an implicit flush.
// Due to discussion at
// the flush was removed since this _may_ result in slowing code down.
EGL.setErrorCode(0x3000 /* EGL_SUCCESS */);
return 1 /* EGL_TRUE */;
return 0 /* EGL_FALSE */;
eglGetProcAddress__deps: ['emscripten_GetProcAddress'],
eglGetProcAddress: function(name_) {
return _emscripten_GetProcAddress(name_);
eglReleaseThread: function() {
// Equivalent to eglMakeCurrent with EGL_NO_CONTEXT and EGL_NO_SURFACE.
EGL.currentContext = 0;
EGL.currentReadSurface = 0;
EGL.currentDrawSurface = 0;
// EGL spec v1.4 p.55:
// "calling eglGetError immediately following a successful call to eglReleaseThread should not be done.
// Such a call will return EGL_SUCCESS - but will also result in reallocating per-thread state."
EGL.setErrorCode(0x3000 /* EGL_SUCCESS */);
return 1 /* EGL_TRUE */;
autoAddDeps(LibraryEGL, '$EGL');
mergeInto(LibraryManager.library, LibraryEGL);