blob: e2047cd499d9d296e3fd007e544e8218329d5672 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Emscripten Authors. All rights reserved.
// Emscripten is available under two separate licenses, the MIT license and the
// University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License. Both these licenses can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// stack management, and other functionality that is provided by the compiled code,
// should not be used before it is ready
stackSave = stackRestore = stackAlloc = function() {
abort('cannot use the stack before compiled code is ready to run, and has provided stack access');
function staticAlloc(size) {
var ret = STATICTOP;
STATICTOP = (STATICTOP + size + 15) & -16;
assert(STATICTOP < TOTAL_MEMORY, 'not enough memory for static allocation - increase TOTAL_MEMORY');
return ret;
function dynamicAlloc(size) {
var ret = HEAP32[DYNAMICTOP_PTR>>2];
var end = (ret + size + 15) & -16;
if (end >= TOTAL_MEMORY) {
var success = enlargeMemory();
if (!success) {
return 0;
return ret;
{{{ alignMemory }}}
{{{ getNativeTypeSize }}}
function warnOnce(text) {
if (!warnOnce.shown) warnOnce.shown = {};
if (!warnOnce.shown[text]) {
warnOnce.shown[text] = 1;
var asm2wasmImports = { // special asm2wasm imports
"f64-rem": function(x, y) {
return x % y;
"debugger": function() {
"f64-to-int": function(x) {
return x | 0;
"i32s-div": function(x, y) {
return ((x | 0) / (y | 0)) | 0;
"i32u-div": function(x, y) {
return ((x >>> 0) / (y >>> 0)) >>> 0;
"i32s-rem": function(x, y) {
return ((x | 0) % (y | 0)) | 0;
"i32u-rem": function(x, y) {
return ((x >>> 0) % (y >>> 0)) >>> 0;
function loadDynamicLibrary(lib) {
var libModule;
#if WASM
var bin;
if (lib.buffer) {
// we were provided the binary, in a typed array
bin = lib;
} else {
// load the binary synchronously
bin = Module['readBinary'](lib);
libModule = loadWebAssemblyModule(bin);
var src = Module['read'](lib);
libModule = eval(src)(
// add symbols into global namespace TODO: weak linking etc.
for (var sym in libModule) {
if (!Module.hasOwnProperty(sym)) {
Module[sym] = libModule[sym];
else if (sym[0] === '_') {
var curr = Module[sym], next = libModule[sym];
// don't warn on functions - might be odr, linkonce_odr, etc.
if (!(typeof curr === 'function' && typeof next === 'function')) {
err("warning: trying to dynamically load symbol '" + sym + "' (from '" + lib + "') that already exists (duplicate symbol? or weak linking, which isn't supported yet?)"); // + [curr, ' vs ', next]);
#if WASM
// Loads a side module from binary data
function loadWebAssemblyModule(binary, loadAsync) {
var int32View = new Uint32Array(new Uint8Array(binary.subarray(0, 24)).buffer);
assert(int32View[0] == 0x6d736100, 'need to see wasm magic number'); // \0asm
// we should see the dylink section right after the magic number and wasm version
assert(binary[8] === 0, 'need the dylink section to be first')
var next = 9;
function getLEB() {
var ret = 0;
var mul = 1;
while (1) {
var byte = binary[next++];
ret += ((byte & 0x7f) * mul);
mul *= 0x80;
if (!(byte & 0x80)) break;
return ret;
var sectionSize = getLEB();
assert(binary[next] === 6); next++; // size of "dylink" string
assert(binary[next] === 'd'.charCodeAt(0)); next++;
assert(binary[next] === 'y'.charCodeAt(0)); next++;
assert(binary[next] === 'l'.charCodeAt(0)); next++;
assert(binary[next] === 'i'.charCodeAt(0)); next++;
assert(binary[next] === 'n'.charCodeAt(0)); next++;
assert(binary[next] === 'k'.charCodeAt(0)); next++;
var memorySize = getLEB();
var memoryAlign = getLEB();
var tableSize = getLEB();
var tableAlign = getLEB();
// alignments are powers of 2
memoryAlign = Math.pow(2, memoryAlign);
tableAlign = Math.pow(2, tableAlign);
// finalize alignments and verify them
memoryAlign = Math.max(memoryAlign, STACK_ALIGN); // we at least need stack alignment
assert(tableAlign === 1);
// prepare memory
var memoryStart = alignMemory(getMemory(memorySize + memoryAlign), memoryAlign); // TODO: add to cleanups
// The static area consists of explicitly initialized data, followed by zero-initialized data.
// The latter may need zeroing out if the MAIN_MODULE has already used this memory area before
// dlopen'ing the SIDE_MODULE. Since we don't know the size of the explicitly initialized data
// here, we just zero the whole thing, which is suboptimal, but should at least resolve bugs
// from uninitialized memory.
for (var i = memoryStart; i < memoryStart + memorySize; ++i) HEAP8[i] = 0;
// prepare env imports
var env = Module['asmLibraryArg'];
// TODO: use only __memory_base and __table_base, need to update asm.js backend
var table = Module['wasmTable'];
var oldTableSize = table.length;
env['__memory_base'] = env['gb'] = memoryStart;
env['__table_base'] = env['fb'] = oldTableSize;
var originalTable = table;
assert(table === originalTable);
// zero-initialize memory and table
// TODO: in some cases we can tell it is already zero initialized
for (var i = env['__memory_base']; i < env['__memory_base'] + memorySize; i++) {
HEAP8[i] = 0;
for (var i = env['__table_base']; i < env['__table_base'] + tableSize; i++) {
table.set(i, null);
// copy currently exported symbols so the new module can import them
for (var x in Module) {
if (!(x in env)) {
env[x] = Module[x];
// wasm dynamic libraries are pure wasm, so they cannot assist in
// their own loading. When side module A wants to import something
// provided by a side module B that is loaded later, we need to
// add a layer of indirection, but worse, we can't even tell what
// to add the indirection for, without inspecting what A's imports
// are. To do that here, we use a JS proxy (another option would
// be to inspect the binary directly).
var proxyHandler = {
'get': function(obj, prop) {
if (prop in obj) {
return obj[prop]; // already present
if (prop.startsWith('g$')) {
// a global. the g$ function returns the global address.
var name = prop.substr(2); // without g$ prefix
return env[prop] = function() {
assert(Module[name], 'missing linked global ' + name);
return Module[name];
if (prop.startsWith('invoke_')) {
// A missing invoke, i.e., an invoke for a function type
// present in the dynamic library but not in the main JS,
// and the dynamic library cannot provide JS for it. Use
// the generic "X" invoke for it.
return env[prop] = invoke_X;
// if not a global, then a function - call it indirectly
return env[prop] = function() {
assert(Module[prop], 'missing linked function ' + prop);
return Module[prop].apply(null, arguments);
var info = {
global: {
'NaN': NaN,
'Infinity': Infinity,
'global.Math': Math,
env: new Proxy(env, proxyHandler),
'asm2wasm': asm2wasmImports
var oldTable = [];
for (var i = 0; i < oldTableSize; i++) {
function postInstantiation(instance) {
var exports = {};
// the table should be unchanged
assert(table === originalTable);
assert(table === Module['wasmTable']);
if (instance.exports['table']) {
assert(table === instance.exports['table']);
// the old part of the table should be unchanged
for (var i = 0; i < oldTableSize; i++) {
assert(table.get(i) === oldTable[i], 'old table entries must remain the same');
// verify that the new table region was filled in
for (var i = 0; i < tableSize; i++) {
assert(table.get(oldTableSize + i) !== undefined, 'table entry was not filled in');
for (var e in instance.exports) {
var value = instance.exports[e];
if (typeof value === 'object') {
// a breaking change in the wasm spec, globals are now objects
value = value.value;
if (typeof value === 'number') {
// relocate it - modules export the absolute value, they can't relocate before they export
// it may be a function pointer
if (e.substr(0, 3) == 'fp$' && typeof instance.exports[e.substr(3)] === 'function') {
value = value + env['__table_base'];
} else {
value = value + env['__memory_base'];
exports[e] = value;
// initialize the module
var init = exports['__post_instantiate'];
if (init) {
if (runtimeInitialized) {
} else {
// we aren't ready to run compiled code yet
return exports;
if (loadAsync) {
return WebAssembly.instantiate(binary, info).then(function(result) {
return postInstantiation(result.instance);
} else {
var instance = new WebAssembly.Instance(new WebAssembly.Module(binary), info);
return postInstantiation(instance);
Module['loadWebAssemblyModule'] = loadWebAssemblyModule;
#endif // WASM
#if WASM == 0
function getFunctionTables(module) {
if (!module) module = Module;
var tables = {};
for (var t in module) {
if (/^FUNCTION_TABLE_.*/.test(t)) {
var table = module[t];
if (typeof table === 'object') tables[t.substr('FUNCTION_TABLE_'.length)] = table;
return tables;
function alignFunctionTables(module) {
var tables = getFunctionTables(module);
var maxx = 0;
for (var sig in tables) {
maxx = Math.max(maxx, tables[sig].length);
assert(maxx >= 0);
for (var sig in tables) {
var table = tables[sig];
while (table.length < maxx) table.push(0);
return maxx;
#endif // WASM == 0
// register functions from a new module being loaded
function registerFunctions(sigs, newModule) {
sigs.forEach(function(sig) {
if (!Module['FUNCTION_TABLE_' + sig]) {
Module['FUNCTION_TABLE_' + sig] = [];
var oldMaxx = alignFunctionTables(); // align the new tables we may have just added
var newMaxx = alignFunctionTables(newModule);
var maxx = oldMaxx + newMaxx;
sigs.forEach(function(sig) {
var newTable = newModule['FUNCTION_TABLE_' + sig];
var oldTable = Module['FUNCTION_TABLE_' + sig];
assert(newTable !== oldTable);
assert(oldTable.length === oldMaxx);
for (var i = 0; i < newTable.length; i++) {
assert(oldTable.length === maxx);
assert(maxx === alignFunctionTables()); // align the ones we didn't touch
// export this so side modules can use it
Module['registerFunctions'] = registerFunctions;
var jsCallStartIndex = {{{ JSCALL_START_INDEX }}};
var jsCallSigOrder = {{{ JSON.stringify(JSCALL_SIG_ORDER) }}};
var jsCallNumSigs = Object.keys(jsCallSigOrder).length;
var functionPointers = new Array(jsCallNumSigs * {{{ RESERVED_FUNCTION_POINTERS }}});
var jsCallStartIndex = 1;
var functionPointers = new Array({{{ RESERVED_FUNCTION_POINTERS }}});
// 'sig' parameter is only used on LLVM wasm backend
function addFunction(func, sig) {
assert(typeof sig !== 'undefined',
'Second argument of addFunction should be a wasm function signature ' +
#endif // WASM_BACKEND
if (typeof sig === 'undefined') {
err('warning: addFunction(): You should provide a wasm function signature string as a second argument. This is not necessary for asm.js and asm2wasm, but is required for the LLVM wasm backend, so it is recommended for full portability.');
#endif // ASSERTIONS
var base = jsCallSigOrder[sig] * {{{ RESERVED_FUNCTION_POINTERS }}};
var base = 0;
for (var i = base; i < base + {{{ RESERVED_FUNCTION_POINTERS }}}; i++) {
if (!functionPointers[i]) {
functionPointers[i] = func;
return jsCallStartIndex + i;
throw 'Finished up all reserved function pointers. Use a higher value for RESERVED_FUNCTION_POINTERS.';
#if WASM
// we can simply append to the wasm table
var table = Module['wasmTable'];
var ret = table.length;
table.set(ret, func);
return ret;
alignFunctionTables(); // XXX we should rely on this being an invariant
var tables = getFunctionTables();
var ret = -1;
for (var sig in tables) {
var table = tables[sig];
if (ret < 0) ret = table.length;
else assert(ret === table.length);
return ret;
function removeFunction(index) {
functionPointers[index-jsCallStartIndex] = null;
alignFunctionTables(); // XXX we should rely on this being an invariant
var tables = getFunctionTables();
for (var sig in tables) {
tables[sig][index] = null;
var funcWrappers = {};
function getFuncWrapper(func, sig) {
if (!func) return; // on null pointer, return undefined
if (!funcWrappers[sig]) {
funcWrappers[sig] = {};
var sigCache = funcWrappers[sig];
if (!sigCache[func]) {
// optimize away arguments usage in common cases
if (sig.length === 1) {
sigCache[func] = function dynCall_wrapper() {
return dynCall(sig, func);
} else if (sig.length === 2) {
sigCache[func] = function dynCall_wrapper(arg) {
return dynCall(sig, func, [arg]);
} else {
// general case
sigCache[func] = function dynCall_wrapper() {
return dynCall(sig, func,;
return sigCache[func];
var runtimeDebug = true; // Switch to false at runtime to disable logging at the right times
var printObjectList = [];
function prettyPrint(arg) {
if (typeof arg == 'undefined') return '!UNDEFINED!';
if (typeof arg == 'boolean') arg = arg + 0;
if (!arg) return arg;
var index = printObjectList.indexOf(arg);
if (index >= 0) return '<' + arg + '|' + index + '>';
if (arg.toString() == '[object HTMLImageElement]') {
return arg + '\n\n';
if (arg.byteLength) {
return '{' +, 0, Math.min(arg.length, 400)) + '}'; // Useful for correct arrays, less so for compiled arrays, see the code below for that
var buf = new ArrayBuffer(32);
var i8buf = new Int8Array(buf);
var i16buf = new Int16Array(buf);
var f32buf = new Float32Array(buf);
switch(arg.toString()) {
case '[object Uint8Array]':
i8buf.set(arg.subarray(0, 32));
case '[object Float32Array]':
f32buf.set(arg.subarray(0, 5));
case '[object Uint16Array]':
i16buf.set(arg.subarray(0, 16));
alert('unknown array for debugging: ' + arg);
throw 'see alert';
var ret = '{' + arg.byteLength + ':\n';
var arr =;
ret += 'i8:' + arr.toString().replace(/,/g, ',') + '\n';
arr =, 0, 8);
ret += 'f32:' + arr.toString().replace(/,/g, ',') + '}';
return ret;
if (typeof arg == 'object') {
return '<' + arg + '|' + (printObjectList.length-1) + '>';
if (typeof arg == 'number') {
if (arg > 0) return '0x' + arg.toString(16) + ' (' + arg + ')';
return arg;
function makeBigInt(low, high, unsigned) {
return unsigned ? ((+((low>>>0)))+((+((high>>>0)))*4294967296.0)) : ((+((low>>>0)))+((+((high|0)))*4294967296.0));
function dynCall(sig, ptr, args) {
if (args && args.length) {
assert(args.length == sig.length-1);
assert(('dynCall_' + sig) in Module, 'bad function pointer type - no table for sig \'' + sig + '\'');
return Module['dynCall_' + sig].apply(null, [ptr].concat(args));
} else {
assert(sig.length == 1);
assert(('dynCall_' + sig) in Module, 'bad function pointer type - no table for sig \'' + sig + '\'');
return Module['dynCall_' + sig].call(null, ptr);
var tempRet0 = 0;
var setTempRet0 = function(value) {
tempRet0 = value;
var getTempRet0 = function() {
return tempRet0;
var compilerSettings = {{{ JSON.stringify(makeRetainedCompilerSettings()) }}} ;
function getCompilerSetting(name) {
if (!(name in compilerSettings)) return 'invalid compiler setting: ' + name;
return compilerSettings[name];
function getCompilerSetting(name) {
throw 'You must build with -s RETAIN_COMPILER_SETTINGS=1 for getCompilerSetting or emscripten_get_compiler_setting to work';
#endif // ASSERTIONS
var Runtime = {
// FIXME backwards compatibility layer for ports. Support some Runtime.*
// for now, fix it there, then remove it from here. That way we
// can minimize any period of breakage.
dynCall: dynCall, // for SDL2 port
// helpful errors
getTempRet0: function() { abort('getTempRet0() is now a top-level function, after removing the Runtime object. Remove "Runtime."') },
staticAlloc: function() { abort('staticAlloc() is now a top-level function, after removing the Runtime object. Remove "Runtime."') },
stackAlloc: function() { abort('stackAlloc() is now a top-level function, after removing the Runtime object. Remove "Runtime."') },
// The address globals begin at. Very low in memory, for code size and optimization opportunities.
// Above 0 is static memory, starting with globals.
// Then the stack.
// Then 'dynamic' memory for sbrk.
GLOBAL_BASE = alignMemory(GLOBAL_BASE, {{{ MAX_GLOBAL_ALIGN || 1 }}});