blob: a2c8bf422634b39417f088cc8bf2d50a6f5488f1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2010 The Emscripten Authors. All rights reserved.
// Emscripten is available under two separate licenses, the MIT license and the
// University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License. Both these licenses can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//"use strict";
// An implementation of basic necessary libraries for the web. This integrates
// with a compiled libc and with the rest of the JS runtime.
// We search the Library object when there is an external function. If the
// entry in the Library is a function, we insert it. If it is a string, we
// do another lookup in the library (a simple way to write a function once,
// if it can be called by different names). We also allow dependencies,
// using __deps. Initialization code to be run after allocating all
// global constants can be defined by __postset.
// Note that the full function name will be '_' + the name in the Library
// object. For convenience, the short name appears here. Note that if you add a
// new function with an '_', it will not be found.
// Memory allocated during startup, in postsets, should only be ALLOC_STATIC
LibraryManager.library = {
// keep this low in memory, because we flatten arrays with them in them
stdin: '; if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) _stdin = PthreadWorkerInit._stdin; else PthreadWorkerInit._stdin = _stdin = allocate(1, "i32*", ALLOC_STATIC)',
stdout: '; if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) _stdout = PthreadWorkerInit._stdout; else PthreadWorkerInit._stdout = _stdout = allocate(1, "i32*", ALLOC_STATIC)',
stderr: '; if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) _stderr = PthreadWorkerInit._stderr; else PthreadWorkerInit._stderr = _stderr = allocate(1, "i32*", ALLOC_STATIC)',
_impure_ptr: '; if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) __impure_ptr = PthreadWorkerInit.__impure_ptr; else PthreadWorkerInit.__impure_ptr __impure_ptr = allocate(1, "i32*", ALLOC_STATIC)',
__dso_handle: '; if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) ___dso_handle = PthreadWorkerInit.___dso_handle; else PthreadWorkerInit.___dso_handle = ___dso_handle = allocate(1, "i32*", ALLOC_STATIC)',
stdin: '{{{ makeStaticAlloc(1) }}}',
stdout: '{{{ makeStaticAlloc(1) }}}',
stderr: '{{{ makeStaticAlloc(1) }}}',
_impure_ptr: '{{{ makeStaticAlloc(1) }}}',
__dso_handle: '{{{ makeStaticAlloc(1) }}}',
// permissions
uid: 0,
gid: 0,
euid: 0,
egid: 0,
suid: 0,
sgid: 0,
fsuid: 0,
fsgid: 0,
// process identification
ppid: 1,
pid: 42,
sid: 42,
pgid: 42
// ==========================================================================
// getTempRet0/setTempRet0: scratch space handling i64 return
// ==========================================================================
getTempRet0__sig: 'i',
getTempRet0: function() {
return {{{ makeGetTempRet0() }}};
setTempRet0__sig: 'vi',
setTempRet0: function($i) {
{{{ makeSetTempRet0('$i') }}};
// ==========================================================================
// utime.h
// ==========================================================================
utime__deps: ['$FS', '__setErrNo', '$ERRNO_CODES'],
utime__proxy: 'sync',
utime__sig: 'iii',
utime: function(path, times) {
// int utime(const char *path, const struct utimbuf *times);
var time;
if (times) {
// NOTE: We don't keep track of access timestamps.
var offset = {{{ C_STRUCTS.utimbuf.modtime }}};
time = {{{ makeGetValue('times', 'offset', 'i32') }}};
time *= 1000;
} else {
time =;
path = Pointer_stringify(path);
try {
FS.utime(path, time, time);
return 0;
} catch (e) {
return -1;
utimes__deps: ['$FS', '__setErrNo', '$ERRNO_CODES'],
utimes__proxy: 'sync',
utimes__sig: 'iii',
utimes: function(path, times) {
var time;
if (times) {
var offset = {{{ C_STRUCTS.timeval.__size__ }}} + {{{ C_STRUCTS.timeval.tv_sec }}};
time = {{{ makeGetValue('times', 'offset', 'i32') }}} * 1000;
offset = {{{ C_STRUCTS.timeval.__size__ }}} + {{{ C_STRUCTS.timeval.tv_usec }}};
time += {{{ makeGetValue('times', 'offset', 'i32') }}} / 1000;
} else {
time =;
path = Pointer_stringify(path);
try {
FS.utime(path, time, time);
return 0;
} catch (e) {
return -1;
// ==========================================================================
// sys/file.h
// ==========================================================================
flock: function(fd, operation) {
// int flock(int fd, int operation);
// Pretend to succeed
return 0;
chroot__deps: ['__setErrNo', '$ERRNO_CODES'],
chroot__proxy: 'sync',
chroot__sig: 'ii',
chroot: function(path) {
// int chroot(const char *path);
return -1;
fpathconf__deps: ['__setErrNo', '$ERRNO_CODES'],
fpathconf__proxy: 'sync',
fpathconf__sig: 'iii',
fpathconf: function(fildes, name) {
// long fpathconf(int fildes, int name);
// NOTE: The first parameter is ignored, so pathconf == fpathconf.
// The constants here aren't real values. Just mimicking glibc.
switch (name) {
case {{{ cDefine('_PC_LINK_MAX') }}}:
return 32000;
case {{{ cDefine('_PC_MAX_CANON') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_PC_MAX_INPUT') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_PC_NAME_MAX') }}}:
return 255;
case {{{ cDefine('_PC_PATH_MAX') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_PC_PIPE_BUF') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_PC_REC_MIN_XFER_SIZE') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_PC_REC_XFER_ALIGN') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_PC_ALLOC_SIZE_MIN') }}}:
return 4096;
case {{{ cDefine('_PC_CHOWN_RESTRICTED') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_PC_NO_TRUNC') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_PC_2_SYMLINKS') }}}:
return 1;
case {{{ cDefine('_PC_VDISABLE') }}}:
return 0;
case {{{ cDefine('_PC_SYNC_IO') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_PC_ASYNC_IO') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_PC_PRIO_IO') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_PC_SOCK_MAXBUF') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_PC_REC_INCR_XFER_SIZE') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_PC_REC_MAX_XFER_SIZE') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_PC_SYMLINK_MAX') }}}:
return -1;
case {{{ cDefine('_PC_FILESIZEBITS') }}}:
return 64;
return -1;
pathconf: 'fpathconf',
confstr__deps: ['__setErrNo', '$ERRNO_CODES', '$ENV'],
confstr__proxy: 'sync',
confstr__sig: 'iiii',
confstr: function(name, buf, len) {
// size_t confstr(int name, char *buf, size_t len);
var value;
switch (name) {
case {{{ cDefine('_CS_PATH') }}}:
value = ENV['PATH'] || '/';
case {{{ cDefine('_CS_POSIX_V6_WIDTH_RESTRICTED_ENVS') }}}:
// Mimicking glibc.
value = 'POSIX_V6_ILP32_OFF32\nPOSIX_V6_ILP32_OFFBIG';
case {{{ cDefine('_CS_GNU_LIBC_VERSION') }}}:
// This JS implementation was tested against this glibc version.
value = 'glibc 2.14';
case {{{ cDefine('_CS_GNU_LIBPTHREAD_VERSION') }}}:
// We don't support pthreads.
value = '';
case {{{ cDefine('_CS_POSIX_V6_ILP32_OFF32_LIBS') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_CS_POSIX_V6_ILP32_OFFBIG_LIBS') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_CS_POSIX_V6_LP64_OFF64_CFLAGS') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_CS_POSIX_V6_LP64_OFF64_LDFLAGS') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_CS_POSIX_V6_LP64_OFF64_LIBS') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_CS_POSIX_V6_LPBIG_OFFBIG_CFLAGS') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_CS_POSIX_V6_LPBIG_OFFBIG_LDFLAGS') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_CS_POSIX_V6_LPBIG_OFFBIG_LIBS') }}}:
value = '';
case {{{ cDefine('_CS_POSIX_V6_ILP32_OFF32_CFLAGS') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_CS_POSIX_V6_ILP32_OFF32_LDFLAGS') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_CS_POSIX_V6_ILP32_OFFBIG_LDFLAGS') }}}:
value = '-m32';
case {{{ cDefine('_CS_POSIX_V6_ILP32_OFFBIG_CFLAGS') }}}:
return 0;
if (len == 0 || buf == 0) {
return value.length + 1;
} else {
var length = Math.min(len, value.length);
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
{{{ makeSetValue('buf', 'i', 'value.charCodeAt(i)', 'i8') }}};
if (len > length) {{{ makeSetValue('buf', 'i++', '0', 'i8') }}};
return i;
execl__deps: ['__setErrNo', '$ERRNO_CODES'],
execl: function(/* ... */) {
// int execl(const char *path, const char *arg0, ... /*, (char *)0 */);
// We don't support executing external code.
return -1;
execle: 'execl',
execlp: 'execl',
execv: 'execl',
execve: 'execl',
execvp: 'execl',
__execvpe: 'execl',
fexecve: 'execl',
_exit: function(status) {
// void _exit(int status);
fork__deps: ['__setErrNo', '$ERRNO_CODES'],
fork: function() {
// pid_t fork(void);
// We don't support multiple processes.
return -1;
vfork: 'fork',
posix_spawn: 'fork',
posix_spawnp: 'fork',
setgroups__deps: ['__setErrNo', '$ERRNO_CODES', 'sysconf'],
setgroups: function(ngroups, gidset) {
// int setgroups(int ngroups, const gid_t *gidset);
if (ngroups < 1 || ngroups > _sysconf({{{ cDefine('_SC_NGROUPS_MAX') }}})) {
return -1;
} else {
// We have just one process/user/group, so it makes no sense to set groups.
return -1;
getpagesize: function() {
// int getpagesize(void);
return PAGE_SIZE;
sysconf__deps: ['__setErrNo', '$ERRNO_CODES'],
sysconf__proxy: 'sync',
sysconf__sig: 'ii',
sysconf: function(name) {
// long sysconf(int name);
switch(name) {
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_PAGE_SIZE') }}}: return PAGE_SIZE;
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_PHYS_PAGES') }}}:
#if WASM
var maxHeapSize = 2*1024*1024*1024 - 65536;
var maxHeapSize = 2*1024*1024*1024 - 16777216;
#if WASM_MEM_MAX != -1
maxHeapSize = {{{ WASM_MEM_MAX }}};
maxHeapSize = HEAPU8.length;
return maxHeapSize / PAGE_SIZE;
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_ADVISORY_INFO') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_BARRIERS') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_ASYNCHRONOUS_IO') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_CLOCK_SELECTION') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_CPUTIME') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_FSYNC') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_IPV6') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_MAPPED_FILES') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_MEMLOCK') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_MEMLOCK_RANGE') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_MEMORY_PROTECTION') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_MESSAGE_PASSING') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_MONOTONIC_CLOCK') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_PRIORITIZED_IO') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_RAW_SOCKETS') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_READER_WRITER_LOCKS') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_REALTIME_SIGNALS') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_SEMAPHORES') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_SHARED_MEMORY_OBJECTS') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_SPAWN') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_SPIN_LOCKS') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_SYNCHRONIZED_IO') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_THREAD_ATTR_STACKADDR') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_THREAD_ATTR_STACKSIZE') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_THREAD_CPUTIME') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_THREAD_PRIO_INHERIT') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_THREAD_PRIO_PROTECT') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_THREAD_PROCESS_SHARED') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_THREAD_SAFE_FUNCTIONS') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_THREADS') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_TIMEOUTS') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_TIMERS') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_VERSION') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_2_C_BIND') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_2_C_DEV') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_2_CHAR_TERM') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_2_LOCALEDEF') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_2_SW_DEV') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_2_VERSION') }}}:
return 200809;
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_THREAD_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING') }}}:
return 0;
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_MQ_OPEN_MAX') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_XOPEN_STREAMS') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_XBS5_LP64_OFF64') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_XBS5_LPBIG_OFFBIG') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_AIO_LISTIO_MAX') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_AIO_MAX') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_SPORADIC_SERVER') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_THREAD_SPORADIC_SERVER') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_TRACE') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_TRACE_EVENT_FILTER') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_TRACE_EVENT_NAME_MAX') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_TRACE_INHERIT') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_TRACE_LOG') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_TRACE_NAME_MAX') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_TRACE_SYS_MAX') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_TRACE_USER_EVENT_MAX') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_TYPED_MEMORY_OBJECTS') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_V6_LP64_OFF64') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_V6_LPBIG_OFFBIG') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_2_FORT_DEV') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_2_FORT_RUN') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_2_PBS') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_2_PBS_ACCOUNTING') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_2_PBS_CHECKPOINT') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_2_PBS_LOCATE') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_2_PBS_MESSAGE') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_2_PBS_TRACK') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_2_UPE') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_THREAD_THREADS_MAX') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_SEM_NSEMS_MAX') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_SYMLOOP_MAX') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_TIMER_MAX') }}}:
return -1;
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_V6_ILP32_OFF32') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_V6_ILP32_OFFBIG') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_JOB_CONTROL') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_REGEXP') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_SAVED_IDS') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_SHELL') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_XBS5_ILP32_OFF32') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_XBS5_ILP32_OFFBIG') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_XOPEN_CRYPT') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_XOPEN_ENH_I18N') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_XOPEN_LEGACY') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_XOPEN_REALTIME') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_XOPEN_REALTIME_THREADS') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_XOPEN_SHM') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_XOPEN_UNIX') }}}:
return 1;
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_THREAD_KEYS_MAX') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_IOV_MAX') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_GETGR_R_SIZE_MAX') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_GETPW_R_SIZE_MAX') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_OPEN_MAX') }}}:
return 1024;
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_RTSIG_MAX') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_EXPR_NEST_MAX') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_TTY_NAME_MAX') }}}:
return 32;
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_ATEXIT_MAX') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_DELAYTIMER_MAX') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_SEM_VALUE_MAX') }}}:
return 2147483647;
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_SIGQUEUE_MAX') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_CHILD_MAX') }}}:
return 47839;
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_BC_SCALE_MAX') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_BC_BASE_MAX') }}}:
return 99;
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_LINE_MAX') }}}:
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_BC_DIM_MAX') }}}:
return 2048;
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_ARG_MAX') }}}: return 2097152;
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_NGROUPS_MAX') }}}: return 65536;
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_MQ_PRIO_MAX') }}}: return 32768;
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_RE_DUP_MAX') }}}: return 32767;
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_THREAD_STACK_MIN') }}}: return 16384;
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_BC_STRING_MAX') }}}: return 1000;
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_XOPEN_VERSION') }}}: return 700;
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_LOGIN_NAME_MAX') }}}: return 256;
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_COLL_WEIGHTS_MAX') }}}: return 255;
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_CLK_TCK') }}}: return 100;
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_HOST_NAME_MAX') }}}: return 64;
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_AIO_PRIO_DELTA_MAX') }}}: return 20;
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_STREAM_MAX') }}}: return 16;
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_TZNAME_MAX') }}}: return 6;
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_THREAD_DESTRUCTOR_ITERATIONS') }}}: return 4;
case {{{ cDefine('_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN') }}}: {
if (typeof navigator === 'object') return navigator['hardwareConcurrency'] || 1;
return 1;
return -1;
// Implement a Linux-like 'memory area' for our 'process'.
// Changes the size of the memory area by |bytes|; returns the
// address of the previous top ('break') of the memory area
// We control the "dynamic" memory - DYNAMIC_BASE to DYNAMICTOP
sbrk__asm: true,
sbrk__sig: ['ii'],
sbrk__deps: ['__setErrNo'],
sbrk: function(increment) {
increment = increment|0;
var oldDynamicTop = 0;
var oldDynamicTopOnChange = 0;
var newDynamicTop = 0;
var totalMemory = 0;
totalMemory = getTotalMemory()|0;
// Perform a compare-and-swap loop to update the new dynamic top value. This is because
// this function can becalled simultaneously in multiple threads.
do {
oldDynamicTop = Atomics_load(HEAP32, DYNAMICTOP_PTR>>2)|0;
newDynamicTop = oldDynamicTop + increment | 0;
// Asking to increase dynamic top to a too high value? In pthreads builds we cannot
// enlarge memory, so this needs to fail.
if (((increment|0) > 0 & (newDynamicTop|0) < (oldDynamicTop|0)) // Detect and fail if we would wrap around signed 32-bit int.
| (newDynamicTop|0) < 0 // Also underflow, sbrk() should be able to be used to subtract.
| (newDynamicTop|0) > (totalMemory|0)) {
___setErrNo({{{ cDefine('ENOMEM') }}});
return -1;
// Attempt to update the dynamic top to new value. Another thread may have beat this thread to the update,
// in which case we will need to start over by iterating the loop body again.
oldDynamicTopOnChange = Atomics_compareExchange(HEAP32, DYNAMICTOP_PTR>>2, oldDynamicTop|0, newDynamicTop|0)|0;
} while((oldDynamicTopOnChange|0) != (oldDynamicTop|0));
#else // singlethreaded build: (-s USE_PTHREADS=0)
oldDynamicTop = HEAP32[DYNAMICTOP_PTR>>2]|0;
newDynamicTop = oldDynamicTop + increment | 0;
if (((increment|0) > 0 & (newDynamicTop|0) < (oldDynamicTop|0)) // Detect and fail if we would wrap around signed 32-bit int.
| (newDynamicTop|0) < 0) { // Also underflow, sbrk() should be able to be used to subtract.
___setErrNo({{{ cDefine('ENOMEM') }}});
return -1;
HEAP32[DYNAMICTOP_PTR>>2] = newDynamicTop;
totalMemory = getTotalMemory()|0;
if ((newDynamicTop|0) > (totalMemory|0)) {
if ((enlargeMemory()|0) == 0) {
HEAP32[DYNAMICTOP_PTR>>2] = oldDynamicTop;
___setErrNo({{{ cDefine('ENOMEM') }}});
return -1;
return oldDynamicTop|0;
brk__asm: true,
brk__sig: ['ii'],
brk: function(newDynamicTop) {
newDynamicTop = newDynamicTop|0;
var oldDynamicTop = 0;
var totalMemory = 0;
totalMemory = getTotalMemory()|0;
// Asking to increase dynamic top to a too high value? In pthreads builds we cannot
// enlarge memory, so this needs to fail.
if ((newDynamicTop|0) < 0 | (newDynamicTop|0) > (totalMemory|0)) {
___setErrNo({{{ cDefine('ENOMEM') }}});
return -1;
Atomics_store(HEAP32, DYNAMICTOP_PTR>>2, newDynamicTop|0)|0;
#else // singlethreaded build: (-s USE_PTHREADS=0)
if ((newDynamicTop|0) < 0) {
___setErrNo({{{ cDefine('ENOMEM') }}});
return -1;
oldDynamicTop = HEAP32[DYNAMICTOP_PTR>>2]|0;
HEAP32[DYNAMICTOP_PTR>>2] = newDynamicTop;
totalMemory = getTotalMemory()|0;
if ((newDynamicTop|0) > (totalMemory|0)) {
if ((enlargeMemory()|0) == 0) {
___setErrNo({{{ cDefine('ENOMEM') }}});
HEAP32[DYNAMICTOP_PTR>>2] = oldDynamicTop;
return -1;
return 0;
system__deps: ['__setErrNo', '$ERRNO_CODES'],
system: function(command) {
// int system(const char *command);
// Can't call external programs.
return -1;
// ==========================================================================
// stdlib.h
// ==========================================================================
// tiny, fake malloc/free implementation. If the program actually uses malloc,
// a compiled version will be used; this will only be used if the runtime
// needs to allocate something, for which this is good enough if otherwise
// no malloc is needed.
malloc: function(bytes) {
/* Over-allocate to make sure it is byte-aligned by 8.
* This will leak memory, but this is only the dummy
* implementation (replaced by dlmalloc normally) so
* not an issue.
warnOnce('using stub malloc (reference it from C to have the real one included)');
var ptr = dynamicAlloc(bytes + 8);
return (ptr+8) & 0xFFFFFFF8;
free: function() {
warnOnce('using stub free (reference it from C to have the real one included)');
abs: 'Math_abs',
labs: 'Math_abs',
exit__deps: ['_exit'],
exit: function(status) {
_Exit__deps: ['exit'],
_Exit: function(status) {
_ZSt9terminatev__deps: ['exit'],
_ZSt9terminatev: function() {
atexit__proxy: 'sync',
atexit__sig: 'ii',
atexit: function(func, arg) {
warnOnce('atexit() called, but EXIT_RUNTIME is not set, so atexits() will not be called. set EXIT_RUNTIME to 1 (see the FAQ)');
__ATEXIT__.unshift({ func: func, arg: arg });
__cxa_atexit: 'atexit',
// used in rust, clang when doing thread_local statics
__cxa_thread_atexit: 'atexit',
__cxa_thread_atexit_impl: 'atexit',
abort: function() {
__buildEnvironment__deps: ['$ENV'],
__buildEnvironment: function(environ) {
// WARNING: Arbitrary limit!
var MAX_ENV_VALUES = 64;
var TOTAL_ENV_SIZE = 1024;
// Statically allocate memory for the environment.
var poolPtr;
var envPtr;
if (!___buildEnvironment.called) {
___buildEnvironment.called = true;
// Set default values. Use string keys for Closure Compiler compatibility.
ENV['USER'] = ENV['LOGNAME'] = 'web_user';
ENV['PATH'] = '/';
ENV['PWD'] = '/';
ENV['HOME'] = '/home/web_user';
ENV['LANG'] = 'C.UTF-8';
ENV['_'] = Module['thisProgram'];
// Allocate memory.
poolPtr = getMemory(TOTAL_ENV_SIZE);
envPtr = getMemory(MAX_ENV_VALUES * {{{ Runtime.POINTER_SIZE }}});
{{{ makeSetValue('envPtr', '0', 'poolPtr', 'i8*') }}};
{{{ makeSetValue('environ', 0, 'envPtr', 'i8*') }}};
} else {
envPtr = {{{ makeGetValue('environ', '0', 'i8**') }}};
poolPtr = {{{ makeGetValue('envPtr', '0', 'i8*') }}};
// Collect key=value lines.
var strings = [];
var totalSize = 0;
for (var key in ENV) {
if (typeof ENV[key] === 'string') {
var line = key + '=' + ENV[key];
totalSize += line.length;
if (totalSize > TOTAL_ENV_SIZE) {
throw new Error('Environment size exceeded TOTAL_ENV_SIZE!');
// Make new.
var ptrSize = {{{ Runtime.getNativeTypeSize('i8*') }}};
for (var i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) {
var line = strings[i];
writeAsciiToMemory(line, poolPtr);
{{{ makeSetValue('envPtr', 'i * ptrSize', 'poolPtr', 'i8*') }}};
poolPtr += line.length + 1;
{{{ makeSetValue('envPtr', 'strings.length * ptrSize', '0', 'i8*') }}};
$ENV: {},
getenv__deps: ['$ENV'],
getenv__proxy: 'sync',
getenv__sig: 'ii',
getenv: function(name) {
// char *getenv(const char *name);
if (name === 0) return 0;
name = Pointer_stringify(name);
if (!ENV.hasOwnProperty(name)) return 0;
if (_getenv.ret) _free(_getenv.ret);
_getenv.ret = allocateUTF8(ENV[name]);
return _getenv.ret;
clearenv__deps: ['$ENV', '__buildEnvironment'],
clearenv__proxy: 'sync',
clearenv__sig: 'i',
clearenv: function() {
// int clearenv (void);
ENV = {};
return 0;
setenv__deps: ['$ENV', '__buildEnvironment', '$ERRNO_CODES', '__setErrNo'],
setenv__proxy: 'sync',
setenv__sig: 'iiii',
setenv: function(envname, envval, overwrite) {
// int setenv(const char *envname, const char *envval, int overwrite);
if (envname === 0) {
return -1;
var name = Pointer_stringify(envname);
var val = Pointer_stringify(envval);
if (name === '' || name.indexOf('=') !== -1) {
return -1;
if (ENV.hasOwnProperty(name) && !overwrite) return 0;
ENV[name] = val;
return 0;
unsetenv__deps: ['$ENV', '__buildEnvironment', '$ERRNO_CODES', '__setErrNo'],
unsetenv__proxy: 'sync',
unsetenv__sig: 'ii',
unsetenv: function(name) {
// int unsetenv(const char *name);
if (name === 0) {
return -1;
name = Pointer_stringify(name);
if (name === '' || name.indexOf('=') !== -1) {
return -1;
if (ENV.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
delete ENV[name];
return 0;
putenv__deps: ['$ENV', '__buildEnvironment', '$ERRNO_CODES', '__setErrNo'],
putenv__proxy: 'sync',
putenv__sig: 'ii',
putenv: function(string) {
// int putenv(char *string);
// WARNING: According to the standard (and the glibc implementation), the
// string is taken by reference so future changes are reflected.
// We copy it instead, possibly breaking some uses.
if (string === 0) {
return -1;
string = Pointer_stringify(string);
var splitPoint = string.indexOf('=')
if (string === '' || string.indexOf('=') === -1) {
return -1;
var name = string.slice(0, splitPoint);
var value = string.slice(splitPoint + 1);
if (!(name in ENV) || ENV[name] !== value) {
ENV[name] = value;
return 0;
getloadavg: function(loadavg, nelem) {
// int getloadavg(double loadavg[], int nelem);
var limit = Math.min(nelem, 3);
var doubleSize = {{{ Runtime.getNativeTypeSize('double') }}};
for (var i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
{{{ makeSetValue('loadavg', 'i * doubleSize', '0.1', 'double') }}};
return limit;
// For compatibility, call to rand() when code requests arc4random(), although this is *not* at all
// as strong as rc4 is. See
arc4random: 'rand',
// ==========================================================================
// string.h
// ==========================================================================
memcpy__inline: function(dest, src, num, align) {
var ret = '';
ret += makeCopyValues(dest, src, num, 'null', null, align);
return ret;
emscripten_memcpy_big: function(dest, src, num) {
HEAPU8.set(HEAPU8.subarray(src, src+num), dest);
return dest;
memcpy__asm: true,
memcpy__sig: 'iiii',
memcpy__deps: ['emscripten_memcpy_big'],
memcpy: function(dest, src, num) {
dest = dest|0; src = src|0; num = num|0;
var ret = 0;
var aligned_dest_end = 0;
var block_aligned_dest_end = 0;
var dest_end = 0;
// Test against a benchmarked cutoff limit for when HEAPU8.set() becomes faster to use.
if ((num|0) >=
#if SIMD
) {
return _emscripten_memcpy_big(dest|0, src|0, num|0)|0;
ret = dest|0;
dest_end = (dest + num)|0;
if ((dest&3) == (src&3)) {
// The initial unaligned < 4-byte front.
while (dest & 3) {
if ((num|0) == 0) return ret|0;
{{{ makeSetValueAsm('dest', 0, makeGetValueAsm('src', 0, 'i8'), 'i8') }}};
dest = (dest+1)|0;
src = (src+1)|0;
num = (num-1)|0;
aligned_dest_end = (dest_end & -4)|0;
block_aligned_dest_end = (aligned_dest_end - 64)|0;
while ((dest|0) <= (block_aligned_dest_end|0) ) {
#if SIMD
SIMD_Int32x4_store(HEAPU8, dest, SIMD_Int32x4_load(HEAPU8, src));
SIMD_Int32x4_store(HEAPU8, dest+16, SIMD_Int32x4_load(HEAPU8, src+16));
SIMD_Int32x4_store(HEAPU8, dest+32, SIMD_Int32x4_load(HEAPU8, src+32));
SIMD_Int32x4_store(HEAPU8, dest+48, SIMD_Int32x4_load(HEAPU8, src+48));
{{{ makeSetValueAsm('dest', 0, makeGetValueAsm('src', 0, 'i32'), 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValueAsm('dest', 4, makeGetValueAsm('src', 4, 'i32'), 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValueAsm('dest', 8, makeGetValueAsm('src', 8, 'i32'), 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValueAsm('dest', 12, makeGetValueAsm('src', 12, 'i32'), 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValueAsm('dest', 16, makeGetValueAsm('src', 16, 'i32'), 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValueAsm('dest', 20, makeGetValueAsm('src', 20, 'i32'), 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValueAsm('dest', 24, makeGetValueAsm('src', 24, 'i32'), 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValueAsm('dest', 28, makeGetValueAsm('src', 28, 'i32'), 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValueAsm('dest', 32, makeGetValueAsm('src', 32, 'i32'), 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValueAsm('dest', 36, makeGetValueAsm('src', 36, 'i32'), 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValueAsm('dest', 40, makeGetValueAsm('src', 40, 'i32'), 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValueAsm('dest', 44, makeGetValueAsm('src', 44, 'i32'), 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValueAsm('dest', 48, makeGetValueAsm('src', 48, 'i32'), 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValueAsm('dest', 52, makeGetValueAsm('src', 52, 'i32'), 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValueAsm('dest', 56, makeGetValueAsm('src', 56, 'i32'), 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValueAsm('dest', 60, makeGetValueAsm('src', 60, 'i32'), 'i32') }}};
dest = (dest+64)|0;
src = (src+64)|0;
while ((dest|0) < (aligned_dest_end|0) ) {
{{{ makeSetValueAsm('dest', 0, makeGetValueAsm('src', 0, 'i32'), 'i32') }}};
dest = (dest+4)|0;
src = (src+4)|0;
} else {
// In the unaligned copy case, unroll a bit as well.
aligned_dest_end = (dest_end - 4)|0;
while ((dest|0) < (aligned_dest_end|0) ) {
{{{ makeSetValueAsm('dest', 0, makeGetValueAsm('src', 0, 'i8'), 'i8') }}};
{{{ makeSetValueAsm('dest', 1, makeGetValueAsm('src', 1, 'i8'), 'i8') }}};
{{{ makeSetValueAsm('dest', 2, makeGetValueAsm('src', 2, 'i8'), 'i8') }}};
{{{ makeSetValueAsm('dest', 3, makeGetValueAsm('src', 3, 'i8'), 'i8') }}};
dest = (dest+4)|0;
src = (src+4)|0;
// The remaining unaligned < 4 byte tail.
while ((dest|0) < (dest_end|0)) {
{{{ makeSetValueAsm('dest', 0, makeGetValueAsm('src', 0, 'i8'), 'i8') }}};
dest = (dest+1)|0;
src = (src+1)|0;
return ret|0;
llvm_memcpy_i32: 'memcpy',
llvm_memcpy_i64: 'memcpy',
llvm_memcpy_p0i8_p0i8_i32: 'memcpy',
llvm_memcpy_p0i8_p0i8_i64: 'memcpy',
memmove__sig: 'iiii',
memmove__asm: true,
memmove__deps: ['memcpy'],
memmove: function(dest, src, num) {
dest = dest|0; src = src|0; num = num|0;
var ret = 0;
if (((src|0) < (dest|0)) & ((dest|0) < ((src + num)|0))) {
// Unlikely case: Copy backwards in a safe manner
ret = dest;
src = (src + num)|0;
dest = (dest + num)|0;
while ((num|0) > 0) {
dest = (dest - 1)|0;
src = (src - 1)|0;
num = (num - 1)|0;
{{{ makeSetValueAsm('dest', 0, makeGetValueAsm('src', 0, 'i8'), 'i8') }}};
dest = ret;
} else {
_memcpy(dest, src, num) | 0;
return dest | 0;
llvm_memmove_i32: 'memmove',
llvm_memmove_i64: 'memmove',
llvm_memmove_p0i8_p0i8_i32: 'memmove',
llvm_memmove_p0i8_p0i8_i64: 'memmove',
memset__inline: function(ptr, value, num, align) {
return makeSetValues(ptr, 0, value, 'null', num, align);
memset__sig: 'iiii',
memset__asm: true,
memset: function(ptr, value, num) {
ptr = ptr|0; value = value|0; num = num|0;
var end = 0, aligned_end = 0, block_aligned_end = 0, value4 = 0;
#if SIMD
var value16 = SIMD_Int32x4(0,0,0,0);
end = (ptr + num)|0;
value = value & 0xff;
if ((num|0) >= 67 /* 64 bytes for an unrolled loop + 3 bytes for unaligned head*/) {
while ((ptr&3) != 0) {
{{{ makeSetValueAsm('ptr', 0, 'value', 'i8') }}};
ptr = (ptr+1)|0;
aligned_end = (end & -4)|0;
block_aligned_end = (aligned_end - 64)|0;
value4 = value | (value << 8) | (value << 16) | (value << 24);
#if SIMD
value16 = SIMD_Int32x4_splat(value4);
while((ptr|0) <= (block_aligned_end|0)) {
#if SIMD
SIMD_Int32x4_store(HEAPU8, ptr, value16);
SIMD_Int32x4_store(HEAPU8, ptr+16, value16);
SIMD_Int32x4_store(HEAPU8, ptr+32, value16);
SIMD_Int32x4_store(HEAPU8, ptr+48, value16);
{{{ makeSetValueAsm('ptr', 0, 'value4', 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValueAsm('ptr', 4, 'value4', 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValueAsm('ptr', 8, 'value4', 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValueAsm('ptr', 12, 'value4', 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValueAsm('ptr', 16, 'value4', 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValueAsm('ptr', 20, 'value4', 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValueAsm('ptr', 24, 'value4', 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValueAsm('ptr', 28, 'value4', 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValueAsm('ptr', 32, 'value4', 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValueAsm('ptr', 36, 'value4', 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValueAsm('ptr', 40, 'value4', 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValueAsm('ptr', 44, 'value4', 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValueAsm('ptr', 48, 'value4', 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValueAsm('ptr', 52, 'value4', 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValueAsm('ptr', 56, 'value4', 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValueAsm('ptr', 60, 'value4', 'i32') }}};
ptr = (ptr + 64)|0;
while ((ptr|0) < (aligned_end|0) ) {
{{{ makeSetValueAsm('ptr', 0, 'value4', 'i32') }}};
ptr = (ptr+4)|0;
// The remaining bytes.
while ((ptr|0) < (end|0)) {
{{{ makeSetValueAsm('ptr', 0, 'value', 'i8') }}};
ptr = (ptr+1)|0;
return (end-num)|0;
llvm_memset_i32: 'memset',
llvm_memset_p0i8_i32: 'memset',
llvm_memset_p0i8_i64: 'memset',
// ==========================================================================
// GCC/LLVM specifics
// ==========================================================================
__builtin_prefetch: function(){},
// ==========================================================================
// LLVM specifics
// ==========================================================================
llvm_va_start__inline: function(ptr) {
// varargs - we received a pointer to the varargs as a final 'extra' parameter called 'varrp'
// 2-word structure: struct { void* start; void* currentOffset; }
return makeSetValue(ptr, 0, 'varrp', 'void*') + ';' + makeSetValue(ptr, Runtime.QUANTUM_SIZE, 0, 'void*');
llvm_va_end: function() {},
llvm_va_copy: function(ppdest, ppsrc) {
// copy the list start
{{{ makeCopyValues('ppdest', 'ppsrc', Runtime.QUANTUM_SIZE, 'null', null, 1) }}};
// copy the list's current offset (will be advanced with each call to va_arg)
{{{ makeCopyValues('(ppdest+'+Runtime.QUANTUM_SIZE+')', '(ppsrc+'+Runtime.QUANTUM_SIZE+')', Runtime.QUANTUM_SIZE, 'null', null, 1) }}};
llvm_bswap_i16__asm: true,
llvm_bswap_i16__sig: 'ii',
llvm_bswap_i16: function(x) {
x = x|0;
return (((x&0xff)<<8) | ((x>>8)&0xff))|0;
llvm_bswap_i32__asm: true,
llvm_bswap_i32__sig: 'ii',
llvm_bswap_i32: function(x) {
x = x|0;
return (((x&0xff)<<24) | (((x>>8)&0xff)<<16) | (((x>>16)&0xff)<<8) | (x>>>24))|0;
llvm_bswap_i64__deps: ['llvm_bswap_i32'],
llvm_bswap_i64: function(l, h) {
var retl = _llvm_bswap_i32(h)>>>0;
var reth = _llvm_bswap_i32(l)>>>0;
{{{ makeStructuralReturn(['retl', 'reth']) }}};
llvm_ctlz_i8__asm: true,
llvm_ctlz_i8__sig: 'ii',
llvm_ctlz_i8: function(x, isZeroUndef) {
x = x | 0;
isZeroUndef = isZeroUndef | 0;
return (Math_clz32(x & 0xff) | 0) - 24 | 0;
llvm_ctlz_i16__asm: true,
llvm_ctlz_i16__sig: 'ii',
llvm_ctlz_i16: function(x, isZeroUndef) {
x = x | 0;
isZeroUndef = isZeroUndef | 0;
return (Math_clz32(x & 0xffff) | 0) - 16 | 0
llvm_ctlz_i64__asm: true,
llvm_ctlz_i64__sig: 'iii',
llvm_ctlz_i64: function(l, h, isZeroUndef) {
l = l | 0;
h = h | 0;
isZeroUndef = isZeroUndef | 0;
var ret = 0;
ret = Math_clz32(h) | 0;
if ((ret | 0) == 32) ret = ret + (Math_clz32(l) | 0) | 0;
{{{ makeSetTempRet0('0') }}};
return ret | 0;
#if WASM == 0 // binaryen will convert these calls to wasm anyhow
llvm_cttz_i32__asm: true,
llvm_cttz_i32__sig: 'ii',
llvm_cttz_i32: function(x) { // Note: Currently doesn't take isZeroUndef()
x = x | 0;
return (x ? (31 - (Math_clz32((x ^ (x - 1))) | 0) | 0) : 32) | 0;
llvm_cttz_i64__deps: ['llvm_cttz_i32'],
llvm_cttz_i64: function(l, h) {
var ret = _llvm_cttz_i32(l);
if (ret == 32) ret += _llvm_cttz_i32(h);
{{{ makeStructuralReturn(['ret', '0']) }}};
llvm_ctpop_i32__asm: true,
llvm_ctpop_i32__sig: 'ii',
llvm_ctpop_i32: function(x) {
x = x | 0;
x = x - ((x >>> 1) & 0x55555555) | 0;
x = (x & 0x33333333) + ((x >>> 2) & 0x33333333) | 0;
return (Math_imul((x + (x >>> 4) & 252645135 /* 0xF0F0F0F, but hits uglify parse bug? */), 0x1010101) >>> 24) | 0;
llvm_ctpop_i64__deps: ['llvm_ctpop_i32'],
llvm_ctpop_i64__asm: true,
llvm_ctpop_i64__sig: 'iii',
llvm_ctpop_i64: function(l, h) {
l = l | 0;
h = h | 0;
return (_llvm_ctpop_i32(l) | 0) + (_llvm_ctpop_i32(h) | 0) | 0;
llvm_trap: function() {
llvm_prefetch: function(){},
__assert_fail: function(condition, filename, line, func) {
abort('Assertion failed: ' + Pointer_stringify(condition) + ', at: ' + [filename ? Pointer_stringify(filename) : 'unknown filename', line, func ? Pointer_stringify(func) : 'unknown function']);
__assert_func: function(filename, line, func, condition) {
abort('Assertion failed: ' + (condition ? Pointer_stringify(condition) : 'unknown condition') + ', at: ' + [filename ? Pointer_stringify(filename) : 'unknown filename', line, func ? Pointer_stringify(func) : 'unknown function']);
last: 0,
caught: [],
infos: {},
deAdjust: function(adjusted) {
if (!adjusted || EXCEPTIONS.infos[adjusted]) return adjusted;
for (var key in EXCEPTIONS.infos) {
var ptr = +key; // the iteration key is a string, and if we throw this, it must be an integer as that is what we look for
var info = EXCEPTIONS.infos[ptr];
if (info.adjusted === adjusted) {
err('de-adjusted exception ptr ' + adjusted + ' to ' + ptr);
return ptr;
err('no de-adjustment for unknown exception ptr ' + adjusted);
return adjusted;
addRef: function(ptr) {
err('addref ' + ptr);
if (!ptr) return;
var info = EXCEPTIONS.infos[ptr];
decRef: function(ptr) {
err('decref ' + ptr);
if (!ptr) return;
var info = EXCEPTIONS.infos[ptr];
assert(info.refcount > 0);
// A rethrown exception can reach refcount 0; it must not be discarded
// Its next handler will clear the rethrown flag and addRef it, prior to
// final decRef and destruction here
if (info.refcount === 0 && !info.rethrown) {
if (info.destructor) {
Module['dynCall_vi'](info.destructor, ptr);
// In Wasm, destructors return 'this' as in ARM
Module['dynCall_ii'](info.destructor, ptr);
delete EXCEPTIONS.infos[ptr];
err('decref freeing exception ' + [ptr, EXCEPTIONS.last, 'stack', EXCEPTIONS.caught]);
clearRef: function(ptr) {
if (!ptr) return;
var info = EXCEPTIONS.infos[ptr];
info.refcount = 0;
// Exceptions
__cxa_allocate_exception__deps: ['malloc'],
__cxa_allocate_exception: function(size) {
return _malloc(size);
__cxa_free_exception__deps: ['free'],
__cxa_free_exception: function(ptr) {
try {
return _free(ptr);
} catch(e) { // XXX FIXME
err('exception during cxa_free_exception: ' + e);
__cxa_increment_exception_refcount__deps: ['$EXCEPTIONS'],
__cxa_increment_exception_refcount: function(ptr) {
__cxa_decrement_exception_refcount__deps: ['$EXCEPTIONS'],
__cxa_decrement_exception_refcount: function(ptr) {
// Here, we throw an exception after recording a couple of values that we need to remember
// We also remember that it was the last exception thrown as we need to know that later.
__cxa_throw__sig: 'viii',
__cxa_throw__deps: ['_ZSt18uncaught_exceptionv', '__cxa_find_matching_catch', '$EXCEPTIONS'],
__cxa_throw: function(ptr, type, destructor) {
err('Compiled code throwing an exception, ' + [ptr,type,destructor]);
EXCEPTIONS.infos[ptr] = {
ptr: ptr,
adjusted: ptr,
type: type,
destructor: destructor,
refcount: 0,
caught: false,
rethrown: false
EXCEPTIONS.last = ptr;
if (!("uncaught_exception" in __ZSt18uncaught_exceptionv)) {
__ZSt18uncaught_exceptionv.uncaught_exception = 1;
} else {
{{{ makeThrow('ptr') }}}
// This exception will be caught twice, but while begin_catch runs twice,
// we early-exit from end_catch when the exception has been rethrown, so
// pop that here from the caught exceptions.
__cxa_rethrow__deps: ['__cxa_end_catch', '$EXCEPTIONS'],
__cxa_rethrow: function() {
var ptr = EXCEPTIONS.caught.pop();
ptr = EXCEPTIONS.deAdjust(ptr);
if (!EXCEPTIONS.infos[ptr].rethrown) {
// Only pop if the corresponding push was through rethrow_primary_exception
EXCEPTIONS.infos[ptr].rethrown = true;
err('Compiled code RE-throwing an exception, popped ' + [ptr, EXCEPTIONS.last, 'stack', EXCEPTIONS.caught]);
EXCEPTIONS.last = ptr;
{{{ makeThrow('ptr') }}}
llvm_eh_exception__deps: ['$EXCEPTIONS'],
llvm_eh_exception: function() {
return EXCEPTIONS.last;
llvm_eh_selector__jsargs: true,
llvm_eh_selector__deps: ['$EXCEPTIONS'],
llvm_eh_selector: function(unused_exception_value, personality/*, varargs*/) {
var type = EXCEPTIONS.last;
for (var i = 2; i < arguments.length; i++) {
if (arguments[i] == type) return type;
return 0;
llvm_eh_typeid_for: function(type) {
return type;
__cxa_begin_catch__deps: ['_ZSt18uncaught_exceptionv', '$EXCEPTIONS'],
__cxa_begin_catch: function(ptr) {
var info = EXCEPTIONS.infos[ptr];
if (info && !info.caught) {
info.caught = true;
if (info) info.rethrown = false;
err('cxa_begin_catch ' + [ptr, 'stack', EXCEPTIONS.caught]);
return ptr;
// We're done with a catch. Now, we can run the destructor if there is one
// and free the exception. Note that if the dynCall on the destructor fails
// due to calling apply on undefined, that means that the destructor is
// an invalid index into the FUNCTION_TABLE, so something has gone wrong.
__cxa_end_catch__deps: ['__cxa_free_exception', '$EXCEPTIONS'],
__cxa_end_catch: function() {
// Clear state flag.
// Call destructor if one is registered then clear it.
var ptr = EXCEPTIONS.caught.pop();
err('cxa_end_catch popped ' + [ptr, EXCEPTIONS.last, 'stack', EXCEPTIONS.caught]);
if (ptr) {
EXCEPTIONS.last = 0; // XXX in decRef?
__cxa_get_exception_ptr: function(ptr) {
err('cxa_get_exception_ptr ' + ptr);
// TODO: use info.adjusted?
return ptr;
_ZSt18uncaught_exceptionv: function() { // std::uncaught_exception()
return !!__ZSt18uncaught_exceptionv.uncaught_exception;
__cxa_uncaught_exception__deps: ['_ZSt18uncaught_exceptionv'],
__cxa_uncaught_exception: function() {
return !!__ZSt18uncaught_exceptionv.uncaught_exception;
__cxa_call_unexpected: function(exception) {
err('Unexpected exception thrown, this is not properly supported - aborting');
ABORT = true;
throw exception;
__cxa_current_primary_exception: function() {
var ret = EXCEPTIONS.caught[EXCEPTIONS.caught.length-1] || 0;
if (ret) EXCEPTIONS.addRef(EXCEPTIONS.deAdjust(ret));
return ret;
__cxa_rethrow_primary_exception__deps: ['__cxa_rethrow'],
__cxa_rethrow_primary_exception: function(ptr) {
if (!ptr) return;
EXCEPTIONS.infos[ptr].rethrown = true;
terminate: '__cxa_call_unexpected',
__gxx_personality_v0__deps: ['_ZSt18uncaught_exceptionv', '__cxa_find_matching_catch'],
__gxx_personality_v0: function() {
__gcc_personality_v0: function() {
// Finds a suitable catch clause for when an exception is thrown.
// In normal compilers, this functionality is handled by the C++
// 'personality' routine. This is passed a fairly complex structure
// relating to the context of the exception and makes judgements
// about how to handle it. Some of it is about matching a suitable
// catch clause, and some of it is about unwinding. We already handle
// unwinding using 'if' blocks around each function, so the remaining
// functionality boils down to picking a suitable 'catch' block.
// We'll do that here, instead, to keep things simpler.
__cxa_find_matching_catch__deps: ['__resumeException', '$EXCEPTIONS'],
__cxa_find_matching_catch: function() {
var thrown = EXCEPTIONS.last;
if (!thrown) {
// just pass through the null ptr
{{{ makeStructuralReturn([0, 0]) }}};
var info = EXCEPTIONS.infos[thrown];
var throwntype = info.type;
if (!throwntype) {
// just pass through the thrown ptr
{{{ makeStructuralReturn(['thrown', 0]) }}};
var typeArray =;
var pointer = Module['___cxa_is_pointer_type'](throwntype);
// can_catch receives a **, add indirection
if (!___cxa_find_matching_catch.buffer) ___cxa_find_matching_catch.buffer = _malloc(4);
out("can_catch on " + [thrown]);
{{{ makeSetValue('___cxa_find_matching_catch.buffer', '0', 'thrown', '*') }}};
thrown = ___cxa_find_matching_catch.buffer;
// The different catch blocks are denoted by different types.
// Due to inheritance, those types may not precisely match the
// type of the thrown object. Find one which matches, and
// return the type of the catch block which should be called.
for (var i = 0; i < typeArray.length; i++) {
if (typeArray[i] && Module['___cxa_can_catch'](typeArray[i], throwntype, thrown)) {
thrown = {{{ makeGetValue('thrown', '0', '*') }}}; // undo indirection
info.adjusted = thrown;
out(" can_catch found " + [thrown, typeArray[i]]);
{{{ makeStructuralReturn(['thrown', 'typeArray[i]']) }}};
// Shouldn't happen unless we have bogus data in typeArray
// or encounter a type for which emscripten doesn't have suitable
// typeinfo defined. Best-efforts match just in case.
thrown = {{{ makeGetValue('thrown', '0', '*') }}}; // undo indirection
{{{ makeStructuralReturn(['thrown', 'throwntype']) }}};
__resumeException__deps: ['$EXCEPTIONS', function() { Functions.libraryFunctions['___resumeException'] = 1 }], // will be called directly from compiled code
__resumeException: function(ptr) {
out("Resuming exception " + [ptr, EXCEPTIONS.last]);
if (!EXCEPTIONS.last) { EXCEPTIONS.last = ptr; }
{{{ makeThrow('ptr') }}}
llvm_stacksave: function() {
var self = _llvm_stacksave;
return self.LLVM_SAVEDSTACKS.length-1;
llvm_stackrestore: function(p) {
var self = _llvm_stacksave;
var ret = self.LLVM_SAVEDSTACKS[p];
self.LLVM_SAVEDSTACKS.splice(p, 1);
__cxa_pure_virtual: function() {
ABORT = true;
throw 'Pure virtual function called!';
llvm_flt_rounds: function() {
return -1; // 'indeterminable' for FLT_ROUNDS
llvm_expect_i32__inline: function(val, expected) {
return '(' + val + ')';
llvm_objectsize_i32: function() { return -1 }, // TODO: support this
llvm_dbg_declare__inline: function() { throw 'llvm_debug_declare' }, // avoid warning
llvm_bitreverse_i32__asm: true,
llvm_bitreverse_i32__sig: 'ii',
llvm_bitreverse_i32: function(x) {
x = x|0;
x = ((x & 0xaaaaaaaa) >>> 1) | ((x & 0x55555555) << 1);
x = ((x & 0xcccccccc) >>> 2) | ((x & 0x33333333) << 2);
x = ((x & 0xf0f0f0f0) >>> 4) | ((x & 0x0f0f0f0f) << 4);
x = ((x & 0xff00ff00) >>> 8) | ((x & 0x00ff00ff) << 8);
return (x >>> 16) | (x << 16);
// llvm-nacl
llvm_nacl_atomic_store_i32__inline: true,
llvm_nacl_atomic_cmpxchg_i8__inline: true,
llvm_nacl_atomic_cmpxchg_i16__inline: true,
llvm_nacl_atomic_cmpxchg_i32__inline: true,
// ==========================================================================
// llvm-mono integration
// ==========================================================================
llvm_mono_load_i8_p0i8: function(ptr) {
return {{{ makeGetValue('ptr', 0, 'i8') }}};
llvm_mono_store_i8_p0i8: function(value, ptr) {
{{{ makeSetValue('ptr', 0, 'value', 'i8') }}};
llvm_mono_load_i16_p0i16: function(ptr) {
return {{{ makeGetValue('ptr', 0, 'i16') }}};
llvm_mono_store_i16_p0i16: function(value, ptr) {
{{{ makeSetValue('ptr', 0, 'value', 'i16') }}};
llvm_mono_load_i32_p0i32: function(ptr) {
return {{{ makeGetValue('ptr', 0, 'i32') }}};
llvm_mono_store_i32_p0i32: function(value, ptr) {
{{{ makeSetValue('ptr', 0, 'value', 'i32') }}};
// ==========================================================================
// math.h
// ==========================================================================
cos: 'Math_cos',
cosf: 'Math_cos',
cosl: 'Math_cos',
sin: 'Math_sin',
sinf: 'Math_sin',
sinl: 'Math_sin',
tan: 'Math_tan',
tanf: 'Math_tan',
tanl: 'Math_tan',
acos: 'Math_acos',
acosf: 'Math_acos',
acosl: 'Math_acos',
asin: 'Math_asin',
asinf: 'Math_asin',
asinl: 'Math_asin',
atan: 'Math_atan',
atanf: 'Math_atan',
atanl: 'Math_atan',
atan2: 'Math_atan2',
atan2f: 'Math_atan2',
atan2l: 'Math_atan2',
exp: 'Math_exp',
expf: 'Math_exp',
expl: 'Math_exp',
log: 'Math_log',
logf: 'Math_log',
logl: 'Math_log',
sqrt: 'Math_sqrt',
sqrtf: 'Math_sqrt',
sqrtl: 'Math_sqrt',
fabs: 'Math_abs',
fabsf: 'Math_abs',
fabsl: 'Math_abs',
llvm_fabs_f32: 'Math_abs',
llvm_fabs_f64: 'Math_abs',
ceil: 'Math_ceil',
ceilf: 'Math_ceil',
ceill: 'Math_ceil',
floor: 'Math_floor',
floorf: 'Math_floor',
floorl: 'Math_floor',
pow: 'Math_pow',
powf: 'Math_pow',
powl: 'Math_pow',
llvm_sqrt_f32: 'Math_sqrt',
llvm_sqrt_f64: 'Math_sqrt',
llvm_pow_f32: 'Math_pow',
llvm_pow_f64: 'Math_pow',
llvm_powi_f32: 'Math_pow',
llvm_powi_f64: 'Math_pow',
llvm_log_f32: 'Math_log',
llvm_log_f64: 'Math_log',
llvm_exp_f32: 'Math_exp',
llvm_exp_f64: 'Math_exp',
llvm_cos_f32: 'Math_cos',
llvm_cos_f64: 'Math_cos',
llvm_sin_f32: 'Math_sin',
llvm_sin_f64: 'Math_sin',
llvm_trunc_f32: 'Math_trunc',
llvm_trunc_f64: 'Math_trunc',
llvm_ceil_f32: 'Math_ceil',
llvm_ceil_f64: 'Math_ceil',
llvm_floor_f32: 'Math_floor',
llvm_floor_f64: 'Math_floor',
llvm_exp2_f32: function(x) {
return Math.pow(2, x);
llvm_exp2_f64: 'llvm_exp2_f32',
llvm_log2_f32: function(x) {
return Math.log(x) / Math.LN2; // TODO: Math.log2, when browser support is there
llvm_log2_f64: 'llvm_log2_f32',
llvm_log10_f32: function(x) {
return Math.log(x) / Math.LN10; // TODO: Math.log10, when browser support is there
llvm_log10_f64: 'llvm_log10_f32',
llvm_copysign_f32: function(x, y) {
return y < 0 || (y === 0 && 1/y < 0) ? -Math_abs(x) : Math_abs(x);
llvm_copysign_f64: function(x, y) {
return y < 0 || (y === 0 && 1/y < 0) ? -Math_abs(x) : Math_abs(x);
round__asm: true,
round__sig: 'dd',
round: function(d) {
d = +d;
return d >= +0 ? +Math_floor(d + +0.5) : +Math_ceil(d - +0.5);
roundf__asm: true,
roundf__sig: 'ff',
roundf: function(d) {
d = +d;
return d >= +0 ? +Math_floor(d + +0.5) : +Math_ceil(d - +0.5);
llvm_round_f64__asm: true,
llvm_round_f64__sig: 'dd',
llvm_round_f64: function(d) {
d = +d;
return d >= +0 ? +Math_floor(d + +0.5) : +Math_ceil(d - +0.5);
llvm_round_f32__asm: true,
llvm_round_f32__sig: 'ff',
llvm_round_f32: function(f) {
f = +f;
return f >= +0 ? +Math_floor(f + +0.5) : +Math_ceil(f - +0.5); // TODO: use fround?
rintf__asm: true,
rintf__sig: 'ff',
rintf__deps: ['round'],
rintf: function(f) {
f = +f;
return (f - +Math_floor(f) != .5) ? +_round(f) : +_round(f / +2) * +2;
// TODO: fround?
llvm_rint_f32__asm: true,
llvm_rint_f32__sig: 'ff',
llvm_rint_f32__deps: ['roundf'],
llvm_rint_f32: function(f) {
f = +f;
return (f - +Math_floor(f) != .5) ? +_roundf(f) : +_roundf(f / +2) * +2;
llvm_rint_f64__asm: true,
llvm_rint_f64__sig: 'dd',
llvm_rint_f64__deps: ['round'],
llvm_rint_f64: function(f) {
f = +f;
return (f - +Math_floor(f) != .5) ? +_round(f) : +_round(f / +2) * +2;
// TODO: fround?
llvm_nearbyint_f32__asm: true,
llvm_nearbyint_f32__sig: 'ff',
llvm_nearbyint_f32__deps: ['roundf'],
llvm_nearbyint_f32: function(f) {
f = +f;
return (f - +Math_floor(f) != .5) ? +_roundf(f) : +_roundf(f / +2) * +2;
llvm_nearbyint_f64__asm: true,
llvm_nearbyint_f64__sig: 'dd',
llvm_nearbyint_f64__deps: ['round'],
llvm_nearbyint_f64: function(f) {
f = +f;
return (f - +Math_floor(f) != .5) ? +_round(f) : +_round(f / +2) * +2;
// min/max num do not quite match the behavior of JS and wasm min/max:
// llvm and libc return the non-NaN if one is NaN, while JS and wasm
// return the NaN :(
// see also
llvm_minnum_f32__asm: true,
llvm_minnum_f32__sig: 'ff',
llvm_minnum_f32: function(x, y) {
x = +x;
y = +y;
if (x != x) return +y;
if (y != y) return +x;
return +Math_min(+x, +y);
llvm_minnum_f64__asm: true,
llvm_minnum_f64__sig: 'dd',
llvm_minnum_f64: function(x, y) {
x = +x;
y = +y;
if (x != x) return +y;
if (y != y) return +x;
return +Math_min(+x, +y);
llvm_maxnum_f32__asm: true,
llvm_maxnum_f32__sig: 'ff',
llvm_maxnum_f32: function(x, y) {
x = +x;
y = +y;
if (x != x) return +y;
if (y != y) return +x;
return +Math_max(+x, +y);
llvm_maxnum_f64__asm: true,
llvm_maxnum_f64__sig: 'dd',
llvm_maxnum_f64: function(x, y) {
x = +x;
y = +y;
if (x != x) return +y;
if (y != y) return +x;
return +Math_max(+x, +y);
_reallyNegative: function(x) {
return x < 0 || (x === 0 && (1/x) === -Infinity);
// ==========================================================================
// dlfcn.h - Dynamic library loading
// Some limitations:
// * Minification on each file separately may not work, as they will
// have different shortened names. You can in theory combine them, then
// minify, then split... perhaps.
// * LLVM optimizations may fail. If the child wants to access a function
// in the parent, LLVM opts may remove it from the parent when it is
// being compiled. Not sure how to tell LLVM to not do so.
// ==========================================================================
error: null,
errorMsg: null,
// next free handle to use for a loaded dso.
// (handle=0 is avoided as it means "error" in dlopen)
nextHandle: 1,
loadedLibs: {}, // handle -> [refcount, name, lib_object]
loadedLibNames: {}, // name -> handle
// void* dlopen(const char* filename, int flag);
dlopen__deps: ['$DLFCN', '$FS', '$ENV'],
dlopen__proxy: 'sync',
dlopen__sig: 'iii',
dlopen: function(filenameAddr, flag) {
#if MAIN_MODULE == 0
abort("To use dlopen, you need to use Emscripten's linking support, see");
// void *dlopen(const char *file, int mode);
var searchpaths = [];
var filename;
if (filenameAddr === 0) {
filename = '__self__';
} else {
filename = Pointer_stringify(filenameAddr);
var isValidFile = function (filename) {
var target = FS.findObject(filename);
return target && !target.isFolder && !target.isDevice;
if (!isValidFile(filename)) {
searchpaths = ENV['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'].split(':');
for (var ident in searchpaths) {
var searchfile = PATH.join2(searchpaths[ident], filename);
if (isValidFile(searchfile)) {
filename = searchfile;
if (DLFCN.loadedLibNames[filename]) {
// Already loaded; increment ref count and return.
var handle = DLFCN.loadedLibNames[filename];
return handle;
var lib_module;
if (filename === '__self__') {
var handle = -1;
lib_module = Module;
} else {
if (Module['preloadedWasm'] !== undefined &&
Module['preloadedWasm'][filename] !== undefined) {
lib_module = Module['preloadedWasm'][filename];
} else {
var target = FS.findObject(filename);
if (!target || target.isFolder || target.isDevice) {
DLFCN.errorMsg = 'Could not find dynamic lib: ' + filename;
return 0;
try {
#if WASM
// the shared library is a shared wasm library (see tools/ WebAssembly.make_shared_library)
var lib_data = FS.readFile(filename, { encoding: 'binary' });
if (!(lib_data instanceof Uint8Array)) lib_data = new Uint8Array(lib_data);
//err('libfile ' + filename + ' size: ' + lib_data.length);
lib_module = loadWebAssemblyModule(lib_data);
// the shared library is a JS file, which we eval
var lib_data = FS.readFile(filename, { encoding: 'utf8' });
lib_module = eval(lib_data)(
} catch (e) {
err('Error in loading dynamic library: ' + e);
DLFCN.errorMsg = 'Could not evaluate dynamic lib: ' + filename + '\n' + e;
return 0;
var handle = DLFCN.nextHandle++;
// We don't care about RTLD_NOW and RTLD_LAZY.
if (flag & 256) { // RTLD_GLOBAL
for (var ident in lib_module) {
if (lib_module.hasOwnProperty(ident)) {
// When RTLD_GLOBAL is enable, the symbols defined by this shared object will be made
// available for symbol resolution of subsequently loaded shared objects.
// We should copy the symbols (which include methods and variables) from SIDE_MODULE to MAIN_MODULE.
// Module of SIDE_MODULE has not only the symbols (which should be copied)
// but also others (print*, asmGlobal*, FUNCTION_TABLE_**, NAMED_GLOBALS, and so on).
// When the symbol (which should be copied) is method, Module._* 's type becomes function.
// When the symbol (which should be copied) is variable, Module._* 's type becomes number.
// Except for the symbol prefix (_), there is no difference in the symbols (which should be copied) and others.
// So this just copies over compiled symbols (which start with _).
if (ident[0] == '_') {
Module[ident] = lib_module[ident];
DLFCN.loadedLibs[handle] = {
refcount: 1,
name: filename,
module: lib_module
DLFCN.loadedLibNames[filename] = handle;
return handle;
// int dlclose(void* handle);
dlclose__deps: ['$DLFCN'],
dlclose__proxy: 'sync',
dlclose__sig: 'ii',
dlclose: function(handle) {
// int dlclose(void *handle);
if (!DLFCN.loadedLibs[handle]) {
DLFCN.errorMsg = 'Tried to dlclose() unopened handle: ' + handle;
return 1;
} else {
var lib_record = DLFCN.loadedLibs[handle];
if (--lib_record.refcount == 0) {
if (lib_record.module.cleanups) {
lib_record.module.cleanups.forEach(function(cleanup) { cleanup() });
delete DLFCN.loadedLibNames[];
delete DLFCN.loadedLibs[handle];
return 0;
// void* dlsym(void* handle, const char* symbol);
dlsym__deps: ['$DLFCN'],
dlsym__proxy: 'sync',
dlsym__sig: 'iii',
dlsym: function(handle, symbol) {
// void *dlsym(void *restrict handle, const char *restrict name);
symbol = Pointer_stringify(symbol);
if (!DLFCN.loadedLibs[handle]) {
DLFCN.errorMsg = 'Tried to dlsym() from an unopened handle: ' + handle;
return 0;
} else {
var lib = DLFCN.loadedLibs[handle];
symbol = '_' + symbol;
if (!lib.module.hasOwnProperty(symbol)) {
DLFCN.errorMsg = ('Tried to lookup unknown symbol "' + symbol +
'" in dynamic lib: ' +;
return 0;
} else {
var result = lib.module[symbol];
if (typeof result === 'function') {
#if WASM
// for wasm with emulated function pointers, the i64 ABI is used for all
// function calls, so we can't just call addFunction on something JS
// can call (which does not use that ABI), as the function pointer would
// not be usable from wasm. instead, the wasm has exported function pointers
// for everything we need, with prefix fp$, use those
result = lib.module['fp$' + symbol];
if (typeof result === 'object') {
// a breaking change in the wasm spec, globals are now objects
result = result.value;
assert(typeof result === 'number', 'could not find function pointer for ' + symbol);
#endif // ASSERTIONS
return result;
#endif // WASM
// convert the exported function into a function pointer using our generic
// JS mechanism.
return addFunction(result);
return result;
// char* dlerror(void);
dlerror__deps: ['$DLFCN'],
dlerror__proxy: 'sync',
dlerror__sig: 'i',
dlerror: function() {
// char *dlerror(void);
if (DLFCN.errorMsg === null) {
return 0;
} else {
if (DLFCN.error) _free(DLFCN.error);
var msgArr = intArrayFromString(DLFCN.errorMsg);
DLFCN.error = allocate(msgArr, 'i8', ALLOC_NORMAL);
DLFCN.errorMsg = null;
return DLFCN.error;
dladdr__proxy: 'sync',
dladdr__sig: 'iii',
dladdr: function(addr, info) {
// report all function pointers as coming from this program itself XXX not really correct in any way
var fname = allocate(intArrayFromString(Module['thisProgram'] || './this.program'), 'i8', ALLOC_NORMAL); // XXX leak
{{{ makeSetValue('info', 0, 'fname', 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValue('info', QUANTUM_SIZE, '0', 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValue('info', QUANTUM_SIZE*2, '0', 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValue('info', QUANTUM_SIZE*3, '0', 'i32') }}};
return 1;
// ==========================================================================
// pwd.h
// ==========================================================================
// TODO: Implement.
getpwuid: function(uid) {
return 0; // NULL
// ==========================================================================
// time.h
// ==========================================================================
clock: function() {
if (_clock.start === undefined) _clock.start =;
return (( - _clock.start) * ({{{ cDefine('CLOCKS_PER_SEC') }}} / 1000))|0;
time: function(ptr) {
var ret = (|0;
if (ptr) {
{{{ makeSetValue('ptr', 0, 'ret', 'i32') }}};
return ret;
difftime: function(time1, time0) {
return time1 - time0;
// Statically allocated time struct.
__tm_current: '; if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) ___tm_current = PthreadWorkerInit.___tm_current; else PthreadWorkerInit.___tm_current = ___tm_current = allocate({{{ }}}, "i8", ALLOC_STATIC)',
__tm_timezone: '; if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) ___tm_timezone = PthreadWorkerInit.___tm_timezone; else PthreadWorkerInit.___tm_timezone = ___tm_timezone = allocate(intArrayFromString("GMT"), "i8", ALLOC_STATIC)',
__tm_formatted: '; if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) ___tm_formatted = PthreadWorkerInit.___tm_formatted; else PthreadWorkerInit.___tm_formatted = ___tm_formatted = allocate({{{ }}}, "i8", ALLOC_STATIC)',
__tm_current: '{{{ makeStaticAlloc( }}}',
// Statically allocated copy of the string "GMT" for gmtime() to point to
__tm_timezone: 'allocate(intArrayFromString("GMT"), "i8", ALLOC_STATIC)',
// Statically allocated time strings.
__tm_formatted: '{{{ makeStaticAlloc( }}}',
mktime__deps: ['tzset'],
mktime: function(tmPtr) {
var date = new Date({{{ makeGetValue('tmPtr',, 'i32') }}} + 1900,
{{{ makeGetValue('tmPtr',, 'i32') }}},
{{{ makeGetValue('tmPtr',, 'i32') }}},
{{{ makeGetValue('tmPtr',, 'i32') }}},
{{{ makeGetValue('tmPtr',, 'i32') }}},
{{{ makeGetValue('tmPtr',, 'i32') }}},
// There's an ambiguous hour when the time goes back; the tm_isdst field is
// used to disambiguate it. Date() basically guesses, so we fix it up if it
// guessed wrong, or fill in tm_isdst with the guess if it's -1.
var dst = {{{ makeGetValue('tmPtr',, 'i32') }}};
var guessedOffset = date.getTimezoneOffset();
var start = new Date(date.getFullYear(), 0, 1);
var summerOffset = new Date(2000, 6, 1).getTimezoneOffset();
var winterOffset = start.getTimezoneOffset();
var dstOffset = Math.min(winterOffset, summerOffset); // DST is in December in South
if (dst < 0) {
// Attention: some regions don't have DST at all.
{{{ makeSetValue('tmPtr',, 'Number(summerOffset != winterOffset && dstOffset == guessedOffset)', 'i32') }}};
} else if ((dst > 0) != (dstOffset == guessedOffset)) {
var nonDstOffset = Math.max(winterOffset, summerOffset);
var trueOffset = dst > 0 ? dstOffset : nonDstOffset;
// Don't try setMinutes(date.getMinutes() + ...) -- it's messed up.
date.setTime(date.getTime() + (trueOffset - guessedOffset)*60000);
{{{ makeSetValue('tmPtr',, 'date.getDay()', 'i32') }}};
var yday = ((date.getTime() - start.getTime()) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24))|0;
{{{ makeSetValue('tmPtr',, 'yday', 'i32') }}};
return (date.getTime() / 1000)|0;
timelocal: 'mktime',
gmtime__deps: ['__tm_current', 'gmtime_r'],
gmtime: function(time) {
return _gmtime_r(time, ___tm_current);
gmtime_r__deps: ['__tm_timezone'],
gmtime_r: function(time, tmPtr) {
var date = new Date({{{ makeGetValue('time', 0, 'i32') }}}*1000);
{{{ makeSetValue('tmPtr',, 'date.getUTCSeconds()', 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValue('tmPtr',, 'date.getUTCMinutes()', 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValue('tmPtr',, 'date.getUTCHours()', 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValue('tmPtr',, 'date.getUTCDate()', 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValue('tmPtr',, 'date.getUTCMonth()', 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValue('tmPtr',, 'date.getUTCFullYear()-1900', 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValue('tmPtr',, 'date.getUTCDay()', 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValue('tmPtr',, '0', 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValue('tmPtr',, '0', 'i32') }}};
var start = Date.UTC(date.getUTCFullYear(), 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
var yday = ((date.getTime() - start) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24))|0;
{{{ makeSetValue('tmPtr',, 'yday', 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValue('tmPtr',, '___tm_timezone', 'i32') }}};
return tmPtr;
timegm__deps: ['tzset'],
timegm: function(tmPtr) {
var time = Date.UTC({{{ makeGetValue('tmPtr',, 'i32') }}} + 1900,
{{{ makeGetValue('tmPtr',, 'i32') }}},
{{{ makeGetValue('tmPtr',, 'i32') }}},
{{{ makeGetValue('tmPtr',, 'i32') }}},
{{{ makeGetValue('tmPtr',, 'i32') }}},
{{{ makeGetValue('tmPtr',, 'i32') }}},
var date = new Date(time);
{{{ makeSetValue('tmPtr',, 'date.getUTCDay()', 'i32') }}};
var start = Date.UTC(date.getUTCFullYear(), 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
var yday = ((date.getTime() - start) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24))|0;
{{{ makeSetValue('tmPtr',, 'yday', 'i32') }}};
return (date.getTime() / 1000)|0;
localtime__deps: ['__tm_current', 'localtime_r'],
localtime: function(time) {
return _localtime_r(time, ___tm_current);
localtime_r__deps: ['__tm_timezone', 'tzset'],
localtime_r: function(time, tmPtr) {
var date = new Date({{{ makeGetValue('time', 0, 'i32') }}}*1000);
{{{ makeSetValue('tmPtr',, 'date.getSeconds()', 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValue('tmPtr',, 'date.getMinutes()', 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValue('tmPtr',, 'date.getHours()', 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValue('tmPtr',, 'date.getDate()', 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValue('tmPtr',, 'date.getMonth()', 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValue('tmPtr',, 'date.getFullYear()-1900', 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValue('tmPtr',, 'date.getDay()', 'i32') }}};
var start = new Date(date.getFullYear(), 0, 1);
var yday = ((date.getTime() - start.getTime()) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24))|0;
{{{ makeSetValue('tmPtr',, 'yday', 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValue('tmPtr',, '-(date.getTimezoneOffset() * 60)', 'i32') }}};
// Attention: DST is in December in South, and some regions don't have DST at all.
var summerOffset = new Date(2000, 6, 1).getTimezoneOffset();
var winterOffset = start.getTimezoneOffset();
var dst = (summerOffset != winterOffset && date.getTimezoneOffset() == Math.min(winterOffset, summerOffset))|0;
{{{ makeSetValue('tmPtr',, 'dst', 'i32') }}};
var zonePtr = {{{ makeGetValue('__get_tzname()', 'dst ? ' + Runtime.QUANTUM_SIZE + ' : 0', 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValue('tmPtr',, 'zonePtr', 'i32') }}};
return tmPtr;
asctime__deps: ['__tm_formatted', 'asctime_r'],
asctime: function(tmPtr) {
return _asctime_r(tmPtr, ___tm_formatted);
asctime_r__deps: ['__tm_formatted', 'mktime'],
asctime_r: function(tmPtr, buf) {
var date = {
tm_sec: {{{ makeGetValue('tmPtr',, 'i32') }}},
tm_min: {{{ makeGetValue('tmPtr',, 'i32') }}},
tm_hour: {{{ makeGetValue('tmPtr',, 'i32') }}},
tm_mday: {{{ makeGetValue('tmPtr',, 'i32') }}},
tm_mon: {{{ makeGetValue('tmPtr',, 'i32') }}},
tm_year: {{{ makeGetValue('tmPtr',, 'i32') }}},
tm_wday: {{{ makeGetValue('tmPtr',, 'i32') }}}
var days = [ "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat" ];
var months = [ "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun",
"Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" ];
var s = days[date.tm_wday] + ' ' + months[date.tm_mon] +
(date.tm_mday < 10 ? ' ' : ' ') + date.tm_mday +
(date.tm_hour < 10 ? ' 0' : ' ') + date.tm_hour +
(date.tm_min < 10 ? ':0' : ':') + date.tm_min +
(date.tm_sec < 10 ? ':0' : ':') + date.tm_sec +
' ' + (1900 + date.tm_year) + "\n";
// asctime_r is specced to behave in an undefined manner if the algorithm would attempt
// to write out more than 26 bytes (including the null terminator).
// See
// Our undefined behavior is to truncate the write to at most 26 bytes, including null terminator.
stringToUTF8(s, buf, 26);
return buf;
ctime__deps: ['__tm_current', 'ctime_r'],
ctime: function(timer) {
return _ctime_r(timer, ___tm_current);
ctime_r__deps: ['localtime_r', 'asctime_r'],
ctime_r: function(time, buf) {
var stack = stackSave();
var rv = _asctime_r(_localtime_r(time, stackAlloc({{{ }}})), buf);
return rv;
dysize: function(year) {
var leap = ((year % 4 == 0) && ((year % 100 != 0) || (year % 400 == 0)));
return leap ? 366 : 365;
// TODO: Initialize these to defaults on startup from system settings.
// Note: glibc has one fewer underscore for all of these. Also used in other related functions (timegm)
tzset__proxy: 'sync',
tzset__sig: 'v',
tzset: function() {
// TODO: Use (malleable) environment variables instead of system settings.
if (_tzset.called) return;
_tzset.called = true;
// timezone is specified as seconds west of UTC ("The external variable
// `timezone` shall be set to the difference, in seconds, between
// Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and local standard time."), the same
// as returned by getTimezoneOffset().
// See
{{{ makeSetValue('__get_timezone()', '0', '(new Date()).getTimezoneOffset() * 60', 'i32') }}};
var winter = new Date(2000, 0, 1);
var summer = new Date(2000, 6, 1);
{{{ makeSetValue('__get_daylight()', '0', 'Number(winter.getTimezoneOffset() != summer.getTimezoneOffset())', 'i32') }}};
function extractZone(date) {
var match = date.toTimeString().match(/\(([A-Za-z ]+)\)$/);
return match ? match[1] : "GMT";
var winterName = extractZone(winter);
var summerName = extractZone(summer);
var winterNamePtr = allocate(intArrayFromString(winterName), 'i8', ALLOC_NORMAL);
var summerNamePtr = allocate(intArrayFromString(summerName), 'i8', ALLOC_NORMAL);
if (summer.getTimezoneOffset() < winter.getTimezoneOffset()) {
// Northern hemisphere
{{{ makeSetValue('__get_tzname()', '0', 'winterNamePtr', 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValue('__get_tzname()', Runtime.QUANTUM_SIZE, 'summerNamePtr', 'i32') }}};
} else {
{{{ makeSetValue('__get_tzname()', '0', 'summerNamePtr', 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValue('__get_tzname()', Runtime.QUANTUM_SIZE, 'winterNamePtr', 'i32') }}};
stime__deps: ['$ERRNO_CODES', '__setErrNo'],
stime: function(when) {
return -1;
__map_file__deps: ['$ERRNO_CODES', '__setErrNo'],
__map_file: function(pathname, size) {
return -1;
_MONTH_DAYS_REGULAR: [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31],
_MONTH_DAYS_LEAP: [31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31],
_isLeapYear: function(year) {
return year%4 === 0 && (year%100 !== 0 || year%400 === 0);
_arraySum: function(array, index) {
var sum = 0;
for (var i = 0; i <= index; sum += array[i++]);
return sum;
_addDays__deps: ['_isLeapYear', '_MONTH_DAYS_LEAP', '_MONTH_DAYS_REGULAR'],
_addDays: function(date, days) {
var newDate = new Date(date.getTime());
while(days > 0) {
var leap = __isLeapYear(newDate.getFullYear());
var currentMonth = newDate.getMonth();
var daysInCurrentMonth = (leap ? __MONTH_DAYS_LEAP : __MONTH_DAYS_REGULAR)[currentMonth];
if (days > daysInCurrentMonth-newDate.getDate()) {
// we spill over to next month
days -= (daysInCurrentMonth-newDate.getDate()+1);
if (currentMonth < 11) {
} else {
} else {
// we stay in current month
return newDate;
return newDate;
strftime__deps: ['_isLeapYear', '_arraySum', '_addDays', '_MONTH_DAYS_REGULAR', '_MONTH_DAYS_LEAP'],
strftime: function(s, maxsize, format, tm) {
// size_t strftime(char *restrict s, size_t maxsize, const char *restrict format, const struct tm *restrict timeptr);
var tm_zone = {{{ makeGetValue('tm',, 'i32') }}};
var date = {
tm_sec: {{{ makeGetValue('tm',, 'i32') }}},
tm_min: {{{ makeGetValue('tm',, 'i32') }}},
tm_hour: {{{ makeGetValue('tm',, 'i32') }}},
tm_mday: {{{ makeGetValue('tm',, 'i32') }}},
tm_mon: {{{ makeGetValue('tm',, 'i32') }}},
tm_year: {{{ makeGetValue('tm',, 'i32') }}},
tm_wday: {{{ makeGetValue('tm',, 'i32') }}},
tm_yday: {{{ makeGetValue('tm',, 'i32') }}},
tm_isdst: {{{ makeGetValue('tm',, 'i32') }}},
tm_gmtoff: {{{ makeGetValue('tm',, 'i32') }}},
tm_zone: tm_zone ? Pointer_stringify(tm_zone) : ''
var pattern = Pointer_stringify(format);
// expand format
'%c': '%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y', // Replaced by the locale's appropriate date and time representation - e.g., Mon Aug 3 14:02:01 2013
'%D': '%m/%d/%y', // Equivalent to %m / %d / %y
'%F': '%Y-%m-%d', // Equivalent to %Y - %m - %d
'%h': '%b', // Equivalent to %b
'%r': '%I:%M:%S %p', // Replaced by the time in a.m. and p.m. notation
'%R': '%H:%M', // Replaced by the time in 24-hour notation
'%T': '%H:%M:%S', // Replaced by the time
'%x': '%m/%d/%y', // Replaced by the locale's appropriate date representation
'%X': '%H:%M:%S' // Replaced by the locale's appropriate date representation
for (var rule in EXPANSION_RULES_1) {
pattern = pattern.replace(new RegExp(rule, 'g'), EXPANSION_RULES_1[rule]);
var WEEKDAYS = ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'];
var MONTHS = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'];
function leadingSomething(value, digits, character) {
var str = typeof value === 'number' ? value.toString() : (value || '');
while (str.length < digits) {
str = character[0]+str;
return str;
function leadingNulls(value, digits) {
return leadingSomething(value, digits, '0');
function compareByDay(date1, date2) {
function sgn(value) {
return value < 0 ? -1 : (value > 0 ? 1 : 0);
var compare;
if ((compare = sgn(date1.getFullYear()-date2.getFullYear())) === 0) {
if ((compare = sgn(date1.getMonth()-date2.getMonth())) === 0) {
compare = sgn(date1.getDate()-date2.getDate());
return compare;
function getFirstWeekStartDate(janFourth) {
switch (janFourth.getDay()) {
case 0: // Sunday
return new Date(janFourth.getFullYear()-1, 11, 29);
case 1: // Monday
return janFourth;
case 2: // Tuesday
return new Date(janFourth.getFullYear(), 0, 3);
case 3: // Wednesday
return new Date(janFourth.getFullYear(), 0, 2);
case 4: // Thursday
return new Date(janFourth.getFullYear(), 0, 1);
case 5: // Friday
return new Date(janFourth.getFullYear()-1, 11, 31);
case 6: // Saturday
return new Date(janFourth.getFullYear()-1, 11, 30);
function getWeekBasedYear(date) {
var thisDate = __addDays(new Date(date.tm_year+1900, 0, 1), date.tm_yday);
var janFourthThisYear = new Date(thisDate.getFullYear(), 0, 4);
var janFourthNextYear = new Date(thisDate.getFullYear()+1, 0, 4);
var firstWeekStartThisYear = getFirstWeekStartDate(janFourthThisYear);
var firstWeekStartNextYear = getFirstWeekStartDate(janFourthNextYear);
if (compareByDay(firstWeekStartThisYear, thisDate) <= 0) {
// this date is after the start of the first week of this year
if (compareByDay(firstWeekStartNextYear, thisDate) <= 0) {
return thisDate.getFullYear()+1;
} else {
return thisDate.getFullYear();
} else {
return thisDate.getFullYear()-1;
'%a': function(date) {
return WEEKDAYS[date.tm_wday].substring(0,3);
'%A': function(date) {
return WEEKDAYS[date.tm_wday];
'%b': function(date) {
return MONTHS[date.tm_mon].substring(0,3);
'%B': function(date) {
return MONTHS[date.tm_mon];
'%C': function(date) {
var year = date.tm_year+1900;
return leadingNulls((year/100)|0,2);
'%d': function(date) {
return leadingNulls(date.tm_mday, 2);
'%e': function(date) {
return leadingSomething(date.tm_mday, 2, ' ');
'%g': function(date) {
// %g, %G, and %V give values according to the ISO 8601:2000 standard week-based year.
// In this system, weeks begin on a Monday and week 1 of the year is the week that includes
// January 4th, which is also the week that includes the first Thursday of the year, and
// is also the first week that contains at least four days in the year.
// If the first Monday of January is the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th, the preceding days are part of
// the last week of the preceding year; thus, for Saturday 2nd January 1999,
// %G is replaced by 1998 and %V is replaced by 53. If December 29th, 30th,
// or 31st is a Monday, it and any following days are part of week 1 of the following year.
// Thus, for Tuesday 30th December 1997, %G is replaced by 1998 and %V is replaced by 01.
return getWeekBasedYear(date).toString().substring(2);
'%G': function(date) {
return getWeekBasedYear(date);
'%H': function(date) {
return leadingNulls(date.tm_hour, 2);
'%I': function(date) {
var twelveHour = date.tm_hour;
if (twelveHour == 0) twelveHour = 12;
else if (twelveHour > 12) twelveHour -= 12;
return leadingNulls(twelveHour, 2);
'%j': function(date) {
// Day of the year (001-366)
return leadingNulls(date.tm_mday+__arraySum(__isLeapYear(date.tm_year+1900) ? __MONTH_DAYS_LEAP : __MONTH_DAYS_REGULAR, date.tm_mon-1), 3);
'%m': function(date) {
return leadingNulls(date.tm_mon+1, 2);
'%M': function(date) {
return leadingNulls(date.tm_min, 2);
'%n': function() {
return '\n';
'%p': function(date) {
if (date.tm_hour >= 0 && date.tm_hour < 12) {
return 'AM';
} else {
return 'PM';
'%S': function(date) {
return leadingNulls(date.tm_sec, 2);
'%t': function() {
return '\t';
'%u': function(date) {
var day = new Date(date.tm_year+1900, date.tm_mon+1, date.tm_mday, 0, 0, 0, 0);
return day.getDay() || 7;
'%U': function(date) {
// Replaced by the week number of the year as a decimal number [00,53].
// The first Sunday of January is the first day of week 1;
// days in the new year before this are in week 0. [ tm_year, tm_wday, tm_yday]
var janFirst = new Date(date.tm_year+1900, 0, 1);
var firstSunday = janFirst.getDay() === 0 ? janFirst : __addDays(janFirst, 7-janFirst.getDay());
var endDate = new Date(date.tm_year+1900, date.tm_mon, date.tm_mday);
// is target date after the first Sunday?
if (compareByDay(firstSunday, endDate) < 0) {
// calculate difference in days between first Sunday and endDate
var februaryFirstUntilEndMonth = __arraySum(__isLeapYear(endDate.getFullYear()) ? __MONTH_DAYS_LEAP : __MONTH_DAYS_REGULAR, endDate.getMonth()-1)-31;
var firstSundayUntilEndJanuary = 31-firstSunday.getDate();
var days = firstSundayUntilEndJanuary+februaryFirstUntilEndMonth+endDate.getDate();
return leadingNulls(Math.ceil(days/7), 2);
return compareByDay(firstSunday, janFirst) === 0 ? '01': '00';
'%V': function(date) {
// Replaced by the week number of the year (Monday as the first day of the week)
// as a decimal number [01,53]. If the week containing 1 January has four
// or more days in the new year, then it is considered week 1.
// Otherwise, it is the last week of the previous year, and the next week is week 1.
// Both January 4th and the first Thursday of January are always in week 1. [ tm_year, tm_wday, tm_yday]
var janFourthThisYear = new Date(date.tm_year+1900, 0, 4);
var janFourthNextYear = new Date(date.tm_year+1901, 0, 4);
var firstWeekStartThisYear = getFirstWeekStartDate(janFourthThisYear);
var firstWeekStartNextYear = getFirstWeekStartDate(janFourthNextYear);
var endDate = __addDays(new Date(date.tm_year+1900, 0, 1), date.tm_yday);
if (compareByDay(endDate, firstWeekStartThisYear) < 0) {
// if given date is before this years first week, then it belongs to the 53rd week of last year
return '53';
if (compareByDay(firstWeekStartNextYear, endDate) <= 0) {
// if given date is after next years first week, then it belongs to the 01th week of next year
return '01';
// given date is in between CW 01..53 of this calendar year
var daysDifference;
if (firstWeekStartThisYear.getFullYear() < date.tm_year+1900) {
// first CW of this year starts last year
daysDifference = date.tm_yday+32-firstWeekStartThisYear.getDate()
} else {
// first CW of this year starts this year
daysDifference = date.tm_yday+1-firstWeekStartThisYear.getDate();
return leadingNulls(Math.ceil(daysDifference/7), 2);
'%w': function(date) {
var day = new Date(date.tm_year+1900, date.tm_mon+1, date.tm_mday, 0, 0, 0, 0);
return day.getDay();
'%W': function(date) {
// Replaced by the week number of the year as a decimal number [00,53].
// The first Monday of January is the first day of week 1;
// days in the new year before this are in week 0. [ tm_year, tm_wday, tm_yday]
var janFirst = new Date(date.tm_year, 0, 1);
var firstMonday = janFirst.getDay() === 1 ? janFirst : __addDays(janFirst, janFirst.getDay() === 0 ? 1 : 7-janFirst.getDay()+1);
var endDate = new Date(date.tm_year+1900, date.tm_mon, date.tm_mday);
// is target date after the first Monday?
if (compareByDay(firstMonday, endDate) < 0) {
var februaryFirstUntilEndMonth = __arraySum(__isLeapYear(endDate.getFullYear()) ? __MONTH_DAYS_LEAP : __MONTH_DAYS_REGULAR, endDate.getMonth()-1)-31;
var firstMondayUntilEndJanuary = 31-firstMonday.getDate();
var days = firstMondayUntilEndJanuary+februaryFirstUntilEndMonth+endDate.getDate();
return leadingNulls(Math.ceil(days/7), 2);
return compareByDay(firstMonday, janFirst) === 0 ? '01': '00';
'%y': function(date) {
// Replaced by the last two digits of the year as a decimal number [00,99]. [ tm_year]
return (date.tm_year+1900).toString().substring(2);
'%Y': function(date) {
// Replaced by the year as a decimal number (for example, 1997). [ tm_year]
return date.tm_year+1900;
'%z': function(date) {
// Replaced by the offset from UTC in the ISO 8601:2000 standard format ( +hhmm or -hhmm ).
// For example, "-0430" means 4 hours 30 minutes behind UTC (west of Greenwich).
var off = date.tm_gmtoff;
var ahead = off >= 0;
off = Math.abs(off) / 60;
// convert from minutes into hhmm format (which means 60 minutes = 100 units)
off = (off / 60)*100 + (off % 60);
return (ahead ? '+' : '-') + String("0000" + off).slice(-4);
'%Z': function(date) {
return date.tm_zone;
'%%': function() {
return '%';
for (var rule in EXPANSION_RULES_2) {
if (pattern.indexOf(rule) >= 0) {
pattern = pattern.replace(new RegExp(rule, 'g'), EXPANSION_RULES_2[rule](date));
var bytes = intArrayFromString(pattern, false);
if (bytes.length > maxsize) {
return 0;
writeArrayToMemory(bytes, s);
return bytes.length-1;
strftime_l__deps: ['strftime'],
strftime_l: function(s, maxsize, format, tm) {
return _strftime(s, maxsize, format, tm); // no locale support yet
strptime__deps: ['_isLeapYear', '_arraySum', '_addDays', '_MONTH_DAYS_REGULAR', '_MONTH_DAYS_LEAP'],
strptime: function(buf, format, tm) {
// char *strptime(const char *restrict buf, const char *restrict format, struct tm *restrict tm);
var pattern = Pointer_stringify(format);
// escape special characters
// TODO: not sure we really need to escape all of these in JS regexps
var SPECIAL_CHARS = '\\!@#$^&*()+=-[]/{}|:<>?,.';
for (var i=0, ii=SPECIAL_CHARS.length; i<ii; ++i) {
pattern = pattern.replace(new RegExp('\\'+SPECIAL_CHARS[i], 'g'), '\\'+SPECIAL_CHARS[i]);
// reduce number of matchers
'%A': '%a',
'%B': '%b',
'%c': '%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y',
'%D': '%m\\/%d\\/%y',
'%e': '%d',
'%F': '%Y-%m-%d',
'%h': '%b',
'%R': '%H\\:%M',
'%r': '%I\\:%M\\:%S\\s%p',
'%T': '%H\\:%M\\:%S',
'%x': '%m\\/%d\\/(?:%y|%Y)',
'%X': '%H\\:%M\\:%S'
for (var matcher in EQUIVALENT_MATCHERS) {
pattern = pattern.replace(matcher, EQUIVALENT_MATCHERS[matcher]);
// TODO: take care of locale
/* weeday name */ '%a': '(?:Sun(?:day)?)|(?:Mon(?:day)?)|(?:Tue(?:sday)?)|(?:Wed(?:nesday)?)|(?:Thu(?:rsday)?)|(?:Fri(?:day)?)|(?:Sat(?:urday)?)',
/* month name */ '%b': '(?:Jan(?:uary)?)|(?:Feb(?:ruary)?)|(?:Mar(?:ch)?)|(?:Apr(?:il)?)|May|(?:Jun(?:e)?)|(?:Jul(?:y)?)|(?:Aug(?:ust)?)|(?:Sep(?:tember)?)|(?:Oct(?:ober)?)|(?:Nov(?:ember)?)|(?:Dec(?:ember)?)',
/* century */ '%C': '\\d\\d',
/* day of month */ '%d': '0[1-9]|[1-9](?!\\d)|1\\d|2\\d|30|31',
/* hour (24hr) */ '%H': '\\d(?!\\d)|[0,1]\\d|20|21|22|23',
/* hour (12hr) */ '%I': '\\d(?!\\d)|0\\d|10|11|12',
/* day of year */ '%j': '00[1-9]|0?[1-9](?!\\d)|0?[1-9]\\d(?!\\d)|[1,2]\\d\\d|3[0-6]\\d',
/* month */ '%m': '0[1-9]|[1-9](?!\\d)|10|11|12',
/* minutes */ '%M': '0\\d|\\d(?!\\d)|[1-5]\\d',
/* whitespace */ '%n': '\\s',
/* AM/PM */ '%p': 'AM|am|PM|pm|A\\.M\\.|a\\.m\\.|P\\.M\\.|p\\.m\\.',
/* seconds */ '%S': '0\\d|\\d(?!\\d)|[1-5]\\d|60',
/* week number */ '%U': '0\\d|\\d(?!\\d)|[1-4]\\d|50|51|52|53',
/* week number */ '%W': '0\\d|\\d(?!\\d)|[1-4]\\d|50|51|52|53',
/* weekday number */ '%w': '[0-6]',
/* 2-digit year */ '%y': '\\d\\d',
/* 4-digit year */ '%Y': '\\d\\d\\d\\d',
/* % */ '%%': '%',
/* whitespace */ '%t': '\\s',
var MONTH_NUMBERS = {JAN: 0, FEB: 1, MAR: 2, APR: 3, MAY: 4, JUN: 5, JUL: 6, AUG: 7, SEP: 8, OCT: 9, NOV: 10, DEC: 11};
var DAY_NUMBERS_SUN_FIRST = {SUN: 0, MON: 1, TUE: 2, WED: 3, THU: 4, FRI: 5, SAT: 6};
var DAY_NUMBERS_MON_FIRST = {MON: 0, TUE: 1, WED: 2, THU: 3, FRI: 4, SAT: 5, SUN: 6};
for (var datePattern in DATE_PATTERNS) {
pattern = pattern.replace(datePattern, '('+datePattern+DATE_PATTERNS[datePattern]+')');
// take care of capturing groups
var capture = [];
for (var i=pattern.indexOf('%'); i>=0; i=pattern.indexOf('%')) {
pattern = pattern.replace(new RegExp('\\%'+pattern[i+1], 'g'), '');
var matches = new RegExp('^'+pattern, "i").exec(Pointer_stringify(buf))
// out(Pointer_stringify(buf)+ ' is matched by '+((new RegExp('^'+pattern)).source)+' into: '+JSON.stringify(matches));
function initDate() {
function fixup(value, min, max) {
return (typeof value !== 'number' || isNaN(value)) ? min : (value>=min ? (value<=max ? value: max): min);
return {
year: fixup({{{ makeGetValue('tm',, 'i32', 0, 0, 1) }}} + 1900 , 1970, 9999),
month: fixup({{{ makeGetValue('tm',, 'i32', 0, 0, 1) }}}, 0, 11),
day: fixup({{{ makeGetValue('tm',, 'i32', 0, 0, 1) }}}, 1, 31),
hour: fixup({{{ makeGetValue('tm',, 'i32', 0, 0, 1) }}}, 0, 23),
min: fixup({{{ makeGetValue('tm',, 'i32', 0, 0, 1) }}}, 0, 59),
sec: fixup({{{ makeGetValue('tm',, 'i32', 0, 0, 1) }}}, 0, 59)
if (matches) {
var date = initDate();
var value;
function getMatch(symbol) {
var pos = capture.indexOf(symbol);
// check if symbol appears in regexp
if (pos >= 0) {
// return matched value or null (falsy!) for non-matches
return matches[pos+1];
// seconds
if ((value=getMatch('S'))) {
date.sec = parseInt(value);
// minutes
if ((value=getMatch('M'))) {
date.min = parseInt(value);
// hours
if ((value=getMatch('H'))) {
// 24h clock
date.hour = parseInt(value);
} else if ((value = getMatch('I'))) {
// AM/PM clock
var hour = parseInt(value);
if ((value=getMatch('p'))) {
hour += value.toUpperCase()[0] === 'P' ? 12 : 0;
date.hour = hour;
// year
if ((value=getMatch('Y'))) {
// parse from four-digit year
date.year = parseInt(value);
} else if ((value=getMatch('y'))) {
// parse from two-digit year...
var year = parseInt(value);
if ((value=getMatch('C'))) {
// ...and century
year += parseInt(value)*100;
} else {
// ...and rule-of-thumb
year += year<69 ? 2000 : 1900;
date.year = year;
// month
if ((value=getMatch('m'))) {
// parse from month number
date.month = parseInt(value)-1;
} else if ((value=getMatch('b'))) {
// parse from month name
date.month = MONTH_NUMBERS[value.substring(0,3).toUpperCase()] || 0;
// TODO: derive month from day in year+year, week number+day of week+year
// day
if ((value=getMatch('d'))) {
// get day of month directly = parseInt(value);
} else if ((value=getMatch('j'))) {
// get day of month from day of year ...
var day = parseInt(value);
var leapYear = __isLeapYear(date.year);
for (var month=0; month<12; ++month) {
var daysUntilMonth = __arraySum(leapYear ? __MONTH_DAYS_LEAP : __MONTH_DAYS_REGULAR, month-1);
if (day<=daysUntilMonth+(leapYear ? __MONTH_DAYS_LEAP : __MONTH_DAYS_REGULAR)[month]) { = day-daysUntilMonth;
} else if ((value=getMatch('a'))) {
// get day of month from weekday ...
var weekDay = value.substring(0,3).toUpperCase();
if ((value=getMatch('U'))) {
// ... and week number (Sunday being first day of week)
// Week number of the year (Sunday as the first day of the week) as a decimal number [00,53].
// All days in a new year preceding the first Sunday are considered to be in week 0.
var weekDayNumber = DAY_NUMBERS_SUN_FIRST[weekDay];
var weekNumber = parseInt(value);
// January 1st
var janFirst = new Date(date.year, 0, 1);
var endDate;
if (janFirst.getDay() === 0) {
// Jan 1st is a Sunday, and, hence in the 1st CW
endDate = __addDays(janFirst, weekDayNumber+7*(weekNumber-1));
} else {
// Jan 1st is not a Sunday, and, hence still in the 0th CW
endDate = __addDays(janFirst, 7-janFirst.getDay()+weekDayNumber+7*(weekNumber-1));
} = endDate.getDate();
date.month = endDate.getMonth();
} else if ((value=getMatch('W'))) {
// ... and week number (Monday being first day of week)
// Week number of the year (Monday as the first day of the week) as a decimal number [00,53].
// All days in a new year preceding the first Monday are considered to be in week 0.
var weekDayNumber = DAY_NUMBERS_MON_FIRST[weekDay];
var weekNumber = parseInt(value);
// January 1st
var janFirst = new Date(date.year, 0, 1);
var endDate;
if (janFirst.getDay()===1) {
// Jan 1st is a Monday, and, hence in the 1st CW
endDate = __addDays(janFirst, weekDayNumber+7*(weekNumber-1));
} else {
// Jan 1st is not a Monday, and, hence still in the 0th CW
endDate = __addDays(janFirst, 7-janFirst.getDay()+1+weekDayNumber+7*(weekNumber-1));
} = endDate.getDate();
date.month = endDate.getMonth();
tm_sec int seconds after the minute 0-61*
tm_min int minutes after the hour 0-59
tm_hour int hours since midnight 0-23
tm_mday int day of the month 1-31
tm_mon int months since January 0-11
tm_year int years since 1900
tm_wday int days since Sunday 0-6
tm_yday int days since January 1 0-365
tm_isdst int Daylight Saving Time flag
var fullDate = new Date(date.year, date.month,, date.hour, date.min, date.sec, 0);
{{{ makeSetValue('tm',, 'fullDate.getSeconds()', 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValue('tm',, 'fullDate.getMinutes()', 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValue('tm',, 'fullDate.getHours()', 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValue('tm',, 'fullDate.getDate()', 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValue('tm',, 'fullDate.getMonth()', 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValue('tm',, 'fullDate.getFullYear()-1900', 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValue('tm',, 'fullDate.getDay()', 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValue('tm',, '__arraySum(__isLeapYear(fullDate.getFullYear()) ? __MONTH_DAYS_LEAP : __MONTH_DAYS_REGULAR, fullDate.getMonth()-1)+fullDate.getDate()-1', 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValue('tm',, '0', 'i32') }}};
// we need to convert the matched sequence into an integer array to take care of UTF-8 characters > 0x7F
// TODO: not sure that intArrayFromString handles all unicode characters correctly
return buf+intArrayFromString(matches[0]).length-1;
return 0;
strptime_l__deps: ['strptime'],
strptime_l: function(buf, format, tm) {
return _strptime(buf, format, tm); // no locale support yet
getdate: function(string) {
// struct tm *getdate(const char *string);
// TODO: Implement.
return 0;
timespec_get__deps: ['clock_gettime', '$ERRNO_CODES', '__setErrNo'],
timespec_get: function(ts, base) {
//int timespec_get(struct timespec *ts, int base);
if (base !== {{{ cDefine('TIME_UTC') }}}) {
// There is no other implemented value than TIME_UTC; all other values are considered erroneous.
return 0;
var ret = _clock_gettime({{{ cDefine('CLOCK_REALTIME') }}}, ts);
return ret < 0 ? 0 : base;
// ==========================================================================
// sys/time.h
// ==========================================================================
clock_gettime__deps: ['emscripten_get_now', 'emscripten_get_now_is_monotonic', '$ERRNO_CODES', '__setErrNo'],
clock_gettime: function(clk_id, tp) {
// int clock_gettime(clockid_t clk_id, struct timespec *tp);
var now;
if (clk_id === {{{ cDefine('CLOCK_REALTIME') }}}) {
now =;
} else if (clk_id === {{{ cDefine('CLOCK_MONOTONIC') }}} && _emscripten_get_now_is_monotonic()) {
now = _emscripten_get_now();
} else {
return -1;
{{{ makeSetValue('tp', C_STRUCTS.timespec.tv_sec, '(now/1000)|0', 'i32') }}}; // seconds
{{{ makeSetValue('tp', C_STRUCTS.timespec.tv_nsec, '((now % 1000)*1000*1000)|0', 'i32') }}}; // nanoseconds
return 0;
__clock_gettime: 'clock_gettime', // musl internal alias
clock_settime__deps: ['$ERRNO_CODES', '__setErrNo'],
clock_settime: function(clk_id, tp) {
// int clock_settime(clockid_t clk_id, const struct timespec *tp);
// Nothing.
___setErrNo(clk_id === {{{ cDefine('CLOCK_REALTIME') }}} ? ERRNO_CODES.EPERM
return -1;
clock_getres__deps: ['emscripten_get_now_res', 'emscripten_get_now_is_monotonic', '$ERRNO_CODES', '__setErrNo'],
clock_getres: function(clk_id, res) {
// int clock_getres(clockid_t clk_id, struct timespec *res);
var nsec;
if (clk_id === {{{ cDefine('CLOCK_REALTIME') }}}) {
nsec = 1000 * 1000; // educated guess that it's milliseconds
} else if (clk_id === {{{ cDefine('CLOCK_MONOTONIC') }}} && _emscripten_get_now_is_monotonic()) {
nsec = _emscripten_get_now_res();
} else {
return -1;
{{{ makeSetValue('res', C_STRUCTS.timespec.tv_sec, '(nsec/1000000000)|0', 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValue('res', C_STRUCTS.timespec.tv_nsec, 'nsec', 'i32') }}} // resolution is nanoseconds
return 0;
clock_getcpuclockid__deps: ['$PROCINFO'],
clock_getcpuclockid: function(pid, clk_id) {
if (pid < 0) return ERRNO_CODES.ESRCH;
if (pid !== 0 && pid !== return ERRNO_CODES.ENOSYS;
if (clk_id) {{{ makeSetValue('clk_id', 0, 2/*CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID*/, 'i32') }}};
return 0;
gettimeofday: function(ptr) {
var now =;
{{{ makeSetValue('ptr', C_STRUCTS.timeval.tv_sec, '(now/1000)|0', 'i32') }}}; // seconds
{{{ makeSetValue('ptr', C_STRUCTS.timeval.tv_usec, '((now % 1000)*1000)|0', 'i32') }}}; // microseconds
return 0;
// ==========================================================================
// sys/timeb.h
// ==========================================================================
ftime: function(p) {
var millis =;
{{{ makeSetValue('p', C_STRUCTS.timeb.time, '(millis/1000)|0', 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValue('p', C_STRUCTS.timeb.millitm, 'millis % 1000', 'i16') }}};
{{{ makeSetValue('p', C_STRUCTS.timeb.timezone, '0', 'i16') }}}; // Obsolete field
{{{ makeSetValue('p', C_STRUCTS.timeb.dstflag, '0', 'i16') }}}; // Obsolete field
return 0;
// ==========================================================================
// sys/times.h
// ==========================================================================
times__deps: ['memset'],
times: function(buffer) {
// clock_t times(struct tms *buffer);
// NOTE: This is fake, since we can't calculate real CPU time usage in JS.
if (buffer !== 0) {
_memset(buffer, 0, {{{ C_STRUCTS.tms.__size__ }}});
return 0;
// ==========================================================================
// sys/types.h
// ==========================================================================
makedev: function(maj, min) {
return ((maj) << 8 | (min));
gnu_dev_makedev: 'makedev',
major: function(dev) {
return ((dev) >> 8);
gnu_dev_major: 'major',
minor: function(dev) {
return ((dev) & 0xff);
gnu_dev_minor: 'minor',
// ==========================================================================
// setjmp.h
// ==========================================================================
// asm.js-style setjmp/longjmp support for wasm binaryen backend.
// In asm.js compilation, various variables including setjmpId will be
// generated within 'var asm' in, while in wasm compilation,
// wasm side is considered as 'asm' so they are not generated. But
// saveSetjmp() needs setjmpId and no other functions in wasm side needs it.
// So we declare it here if WASM_BACKEND=1.
$setjmpId: 0,
saveSetjmp__asm: true,
saveSetjmp__sig: 'iii',
saveSetjmp__deps: ['realloc', '$setjmpId'],
saveSetjmp__deps: ['realloc'],
saveSetjmp: function(env, label, table, size) {
// Not particularly fast: slow table lookup of setjmpId to label. But setjmp
// prevents relooping anyhow, so slowness is to be expected. And typical case
// is 1 setjmp per invocation, or less.
env = env|0;
label = label|0;
table = table|0;
size = size|0;
var i = 0;
setjmpId = (setjmpId+1)|0;
{{{ makeSetValueAsm('env', '0', 'setjmpId', 'i32') }}};
while ((i|0) < (size|0)) {
if ({{{ makeGetValueAsm('table', '(i<<3)', 'i32') }}} == 0) {
{{{ makeSetValueAsm('table', '(i<<3)', 'setjmpId', 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValueAsm('table', '(i<<3)+4', 'label', 'i32') }}};
// prepare next slot
{{{ makeSetValueAsm('table', '(i<<3)+8', '0', 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetTempRet0('size') }}};
return table | 0;
i = i+1|0;
// grow the table
size = (size*2)|0;
table = _realloc(table|0, 8*(size+1|0)|0) | 0;
table = _saveSetjmp(env|0, label|0, table|0, size|0) | 0;
{{{ makeSetTempRet0('size') }}};
return table | 0;
testSetjmp__asm: true,
testSetjmp__sig: 'iii',
testSetjmp: function(id, table, size) {
id = id|0;
table = table|0;
size = size|0;
var i = 0, curr = 0;
while ((i|0) < (size|0)) {
curr = {{{ makeGetValueAsm('table', '(i<<3)', 'i32') }}};
if ((curr|0) == 0) break;
if ((curr|0) == (id|0)) {
return {{{ makeGetValueAsm('table', '(i<<3)+4', 'i32') }}};
i = i+1|0;
return 0;
setjmp__deps: ['saveSetjmp', 'testSetjmp'],
setjmp__inline: function(env) {
// Save the label
return '_saveSetjmp(' + env + ', label, setjmpTable)|0';
longjmp__deps: ['saveSetjmp', 'testSetjmp'],
longjmp: function(env, value) {
Module['setThrew'](env, value || 1);
throw 'longjmp';
emscripten_longjmp__deps: ['longjmp'],
emscripten_longjmp: function(env, value) {
_longjmp(env, value);
// ==========================================================================
// sys/wait.h
// ==========================================================================
wait__deps: ['$ERRNO_CODES', '__setErrNo'],
wait: function(stat_loc) {
// pid_t wait(int *stat_loc);
// Makes no sense in a single-process environment.
return -1;
// NOTE: These aren't really the same, but we use the same stub for them all.
waitid: 'wait',
waitpid: 'wait',
wait3: 'wait',
wait4: 'wait',
// ==========================================================================
// errno.h
// ==========================================================================
EPERM: {{{ cDefine('EPERM') }}},
ENOENT: {{{ cDefine('ENOENT') }}},
ESRCH: {{{ cDefine('ESRCH') }}},
EINTR: {{{ cDefine('EINTR') }}},
EIO: {{{ cDefine('EIO') }}},
ENXIO: {{{ cDefine('ENXIO') }}},
E2BIG: {{{ cDefine('E2BIG') }}},
ENOEXEC: {{{ cDefine('ENOEXEC') }}},
EBADF: {{{ cDefine('EBADF') }}},
ECHILD: {{{ cDefine('ECHILD') }}},
EAGAIN: {{{ cDefine('EAGAIN') }}},
ENOMEM: {{{ cDefine('ENOMEM') }}},
EACCES: {{{ cDefine('EACCES') }}},
EFAULT: {{{ cDefine('EFAULT') }}},
ENOTBLK: {{{ cDefine('ENOTBLK') }}},
EBUSY: {{{ cDefine('EBUSY') }}},
EEXIST: {{{ cDefine('EEXIST') }}},
EXDEV: {{{ cDefine('EXDEV') }}},
ENODEV: {{{ cDefine('ENODEV') }}},
ENOTDIR: {{{ cDefine('ENOTDIR') }}},
EISDIR: {{{ cDefine('EISDIR') }}},
EINVAL: {{{ cDefine('EINVAL') }}},
ENFILE: {{{ cDefine('ENFILE') }}},
EMFILE: {{{ cDefine('EMFILE') }}},
ENOTTY: {{{ cDefine('ENOTTY') }}},
ETXTBSY: {{{ cDefine('ETXTBSY') }}},
EFBIG: {{{ cDefine('EFBIG') }}},
ENOSPC: {{{ cDefine('ENOSPC') }}},
ESPIPE: {{{ cDefine('ESPIPE') }}},
EROFS: {{{ cDefine('EROFS') }}},
EMLINK: {{{ cDefine('EMLINK') }}},
EPIPE: {{{ cDefine('EPIPE') }}},
EDOM: {{{ cDefine('EDOM') }}},
ERANGE: {{{ cDefine('ERANGE') }}},
ENOMSG: {{{ cDefine('ENOMSG') }}},
EIDRM: {{{ cDefine('EIDRM') }}},
ECHRNG: {{{ cDefine('ECHRNG') }}},
EL2NSYNC: {{{ cDefine('EL2NSYNC') }}},
EL3HLT: {{{ cDefine('EL3HLT') }}},
EL3RST: {{{ cDefine('EL3RST') }}},
ELNRNG: {{{ cDefine('ELNRNG') }}},
EUNATCH: {{{ cDefine('EUNATCH') }}},
ENOCSI: {{{ cDefine('ENOCSI') }}},
EL2HLT: {{{ cDefine('EL2HLT') }}},
EDEADLK: {{{ cDefine('EDEADLK') }}},
ENOLCK: {{{ cDefine('ENOLCK') }}},
EBADE: {{{ cDefine('EBADE') }}},
EBADR: {{{ cDefine('EBADR') }}},
EXFULL: {{{ cDefine('EXFULL') }}},
ENOANO: {{{ cDefine('ENOANO') }}},
EBADRQC: {{{ cDefine('EBADRQC') }}},
EBADSLT: {{{ cDefine('EBADSLT') }}},
EDEADLOCK: {{{ cDefine('EDEADLOCK') }}},
EBFONT: {{{ cDefine('EBFONT') }}},
ENOSTR: {{{ cDefine('ENOSTR') }}},
ENODATA: {{{ cDefine('ENODATA') }}},
ETIME: {{{ cDefine('ETIME') }}},
ENOSR: {{{ cDefine('ENOSR') }}},
ENONET: {{{ cDefine('ENONET') }}},
ENOPKG: {{{ cDefine('ENOPKG') }}},
EREMOTE: {{{ cDefine('EREMOTE') }}},
ENOLINK: {{{ cDefine('ENOLINK') }}},
EADV: {{{ cDefine('EADV') }}},
ESRMNT: {{{ cDefine('ESRMNT') }}},
ECOMM: {{{ cDefine('ECOMM') }}},
EPROTO: {{{ cDefine('EPROTO') }}},
EMULTIHOP: {{{ cDefine('EMULTIHOP') }}},
EDOTDOT: {{{ cDefine('EDOTDOT') }}},
EBADMSG: {{{ cDefine('EBADMSG') }}},
ENOTUNIQ: {{{ cDefine('ENOTUNIQ') }}},
EBADFD: {{{ cDefine('EBADFD') }}},
EREMCHG: {{{ cDefine('EREMCHG') }}},
ELIBACC: {{{ cDefine('ELIBACC') }}},
ELIBBAD: {{{ cDefine('ELIBBAD') }}},
ELIBSCN: {{{ cDefine('ELIBSCN') }}},
ELIBMAX: {{{ cDefine('ELIBMAX') }}},
ELIBEXEC: {{{ cDefine('ELIBEXEC') }}},
ENOSYS: {{{ cDefine('ENOSYS') }}},
ENOTEMPTY: {{{ cDefine('ENOTEMPTY') }}},
ELOOP: {{{ cDefine('ELOOP') }}},
EOPNOTSUPP: {{{ cDefine('EOPNOTSUPP') }}},
ECONNRESET: {{{ cDefine('ECONNRESET') }}},
ENOBUFS: {{{ cDefine('ENOBUFS') }}},
EPROTOTYPE: {{{ cDefine('EPROTOTYPE') }}},
ENOTSOCK: {{{ cDefine('ENOTSOCK') }}},
ESHUTDOWN: {{{ cDefine('ESHUTDOWN') }}},
EADDRINUSE: {{{ cDefine('EADDRINUSE') }}},
ENETDOWN: {{{ cDefine('ENETDOWN') }}},
ETIMEDOUT: {{{ cDefine('ETIMEDOUT') }}},
EHOSTDOWN: {{{ cDefine('EHOSTDOWN') }}},
EALREADY: {{{ cDefine('EALREADY') }}},
EMSGSIZE: {{{ cDefine('EMSGSIZE') }}},
ENETRESET: {{{ cDefine('ENETRESET') }}},
EISCONN: {{{ cDefine('EISCONN') }}},
ENOTCONN: {{{ cDefine('ENOTCONN') }}},
EUSERS: {{{ cDefine('EUSERS') }}},
EDQUOT: {{{ cDefine('EDQUOT') }}},
ESTALE: {{{ cDefine('ESTALE') }}},
ENOTSUP: {{{ cDefine('ENOTSUP') }}},
ENOMEDIUM: {{{ cDefine('ENOMEDIUM') }}},
EILSEQ: {{{ cDefine('EILSEQ') }}},
EOVERFLOW: {{{ cDefine('EOVERFLOW') }}},
ECANCELED: {{{ cDefine('ECANCELED') }}},
EOWNERDEAD: {{{ cDefine('EOWNERDEAD') }}},
ESTRPIPE: {{{ cDefine('ESTRPIPE') }}},
0: 'Success',
{{{ cDefine('EPERM') }}}: 'Not super-user',
{{{ cDefine('ENOENT') }}}: 'No such file or directory',
{{{ cDefine('ESRCH') }}}: 'No such process',
{{{ cDefine('EINTR') }}}: 'Interrupted system call',
{{{ cDefine('EIO') }}}: 'I/O error',
{{{ cDefine('ENXIO') }}}: 'No such device or address',
{{{ cDefine('E2BIG') }}}: 'Arg list too long',
{{{ cDefine('ENOEXEC') }}}: 'Exec format error',
{{{ cDefine('EBADF') }}}: 'Bad file number',
{{{ cDefine('ECHILD') }}}: 'No children',
{{{ cDefine('EWOULDBLOCK') }}}: 'No more processes',
{{{ cDefine('ENOMEM') }}}: 'Not enough core',
{{{ cDefine('EACCES') }}}: 'Permission denied',
{{{ cDefine('EFAULT') }}}: 'Bad address',
{{{ cDefine('ENOTBLK') }}}: 'Block device required',
{{{ cDefine('EBUSY') }}}: 'Mount device busy',
{{{ cDefine('EEXIST') }}}: 'File exists',
{{{ cDefine('EXDEV') }}}: 'Cross-device link',
{{{ cDefine('ENODEV') }}}: 'No such device',
{{{ cDefine('ENOTDIR') }}}: 'Not a directory',
{{{ cDefine('EISDIR') }}}: 'Is a directory',
{{{ cDefine('EINVAL') }}}: 'Invalid argument',
{{{ cDefine('ENFILE') }}}: 'Too many open files in system',
{{{ cDefine('EMFILE') }}}: 'Too many open files',
{{{ cDefine('ENOTTY') }}}: 'Not a typewriter',
{{{ cDefine('ETXTBSY') }}}: 'Text file busy',
{{{ cDefine('EFBIG') }}}: 'File too large',
{{{ cDefine('ENOSPC') }}}: 'No space left on device',
{{{ cDefine('ESPIPE') }}}: 'Illegal seek',
{{{ cDefine('EROFS') }}}: 'Read only file system',
{{{ cDefine('EMLINK') }}}: 'Too many links',
{{{ cDefine('EPIPE') }}}: 'Broken pipe',
{{{ cDefine('EDOM') }}}: 'Math arg out of domain of func',
{{{ cDefine('ERANGE') }}}: 'Math result not representable',
{{{ cDefine('ENOMSG') }}}: 'No message of desired type',
{{{ cDefine('EIDRM') }}}: 'Identifier removed',
{{{ cDefine('ECHRNG') }}}: 'Channel number out of range',
{{{ cDefine('EL2NSYNC') }}}: 'Level 2 not synchronized',
{{{ cDefine('EL3HLT') }}}: 'Level 3 halted',
{{{ cDefine('EL3RST') }}}: 'Level 3 reset',
{{{ cDefine('ELNRNG') }}}: 'Link number out of range',
{{{ cDefine('EUNATCH') }}}: 'Protocol driver not attached',
{{{ cDefine('ENOCSI') }}}: 'No CSI structure available',
{{{ cDefine('EL2HLT') }}}: 'Level 2 halted',
{{{ cDefine('EDEADLK') }}}: 'Deadlock condition',
{{{ cDefine('ENOLCK') }}}: 'No record locks available',
{{{ cDefine('EBADE') }}}: 'Invalid exchange',
{{{ cDefine('EBADR') }}}: 'Invalid request descriptor',
{{{ cDefine('EXFULL') }}}: 'Exchange full',
{{{ cDefine('ENOANO') }}}: 'No anode',
{{{ cDefine('EBADRQC') }}}: 'Invalid request code',
{{{ cDefine('EBADSLT') }}}: 'Invalid slot',
{{{ cDefine('EDEADLOCK') }}}: 'File locking deadlock error',
{{{ cDefine('EBFONT') }}}: 'Bad font file fmt',
{{{ cDefine('ENOSTR') }}}: 'Device not a stream',
{{{ cDefine('ENODATA') }}}: 'No data (for no delay io)',
{{{ cDefine('ETIME') }}}: 'Timer expired',
{{{ cDefine('ENOSR') }}}: 'Out of streams resources',
{{{ cDefine('ENONET') }}}: 'Machine is not on the network',
{{{ cDefine('ENOPKG') }}}: 'Package not installed',
{{{ cDefine('EREMOTE') }}}: 'The object is remote',
{{{ cDefine('ENOLINK') }}}: 'The link has been severed',
{{{ cDefine('EADV') }}}: 'Advertise error',
{{{ cDefine('ESRMNT') }}}: 'Srmount error',
{{{ cDefine('ECOMM') }}}: 'Communication error on send',
{{{ cDefine('EPROTO') }}}: 'Protocol error',
{{{ cDefine('EMULTIHOP') }}}: 'Multihop attempted',
{{{ cDefine('EDOTDOT') }}}: 'Cross mount point (not really error)',
{{{ cDefine('EBADMSG') }}}: 'Trying to read unreadable message',
{{{ cDefine('ENOTUNIQ') }}}: 'Given log. name not unique',
{{{ cDefine('EBADFD') }}}: 'f.d. invalid for this operation',
{{{ cDefine('EREMCHG') }}}: 'Remote address changed',
{{{ cDefine('ELIBACC') }}}: 'Can access a needed shared lib',
{{{ cDefine('ELIBBAD') }}}: 'Accessing a corrupted shared lib',
{{{ cDefine('ELIBSCN') }}}: '.lib section in a.out corrupted',
{{{ cDefine('ELIBMAX') }}}: 'Attempting to link in too many libs',
{{{ cDefine('ELIBEXEC') }}}: 'Attempting to exec a shared library',
{{{ cDefine('ENOSYS') }}}: 'Function not implemented',
{{{ cDefine('ENOTEMPTY') }}}: 'Directory not empty',
{{{ cDefine('ENAMETOOLONG') }}}: 'File or path name too long',
{{{ cDefine('ELOOP') }}}: 'Too many symbolic links',
{{{ cDefine('EOPNOTSUPP') }}}: 'Operation not supported on transport endpoint',
{{{ cDefine('EPFNOSUPPORT') }}}: 'Protocol family not supported',
{{{ cDefine('ECONNRESET') }}}: 'Connection reset by peer',
{{{ cDefine('ENOBUFS') }}}: 'No buffer space available',
{{{ cDefine('EAFNOSUPPORT') }}}: 'Address family not supported by protocol family',
{{{ cDefine('EPROTOTYPE') }}}: 'Protocol wrong type for socket',
{{{ cDefine('ENOTSOCK') }}}: 'Socket operation on non-socket',
{{{ cDefine('ENOPROTOOPT') }}}: 'Protocol not available',
{{{ cDefine('ESHUTDOWN') }}}: 'Can\'t send after socket shutdown',
{{{ cDefine('ECONNREFUSED') }}}: 'Connection refused',
{{{ cDefine('EADDRINUSE') }}}: 'Address already in use',
{{{ cDefine('ECONNABORTED') }}}: 'Connection aborted',
{{{ cDefine('ENETUNREACH') }}}: 'Network is unreachable',
{{{ cDefine('ENETDOWN') }}}: 'Network interface is not configured',
{{{ cDefine('ETIMEDOUT') }}}: 'Connection timed out',
{{{ cDefine('EHOSTDOWN') }}}: 'Host is down',
{{{ cDefine('EHOSTUNREACH') }}}: 'Host is unreachable',
{{{ cDefine('EINPROGRESS') }}}: 'Connection already in progress',
{{{ cDefine('EALREADY') }}}: 'Socket already connected',
{{{ cDefine('EDESTADDRREQ') }}}: 'Destination address required',
{{{ cDefine('EMSGSIZE') }}}: 'Message too long',
{{{ cDefine('EPROTONOSUPPORT') }}}: 'Unknown protocol',
{{{ cDefine('ESOCKTNOSUPPORT') }}}: 'Socket type not supported',
{{{ cDefine('EADDRNOTAVAIL') }}}: 'Address not available',
{{{ cDefine('ENETRESET') }}}: 'Connection reset by network',
{{{ cDefine('EISCONN') }}}: 'Socket is already connected',
{{{ cDefine('ENOTCONN') }}}: 'Socket is not connected',
{{{ cDefine('ETOOMANYREFS') }}}: 'Too many references',
{{{ cDefine('EUSERS') }}}: 'Too many users',
{{{ cDefine('EDQUOT') }}}: 'Quota exceeded',
{{{ cDefine('ESTALE') }}}: 'Stale file handle',
{{{ cDefine('ENOTSUP') }}}: 'Not supported',
{{{ cDefine('ENOMEDIUM') }}}: 'No medium (in tape drive)',
{{{ cDefine('EILSEQ') }}}: 'Illegal byte sequence',
{{{ cDefine('EOVERFLOW') }}}: 'Value too large for defined data type',
{{{ cDefine('ECANCELED') }}}: 'Operation canceled',
{{{ cDefine('ENOTRECOVERABLE') }}}: 'State not recoverable',
{{{ cDefine('EOWNERDEAD') }}}: 'Previous owner died',
{{{ cDefine('ESTRPIPE') }}}: 'Streams pipe error',
__setErrNo: function(value) {
if (Module['___errno_location']) {{{ makeSetValue("Module['___errno_location']()", 0, 'value', 'i32') }}};
else err('failed to set errno from JS');
return value;
// ==========================================================================
// sched.h (stubs only - no thread support yet!)
// ==========================================================================
sched_yield: function() {
return 0;
// ==========================================================================
// arpa/inet.h
// ==========================================================================
// old ipv4 only functions
inet_addr__deps: ['_inet_pton4_raw'],
inet_addr: function(ptr) {
var addr = __inet_pton4_raw(Pointer_stringify(ptr));
if (addr === null) {
return -1;
return addr;
// ==========================================================================
// netinet/in.h
// ==========================================================================
in6addr_any: '; if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) _in6addr_any = PthreadWorkerInit._in6addr_any; else PthreadWorkerInit._in6addr_any = _in6addr_any = allocate([0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], "i8", ALLOC_STATIC)',
in6addr_loopback: '; if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) _in6addr_loopback = PthreadWorkerInit._in6addr_loopback; else PthreadWorkerInit._in6addr_loopback = _in6addr_loopback = allocate([0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1], "i8", ALLOC_STATIC)',
'allocate([0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], "i8", ALLOC_STATIC)',
'allocate([0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1], "i8", ALLOC_STATIC)',
// ==========================================================================
// netdb.h
// ==========================================================================
_inet_pton4_raw: function(str) {
var b = str.split('.');
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
var tmp = Number(b[i]);
if (isNaN(tmp)) return null;
b[i] = tmp;
return (b[0] | (b[1] << 8) | (b[2] << 16) | (b[3] << 24)) >>> 0;
_inet_ntop4_raw: function(addr) {
return (addr & 0xff) + '.' + ((addr >> 8) & 0xff) + '.' + ((addr >> 16) & 0xff) + '.' + ((addr >> 24) & 0xff)
_inet_pton6_raw__deps: ['htons'],
_inet_pton6_raw: function(str) {
var words;
var w, offset, z, i;
/* */
var valid6regx = /^((?=.*::)(?!.*::.+::)(::)?([\dA-F]{1,4}:(:|\b)|){5}|([\dA-F]{1,4}:){6})((([\dA-F]{1,4}((?!\3)::|:\b|$))|(?!\2\3)){2}|(((2[0-4]|1\d|[1-9])?\d|25[0-5])\.?\b){4})$/i
var parts = [];
if (!valid6regx.test(str)) {
return null;
if (str === "::") {
return [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
// Z placeholder to keep track of zeros when splitting the string on ":"
if (str.indexOf("::") === 0) {
str = str.replace("::", "Z:"); // leading zeros case
} else {
str = str.replace("::", ":Z:");
if (str.indexOf(".") > 0) {
// parse IPv4 embedded stress
str = str.replace(new RegExp('[.]', 'g'), ":");
words = str.split(":");
words[words.length-4] = parseInt(words[words.length-4]) + parseInt(words[words.length-3])*256;
words[words.length-3] = parseInt(words[words.length-2]) + parseInt(words[words.length-1])*256;
words = words.slice(0, words.length-2);
} else {
words = str.split(":");
offset = 0; z = 0;
for (w=0; w < words.length; w++) {
if (typeof words[w] === 'string') {
if (words[w] === 'Z') {
// compressed zeros - write appropriate number of zero words
for (z = 0; z < (8 - words.length+1); z++) {
parts[w+z] = 0;
offset = z-1;
} else {
// parse hex to field to 16-bit value and write it in network byte-order
parts[w+offset] = _htons(parseInt(words[w],16));
} else {
// parsed IPv4 words
parts[w+offset] = words[w];
return [
(parts[1] << 16) | parts[0],
(parts[3] << 16) | parts[2],
(parts[5] << 16) | parts[4],
(parts[7] << 16) | parts[6]
_inet_pton6__deps: ['_inet_pton6_raw'],
_inet_pton6: function(src, dst) {
var ints = __inet_pton6_raw(Pointer_stringify(src));
if (ints === null) {
return 0;
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
{{{ makeSetValue('dst', 'i*4', 'ints[i]', 'i32') }}};
return 1;
_inet_ntop6_raw__deps: ['_inet_ntop4_raw'],
_inet_ntop6_raw: function(ints) {
// ref: - section 2.5.4
// Format for IPv4 compatible and mapped 128-bit IPv6 Addresses
// 128-bits are split into eight 16-bit words
// stored in network byte order (big-endian)
// | 80 bits | 16 | 32 bits |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
// | 10 bytes | 2 | 4 bytes |
// +--------------------------------------+--------------------------+
// + 5 words | 1 | 2 words |
// +--------------------------------------+--------------------------+
// |0000..............................0000|0000| IPv4 ADDRESS | (compatible)
// +--------------------------------------+----+---------------------+
// |0000..............................0000|FFFF| IPv4 ADDRESS | (mapped)
// +--------------------------------------+----+---------------------+
var str = "";
var word = 0;
var longest = 0;
var lastzero = 0;
var zstart = 0;
var len = 0;
var i = 0;
var parts = [
ints[0] & 0xffff,
(ints[0] >> 16),
ints[1] & 0xffff,
(ints[1] >> 16),
ints[2] & 0xffff,
(ints[2] >> 16),
ints[3] & 0xffff,
(ints[3] >> 16)
// Handle IPv4-compatible, IPv4-mapped, loopback and any/unspecified addresses
var hasipv4 = true;
var v4part = "";
// check if the 10 high-order bytes are all zeros (first 5 words)
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
if (parts[i] !== 0) { hasipv4 = false; break; }
if (hasipv4) {
// low-order 32-bits store an IPv4 address (bytes 13 to 16) (last 2 words)
v4part = __inet_ntop4_raw(parts[6] | (parts[7] << 16));
// IPv4-mapped IPv6 address if 16-bit value (bytes 11 and 12) == 0xFFFF (6th word)
if (parts[5] === -1) {
str = "::ffff:";
str += v4part;
return str;
// IPv4-compatible IPv6 address if 16-bit value (bytes 11 and 12) == 0x0000 (6th word)
if (parts[5] === 0) {
str = "::";
//special case IPv6 addresses
if(v4part === "") v4part = ""; // any/unspecified address
if(v4part === "") v4part = "1";// loopback address
str += v4part;
return str;
// Handle all other IPv6 addresses
// first run to find the longest contiguous zero words
for (word = 0; word < 8; word++) {
if (parts[word] === 0) {
if (word - lastzero > 1) {
len = 0;
lastzero = word;
if (len > longest) {
longest = len;
zstart = word - longest + 1;
for (word = 0; word < 8; word++) {
if (longest > 1) {
// compress contiguous zeros - to produce "::"
if (parts[word] === 0 && word >= zstart && word < (zstart + longest) ) {
if (word === zstart) {
str += ":";
if (zstart === 0) str += ":"; //leading zeros case
// converts 16-bit words from big-endian to little-endian before converting to hex string
str += Number(_ntohs(parts[word] & 0xffff)).toString(16);
str += word < 7 ? ":" : "";
return str;
_read_sockaddr__deps: ['$Sockets', '_inet_ntop4_raw', '_inet_ntop6_raw'],
_read_sockaddr: function (sa, salen) {
// family / port offsets are common to both sockaddr_in and sockaddr_in6
var family = {{{ makeGetValue('sa', C_STRUCTS.sockaddr_in.sin_family, 'i16') }}};
var port = _ntohs({{{ makeGetValue('sa', C_STRUCTS.sockaddr_in.sin_port, 'i16') }}});
var addr;
switch (family) {
case {{{ cDefine('AF_INET') }}}:
if (salen !== {{{ C_STRUCTS.sockaddr_in.__size__ }}}) {
return { errno: ERRNO_CODES.EINVAL };
addr = {{{ makeGetValue('sa', C_STRUCTS.sockaddr_in.sin_addr.s_addr, 'i32') }}};
addr = __inet_ntop4_raw(addr);
case {{{ cDefine('AF_INET6') }}}:
if (salen !== {{{ C_STRUCTS.sockaddr_in6.__size__ }}}) {
return { errno: ERRNO_CODES.EINVAL };
addr = [
{{{ makeGetValue('sa', C_STRUCTS.sockaddr_in6.sin6_addr.__in6_union.__s6_addr+0, 'i32') }}},
{{{ makeGetValue('sa', C_STRUCTS.sockaddr_in6.sin6_addr.__in6_union.__s6_addr+4, 'i32') }}},
{{{ makeGetValue('sa', C_STRUCTS.sockaddr_in6.sin6_addr.__in6_union.__s6_addr+8, 'i32') }}},
{{{ makeGetValue('sa', C_STRUCTS.sockaddr_in6.sin6_addr.__in6_union.__s6_addr+12, 'i32') }}}
addr = __inet_ntop6_raw(addr);
return { family: family, addr: addr, port: port };
_write_sockaddr__deps: ['$Sockets', '_inet_pton4_raw', '_inet_pton6_raw'],
_write_sockaddr: function (sa, family, addr, port) {
switch (family) {
case {{{ cDefine('AF_INET') }}}:
addr = __inet_pton4_raw(addr);
{{{ makeSetValue('sa', C_STRUCTS.sockaddr_in.sin_family, 'family', 'i16') }}};
{{{ makeSetValue('sa', C_STRUCTS.sockaddr_in.sin_addr.s_addr, 'addr', 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValue('sa', C_STRUCTS.sockaddr_in.sin_port, '_htons(port)', 'i16') }}};
case {{{ cDefine('AF_INET6') }}}:
addr = __inet_pton6_raw(addr);
{{{ makeSetValue('sa', C_STRUCTS.sockaddr_in6.sin6_family, 'family', 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValue('sa', C_STRUCTS.sockaddr_in6.sin6_addr.__in6_union.__s6_addr+0, 'addr[0]', 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValue('sa', C_STRUCTS.sockaddr_in6.sin6_addr.__in6_union.__s6_addr+4, 'addr[1]', 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValue('sa', C_STRUCTS.sockaddr_in6.sin6_addr.__in6_union.__s6_addr+8, 'addr[2]', 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValue('sa', C_STRUCTS.sockaddr_in6.sin6_addr.__in6_union.__s6_addr+12, 'addr[3]', 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValue('sa', C_STRUCTS.sockaddr_in6.sin6_port, '_htons(port)', 'i16') }}};
{{{ makeSetValue('sa', C_STRUCTS.sockaddr_in6.sin6_flowinfo, '0', 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValue('sa', C_STRUCTS.sockaddr_in6.sin6_scope_id, '0', 'i32') }}};
// kind of lame, but let's match _read_sockaddr's interface
return {};
// We can't actually resolve hostnames in the browser, so instead
// we're generating fake IP addresses with lookup_name that we can
// resolve later on with lookup_addr.
// We do the aliasing in 172.29.*.*, giving us 65536 possibilities.
$DNS__deps: ['_inet_pton4_raw', '_inet_pton6_raw'],
$DNS: {
address_map: {
id: 1,
addrs: {},
names: {}
lookup_name: function (name) {
// If the name is already a valid ipv4 / ipv6 address, don't generate a fake one.
var res = __inet_pton4_raw(name);
if (res !== null) {
return name;
res = __inet_pton6_raw(name);
if (res !== null) {
return name;
// See if this name is already mapped.
var addr;
if (DNS.address_map.addrs[name]) {
addr = DNS.address_map.addrs[name];
} else {
var id =;
assert(id < 65535, 'exceeded max address mappings of 65535');
addr = '172.29.' + (id & 0xff) + '.' + (id & 0xff00);
DNS.address_map.names[addr] = name;
DNS.address_map.addrs[name] = addr;
return addr;
lookup_addr: function (addr) {
if (DNS.address_map.names[addr]) {
return DNS.address_map.names[addr];
return null;
// note: lots of leaking here!
gethostbyaddr__deps: ['$DNS', 'gethostbyname', '_inet_ntop4_raw'],
gethostbyaddr__proxy: 'sync',
gethostbyaddr__sig: 'iiii',
gethostbyaddr: function (addr, addrlen, type) {
if (type !== {{{ cDefine('AF_INET') }}}) {
// TODO: set h_errno
return null;
addr = {{{ makeGetValue('addr', '0', 'i32') }}}; // addr is in_addr
var host = __inet_ntop4_raw(addr);
var lookup = DNS.lookup_addr(host);
if (lookup) {
host = lookup;
var hostp = allocate(intArrayFromString(host), 'i8', ALLOC_STACK);
return _gethostbyname(hostp);
gethostbyname__deps: ['$DNS', '_inet_pton4_raw'],
gethostbyname__proxy: 'sync',
gethostbyname__sig: 'ii',
gethostbyname: function(name) {
name = Pointer_stringify(name);
// generate hostent
var ret = _malloc({{{ C_STRUCTS.hostent.__size__ }}}); // XXX possibly leaked, as are others here
var nameBuf = _malloc(name.length+1);
stringToUTF8(name, nameBuf, name.length+1);
{{{ makeSetValue('ret', C_STRUCTS.hostent.h_name, 'nameBuf', 'i8*') }}};
var aliasesBuf = _malloc(4);
{{{ makeSetValue('aliasesBuf', '0', '0', 'i8*') }}};
{{{ makeSetValue('ret', C_STRUCTS.hostent.h_aliases, 'aliasesBuf', 'i8**') }}};
var afinet = {{{ cDefine('AF_INET') }}};
{{{ makeSetValue('ret', C_STRUCTS.hostent.h_addrtype, 'afinet', 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValue('ret', C_STRUCTS.hostent.h_length, '4', 'i32') }}};
var addrListBuf = _malloc(12);
{{{ makeSetValue('addrListBuf', '0', 'addrListBuf+8', 'i32*') }}};
{{{ makeSetValue('addrListBuf', '4', '0', 'i32*') }}};
{{{ makeSetValue('addrListBuf', '8', '__inet_pton4_raw(DNS.lookup_name(name))', 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValue('ret', C_STRUCTS.hostent.h_addr_list, 'addrListBuf', 'i8**') }}};
return ret;
gethostbyname_r__deps: ['gethostbyname'],
gethostbyname_r__proxy: 'sync',
gethostbyname_r__sig: 'iiiiiii',
gethostbyname_r: function(name, ret, buf, buflen, out, err) {
var data = _gethostbyname(name);
_memcpy(ret, data, {{{ C_STRUCTS.hostent.__size__ }}});
{{{ makeSetValue('err', '0', '0', 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValue('out', '0', 'ret', '*') }}};
return 0;
getaddrinfo__deps: ['$Sockets', '$DNS', '_inet_pton4_raw', '_inet_ntop4_raw', '_inet_pton6_raw', '_inet_ntop6_raw', '_write_sockaddr'],
getaddrinfo__proxy: 'sync',
getaddrinfo__sig: 'iiiii',
getaddrinfo: function(node, service, hint, out) {
// Note getaddrinfo currently only returns a single addrinfo with ai_next defaulting to NULL. When NULL
// hints are specified or ai_family set to AF_UNSPEC or ai_socktype or ai_protocol set to 0 then we
// really should provide a linked list of suitable addrinfo values.
var addrs = [];
var canon = null;
var addr = 0;
var port = 0;
var flags = 0;
var family = {{{ cDefine('AF_UNSPEC') }}};
var type = 0;
var proto = 0;
var ai, last;
function allocaddrinfo(family, type, proto, canon, addr, port) {
var sa, salen, ai;
var res;
salen = family === {{{ cDefine('AF_INET6') }}} ?
{{{ C_STRUCTS.sockaddr_in6.__size__ }}} :
{{{ C_STRUCTS.sockaddr_in.__size__ }}};
addr = family === {{{ cDefine('AF_INET6') }}} ?
__inet_ntop6_raw(addr) :
sa = _malloc(salen);
res = __write_sockaddr(sa, family, addr, port);
ai = _malloc({{{ C_STRUCTS.addrinfo.__size__ }}});
{{{ makeSetValue('ai', C_STRUCTS.addrinfo.ai_family, 'family', 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValue('ai', C_STRUCTS.addrinfo.ai_socktype, 'type', 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValue('ai', C_STRUCTS.addrinfo.ai_protocol, 'proto', 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValue('ai', C_STRUCTS.addrinfo.ai_canonname, 'canon', 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValue('ai', C_STRUCTS.addrinfo.ai_addr, 'sa', '*') }}};
if (family === {{{ cDefine('AF_INET6') }}}) {
{{{ makeSetValue('ai', C_STRUCTS.addrinfo.ai_addrlen, C_STRUCTS.sockaddr_in6.__size__, 'i32') }}};
} else {
{{{ makeSetValue('ai', C_STRUCTS.addrinfo.ai_addrlen, C_STRUCTS.sockaddr_in.__size__, 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValue('ai', C_STRUCTS.addrinfo.ai_next, '0', 'i32') }}};
return ai;
if (hint) {
flags = {{{ makeGetValue('hint', C_STRUCTS.addrinfo.ai_flags, 'i32') }}};
family = {{{ makeGetValue('hint', C_STRUCTS.addrinfo.ai_family, 'i32') }}};
type = {{{ makeGetValue('hint', C_STRUCTS.addrinfo.ai_socktype, 'i32') }}};
proto = {{{ makeGetValue('hint', C_STRUCTS.addrinfo.ai_protocol, 'i32') }}};
if (type && !proto) {
proto = type === {{{ cDefine('SOCK_DGRAM') }}} ? {{{ cDefine('IPPROTO_UDP') }}} : {{{ cDefine('IPPROTO_TCP') }}};
if (!type && proto) {
type = proto === {{{ cDefine('IPPROTO_UDP') }}} ? {{{ cDefine('SOCK_DGRAM') }}} : {{{ cDefine('SOCK_STREAM') }}};
// If type or proto are set to zero in hints we should really be returning multiple addrinfo values, but for
// now default to a TCP STREAM socket so we can at least return a sensible addrinfo given NULL hints.
if (proto === 0) {
proto = {{{ cDefine('IPPROTO_TCP') }}};
if (type === 0) {
type = {{{ cDefine('SOCK_STREAM') }}};
if (!node && !service) {
return {{{ cDefine('EAI_NONAME') }}};
if (flags & ~({{{ cDefine('AI_PASSIVE') }}}|{{{ cDefine('AI_CANONNAME') }}}|{{{ cDefine('AI_NUMERICHOST') }}}|
{{{ cDefine('AI_NUMERICSERV') }}}|{{{ cDefine('AI_V4MAPPED') }}}|{{{ cDefine('AI_ALL') }}}|{{{ cDefine('AI_ADDRCONFIG') }}})) {
return {{{ cDefine('EAI_BADFLAGS') }}};
if (hint !== 0 && ({{{ makeGetValue('hint', C_STRUCTS.addrinfo.ai_flags, 'i32') }}} & {{{ cDefine('AI_CANONNAME') }}}) && !node) {
return {{{ cDefine('EAI_BADFLAGS') }}};
if (flags & {{{ cDefine('AI_ADDRCONFIG') }}}) {
return {{{ cDefine('EAI_NONAME') }}};
if (type !== 0 && type !== {{{ cDefine('SOCK_STREAM') }}} && type !== {{{ cDefine('SOCK_DGRAM') }}}) {
return {{{ cDefine('EAI_SOCKTYPE') }}};
if (family !== {{{ cDefine('AF_UNSPEC') }}} && family !== {{{ cDefine('AF_INET') }}} && family !== {{{ cDefine('AF_INET6') }}}) {
return {{{ cDefine('EAI_FAMILY') }}};
if (service) {
service = Pointer_stringify(service);
port = parseInt(service, 10);
if (isNaN(port)) {
if (flags & {{{ cDefine('AI_NUMERICSERV') }}}) {
return {{{ cDefine('EAI_NONAME') }}};
// TODO support resolving well-known service names from:
return {{{ cDefine('EAI_SERVICE') }}};
if (!node) {
if (family === {{{ cDefine('AF_UNSPEC') }}}) {
family = {{{ cDefine('AF_INET') }}};
if ((flags & {{{ cDefine('AI_PASSIVE') }}}) === 0) {
if (family === {{{ cDefine('AF_INET') }}}) {
addr = _htonl({{{ cDefine('INADDR_LOOPBACK') }}});
} else {
addr = [0, 0, 0, 1];
ai = allocaddrinfo(family, type, proto, null, addr, port);
{{{ makeSetValue('out', '0', 'ai', '*') }}};
return 0;
// try as a numeric address
node = Pointer_stringify(node);
addr = __inet_pton4_raw(node);
if (addr !== null) {
// incoming node is a valid ipv4 address
if (family === {{{ cDefine('AF_UNSPEC') }}} || family === {{{ cDefine('AF_INET') }}}) {
family = {{{ cDefine('AF_INET') }}};
else if (family === {{{ cDefine('AF_INET6') }}} && (flags & {{{ cDefine('AI_V4MAPPED') }}})) {
addr = [0, 0, _htonl(0xffff), addr];
family = {{{ cDefine('AF_INET6') }}};
} else {
return {{{ cDefine('EAI_NONAME') }}};
} else {
addr = __inet_pton6_raw(node);
if (addr !== null) {
// incoming node is a valid ipv6 address
if (family === {{{ cDefine('AF_UNSPEC') }}} || family === {{{ cDefine('AF_INET6') }}}) {
family = {{{ cDefine('AF_INET6') }}};
} else {
return {{{ cDefine('EAI_NONAME') }}};
if (addr != null) {
ai = allocaddrinfo(family, type, proto, node, addr, port);
{{{ makeSetValue('out', '0', 'ai', '*') }}};
return 0;
if (flags & {{{ cDefine('AI_NUMERICHOST') }}}) {
return {{{ cDefine('EAI_NONAME') }}};
// try as a hostname
// resolve the hostname to a temporary fake address
node = DNS.lookup_name(node);
addr = __inet_pton4_raw(node);
if (family === {{{ cDefine('AF_UNSPEC') }}}) {
family = {{{ cDefine('AF_INET') }}};
} else if (family === {{{ cDefine('AF_INET6') }}}) {
addr = [0, 0, _htonl(0xffff), addr];
ai = allocaddrinfo(family, type, proto, null, addr, port);
{{{ makeSetValue('out', '0', 'ai', '*') }}};
return 0;
getnameinfo__deps: ['$Sockets', '$DNS', '_read_sockaddr'],
getnameinfo: function (sa, salen, node, nodelen, serv, servlen, flags) {
var info = __read_sockaddr(sa, salen);
if (info.errno) {
return {{{ cDefine('EAI_FAMILY') }}};
var port = info.port;
var addr = info.addr;
var overflowed = false;
if (node && nodelen) {
var lookup;
if ((flags & {{{ cDefine('NI_NUMERICHOST') }}}) || !(lookup = DNS.lookup_addr(addr))) {
if (flags & {{{ cDefine('NI_NAMEREQD') }}}) {
return {{{ cDefine('EAI_NONAME') }}};
} else {
addr = lookup;
var numBytesWrittenExclNull = stringToUTF8(addr, node, nodelen);
if (numBytesWrittenExclNull+1 >= nodelen) {
overflowed = true;
if (serv && servlen) {
port = '' + port;
var numBytesWrittenExclNull = stringToUTF8(port, serv, servlen);
if (numBytesWrittenExclNull+1 >= servlen) {
overflowed = true;
if (overflowed) {
// Note: even when we overflow, getnameinfo() is specced to write out the truncated results.
return {{{ cDefine('EAI_OVERFLOW') }}};
return 0;
// Can't use a literal for $GAI_ERRNO_MESSAGES as was done for $ERRNO_MESSAGES as the keys (e.g. EAI_BADFLAGS)
// are actually negative numbers and you can't have expressions as keys in JavaScript literals.
gai_strerror__deps: ['$GAI_ERRNO_MESSAGES'],
gai_strerror: function(val) {
var buflen = 256;
// On first call to gai_strerror we initialise the buffer and populate the error messages.
if (!_gai_strerror.buffer) {
_gai_strerror.buffer = _malloc(buflen);
GAI_ERRNO_MESSAGES['0'] = 'Success';
GAI_ERRNO_MESSAGES['' + {{{ cDefine('EAI_BADFLAGS') }}}] = 'Invalid value for \'ai_flags\' field';
GAI_ERRNO_MESSAGES['' + {{{ cDefine('EAI_NONAME') }}}] = 'NAME or SERVICE is unknown';
GAI_ERRNO_MESSAGES['' + {{{ cDefine('EAI_AGAIN') }}}] = 'Temporary failure in name resolution';
GAI_ERRNO_MESSAGES['' + {{{ cDefine('EAI_FAIL') }}}] = 'Non-recoverable failure in name res';
GAI_ERRNO_MESSAGES['' + {{{ cDefine('EAI_FAMILY') }}}] = '\'ai_family\' not supported';
GAI_ERRNO_MESSAGES['' + {{{ cDefine('EAI_SOCKTYPE') }}}] = '\'ai_socktype\' not supported';
GAI_ERRNO_MESSAGES['' + {{{ cDefine('EAI_SERVICE') }}}] = 'SERVICE not supported for \'ai_socktype\'';
GAI_ERRNO_MESSAGES['' + {{{ cDefine('EAI_MEMORY') }}}] = 'Memory allocation failure';
GAI_ERRNO_MESSAGES['' + {{{ cDefine('EAI_SYSTEM') }}}] = 'System error returned in \'errno\'';
GAI_ERRNO_MESSAGES['' + {{{ cDefine('EAI_OVERFLOW') }}}] = 'Argument buffer overflow';
var msg = 'Unknown error';
if (val in GAI_ERRNO_MESSAGES) {
if (GAI_ERRNO_MESSAGES[val].length > buflen - 1) {
msg = 'Message too long'; // EMSGSIZE message. This should never occur given the GAI_ERRNO_MESSAGES above.
} else {
writeAsciiToMemory(msg, _gai_strerror.buffer);
return _gai_strerror.buffer;
// Implement netdb.h protocol entry (getprotoent, getprotobyname, getprotobynumber, setprotoent, endprotoent)
// The Protocols object holds our 'fake' protocols 'database'.
$Protocols: {
list: [],
map: {}
setprotoent__deps: ['$Protocols'],
setprotoent: function(stayopen) {
// void setprotoent(int stayopen);
// Allocate and populate a protoent structure given a name, protocol number and array of aliases
function allocprotoent(name, proto, aliases) {
// write name into buffer
var nameBuf = _malloc(name.length + 1);
writeAsciiToMemory(name, nameBuf);
// write aliases into buffer
var j = 0;
var length = aliases.length;
var aliasListBuf = _malloc((length + 1) * 4); // Use length + 1 so we have space for the terminating NULL ptr.
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++, j += 4) {
var alias = aliases[i];
var aliasBuf = _malloc(alias.length + 1);
writeAsciiToMemory(alias, aliasBuf);
{{{ makeSetValue('aliasListBuf', 'j', 'aliasBuf', 'i8*') }}};
{{{ makeSetValue('aliasListBuf', 'j', '0', 'i8*') }}}; // Terminating NULL pointer.
// generate protoent
var pe = _malloc({{{ C_STRUCTS.protoent.__size__ }}});
{{{ makeSetValue('pe', C_STRUCTS.protoent.p_name, 'nameBuf', 'i8*') }}};
{{{ makeSetValue('pe', C_STRUCTS.protoent.p_aliases, 'aliasListBuf', 'i8**') }}};
{{{ makeSetValue('pe', C_STRUCTS.protoent.p_proto, 'proto', 'i32') }}};
return pe;
// Populate the protocol 'database'. The entries are limited to tcp and udp, though it is fairly trivial
// to add extra entries from /etc/protocols if desired - though not sure if that'd actually be useful.
var list = Protocols.list;
var map =;
if (list.length === 0) {
var entry = allocprotoent('tcp', 6, ['TCP']);
map['tcp'] = map['6'] = entry;
entry = allocprotoent('udp', 17, ['UDP']);
map['udp'] = map['17'] = entry;
_setprotoent.index = 0;
endprotoent: function() {
// void endprotoent(void);
// We're not using a real protocol database so we don't do a real close.
getprotoent__deps: ['setprotoent', '$Protocols'],
getprotoent: function(number) {
// struct protoent *getprotoent(void);
// reads the next entry from the protocols 'database' or return NULL if 'eof'
if (_setprotoent.index === Protocols.list.length) {
return 0;
} else {
var result = Protocols.list[_setprotoent.index++];
return result;
getprotobyname__deps: ['setprotoent', '$Protocols'],
getprotobyname: function(name) {
// struct protoent *getprotobyname(const char *);
name = Pointer_stringify(name);
var result =[name];
return result;
getprotobynumber__deps: ['setprotoent', '$Protocols'],
getprotobynumber: function(number) {
// struct protoent *getprotobynumber(int proto);
var result =[number];
return result;
// ==========================================================================
// sockets. Note that the implementation assumes all sockets are always
// nonblocking
// ==========================================================================
$Sockets__deps: ['__setErrNo', '$ERRNO_CODES',
function() { return 'var SocketIO = ' + read('') + ';\n' },
function() { return 'var Peer = ' + read('wrtcp.js') + ';\n' }],
$Sockets__deps: ['__setErrNo', '$ERRNO_CODES'],
$Sockets: {
BUFFER_SIZE: 10*1024, // initial size
MAX_BUFFER_SIZE: 10*1024*1024, // maximum size we will grow the buffer
nextFd: 1,
fds: {},
nextport: 1,
maxport: 65535,
peer: null,
connections: {},
portmap: {},
localAddr: 0xfe00000a, // Local address is always
addrPool: [ 0x0200000a, 0x0300000a, 0x0400000a, 0x0500000a,
0x0600000a, 0x0700000a, 0x0800000a, 0x0900000a, 0x0a00000a,
0x0b00000a, 0x0c00000a, 0x0d00000a, 0x0e00000a] /* 0x0100000a is reserved */
// pwd.h
getpwnam: function() { throw 'getpwnam: TODO' },
setpwent: function() { throw 'setpwent: TODO' },
getpwent: function() { throw 'getpwent: TODO' },
endpwent: function() { throw 'endpwent: TODO' },
// ==========================================================================
// emscripten.h
// ==========================================================================
emscripten_run_script: function(ptr) {
{{{ makeEval('eval(Pointer_stringify(ptr));') }}}
emscripten_run_script_int: function(ptr) {
{{{ makeEval('return eval(Pointer_stringify(ptr))|0;') }}}
emscripten_run_script_string: function(ptr) {
{{{ makeEval("var s = eval(Pointer_stringify(ptr)) + '';") }}}
var me = _emscripten_run_script_string;
var len = lengthBytesUTF8(s);
if (!me.bufferSize || me.bufferSize < len+1) {
if (me.bufferSize) _free(me.buffer);
me.bufferSize = len+1;
me.buffer = _malloc(me.bufferSize);
stringToUTF8(s, me.buffer, me.bufferSize);
return me.buffer;
emscripten_random: function() {
return Math.random();
emscripten_get_now: function() { abort() }, // replaced by the postset at startup time
emscripten_get_now__postset: "if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_NODE) {\n" +
" _emscripten_get_now = function _emscripten_get_now_actual() {\n" +
" var t = process['hrtime']();\n" +
" return t[0] * 1e3 + t[1] / 1e6;\n" +
" };\n" +
// Pthreads need their clocks synchronized to the execution of the main thread, so give them a special form of the function.
"} else if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) {\n" +
" _emscripten_get_now = function() { return performance['now']() - __performance_now_clock_drift; };\n" +
"} else if (typeof dateNow !== 'undefined') {\n" +
" _emscripten_get_now = dateNow;\n" +
"} else if (typeof self === 'object' && self['performance'] && typeof self['performance']['now'] === 'function') {\n" +
" _emscripten_get_now = function() { return self['performance']['now'](); };\n" +
"} else if (typeof performance === 'object' && typeof performance['now'] === 'function') {\n" +
" _emscripten_get_now = function() { return performance['now'](); };\n" +
"} else {\n" +
" _emscripten_get_now =;\n" +
emscripten_get_now_res: function() { // return resolution of get_now, in nanoseconds
return 1; // nanoseconds
} else if (typeof dateNow !== 'undefined' ||
((ENVIRONMENT_IS_WEB || ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER) && self['performance'] && self['performance']['now'])) {
return 1000; // microseconds (1/1000 of a millisecond)
} else {
return 1000*1000; // milliseconds
emscripten_get_now_is_monotonic__deps: ['emscripten_get_now'],
emscripten_get_now_is_monotonic: function() {
// return whether emscripten_get_now is guaranteed monotonic; the
// implementation is not :(
return ENVIRONMENT_IS_NODE || (typeof dateNow !== 'undefined') ||
((ENVIRONMENT_IS_WEB || ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER) && self['performance'] && self['performance']['now']);
// Returns [parentFuncArguments, functionName, paramListName]
_emscripten_traverse_stack: function(args) {
if (!args || !args.callee || ! {
return [null, '', ''];
var funstr = args.callee.toString();
var funcname =;
var str = '(';
var first = true;
for (var i in args) {
var a = args[i];
if (!first) {
str += ", ";
first = false;
if (typeof a === 'number' || typeof a === 'string') {
str += a;
} else {
str += '(' + typeof a + ')';
str += ')';
var caller = args.callee.caller;
args = caller ? caller.arguments : [];
if (first)
str = '';
return [args, funcname, str];
emscripten_get_callstack_js__deps: ['_emscripten_traverse_stack'],
emscripten_get_callstack_js: function(flags) {
var callstack = jsStackTrace();
// Find the symbols in the callstack that corresponds to the functions that report callstack information, and remove everyhing up to these from the output.
var iThisFunc = callstack.lastIndexOf('_emscripten_log');
var iThisFunc2 = callstack.lastIndexOf('_emscripten_get_callstack');
var iNextLine = callstack.indexOf('\n', Math.max(iThisFunc, iThisFunc2))+1;
callstack = callstack.slice(iNextLine);
// If user requested to see the original source stack, but no source map information is available, just fall back to showing the JS stack.
if (flags & 8/*EM_LOG_C_STACK*/ && typeof emscripten_source_map === 'undefined') {
warnOnce('Source map information is not available, emscripten_log with EM_LOG_C_STACK will be ignored. Build with "--pre-js $EMSCRIPTEN/src/emscripten-source-map.min.js" linker flag to add source map loading to code.');
flags ^= 8/*EM_LOG_C_STACK*/;
flags |= 16/*EM_LOG_JS_STACK*/;
var stack_args = null;
if (flags & 128 /*EM_LOG_FUNC_PARAMS*/) {
// To get the actual parameters to the functions, traverse the stack via the unfortunately deprecated 'arguments.callee' method, if it works:
stack_args = __emscripten_traverse_stack(arguments);
while (stack_args[1].indexOf('_emscripten_') >= 0)
stack_args = __emscripten_traverse_stack(stack_args[0]);
// Process all lines:
var lines = callstack.split('\n');
callstack = '';
var newFirefoxRe = new RegExp('\\s*(.*?)@(.*?):([0-9]+):([0-9]+)'); // New FF30 with column info: extract components of form ' Object._main@'
var firefoxRe = new RegExp('\\s*(.*?)@(.*):(.*)(:(.*))?'); // Old FF without column info: extract components of form ' Object._main@'
var chromeRe = new RegExp('\\s*at (.*?) \\\((.*):(.*):(.*)\\\)'); // Extract components of form ' at Object._main ('
for (var l in lines) {
var line = lines[l];
var jsSymbolName = '';
var file = '';
var lineno = 0;
var column = 0;
var parts = chromeRe.exec(line);
if (parts && parts.length == 5) {
jsSymbolName = parts[1];
file = parts[2];
lineno = parts[3];
column = parts[4];
} else {
parts = newFirefoxRe.exec(line);
if (!parts) parts = firefoxRe.exec(line);
if (parts && parts.length >= 4) {
jsSymbolName = parts[1];
file = parts[2];
lineno = parts[3];
column = parts[4]|0; // Old Firefox doesn't carry column information, but in new FF30, it is present. See
} else {
// Was not able to extract this line for demangling/sourcemapping purposes. Output it as-is.
callstack += line + '\n';
// Try to demangle the symbol, but fall back to showing the original JS symbol name if not available.
var cSymbolName = (flags & 32/*EM_LOG_DEMANGLE*/) ? demangle(jsSymbolName) : jsSymbolName;
if (!cSymbolName) {
cSymbolName = jsSymbolName;
var haveSourceMap = false;
if (flags & 8/*EM_LOG_C_STACK*/) {
var orig = emscripten_source_map.originalPositionFor({line: lineno, column: column});
haveSourceMap = (orig && orig.source);
if (haveSourceMap) {
if (flags & 64/*EM_LOG_NO_PATHS*/) {
orig.source = orig.source.substring(orig.source.replace(/\\/g, "/").lastIndexOf('/')+1);
callstack += ' at ' + cSymbolName + ' (' + orig.source + ':' + orig.line + ':' + orig.column + ')\n';
if ((flags & 16/*EM_LOG_JS_STACK*/) || !haveSourceMap) {
if (flags & 64/*EM_LOG_NO_PATHS*/) {
file = file.substring(file.replace(/\\/g, "/").lastIndexOf('/')+1);
callstack += (haveSourceMap ? (' = '+jsSymbolName) : (' at '+cSymbolName)) + ' (' + file + ':' + lineno + ':' + column + ')\n';
// If we are still keeping track with the callstack by traversing via 'arguments.callee', print the function parameters as well.
if (flags & 128 /*EM_LOG_FUNC_PARAMS*/ && stack_args[0]) {
if (stack_args[1] == jsSymbolName && stack_args[2].length > 0) {
callstack = callstack.replace(/\s+$/, '');
callstack += ' with values: ' + stack_args[1] + stack_args[2] + '\n';
stack_args = __emscripten_traverse_stack(stack_args[0]);
// Trim extra whitespace at the end of the output.
callstack = callstack.replace(/\s+$/, '');
return callstack;
emscripten_get_callstack__deps: ['emscripten_get_callstack_js'],
emscripten_get_callstack: function(flags, str, maxbytes) {
var callstack = _emscripten_get_callstack_js(flags);
// User can query the required amount of bytes to hold the callstack.
if (!str || maxbytes <= 0) {
return lengthBytesUTF8(callstack)+1;
// Output callstack string as C string to HEAP.
var bytesWrittenExcludingNull = stringToUTF8(callstack, str, maxbytes);
// Return number of bytes written, including null.
return bytesWrittenExcludingNull+1;
emscripten_log_js__deps: ['emscripten_get_callstack_js'],
emscripten_log_js: function(flags, str) {
if (flags & 24/*EM_LOG_C_STACK | EM_LOG_JS_STACK*/) {
str = str.replace(/\s+$/, ''); // Ensure the message and the callstack are joined cleanly with exactly one newline.
str += (str.length > 0 ? '\n' : '') + _emscripten_get_callstack_js(flags);
if (flags & 1 /*EM_LOG_CONSOLE*/) {
if (flags & 4 /*EM_LOG_ERROR*/) {
} else if (flags & 2 /*EM_LOG_WARN*/) {
} else {
} else if (flags & 6 /*EM_LOG_ERROR|EM_LOG_WARN*/) {
} else {
emscripten_log__deps: ['_formatString', 'emscripten_log_js'],
emscripten_log: function(flags, varargs) {
// Extract the (optionally-existing) printf format specifier field from varargs.
var format = {{{ makeGetValue('varargs', '0', 'i32', undefined, undefined, true) }}};
varargs += {{{ Math.max(Runtime.getNativeFieldSize('i32'), Runtime.getAlignSize('i32', null, true)) }}};
var str = '';
if (format) {
var result = __formatString(format, varargs);
for(var i = 0 ; i < result.length; ++i) {
str += String.fromCharCode(result[i]);
_emscripten_log_js(flags, str);
emscripten_get_compiler_setting: function(name) {
name = Pointer_stringify(name);
var ret = getCompilerSetting(name);
if (typeof ret === 'number') return ret;
if (!_emscripten_get_compiler_setting.cache) _emscripten_get_compiler_setting.cache = {};
var cache = _emscripten_get_compiler_setting.cache;
var fullname = name + '__str';
var fullret = cache[fullname];
if (fullret) return fullret;
return cache[fullname] = allocate(intArrayFromString(ret + ''), 'i8', ALLOC_NORMAL);
emscripten_debugger: function() {
emscripten_print_double: function(x, to, max) {
var str = x + '';
if (to) return stringToUTF8(str, to, max);
else return lengthBytesUTF8(str);
// i64 math
i64Add__asm: true,
i64Add__sig: 'iiiii',
i64Add: function(a, b, c, d) {
x = a + b*2^32
y = c + d*2^32
result = l + h*2^32
a = a|0; b = b|0; c = c|0; d = d|0;
var l = 0, h = 0;
l = (a + c)>>>0;
h = (b + d + (((l>>>0) < (a>>>0))|0))>>>0; // Add carry from low word to high word on overflow.
{{{ makeStructuralReturn(['l|0', 'h'], true) }}};
i64Subtract__asm: true,
i64Subtract__sig: 'iiiii',
i64Subtract: function(a, b, c, d) {
a = a|0; b = b|0; c = c|0; d = d|0;
var l = 0, h = 0;
l = (a - c)>>>0;
h = (b - d)>>>0;
h = (b - d - (((c>>>0) > (a>>>0))|0))>>>0; // Borrow one from high word to low word on underflow.
{{{ makeStructuralReturn(['l|0', 'h'], true) }}};
bitshift64Shl__asm: true,
bitshift64Shl__sig: 'iiii',
bitshift64Shl: function(low, high, bits) {
low = low|0; high = high|0; bits = bits|0;
var ander = 0;
if ((bits|0) < 32) {
ander = ((1 << bits) - 1)|0;
{{{ makeSetTempRet0('(high << bits) | ((low&(ander << (32 - bits))) >>> (32 - bits))') }}};
return low << bits;
{{{ makeSetTempRet0('low << (bits - 32)') }}};
return 0;
bitshift64Ashr__asm: true,
bitshift64Ashr__sig: 'iiii',
bitshift64Ashr: function(low, high, bits) {
low = low|0; high = high|0; bits = bits|0;
var ander = 0;
if ((bits|0) < 32) {
ander = ((1 << bits) - 1)|0;
{{{ makeSetTempRet0('high >> bits') }}};
return (low >>> bits) | ((high&ander) << (32 - bits));
{{{ makeSetTempRet0('(high|0) < 0 ? -1 : 0') }}};
return (high >> (bits - 32))|0;
bitshift64Lshr__asm: true,
bitshift64Lshr__sig: 'iiii',
bitshift64Lshr: function(low, high, bits) {
low = low|0; high = high|0; bits = bits|0;
var ander = 0;
if ((bits|0) < 32) {
ander = ((1 << bits) - 1)|0;
{{{ makeSetTempRet0('high >>> bits') }}};
return (low >>> bits) | ((high&ander) << (32 - bits));
{{{ makeSetTempRet0('0') }}};
return (high >>> (bits - 32))|0;
// misc shims for musl
__lock: function() {},
__unlock: function() {},
__lockfile: function() { return 1 },
__unlockfile: function(){},
// ubsan (undefined behavior sanitizer) support
// TODO(sbc): Use the actual implementations from clang's compiler-rt
__ubsan_handle_float_cast_overflow: function(id, post) {
abort('Undefined behavior! ubsan_handle_float_cast_overflow: ' + [id, post]);
__ubsan_handle_pointer_overflow: function(id, post) {
abort('Undefined behavior! ubsan_handle_pointer_overflow: ' + [id, post]);
__ubsan_handle_type_mismatch_v1: function(id, post) {
abort('Undefined behavior! ubsan_handle_type_mismatch_v1: ' + [id, post]);
__ubsan_handle_add_overflow: function(id, post) {
abort('Undefined behavior! ubsan_handle_add_overflow: ' + [id, post]);
realloc: function() { throw 'bad realloc called' },
// libunwind
_Unwind_Backtrace__deps: ['emscripten_get_callstack_js'],
_Unwind_Backtrace: function(func, arg) {
var trace = _emscripten_get_callstack_js();
var parts = trace.split('\n');
for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
var ret = Module['dynCall_iii'](func, 0, arg);
if (ret !== 0) return;
_Unwind_GetIPInfo: function() {
_Unwind_FindEnclosingFunction: function() {
return 0; // we cannot succeed
_Unwind_RaiseException__deps: ['__cxa_throw'],
_Unwind_RaiseException: function(ex) {
err('Warning: _Unwind_RaiseException is not correctly implemented');
return ___cxa_throw(ex, 0, 0);
_Unwind_DeleteException: function(ex) {
err('TODO: Unwind_DeleteException');
// autodebugging
emscripten_autodebug_i64: function(line, valuel, valueh) {
out('AD:' + [line, valuel, valueh]);
emscripten_autodebug_i32: function(line, value) {
out('AD:' + [line, value]);
emscripten_autodebug_i16: function(line, value) {
out('AD:' + [line, value]);
emscripten_autodebug_i8: function(line, value) {
out('AD:' + [line, value]);
emscripten_autodebug_float: function(line, value) {
out('AD:' + [line, value]);
emscripten_autodebug_double: function(line, value) {
out('AD:' + [line, value]);
// misc definitions to avoid unnecessary unresolved symbols from fastcomp
emscripten_prep_setjmp: true,
emscripten_cleanup_setjmp: true,
emscripten_check_longjmp: true,
emscripten_get_longjmp_result: true,
emscripten_setjmp: true,
emscripten_preinvoke: true,
emscripten_postinvoke: true,
emscripten_resume: true,
emscripten_landingpad: true,
getHigh32: true,
setHigh32: true,
FtoILow: true,
FtoIHigh: true,
DtoILow: true,
DtoIHigh: true,
BDtoILow: true,
BDtoIHigh: true,
SItoF: true,
UItoF: true,
SItoD: true,
UItoD: true,
BItoD: true,
llvm_dbg_value: true,
llvm_debugtrap: true,
llvm_ctlz_i32: true,
emscripten_asm_const: true,
emscripten_asm_const_int: true,
emscripten_asm_const_double: true,
emscripten_asm_const_int_sync_on_main_thread: true,
emscripten_asm_const_double_sync_on_main_thread: true,
emscripten_asm_const_async_on_main_thread: true,
// ======== compiled code from system/lib/compiler-rt , see readme therein
__muldsi3__asm: true,
__muldsi3__sig: 'iii',
__muldsi3: function($a, $b) {
$a = $a | 0;
$b = $b | 0;
var $1 = 0, $2 = 0, $3 = 0, $6 = 0, $8 = 0, $11 = 0, $12 = 0;
$1 = $a & 65535;
$2 = $b & 65535;
$3 = Math_imul($2, $1) | 0;
$6 = $a >>> 16;
$8 = ($3 >>> 16) + (Math_imul($2, $6) | 0) | 0;
$11 = $b >>> 16;
$12 = Math_imul($11, $1) | 0;
return ({{{ makeSetTempRet0('(($8 >>> 16) + (Math_imul($11, $6) | 0) | 0) + ((($8 & 65535) + $12 | 0) >>> 16) | 0') }}}, 0 | ($8 + $12 << 16 | $3 & 65535)) | 0;
__divdi3__sig: 'iiiii',
__divdi3__asm: true,
__divdi3__deps: ['__udivmoddi4', 'i64Subtract'],
__divdi3: function($a$0, $a$1, $b$0, $b$1) {
$a$0 = $a$0 | 0;
$a$1 = $a$1 | 0;
$b$0 = $b$0 | 0;
$b$1 = $b$1 | 0;
var $1$0 = 0, $1$1 = 0, $2$0 = 0, $2$1 = 0, $4$0 = 0, $4$1 = 0, $6$0 = 0, $7$0 = 0, $7$1 = 0, $8$0 = 0, $10$0 = 0;
$1$0 = $a$1 >> 31 | (($a$1 | 0) < 0 ? -1 : 0) << 1;
$1$1 = (($a$1 | 0) < 0 ? -1 : 0) >> 31 | (($a$1 | 0) < 0 ? -1 : 0) << 1;
$2$0 = $b$1 >> 31 | (($b$1 | 0) < 0 ? -1 : 0) << 1;
$2$1 = (($b$1 | 0) < 0 ? -1 : 0) >> 31 | (($b$1 | 0) < 0 ? -1 : 0) << 1;
$4$0 = _i64Subtract($1$0 ^ $a$0 | 0, $1$1 ^ $a$1 | 0, $1$0 | 0, $1$1 | 0) | 0;
$4$1 = {{{ makeGetTempRet0() }}};
$6$0 = _i64Subtract($2$0 ^ $b$0 | 0, $2$1 ^ $b$1 | 0, $2$0 | 0, $2$1 | 0) | 0;
$7$0 = $2$0 ^ $1$0;
$7$1 = $2$1 ^ $1$1;
$8$0 = ___udivmoddi4($4$0, $4$1, $6$0, {{{ makeGetTempRet0() }}}, 0) | 0;
$10$0 = _i64Subtract($8$0 ^ $7$0 | 0, {{{ makeGetTempRet0() }}} ^ $7$1 | 0, $7$0 | 0, $7$1 | 0) | 0;
return $10$0 | 0;
__remdi3__sig: 'iiiii',
__remdi3__asm: true,
__remdi3__deps: ['__udivmoddi4', 'i64Subtract'],
__remdi3: function($a$0, $a$1, $b$0, $b$1) {
$a$0 = $a$0 | 0;
$a$1 = $a$1 | 0;
$b$0 = $b$0 | 0;
$b$1 = $b$1 | 0;
var $rem = 0, $1$0 = 0, $1$1 = 0, $2$0 = 0, $2$1 = 0, $4$0 = 0, $4$1 = 0, $6$0 = 0, $10$0 = 0, $10$1 = 0, __stackBase__ = 0;
__stackBase__ = STACKTOP;
$rem = __stackBase__ | 0;
$1$0 = $a$1 >> 31 | (($a$1 | 0) < 0 ? -1 : 0) << 1;
$1$1 = (($a$1 | 0) < 0 ? -1 : 0) >> 31 | (($a$1 | 0) < 0 ? -1 : 0) << 1;
$2$0 = $b$1 >> 31 | (($b$1 | 0) < 0 ? -1 : 0) << 1;
$2$1 = (($b$1 | 0) < 0 ? -1 : 0) >> 31 | (($b$1 | 0) < 0 ? -1 : 0) << 1;
$4$0 = _i64Subtract($1$0 ^ $a$0 | 0, $1$1 ^ $a$1 | 0, $1$0 | 0, $1$1 | 0) | 0;
$4$1 = {{{ makeGetTempRet0() }}};
$6$0 = _i64Subtract($2$0 ^ $b$0 | 0, $2$1 ^ $b$1 | 0, $2$0 | 0, $2$1 | 0) | 0;
___udivmoddi4($4$0, $4$1, $6$0, {{{ makeGetTempRet0() }}}, $rem) | 0;
$10$0 = _i64Subtract(HEAP32[$rem >> 2] ^ $1$0 | 0, HEAP32[$rem + 4 >> 2] ^ $1$1 | 0, $1$0 | 0, $1$1 | 0) | 0;
$10$1 = {{{ makeGetTempRet0() }}};
STACKTOP = __stackBase__;
return ({{{ makeSetTempRet0('$10$1') }}}, $10$0) | 0;
__muldi3__sig: 'iiiii',
__muldi3__asm: true,
__muldi3__deps: ['__muldsi3'],
__muldi3: function($a$0, $a$1, $b$0, $b$1) {
$a$0 = $a$0 | 0;
$a$1 = $a$1 | 0;
$b$0 = $b$0 | 0;
$b$1 = $b$1 | 0;
var $x_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc = 0, $y_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc = 0, $1$0 = 0, $1$1 = 0, $2 = 0;
$x_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc = $a$0;
$y_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc = $b$0;
$1$0 = ___muldsi3($x_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc, $y_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc) | 0;
$1$1 = {{{ makeGetTempRet0() }}};
$2 = Math_imul($a$1, $y_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc) | 0;
return ({{{ makeSetTempRet0('((Math_imul($b$1, $x_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc) | 0) + $2 | 0) + $1$1 | $1$1 & 0') }}}, 0 | $1$0 & -1) | 0;
__udivdi3__sig: 'iiiii',
__udivdi3__asm: true,
__udivdi3__deps: ['__udivmoddi4'],
__udivdi3: function($a$0, $a$1, $b$0, $b$1) {
$a$0 = $a$0 | 0;
$a$1 = $a$1 | 0;
$b$0 = $b$0 | 0;
$b$1 = $b$1 | 0;
var $1$0 = 0;
$1$0 = ___udivmoddi4($a$0, $a$1, $b$0, $b$1, 0) | 0;
return $1$0 | 0;
__uremdi3__sig: 'iiiii',
__uremdi3__asm: true,
__uremdi3__deps: ['__udivmoddi4'],
__uremdi3: function($a$0, $a$1, $b$0, $b$1) {
$a$0 = $a$0 | 0;
$a$1 = $a$1 | 0;
$b$0 = $b$0 | 0;
$b$1 = $b$1 | 0;
var $rem = 0, __stackBase__ = 0;
__stackBase__ = STACKTOP;
$rem = __stackBase__ | 0;
___udivmoddi4($a$0, $a$1, $b$0, $b$1, $rem) | 0;
STACKTOP = __stackBase__;
return ({{{ makeSetTempRet0('HEAP32[$rem + 4 >> 2] | 0') }}}, HEAP32[$rem >> 2] | 0) | 0;
__udivmoddi4__sig: 'iiiiii',
__udivmoddi4__asm: true,
__udivmoddi4__deps: ['i64Add', 'i64Subtract', 'llvm_cttz_i32'],
__udivmoddi4: function($a$0, $a$1, $b$0, $b$1, $rem) {
$a$0 = $a$0 | 0;
$a$1 = $a$1 | 0;
$b$0 = $b$0 | 0;
$b$1 = $b$1 | 0;
$rem = $rem | 0;
var $n_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc = 0, $n_sroa_1_4_extract_shift$0 = 0, $n_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc = 0, $d_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc = 0, $d_sroa_1_4_extract_shift$0 = 0, $d_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc = 0, $4 = 0, $17 = 0, $37 = 0, $49 = 0, $51 = 0, $57 = 0, $58 = 0, $66 = 0, $78 = 0, $86 = 0, $88 = 0, $89 = 0, $91 = 0, $92 = 0, $95 = 0, $105 = 0, $117 = 0, $119 = 0, $125 = 0, $126 = 0, $130 = 0, $q_sroa_1_1_ph = 0, $q_sroa_0_1_ph = 0, $r_sroa_1_1_ph = 0, $r_sroa_0_1_ph = 0, $sr_1_ph = 0, $d_sroa_0_0_insert_insert99$0 = 0, $d_sroa_0_0_insert_insert99$1 = 0, $137$0 = 0, $137$1 = 0, $carry_0203 = 0, $sr_1202 = 0, $r_sroa_0_1201 = 0, $r_sroa_1_1200 = 0, $q_sroa_0_1199 = 0, $q_sroa_1_1198 = 0, $147 = 0, $149 = 0, $r_sroa_0_0_insert_insert42$0 = 0, $r_sroa_0_0_insert_insert42$1 = 0, $150$1 = 0, $151$0 = 0, $152 = 0, $154$0 = 0, $r_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc = 0, $r_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc = 0, $155 = 0, $carry_0_lcssa$0 = 0, $carry_0_lcssa$1 = 0, $r_sroa_0_1_lcssa = 0, $r_sroa_1_1_lcssa = 0, $q_sroa_0_1_lcssa = 0, $q_sroa_1_1_lcssa = 0, $q_sroa_0_0_insert_ext75$0 = 0, $q_sroa_0_0_insert_ext75$1 = 0, $q_sroa_0_0_insert_insert77$1 = 0, $_0$0 = 0, $_0$1 = 0;
$n_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc = $a$0;
$n_sroa_1_4_extract_shift$0 = $a$1;
$n_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc = $n_sroa_1_4_extract_shift$0;
$d_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc = $b$0;
$d_sroa_1_4_extract_shift$0 = $b$1;
$d_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc = $d_sroa_1_4_extract_shift$0;
if (($n_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc | 0) == 0) {
$4 = ($rem | 0) != 0;
if (($d_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc | 0) == 0) {
if ($4) {
HEAP32[$rem >> 2] = ($n_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc >>> 0) % ($d_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc >>> 0);
HEAP32[$rem + 4 >> 2] = 0;
$_0$1 = 0;
$_0$0 = ($n_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc >>> 0) / ($d_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc >>> 0) >>> 0;
return ({{{ makeSetTempRet0('$_0$1') }}}, $_0$0) | 0;
} else {
if (!$4) {
$_0$1 = 0;
$_0$0 = 0;
return ({{{ makeSetTempRet0('$_0$1') }}}, $_0$0) | 0;
HEAP32[$rem >> 2] = $a$0 & -1;
HEAP32[$rem + 4 >> 2] = $a$1 & 0;
$_0$1 = 0;
$_0$0 = 0;
return ({{{ makeSetTempRet0('$_0$1') }}}, $_0$0) | 0;
$17 = ($d_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc | 0) == 0;
do {
if (($d_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc | 0) == 0) {
if ($17) {
if (($rem | 0) != 0) {
HEAP32[$rem >> 2] = ($n_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc >>> 0) % ($d_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc >>> 0);
HEAP32[$rem + 4 >> 2] = 0;
$_0$1 = 0;
$_0$0 = ($n_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc >>> 0) / ($d_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc >>> 0) >>> 0;
return ({{{ makeSetTempRet0('$_0$1') }}}, $_0$0) | 0;
if (($n_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc | 0) == 0) {
if (($rem | 0) != 0) {
HEAP32[$rem >> 2] = 0;
HEAP32[$rem + 4 >> 2] = ($n_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc >>> 0) % ($d_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc >>> 0);
$_0$1 = 0;
$_0$0 = ($n_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc >>> 0) / ($d_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc >>> 0) >>> 0;
return ({{{ makeSetTempRet0('$_0$1') }}}, $_0$0) | 0;
$37 = $d_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc - 1 | 0;
if (($37 & $d_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc | 0) == 0) {
if (($rem | 0) != 0) {
HEAP32[$rem >> 2] = 0 | $a$0 & -1;
HEAP32[$rem + 4 >> 2] = $37 & $n_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc | $a$1 & 0;
$_0$1 = 0;
$_0$0 = $n_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc >>> ((_llvm_cttz_i32($d_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc | 0) | 0) >>> 0);
return ({{{ makeSetTempRet0('$_0$1') }}}, $_0$0) | 0;
$49 = Math_clz32($d_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc | 0) | 0;
$51 = $49 - (Math_clz32($n_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc | 0) | 0) | 0;
if ($51 >>> 0 <= 30) {
$57 = $51 + 1 | 0;
$58 = 31 - $51 | 0;
$sr_1_ph = $57;
$r_sroa_0_1_ph = $n_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc << $58 | $n_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc >>> ($57 >>> 0);
$r_sroa_1_1_ph = $n_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc >>> ($57 >>> 0);
$q_sroa_0_1_ph = 0;
$q_sroa_1_1_ph = $n_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc << $58;
if (($rem | 0) == 0) {
$_0$1 = 0;
$_0$0 = 0;
return ({{{ makeSetTempRet0('$_0$1') }}}, $_0$0) | 0;
HEAP32[$rem >> 2] = 0 | $a$0 & -1;
HEAP32[$rem + 4 >> 2] = $n_sroa_1_4_extract_shift$0 | $a$1 & 0;
$_0$1 = 0;
$_0$0 = 0;
return ({{{ makeSetTempRet0('$_0$1') }}}, $_0$0) | 0;
} else {
if (!$17) {
$117 = Math_clz32($d_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc | 0) | 0;
$119 = $117 - (Math_clz32($n_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc | 0) | 0) | 0;
if ($119 >>> 0 <= 31) {
$125 = $119 + 1 | 0;
$126 = 31 - $119 | 0;
$130 = $119 - 31 >> 31;
$sr_1_ph = $125;
$r_sroa_0_1_ph = $n_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc >>> ($125 >>> 0) & $130 | $n_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc << $126;
$r_sroa_1_1_ph = $n_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc >>> ($125 >>> 0) & $130;
$q_sroa_0_1_ph = 0;
$q_sroa_1_1_ph = $n_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc << $126;
if (($rem | 0) == 0) {
$_0$1 = 0;
$_0$0 = 0;
return ({{{ makeSetTempRet0('$_0$1') }}}, $_0$0) | 0;
HEAP32[$rem >> 2] = 0 | $a$0 & -1;
HEAP32[$rem + 4 >> 2] = $n_sroa_1_4_extract_shift$0 | $a$1 & 0;
$_0$1 = 0;
$_0$0 = 0;
return ({{{ makeSetTempRet0('$_0$1') }}}, $_0$0) | 0;
$66 = $d_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc - 1 | 0;
if (($66 & $d_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc | 0) != 0) {
$86 = (Math_clz32($d_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc | 0) | 0) + 33 | 0;
$88 = $86 - (Math_clz32($n_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc | 0) | 0) | 0;
$89 = 64 - $88 | 0;
$91 = 32 - $88 | 0;
$92 = $91 >> 31;
$95 = $88 - 32 | 0;
$105 = $95 >> 31;
$sr_1_ph = $88;
$r_sroa_0_1_ph = $91 - 1 >> 31 & $n_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc >>> ($95 >>> 0) | ($n_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc << $91 | $n_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc >>> ($88 >>> 0)) & $105;
$r_sroa_1_1_ph = $105 & $n_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc >>> ($88 >>> 0);
$q_sroa_0_1_ph = $n_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc << $89 & $92;
$q_sroa_1_1_ph = ($n_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc << $89 | $n_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc >>> ($95 >>> 0)) & $92 | $n_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc << $91 & $88 - 33 >> 31;
if (($rem | 0) != 0) {
HEAP32[$rem >> 2] = $66 & $n_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc;
HEAP32[$rem + 4 >> 2] = 0;
if (($d_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc | 0) == 1) {
$_0$1 = $n_sroa_1_4_extract_shift$0 | $a$1 & 0;
$_0$0 = 0 | $a$0 & -1;
return ({{{ makeSetTempRet0('$_0$1') }}}, $_0$0) | 0;
} else {
$78 = _llvm_cttz_i32($d_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc | 0) | 0;
$_0$1 = 0 | $n_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc >>> ($78 >>> 0);
$_0$0 = $n_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc << 32 - $78 | $n_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc >>> ($78 >>> 0) | 0;
return ({{{ makeSetTempRet0('$_0$1') }}}, $_0$0) | 0;
} while (0);
if (($sr_1_ph | 0) == 0) {
$q_sroa_1_1_lcssa = $q_sroa_1_1_ph;
$q_sroa_0_1_lcssa = $q_sroa_0_1_ph;
$r_sroa_1_1_lcssa = $r_sroa_1_1_ph;
$r_sroa_0_1_lcssa = $r_sroa_0_1_ph;
$carry_0_lcssa$1 = 0;
$carry_0_lcssa$0 = 0;
} else {
$d_sroa_0_0_insert_insert99$0 = 0 | $b$0 & -1;
$d_sroa_0_0_insert_insert99$1 = $d_sroa_1_4_extract_shift$0 | $b$1 & 0;
$137$0 = _i64Add($d_sroa_0_0_insert_insert99$0 | 0, $d_sroa_0_0_insert_insert99$1 | 0, -1, -1) | 0;
$137$1 = {{{ makeGetTempRet0() }}};
$q_sroa_1_1198 = $q_sroa_1_1_ph;
$q_sroa_0_1199 = $q_sroa_0_1_ph;
$r_sroa_1_1200 = $r_sroa_1_1_ph;
$r_sroa_0_1201 = $r_sroa_0_1_ph;
$sr_1202 = $sr_1_ph;
$carry_0203 = 0;
while (1) {
$147 = $q_sroa_0_1199 >>> 31 | $q_sroa_1_1198 << 1;
$149 = $carry_0203 | $q_sroa_0_1199 << 1;
$r_sroa_0_0_insert_insert42$0 = 0 | ($r_sroa_0_1201 << 1 | $q_sroa_1_1198 >>> 31);
$r_sroa_0_0_insert_insert42$1 = $r_sroa_0_1201 >>> 31 | $r_sroa_1_1200 << 1 | 0;
_i64Subtract($137$0 | 0, $137$1 | 0, $r_sroa_0_0_insert_insert42$0 | 0, $r_sroa_0_0_insert_insert42$1 | 0) | 0;
$150$1 = {{{ makeGetTempRet0() }}};
$151$0 = $150$1 >> 31 | (($150$1 | 0) < 0 ? -1 : 0) << 1;
$152 = $151$0 & 1;
$154$0 = _i64Subtract($r_sroa_0_0_insert_insert42$0 | 0, $r_sroa_0_0_insert_insert42$1 | 0, $151$0 & $d_sroa_0_0_insert_insert99$0 | 0, ((($150$1 | 0) < 0 ? -1 : 0) >> 31 | (($150$1 | 0) < 0 ? -1 : 0) << 1) & $d_sroa_0_0_insert_insert99$1 | 0) | 0;
$r_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc = $154$0;
$r_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc = {{{ makeGetTempRet0() }}};
$155 = $sr_1202 - 1 | 0;
if (($155 | 0) == 0) {
} else {
$q_sroa_1_1198 = $147;
$q_sroa_0_1199 = $149;
$r_sroa_1_1200 = $r_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc;
$r_sroa_0_1201 = $r_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc;
$sr_1202 = $155;
$carry_0203 = $152;
$q_sroa_1_1_lcssa = $147;
$q_sroa_0_1_lcssa = $149;
$r_sroa_1_1_lcssa = $r_sroa_1_4_extract_trunc;
$r_sroa_0_1_lcssa = $r_sroa_0_0_extract_trunc;
$carry_0_lcssa$1 = 0;
$carry_0_lcssa$0 = $152;
$q_sroa_0_0_insert_ext75$0 = $q_sroa_0_1_lcssa;
$q_sroa_0_0_insert_ext75$1 = 0;
$q_sroa_0_0_insert_insert77$1 = $q_sroa_1_1_lcssa | $q_sroa_0_0_insert_ext75$1;
if (($rem | 0) != 0) {
HEAP32[$rem >> 2] = 0 | $r_sroa_0_1_lcssa;
HEAP32[$rem + 4 >> 2] = $r_sroa_1_1_lcssa | 0;
$_0$1 = (0 | $q_sroa_0_0_insert_ext75$0) >>> 31 | $q_sroa_0_0_insert_insert77$1 << 1 | ($q_sroa_0_0_insert_ext75$1 << 1 | $q_sroa_0_0_insert_ext75$0 >>> 31) & 0 | $carry_0_lcssa$1;
$_0$0 = ($q_sroa_0_0_insert_ext75$0 << 1 | 0 >>> 31) & -2 | $carry_0_lcssa$0;
return ({{{ makeSetTempRet0('$_0$1') }}}, $_0$0) | 0;
// =======================================================================
function autoAddDeps(object, name) {
for (var item in object) {
if (item.substr(-6) != '__deps') {
if (!object[item + '__deps']) {
object[item + '__deps'] = [name];
} else {
object[item + '__deps'].push(name); // add to existing list