blob: f27e5a039094e2ad0bb8bc8191614af33ff503d2 [file] [log] [blame]
* @license
* Copyright 2015 The Emscripten Authors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
var LibraryPThread = {
$PThread__postset: 'if (!ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) PThread.initMainThreadBlock();',
$PThread__deps: ['$registerPthreadPtr',
'$ERRNO_CODES', 'emscripten_futex_wake', '$killThread',
'$cancelThread', '$cleanupThread',
, '$withBuiltinMalloc'
$PThread: {
MAIN_THREAD_ID: 1, // A special constant that identifies the main JS thread ID.
mainThreadInfo: {
schedPolicy: 0/*SCHED_OTHER*/,
schedPrio: 0
// Contains all Workers that are idle/unused and not currently hosting an executing pthread.
// Unused Workers can either be pooled up before page startup, but also when a pthread quits, its hosting
// Worker is not terminated, but is returned to this pool as an optimization so that starting the next thread is faster.
unusedWorkers: [],
// Contains all Workers that are currently hosting an active pthread.
runningWorkers: [],
// Points to a pthread_t structure in the Emscripten main heap, allocated on demand if/when first needed.
// mainThreadBlock: undefined,
// Stores the memory address that the main thread is waiting on, if any. If
// the main thread is waiting, we wake it up before waking up any workers.
// mainThreadFutex: undefined,
initMainThreadBlock: function() {
var pthreadPoolSize = {{{ PTHREAD_POOL_SIZE }}};
// Start loading up the Worker pool, if requested.
for(var i = 0; i < pthreadPoolSize; ++i) {
initRuntime: function() {
// When sanitizers are enabled, malloc is normally instrumented to call
// sanitizer code that checks some things about pthreads. As we are just
// setting up the main thread here, and are not ready for such calls,
// call malloc directly.
withBuiltinMalloc(function () {
PThread.mainThreadBlock = _malloc({{{ C_STRUCTS.pthread.__size__ }}});
for (var i = 0; i < {{{ C_STRUCTS.pthread.__size__ }}}/4; ++i) HEAPU32[PThread.mainThreadBlock/4+i] = 0;
// The pthread struct has a field that points to itself - this is used as a magic ID to detect whether the pthread_t
// structure is 'alive'.
{{{ makeSetValue('PThread.mainThreadBlock', C_STRUCTS.pthread.self, 'PThread.mainThreadBlock', 'i32') }}};
// pthread struct robust_list head should point to itself.
var headPtr = PThread.mainThreadBlock + {{{ C_STRUCTS.pthread.robust_list }}};
{{{ makeSetValue('headPtr', 0, 'headPtr', 'i32') }}};
// Allocate memory for thread-local storage.
var tlsMemory = _malloc({{{ cDefine('PTHREAD_KEYS_MAX') * 4 }}});
for (var i = 0; i < {{{ cDefine('PTHREAD_KEYS_MAX') }}}; ++i) HEAPU32[tlsMemory/4+i] = 0;, (PThread.mainThreadBlock + {{{ C_STRUCTS.pthread.tsd }}} ) >> 2, tlsMemory); // Init thread-local-storage memory array., (PThread.mainThreadBlock + {{{ C_STRUCTS.pthread.tid }}} ) >> 2, PThread.mainThreadBlock); // Main thread ID., (PThread.mainThreadBlock + {{{ }}} ) >> 2, {{{ }}}); // Process ID.
PThread.setThreadName(PThread.mainThreadBlock, "Browser main thread");
PThread.setThreadStatus(PThread.mainThreadBlock, {{{ cDefine('EM_THREAD_STATUS_RUNNING') }}});
// Pass the thread address inside the asm.js scope to store it for fast access that avoids the need for a FFI out.
// Global constructors trying to access this value will read the wrong value, but that is UB anyway.
registerPthreadPtr(PThread.mainThreadBlock, /*isMainBrowserThread=*/!ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER, /*isMainRuntimeThread=*/1);
initWorker: function() {
// Embind must initialize itself on all threads, as it generates support JS.
#endif // EMBIND
// The promise resolve function typically gets called as part of the execution
// of the Module `run`. The workers/pthreads don't execute `run` here, they
// call `run` in response to a message at a later time, so the creation
// promise can be resolved, marking the pthread-Module as initialized.
#endif // MODULARIZE
// worker.js is not compiled together with us, and must access certain
// things.
PThread['receiveObjectTransfer'] = PThread.receiveObjectTransfer;
PThread['setThreadStatus'] = PThread.setThreadStatus;
PThread['threadCancel'] = PThread.threadCancel;
PThread['threadExit'] = PThread.threadExit;
initShared: function() {
PThread.mainThreadFutex = Module['_main_thread_futex'];
assert(PThread.mainThreadFutex > 0);
// Maps pthread_t to pthread info objects
pthreads: {},
threadExitHandlers: [], // An array of C functions to run when this thread exits.
createProfilerBlock: function(pthreadPtr) {
var profilerBlock = _malloc({{{ C_STRUCTS.thread_profiler_block.__size__ }}});, (pthreadPtr + {{{ C_STRUCTS.pthread.profilerBlock }}} ) >> 2, profilerBlock);
// Zero fill contents at startup.
for (var i = 0; i < {{{ C_STRUCTS.thread_profiler_block.__size__ }}}; i += 4), (profilerBlock + i) >> 2, 0);, (pthreadPtr + {{{ C_STRUCTS.thread_profiler_block.currentStatusStartTime }}} ) >> 2,;
// Sets the current thread status, but only if it was in the given expected state before. This is used
// to allow high-level control flow "override" the thread status before low-level (futex wait) operations set it.
setThreadStatusConditional: function(pthreadPtr, expectedStatus, newStatus) {
var profilerBlock = Atomics.load(HEAPU32, (pthreadPtr + {{{ C_STRUCTS.pthread.profilerBlock }}} ) >> 2);
if (!profilerBlock) return;
var prevStatus = Atomics.load(HEAPU32, (profilerBlock + {{{ C_STRUCTS.thread_profiler_block.threadStatus }}} ) >> 2);
if (prevStatus != newStatus && (prevStatus == expectedStatus || expectedStatus == -1)) {
var now =;
var startState = HEAPF64[(profilerBlock + {{{ C_STRUCTS.thread_profiler_block.currentStatusStartTime }}} ) >> 3];
var duration = now - startState;
HEAPF64[((profilerBlock + {{{ C_STRUCTS.thread_profiler_block.timeSpentInStatus }}} ) >> 3) + prevStatus] += duration;, (profilerBlock + {{{ C_STRUCTS.thread_profiler_block.threadStatus }}} ) >> 2, newStatus);
HEAPF64[(profilerBlock + {{{ C_STRUCTS.thread_profiler_block.currentStatusStartTime }}} ) >> 3] = now;
// Unconditionally sets the thread status.
setThreadStatus: function(pthreadPtr, newStatus) {
PThread.setThreadStatusConditional(pthreadPtr, -1, newStatus);
setThreadName: function(pthreadPtr, name) {
var profilerBlock = Atomics.load(HEAPU32, (pthreadPtr + {{{ C_STRUCTS.pthread.profilerBlock }}} ) >> 2);
if (!profilerBlock) return;
stringToUTF8(name, profilerBlock + {{{ }}}, 32);
getThreadName: function(pthreadPtr) {
var profilerBlock = Atomics.load(HEAPU32, (pthreadPtr + {{{ C_STRUCTS.pthread.profilerBlock }}} ) >> 2);
if (!profilerBlock) return "";
return UTF8ToString(profilerBlock + {{{ }}});
threadStatusToString: function(threadStatus) {
switch(threadStatus) {
case 0: return "not yet started";
case 1: return "running";
case 2: return "sleeping";
case 3: return "waiting for a futex";
case 4: return "waiting for a mutex";
case 5: return "waiting for a proxied operation";
case 6: return "finished execution";
default: return "unknown (corrupt?!)";
threadStatusAsString: function(pthreadPtr) {
var profilerBlock = Atomics.load(HEAPU32, (pthreadPtr + {{{ C_STRUCTS.pthread.profilerBlock }}} ) >> 2);
var status = (profilerBlock == 0) ? 0 : Atomics.load(HEAPU32, (profilerBlock + {{{ C_STRUCTS.thread_profiler_block.threadStatus }}} ) >> 2);
return PThread.threadStatusToString(status);
setThreadStatus: function() {},
runExitHandlers: function() {
while (PThread.threadExitHandlers.length > 0) {
// Call into the musl function that runs destructors of all thread-specific data.
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD && threadInfoStruct) ___pthread_tsd_run_dtors();
// Called when we are performing a pthread_exit(), either explicitly called by programmer,
// or implicitly when leaving the thread main function.
threadExit: function(exitCode) {
var tb = _pthread_self();
if (tb) { // If we haven't yet exited?
err('Pthread 0x' + tb.toString(16) + ' exited.');
var profilerBlock = Atomics.load(HEAPU32, (threadInfoStruct + {{{ C_STRUCTS.pthread.profilerBlock }}} ) >> 2);, (threadInfoStruct + {{{ C_STRUCTS.pthread.profilerBlock }}} ) >> 2, 0);
#endif, (tb + {{{ C_STRUCTS.pthread.threadExitCode }}} ) >> 2, exitCode);
// When we publish this, the main thread is free to deallocate the thread object and we are done.
// Therefore set threadInfoStruct = 0; above to 'release' the object in this worker thread., (tb + {{{ C_STRUCTS.pthread.threadStatus }}} ) >> 2, 1);
// Disable all cancellation so that executing the cleanup handlers won't trigger another JS
// canceled exception to be thrown., (tb + {{{ C_STRUCTS.pthread.canceldisable }}} ) >> 2, 1/*PTHREAD_CANCEL_DISABLE*/);, (tb + {{{ C_STRUCTS.pthread.cancelasync }}} ) >> 2, 0/*PTHREAD_CANCEL_DEFERRED*/);
_emscripten_futex_wake(tb + {{{ C_STRUCTS.pthread.threadStatus }}}, {{{ cDefine('INT_MAX') }}});
registerPthreadPtr(0, 0, 0); // Unregister the thread block also inside the asm.js scope.
threadInfoStruct = 0;
// Note: in theory we would like to return any offscreen canvases back to the main thread,
// but if we ever fetched a rendering context for them that would not be valid, so we don't try.
postMessage({ 'cmd': 'exit' });
threadCancel: function() {
PThread.runExitHandlers();, (threadInfoStruct + {{{ C_STRUCTS.pthread.threadExitCode }}} ) >> 2, -1/*PTHREAD_CANCELED*/);, (threadInfoStruct + {{{ C_STRUCTS.pthread.threadStatus }}} ) >> 2, 1); // Mark the thread as no longer running.
_emscripten_futex_wake(threadInfoStruct + {{{ C_STRUCTS.pthread.threadStatus }}}, {{{ cDefine('INT_MAX') }}}); // wake all threads
threadInfoStruct = selfThreadId = 0; // Not hosting a pthread anymore in this worker, reset the info structures to null.
registerPthreadPtr(0, 0, 0); // Unregister the thread block also inside the asm.js scope.
postMessage({ 'cmd': 'cancelDone' });
terminateAllThreads: function() {
for (var t in PThread.pthreads) {
var pthread = PThread.pthreads[t];
if (pthread && pthread.worker) {
PThread.pthreads = {};
for (var i = 0; i < PThread.unusedWorkers.length; ++i) {
var worker = PThread.unusedWorkers[i];
assert(!worker.pthread); // This Worker should not be hosting a pthread at this time.
PThread.unusedWorkers = [];
for (var i = 0; i < PThread.runningWorkers.length; ++i) {
var worker = PThread.runningWorkers[i];
var pthread = worker.pthread;
assert(pthread, 'This Worker should have a pthread it is executing');
PThread.runningWorkers = [];
freeThreadData: function(pthread) {
if (!pthread) return;
if (pthread.threadInfoStruct) {
var tlsMemory = {{{ makeGetValue('pthread.threadInfoStruct', C_STRUCTS.pthread.tsd, 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValue('pthread.threadInfoStruct', C_STRUCTS.pthread.tsd, 0, 'i32') }}};
pthread.threadInfoStruct = 0;
if (pthread.allocatedOwnStack && pthread.stackBase) _free(pthread.stackBase);
pthread.stackBase = 0;
if (pthread.worker) pthread.worker.pthread = null;
returnWorkerToPool: function(worker) {
delete PThread.pthreads[worker.pthread.thread];
//Note: worker is intentionally not terminated so the pool can dynamically grow.
PThread.runningWorkers.splice(PThread.runningWorkers.indexOf(worker), 1); // Not a running Worker anymore
worker.pthread = undefined; // Detach the worker from the pthread object, and return it to the worker pool as an unused worker.
receiveObjectTransfer: function(data) {
if (typeof GL !== 'undefined') {
for (var i in data.offscreenCanvases) {
GL.offscreenCanvases[i] = data.offscreenCanvases[i];
if (!Module['canvas'] && data.moduleCanvasId && GL.offscreenCanvases[data.moduleCanvasId]) {
Module['canvas'] = GL.offscreenCanvases[data.moduleCanvasId].offscreenCanvas;
Module['canvas'].id = data.moduleCanvasId;
// Loads the WebAssembly module into the given list of Workers.
// onFinishedLoading: A callback function that will be called once all of the workers have been initialized and are
// ready to host pthreads.
loadWasmModuleToWorker: function(worker, onFinishedLoading) {
worker.onmessage = function(e) {
var d = e['data'];
var cmd = d['cmd'];
// Sometimes we need to backproxy events to the calling thread (e.g. HTML5 DOM events handlers such as emscripten_set_mousemove_callback()), so keep track in a globally accessible variable about the thread that initiated the proxying.
if (worker.pthread) PThread.currentProxiedOperationCallerThread = worker.pthread.threadInfoStruct;
// If this message is intended to a recipient that is not the main thread, forward it to the target thread.
if (d['targetThread'] && d['targetThread'] != _pthread_self()) {
var thread = PThread.pthreads[d.targetThread];
if (thread) {
thread.worker.postMessage(, d['transferList']);
} else {
console.error('Internal error! Worker sent a message "' + cmd + '" to target pthread ' + d['targetThread'] + ', but that thread no longer exists!');
PThread.currentProxiedOperationCallerThread = undefined;
if (cmd === 'processQueuedMainThreadWork') {
// TODO: Must post message to main Emscripten thread in PROXY_TO_WORKER mode.
} else if (cmd === 'spawnThread') {
} else if (cmd === 'cleanupThread') {
} else if (cmd === 'killThread') {
} else if (cmd === 'cancelThread') {
} else if (cmd === 'loaded') {
worker.loaded = true;
if (onFinishedLoading) onFinishedLoading(worker);
// If this Worker is already pending to start running a thread, launch the thread now
if (worker.runPthread) {
delete worker.runPthread;
} else if (cmd === 'print') {
out('Thread ' + d['threadId'] + ': ' + d['text']);
} else if (cmd === 'printErr') {
err('Thread ' + d['threadId'] + ': ' + d['text']);
} else if (cmd === 'alert') {
alert('Thread ' + d['threadId'] + ': ' + d['text']);
} else if (cmd === 'exit') {
var detached = worker.pthread && Atomics.load(HEAPU32, (worker.pthread.thread + {{{ C_STRUCTS.pthread.detached }}}) >> 2);
if (detached) {
#if EXIT_RUNTIME // If building with -s EXIT_RUNTIME=0, no thread will post this message, so don't even compile it in.
} else if (cmd === 'exitProcess') {
// A pthread has requested to exit the whole application process (runtime).
noExitRuntime = false;
try {
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof ExitStatus) return;
throw e;
} else if (cmd === 'cancelDone') {
} else if (cmd === 'objectTransfer') {
} else if ( === 'setimmediate') {
worker.postMessage(; // Worker wants to postMessage() to itself to implement setImmediate() emulation.
} else {
err("worker sent an unknown command " + cmd);
PThread.currentProxiedOperationCallerThread = undefined;
worker.onerror = function(e) {
err('pthread sent an error! ' + e.filename + ':' + e.lineno + ': ' + e.message);
worker.on('message', function(data) {
worker.onmessage({ data: data });
worker.on('error', function(data) {
worker.on('exit', function(data) {
// TODO: update the worker queue?
// See:
assert(wasmMemory instanceof WebAssembly.Memory, 'WebAssembly memory should have been loaded by now!');
assert(wasmModule instanceof WebAssembly.Module, 'WebAssembly Module should have been loaded by now!');
// Ask the new worker to load up the Emscripten-compiled page. This is a heavy operation.
'cmd': 'load',
// If the application main .js file was loaded from a Blob, then it is not possible
// to access the URL of the current script that could be passed to a Web Worker so that
// it could load up the same file. In that case, developer must either deliver the Blob
// object in Module['mainScriptUrlOrBlob'], or a URL to it, so that pthread Workers can
// independently load up the same main application file.
'urlOrBlob': Module['mainScriptUrlOrBlob'] || _scriptDir,
// the polyfill WebAssembly.Memory instance has function properties,
// which will fail in postMessage, so just send a custom object with the
// property we need, the buffer
'wasmMemory': { 'buffer': wasmMemory.buffer },
#else // WASM2JS
'wasmMemory': wasmMemory,
#endif // WASM2JS
'wasmModule': wasmModule,
'wasmSourceMap': wasmSourceMap,
'wasmOffsetConverter': wasmOffsetConverter,
// Creates a new web Worker and places it in the unused worker pool to wait for its use.
allocateUnusedWorker: function() {
var pthreadMainJs = Module['worker'];
// Allow HTML module to configure the location where the 'worker.js' file will be loaded from,
// via Module.locateFile() function. If not specified, then the default URL 'worker.js' relative
// to the main html file is loaded.
var pthreadMainJs = locateFile('{{{ PTHREAD_WORKER_FILE }}}');
out('Allocating a new web worker from ' + pthreadMainJs);
PThread.unusedWorkers.push(new Worker(pthreadMainJs));
getNewWorker: function() {
if (PThread.unusedWorkers.length == 0) {
if (PThread.unusedWorkers.length > 0) return PThread.unusedWorkers.pop();
else return null;
busySpinWait: function(msecs) {
var t = + msecs;
while( < t) {
$killThread: function(pthread_ptr) {
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) throw 'Internal Error! killThread() can only ever be called from main application thread!';
if (!pthread_ptr) throw 'Internal Error! Null pthread_ptr in killThread!';
{{{ makeSetValue('pthread_ptr', C_STRUCTS.pthread.self, 0, 'i32') }}};
var pthread = PThread.pthreads[pthread_ptr];
// The worker was completely nuked (not just the pthread execution it was hosting), so remove it from running workers
// but don't put it back to the pool.
PThread.runningWorkers.splice(PThread.runningWorkers.indexOf(pthread.worker), 1); // Not a running Worker anymore.
pthread.worker.pthread = undefined;
$cleanupThread: function(pthread_ptr) {
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) throw 'Internal Error! cleanupThread() can only ever be called from main application thread!';
if (!pthread_ptr) throw 'Internal Error! Null pthread_ptr in cleanupThread!';
{{{ makeSetValue('pthread_ptr', C_STRUCTS.pthread.self, 0, 'i32') }}};
var pthread = PThread.pthreads[pthread_ptr];
if (pthread) {
var worker = pthread.worker;
$cancelThread: function(pthread_ptr) {
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) throw 'Internal Error! cancelThread() can only ever be called from main application thread!';
if (!pthread_ptr) throw 'Internal Error! Null pthread_ptr in cancelThread!';
var pthread = PThread.pthreads[pthread_ptr];
pthread.worker.postMessage({ 'cmd': 'cancel' });
$spawnThread: function(threadParams) {
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) throw 'Internal Error! spawnThread() can only ever be called from main application thread!';
var worker = PThread.getNewWorker();
if (worker.pthread !== undefined) throw 'Internal error!';
if (!threadParams.pthread_ptr) throw 'Internal error, no pthread ptr!';
// Allocate memory for thread-local storage and initialize it to zero.
var tlsMemory = _malloc({{{ cDefine('PTHREAD_KEYS_MAX') }}} * 4);
for (var i = 0; i < {{{ cDefine('PTHREAD_KEYS_MAX') }}}; ++i) {
{{{ makeSetValue('tlsMemory', 'i*4', 0, 'i32') }}};
var stackHigh = threadParams.stackBase + threadParams.stackSize;
var pthread = PThread.pthreads[threadParams.pthread_ptr] = { // Create a pthread info object to represent this thread.
worker: worker,
stackBase: threadParams.stackBase,
stackSize: threadParams.stackSize,
allocatedOwnStack: threadParams.allocatedOwnStack,
thread: threadParams.pthread_ptr,
threadInfoStruct: threadParams.pthread_ptr // Info area for this thread in Emscripten HEAP (shared)
var tis = pthread.threadInfoStruct >> 2;, tis + ({{{ C_STRUCTS.pthread.threadStatus }}} >> 2), 0); // threadStatus <- 0, meaning not yet exited., tis + ({{{ C_STRUCTS.pthread.threadExitCode }}} >> 2), 0); // threadExitCode <- 0., tis + ({{{ C_STRUCTS.pthread.profilerBlock }}} >> 2), 0); // profilerBlock <- 0., tis + ({{{ C_STRUCTS.pthread.detached }}} >> 2), threadParams.detached);, tis + ({{{ C_STRUCTS.pthread.tsd }}} >> 2), tlsMemory); // Init thread-local-storage memory array., tis + ({{{ C_STRUCTS.pthread.tsd_used }}} >> 2), 0); // Mark initial status to unused., tis + ({{{ C_STRUCTS.pthread.tid }}} >> 2), pthread.threadInfoStruct); // Main thread ID., tis + ({{{ }}} >> 2), {{{ }}}); // Process ID., tis + ({{{ C_STRUCTS.pthread.attr }}} >> 2), threadParams.stackSize);, tis + ({{{ C_STRUCTS.pthread.stack_size }}} >> 2), threadParams.stackSize);, tis + ({{{ C_STRUCTS.pthread.stack }}} >> 2), stackHigh);, tis + ({{{ C_STRUCTS.pthread.attr }}} + 8 >> 2), stackHigh);, tis + ({{{ C_STRUCTS.pthread.attr }}} + 12 >> 2), threadParams.detached);, tis + ({{{ C_STRUCTS.pthread.attr }}} + 20 >> 2), threadParams.schedPolicy);, tis + ({{{ C_STRUCTS.pthread.attr }}} + 24 >> 2), threadParams.schedPrio);
var global_libc = _emscripten_get_global_libc();
var global_locale = global_libc + {{{ C_STRUCTS.libc.global_locale }}};, tis + ({{{ C_STRUCTS.pthread.locale }}} >> 2), global_locale);
worker.pthread = pthread;
var msg = {
'cmd': 'run',
'start_routine': threadParams.startRoutine,
'arg': threadParams.arg,
'threadInfoStruct': threadParams.pthread_ptr,
'selfThreadId': threadParams.pthread_ptr, // TODO: Remove this since thread ID is now the same as the thread address.
'parentThreadId': threadParams.parent_pthread_ptr,
'stackBase': threadParams.stackBase,
'stackSize': threadParams.stackSize
// Note that we do not need to quote these names because they are only used in this file, and not from the external worker.js.
msg.moduleCanvasId = threadParams.moduleCanvasId;
msg.offscreenCanvases = threadParams.offscreenCanvases;
worker.runPthread = function() {
// Ask the worker to start executing its pthread entry point function.
msg.time =;
worker.postMessage(msg, threadParams.transferList);
if (worker.loaded) {
delete worker.runPthread;
emscripten_has_threading_support: function() {
return typeof SharedArrayBuffer !== 'undefined';
emscripten_num_logical_cores: function() {
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_NODE) return require('os').cpus().length;
return navigator['hardwareConcurrency'];
{{{ USE_LSAN || USE_ASAN ? 'emscripten_builtin_' : '' }}}pthread_create__deps: ['$spawnThread', 'pthread_getschedparam', 'pthread_self', 'memalign', '$resetPrototype'],
{{{ USE_LSAN || USE_ASAN ? 'emscripten_builtin_' : '' }}}pthread_create: function(pthread_ptr, attr, start_routine, arg) {
if (typeof SharedArrayBuffer === 'undefined') {
err('Current environment does not support SharedArrayBuffer, pthreads are not available!');
return {{{ cDefine('EAGAIN') }}};
if (!pthread_ptr) {
err('pthread_create called with a null thread pointer!');
return {{{ cDefine('EINVAL') }}};
var transferList = []; // List of JS objects that will transfer ownership to the Worker hosting the thread
var error = 0;
// Deduce which WebGL canvases (HTMLCanvasElements or OffscreenCanvases) should be passed over to the
// Worker that hosts the spawned pthread.
// Comma-delimited list of CSS selectors that must identify canvases by IDs: "#canvas1, #canvas2, ..."
var transferredCanvasNames = attr ? {{{ makeGetValue('attr', 36, 'i32') }}} : 0;
// Proxied canvases string pointer -1 is used as a special token to fetch whatever canvases were passed to build
// in -s OFFSCREENCANVASES_TO_PTHREAD= command line.
if (transferredCanvasNames == -1) transferredCanvasNames = '{{{ OFFSCREENCANVASES_TO_PTHREAD }}}';
if (transferredCanvasNames) transferredCanvasNames = UTF8ToString(transferredCanvasNames).trim();
if (transferredCanvasNames) transferredCanvasNames = transferredCanvasNames.split(',');
console.log('pthread_create: transferredCanvasNames="' + transferredCanvasNames + '"');
var offscreenCanvases = {}; // Dictionary of OffscreenCanvas objects we'll transfer to the created thread to own
var moduleCanvasId = Module['canvas'] ? Module['canvas'].id : '';
for (var i in transferredCanvasNames) {
var name = transferredCanvasNames[i].trim();
var offscreenCanvasInfo;
try {
if (name == '#canvas') {
if (!Module['canvas']) {
err('pthread_create: could not find canvas with ID "' + name + '" to transfer to thread!');
error = {{{ cDefine('EINVAL') }}};
name = Module['canvas'].id;
assert(typeof GL === 'object', 'OFFSCREENCANVAS_SUPPORT assumes GL is in use (you can force-include it with -s \'DEFAULT_LIBRARY_FUNCS_TO_INCLUDE=["$GL"]\')');
if (GL.offscreenCanvases[name]) {
offscreenCanvasInfo = GL.offscreenCanvases[name];
GL.offscreenCanvases[name] = null; // This thread no longer owns this canvas.
if (Module['canvas'] instanceof OffscreenCanvas && name === Module['canvas'].id) Module['canvas'] = null;
var canvas = (Module['canvas'] && Module['canvas'].id === name) ? Module['canvas'] : document.querySelector(name);
if (!canvas) {
err('pthread_create: could not find canvas with ID "' + name + '" to transfer to thread!');
error = {{{ cDefine('EINVAL') }}};
if (canvas.controlTransferredOffscreen) {
err('pthread_create: cannot transfer canvas with ID "' + name + '" to thread, since the current thread does not have control over it!');
error = {{{ cDefine('EPERM') }}}; // Operation not permitted, some other thread is accessing the canvas.
if (canvas.transferControlToOffscreen) {
Module['printErr']('pthread_create: canvas.transferControlToOffscreen(), transferring canvas by name "' + name + '" (DOM id="' + + '") from main thread to pthread');
// Create a shared information block in heap so that we can control the canvas size from any thread.
if (!canvas.canvasSharedPtr) {
canvas.canvasSharedPtr = _malloc(12);
{{{ makeSetValue('canvas.canvasSharedPtr', 0, 'canvas.width', 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValue('canvas.canvasSharedPtr', 4, 'canvas.height', 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValue('canvas.canvasSharedPtr', 8, 0, 'i32') }}}; // pthread ptr to the thread that owns this canvas, filled in below.
offscreenCanvasInfo = {
offscreenCanvas: canvas.transferControlToOffscreen(),
canvasSharedPtr: canvas.canvasSharedPtr,
// After calling canvas.transferControlToOffscreen(), it is no longer possible to access certain operations on the canvas, such as resizing it or obtaining GL contexts via it.
// Use this field to remember that we have permanently converted this Canvas to be controlled via an OffscreenCanvas (there is no way to undo this in the spec)
canvas.controlTransferredOffscreen = true;
} else {
err('pthread_create: cannot transfer control of canvas "' + name + '" to pthread, because current browser does not support OffscreenCanvas!');
// If building with OFFSCREEN_FRAMEBUFFER=1 mode, we don't need to be able to transfer control to offscreen, but WebGL can be proxied from worker to main thread.
Module['printErr']('pthread_create: Build with -s OFFSCREEN_FRAMEBUFFER=1 to enable fallback proxying of GL commands from pthread to main thread.');
return {{{ cDefine('ENOSYS') }}}; // Function not implemented, browser doesn't have support for this.
if (offscreenCanvasInfo) {
offscreenCanvases[] = offscreenCanvasInfo;
} catch(e) {
err('pthread_create: failed to transfer control of canvas "' + name + '" to OffscreenCanvas! Error: ' + e);
return {{{ cDefine('EINVAL') }}}; // Hitting this might indicate an implementation bug or some other internal error
// Synchronously proxy the thread creation to main thread if possible. If we need to transfer ownership of objects, then
// proxy asynchronously via postMessage.
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD && (transferList.length === 0 || error)) {
return _emscripten_sync_run_in_main_thread_4({{{ cDefine('EM_PROXIED_PTHREAD_CREATE') }}}, pthread_ptr, attr, start_routine, arg);
// If on the main thread, and accessing Canvas/OffscreenCanvas failed, abort with the detected error.
if (error) return error;
var stackSize = 0;
var stackBase = 0;
var detached = 0; // Default thread attr is PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE, i.e. start as not detached.
var schedPolicy = 0; /*SCHED_OTHER*/
var schedPrio = 0;
if (attr) {
stackSize = {{{ makeGetValue('attr', 0, 'i32') }}};
// Musl has a convention that the stack size that is stored to the pthread attribute structure is always musl's #define DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE
// smaller than the actual created stack size. That is, stored stack size of 0 would mean a stack of DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE in size. All musl
// functions hide this impl detail, and offset the size transparently, so pthread_*() API user does not see this offset when operating with
// the pthread API. When reading the structure directly on JS side however, we need to offset the size manually here.
stackSize += 81920 /*DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE*/;
stackBase = {{{ makeGetValue('attr', 8, 'i32') }}};
detached = {{{ makeGetValue('attr', 12/*_a_detach*/, 'i32') }}} !== 0/*PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE*/;
var inheritSched = {{{ makeGetValue('attr', 16/*_a_sched*/, 'i32') }}} === 0/*PTHREAD_INHERIT_SCHED*/;
if (inheritSched) {
var prevSchedPolicy = {{{ makeGetValue('attr', 20/*_a_policy*/, 'i32') }}};
var prevSchedPrio = {{{ makeGetValue('attr', 24/*_a_prio*/, 'i32') }}};
// If we are inheriting the scheduling properties from the parent thread, we need to identify the parent thread properly - this function call may
// be getting proxied, in which case _pthread_self() will point to the thread performing the proxying, not the thread that initiated the call.
var parentThreadPtr = PThread.currentProxiedOperationCallerThread ? PThread.currentProxiedOperationCallerThread : _pthread_self();
_pthread_getschedparam(parentThreadPtr, attr + 20, attr + 24);
schedPolicy = {{{ makeGetValue('attr', 20/*_a_policy*/, 'i32') }}};
schedPrio = {{{ makeGetValue('attr', 24/*_a_prio*/, 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValue('attr', 20/*_a_policy*/, 'prevSchedPolicy', 'i32') }}};
{{{ makeSetValue('attr', 24/*_a_prio*/, 'prevSchedPrio', 'i32') }}};
} else {
schedPolicy = {{{ makeGetValue('attr', 20/*_a_policy*/, 'i32') }}};
schedPrio = {{{ makeGetValue('attr', 24/*_a_prio*/, 'i32') }}};
} else {
// According to, default stack size if not specified is 2 MB, so follow that convention.
var allocatedOwnStack = stackBase == 0; // If allocatedOwnStack == true, then the pthread impl maintains the stack allocation.
if (allocatedOwnStack) {
stackBase = _memalign({{{ STACK_ALIGN }}}, stackSize); // Allocate a stack if the user doesn't want to place the stack in a custom memory area.
} else {
// Musl stores the stack base address assuming stack grows downwards, so adjust it to Emscripten convention that the
// stack grows upwards instead.
stackBase -= stackSize;
assert(stackBase > 0);
// Allocate thread block (pthread_t structure).
var threadInfoStruct = _malloc({{{ C_STRUCTS.pthread.__size__ }}});
for (var i = 0; i < {{{ C_STRUCTS.pthread.__size__ }}} >> 2; ++i) HEAPU32[(threadInfoStruct>>2) + i] = 0; // zero-initialize thread structure.
{{{ makeSetValue('pthread_ptr', 0, 'threadInfoStruct', 'i32') }}};
// The pthread struct has a field that points to itself - this is used as a magic ID to detect whether the pthread_t
// structure is 'alive'.
{{{ makeSetValue('threadInfoStruct', C_STRUCTS.pthread.self, 'threadInfoStruct', 'i32') }}};
// pthread struct robust_list head should point to itself.
var headPtr = threadInfoStruct + {{{ C_STRUCTS.pthread.robust_list }}};
{{{ makeSetValue('headPtr', 0, 'headPtr', 'i32') }}};
// Register for each of the transferred canvases that the new thread now owns the OffscreenCanvas.
for (var i in offscreenCanvases) {
{{{ makeSetValue('offscreenCanvases[i].canvasSharedPtr', 8, 'threadInfoStruct', 'i32') }}}; // pthread ptr to the thread that owns this canvas.
var threadParams = {
stackBase: stackBase,
stackSize: stackSize,
allocatedOwnStack: allocatedOwnStack,
schedPolicy: schedPolicy,
schedPrio: schedPrio,
detached: detached,
startRoutine: start_routine,
pthread_ptr: threadInfoStruct,
parent_pthread_ptr: _pthread_self(),
arg: arg,
moduleCanvasId: moduleCanvasId,
offscreenCanvases: offscreenCanvases,
transferList: transferList
// The prepopulated pool of web workers that can host pthreads is stored in the main JS thread. Therefore if a
// pthread is attempting to spawn a new thread, the thread creation must be deferred to the main JS thread.
threadParams.cmd = 'spawnThread';
postMessage(threadParams, transferList);
} else {
// We are the main thread, so we have the pthread warmup pool in this thread and can fire off JS thread creation
// directly ourselves.
return 0;
// TODO HACK! Remove this function, it is a JS side copy of the function pthread_testcancel() in library_pthread.c.
// Just call pthread_testcancel() everywhere.
_pthread_testcancel_js: function() {
if (!threadInfoStruct) return;
var cancelDisabled = Atomics.load(HEAPU32, (threadInfoStruct + {{{ C_STRUCTS.pthread.canceldisable }}} ) >> 2);
if (cancelDisabled) return;
var canceled = Atomics.load(HEAPU32, (threadInfoStruct + {{{ C_STRUCTS.pthread.threadStatus }}} ) >> 2);
if (canceled == 2) throw 'Canceled!';
emscripten_check_blocking_allowed__deps: ['$warnOnce'],
emscripten_check_blocking_allowed: function() {
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER) return; // Blocking in a worker/pthread is fine.
warnOnce('Blocking on the main thread is very dangerous, see');
abort('Blocking on the main thread is not allowed by default. See');
_emscripten_do_pthread_join__deps: ['$cleanupThread', '_pthread_testcancel_js', 'emscripten_main_thread_process_queued_calls', 'emscripten_futex_wait',
_emscripten_do_pthread_join: function(thread, status, block) {
if (!thread) {
err('pthread_join attempted on a null thread pointer!');
if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD && selfThreadId == thread) {
err('PThread ' + thread + ' is attempting to join to itself!');
else if (!ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD && PThread.mainThreadBlock == thread) {
err('Main thread ' + thread + ' is attempting to join to itself!');
var self = {{{ makeGetValue('thread', C_STRUCTS.pthread.self, 'i32') }}};
if (self !== thread) {
err('pthread_join attempted on thread ' + thread + ', which does not point to a valid thread, or does not exist anymore!');
var detached = Atomics.load(HEAPU32, (thread + {{{ C_STRUCTS.pthread.detached }}} ) >> 2);
if (detached) {
err('Attempted to join thread ' + thread + ', which was already detached!');
return ERRNO_CODES.EINVAL; // The thread is already detached, can no longer join it!
if (block) {
for (;;) {
var threadStatus = Atomics.load(HEAPU32, (thread + {{{ C_STRUCTS.pthread.threadStatus }}} ) >> 2);
if (threadStatus == 1) { // Exited?
var threadExitCode = Atomics.load(HEAPU32, (thread + {{{ C_STRUCTS.pthread.threadExitCode }}} ) >> 2);
if (status) {{{ makeSetValue('status', 0, 'threadExitCode', 'i32') }}};, (thread + {{{ C_STRUCTS.pthread.detached }}} ) >> 2, 1); // Mark the thread as detached.
if (!ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) cleanupThread(thread);
else postMessage({ 'cmd': 'cleanupThread', 'thread': thread });
return 0;
if (!block) {
// TODO HACK! Replace the _js variant with just _pthread_testcancel:
// In main runtime thread (the thread that initialized the Emscripten C runtime and launched main()), assist pthreads in performing operations
// that they need to access the Emscripten main runtime for.
if (!ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) _emscripten_main_thread_process_queued_calls();
_emscripten_futex_wait(thread + {{{ C_STRUCTS.pthread.threadStatus }}}, threadStatus, ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD ? 100 : 1);
{{{ USE_LSAN ? 'emscripten_builtin_' : '' }}}pthread_join__deps: ['_emscripten_do_pthread_join'],
{{{ USE_LSAN ? 'emscripten_builtin_' : '' }}}pthread_join: function(thread, status) {
return __emscripten_do_pthread_join(thread, status, true);
pthread_tryjoin_np__deps: ['_emscripten_do_pthread_join'],
pthread_tryjoin_np: function(thread, status) {
return __emscripten_do_pthread_join(thread, status, false);
pthread_kill__deps: ['$killThread'],
pthread_kill: function(thread, signal) {
if (signal < 0 || signal >= 65/*_NSIG*/) return ERRNO_CODES.EINVAL;
if (thread === PThread.MAIN_THREAD_ID) {
if (signal == 0) return 0; // signal == 0 is a no-op.
err('Main thread (id=' + thread + ') cannot be killed with pthread_kill!');
if (!thread) {
err('pthread_kill attempted on a null thread pointer!');
var self = {{{ makeGetValue('thread', C_STRUCTS.pthread.self, 'i32') }}};
if (self !== thread) {
err('pthread_kill attempted on thread ' + thread + ', which does not point to a valid thread, or does not exist anymore!');
if (signal != 0) {
if (!ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) killThread(thread);
else postMessage({ 'cmd': 'killThread', 'thread': thread});
return 0;
pthread_cancel__deps: ['$cancelThread'],
pthread_cancel: function(thread) {
if (thread === PThread.MAIN_THREAD_ID) {
err('Main thread (id=' + thread + ') cannot be canceled!');
if (!thread) {
err('pthread_cancel attempted on a null thread pointer!');
var self = {{{ makeGetValue('thread', C_STRUCTS.pthread.self, 'i32') }}};
if (self !== thread) {
err('pthread_cancel attempted on thread ' + thread + ', which does not point to a valid thread, or does not exist anymore!');
Atomics.compareExchange(HEAPU32, (thread + {{{ C_STRUCTS.pthread.threadStatus }}} ) >> 2, 0, 2); // Signal the thread that it needs to cancel itself.
if (!ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) cancelThread(thread);
else postMessage({ 'cmd': 'cancelThread', 'thread': thread});
return 0;
pthread_detach: function(thread) {
if (!thread) {
err('pthread_detach attempted on a null thread pointer!');
var self = {{{ makeGetValue('thread', C_STRUCTS.pthread.self, 'i32') }}};
if (self !== thread) {
err('pthread_detach attempted on thread ' + thread + ', which does not point to a valid thread, or does not exist anymore!');
var threadStatus = Atomics.load(HEAPU32, (thread + {{{ C_STRUCTS.pthread.threadStatus }}} ) >> 2);
// Follow musl convention: detached:0 means not detached, 1 means the thread was created as detached, and 2 means that the thread was detached via pthread_detach.
var wasDetached = Atomics.compareExchange(HEAPU32, (thread + {{{ C_STRUCTS.pthread.detached }}} ) >> 2, 0, 2);
return wasDetached ? ERRNO_CODES.EINVAL : 0;
pthread_exit__deps: ['exit'],
pthread_exit: function(status) {
if (!ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) _exit(status);
else PThread.threadExit(status);
// pthread_exit is marked noReturn, so we must not return from it.
// exit the pthread properly on node, as a normal JS exception will halt
// the entire application.
throw 'unwind';
_pthread_ptr: 0,
_pthread_is_main_runtime_thread: 0,
_pthread_is_main_browser_thread: 0,
$registerPthreadPtr__deps: ['_pthread_ptr', '_pthread_is_main_runtime_thread', '_pthread_is_main_browser_thread'],
$registerPthreadPtr__asm: true,
$registerPthreadPtr__sig: 'viii',
$registerPthreadPtr: function(pthreadPtr, isMainBrowserThread, isMainRuntimeThread) {
pthreadPtr = pthreadPtr|0;
isMainBrowserThread = isMainBrowserThread|0;
isMainRuntimeThread = isMainRuntimeThread|0;
__pthread_ptr = pthreadPtr;
__pthread_is_main_browser_thread = isMainBrowserThread;
__pthread_is_main_runtime_thread = isMainRuntimeThread;
// Public pthread_self() function which returns a unique ID for the thread.
pthread_self__deps: ['_pthread_ptr'],
pthread_self__asm: true,
pthread_self__sig: 'i',
pthread_self: function() {
return __pthread_ptr|0;
emscripten_is_main_runtime_thread__asm: true,
emscripten_is_main_runtime_thread__sig: 'i',
emscripten_is_main_runtime_thread__deps: ['_pthread_is_main_runtime_thread'],
emscripten_is_main_runtime_thread: function() {
return __pthread_is_main_runtime_thread|0; // Semantically the same as testing "!ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD" outside the asm.js scope
emscripten_is_main_browser_thread__asm: true,
emscripten_is_main_browser_thread__sig: 'i',
emscripten_is_main_browser_thread__deps: ['_pthread_is_main_browser_thread'],
emscripten_is_main_browser_thread: function() {
return __pthread_is_main_browser_thread|0; // Semantically the same as testing "!ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER" outside the asm.js scope
pthread_getschedparam: function(thread, policy, schedparam) {
if (!policy && !schedparam) return ERRNO_CODES.EINVAL;
if (!thread) {
err('pthread_getschedparam called with a null thread pointer!');
var self = {{{ makeGetValue('thread', C_STRUCTS.pthread.self, 'i32') }}};
if (self !== thread) {
err('pthread_getschedparam attempted on thread ' + thread + ', which does not point to a valid thread, or does not exist anymore!');
var schedPolicy = Atomics.load(HEAPU32, (thread + {{{ C_STRUCTS.pthread.attr }}} + 20 ) >> 2);
var schedPrio = Atomics.load(HEAPU32, (thread + {{{ C_STRUCTS.pthread.attr }}} + 24 ) >> 2);
if (policy) {{{ makeSetValue('policy', 0, 'schedPolicy', 'i32') }}};
if (schedparam) {{{ makeSetValue('schedparam', 0, 'schedPrio', 'i32') }}};
return 0;
pthread_setschedparam: function(thread, policy, schedparam) {
if (!thread) {
err('pthread_setschedparam called with a null thread pointer!');
var self = {{{ makeGetValue('thread', C_STRUCTS.pthread.self, 'i32') }}};
if (self !== thread) {
err('pthread_setschedparam attempted on thread ' + thread + ', which does not point to a valid thread, or does not exist anymore!');
if (!schedparam) return ERRNO_CODES.EINVAL;
var newSchedPrio = {{{ makeGetValue('schedparam', 0, 'i32') }}};
if (newSchedPrio < 0) return ERRNO_CODES.EINVAL;
if (policy == 1/*SCHED_FIFO*/ || policy == 2/*SCHED_RR*/) {
if (newSchedPrio > 99) return ERRNO_CODES.EINVAL;
} else {
if (newSchedPrio > 1) return ERRNO_CODES.EINVAL;
}, (thread + {{{ C_STRUCTS.pthread.attr }}} + 20) >> 2, policy);, (thread + {{{ C_STRUCTS.pthread.attr }}} + 24) >> 2, newSchedPrio);
return 0;
// Marked as obsolescent in pthreads specification:
pthread_getconcurrency: function() {
return 0;
// Marked as obsolescent in pthreads specification.
pthread_setconcurrency: function(new_level) {
// no-op
return 0;
pthread_mutexattr_getprioceiling: function(attr, prioceiling) {
// Not supported either in Emscripten or musl, return a faked value.
if (prioceiling) {{{ makeSetValue('prioceiling', 0, 99, 'i32') }}};
return 0;
pthread_mutexattr_setprioceiling: function(attr, prioceiling) {
// Not supported either in Emscripten or musl, return an error.
pthread_getcpuclockid: function(thread, clock_id) {
return ERRNO_CODES.ENOENT; // pthread API recommends returning this error when "Per-thread CPU time clocks are not supported by the system."
pthread_setschedprio: function(thread, prio) {
if (!thread) {
err('pthread_setschedprio called with a null thread pointer!');
var self = {{{ makeGetValue('thread', C_STRUCTS.pthread.self, 'i32') }}};
if (self !== thread) {
err('pthread_setschedprio attempted on thread ' + thread + ', which does not point to a valid thread, or does not exist anymore!');
if (prio < 0) return ERRNO_CODES.EINVAL;
var schedPolicy = Atomics.load(HEAPU32, (thread + {{{ C_STRUCTS.pthread.attr }}} + 20 ) >> 2);
if (schedPolicy == 1/*SCHED_FIFO*/ || schedPolicy == 2/*SCHED_RR*/) {
if (prio > 99) return ERRNO_CODES.EINVAL;
} else {
if (prio > 1) return ERRNO_CODES.EINVAL;
}, (thread + {{{ C_STRUCTS.pthread.attr }}} + 24) >> 2, prio);
return 0;
pthread_cleanup_push__sig: 'vii',
pthread_cleanup_push: function(routine, arg) {
PThread.threadExitHandlers.push(function() { {{{ makeDynCall('vi', 'routine') }}}(arg) });
pthread_cleanup_pop: function(execute) {
var routine = PThread.threadExitHandlers.pop();
if (execute) routine();
// pthread_sigmask - examine and change mask of blocked signals
pthread_sigmask: function(how, set, oldset) {
err('pthread_sigmask() is not supported: this is a no-op.');
return 0;
pthread_atfork: function(prepare, parent, child) {
err('fork() is not supported: pthread_atfork is a no-op.');
return 0;
// Returns 0 on success, or one of the values -ETIMEDOUT, -EWOULDBLOCK or -EINVAL on error.
emscripten_futex_wait__deps: ['emscripten_main_thread_process_queued_calls'],
emscripten_futex_wait: function(addr, val, timeout) {
if (addr <= 0 || addr > HEAP8.length || addr&3 != 0) return -{{{ cDefine('EINVAL') }}};
// We can do a normal blocking wait anywhere but on the main browser thread.
PThread.setThreadStatusConditional(_pthread_self(), {{{ cDefine('EM_THREAD_STATUS_RUNNING') }}}, {{{ cDefine('EM_THREAD_STATUS_WAITFUTEX') }}});
var ret = Atomics.wait(HEAP32, addr >> 2, val, timeout);
PThread.setThreadStatusConditional(_pthread_self(), {{{ cDefine('EM_THREAD_STATUS_WAITFUTEX') }}}, {{{ cDefine('EM_THREAD_STATUS_RUNNING') }}});
if (ret === 'timed-out') return -{{{ cDefine('ETIMEDOUT') }}};
if (ret === 'not-equal') return -{{{ cDefine('EWOULDBLOCK') }}};
if (ret === 'ok') return 0;
throw 'Atomics.wait returned an unexpected value ' + ret;
} else {
// First, check if the value is correct for us to wait on.
if (Atomics.load(HEAP32, addr >> 2) != val) {
return -{{{ cDefine('EWOULDBLOCK') }}};
// Atomics.wait is not available in the main browser thread, so simulate it via busy spinning.
var tNow =;
var tEnd = tNow + timeout;
PThread.setThreadStatusConditional(_pthread_self(), {{{ cDefine('EM_THREAD_STATUS_RUNNING') }}}, {{{ cDefine('EM_THREAD_STATUS_WAITFUTEX') }}});
// Register globally which address the main thread is simulating to be
// waiting on. When zero, the main thread is not waiting on anything, and on
// nonzero, the contents of the address pointed by PThread.mainThreadFutex
// tell which address the main thread is simulating its wait on.
// We need to be careful of recursion here: If we wait on a futex, and
// then call _emscripten_main_thread_process_queued_calls() below, that
// will call code that takes the proxying mutex - which can once more
// reach this code in a nested call. To avoid interference between the
// two (there is just a single mainThreadFutex at a time), unmark
// ourselves before calling the potentially-recursive call. See below for
// how we handle the case of our futex being notified during the time in
// between when we are not set as the value of mainThreadFutex.
assert(PThread.mainThreadFutex > 0);
var lastAddr =, PThread.mainThreadFutex >> 2, addr);
// We must not have already been waiting.
assert(lastAddr == 0);
while (1) {
// Check for a timeout.
tNow =;
if (tNow > tEnd) {
PThread.setThreadStatusConditional(_pthread_self(), {{{ cDefine('EM_THREAD_STATUS_RUNNING') }}}, {{{ cDefine('EM_THREAD_STATUS_WAITFUTEX') }}});
// We timed out, so stop marking ourselves as waiting.
lastAddr =, PThread.mainThreadFutex >> 2, 0);
// The current value must have been our address which we set, or
// in a race it was set to 0 which means another thread just allowed
// us to run, but (tragically) that happened just a bit too late.
assert(lastAddr == addr || lastAddr == 0);
return -{{{ cDefine('ETIMEDOUT') }}};
// We are performing a blocking loop here, so we must handle proxied
// events from pthreads, to avoid deadlocks.
// Note that we have to do so carefully, as we may take a lock while
// doing so, which can recurse into this function; stop marking
// ourselves as waiting while we do so.
lastAddr =, PThread.mainThreadFutex >> 2, 0);
assert(lastAddr == addr || lastAddr == 0);
if (lastAddr == 0) {
// We were told to stop waiting, so stop.
// Check the value, as if we were starting the futex all over again.
// This handles the following case:
// * wait on futex A
// * recurse into emscripten_main_thread_process_queued_calls(),
// which waits on futex B. that sets the mainThreadFutex address to
// futex B, and there is no longer any mention of futex A.
// * a worker is done with futex A. it checks mainThreadFutex but does
// not see A, so it does nothing special for the main thread.
// * a worker is done with futex B. it flips mainThreadMutex from B
// to 0, ending the wait on futex B.
// * we return to the wait on futex A. mainThreadFutex is 0, but that
// is because of futex B being done - we can't tell from
// mainThreadFutex whether A is done or not. therefore, check the
// memory value of the futex.
// That case motivates the design here. Given that, checking the memory
// address is also necessary for other reasons: we unset and re-set our
// address in mainThreadFutex around calls to
// emscripten_main_thread_process_queued_calls(), and a worker could
// attempt to wake us up right before/after such times.
// Note that checking the memory value of the futex is valid to do: we
// could easily have been delayed (relative to the worker holding on
// to futex A), which means we could be starting all of our work at the
// later time when there is no need to block. The only "odd" thing is
// that we may have caused side effects in that "delay" time. But the
// only side effects we can have are to call
// emscripten_main_thread_process_queued_calls(). That is always ok to
// do on the main thread (it's why it is ok for us to call it in the
// middle of this function, and elsewhere). So if we check the value
// here and return, it's the same is if what happened on the main thread
// was the same as calling emscripten_main_thread_process_queued_calls()
// a few times times before calling emscripten_futex_wait().
if (Atomics.load(HEAP32, addr >> 2) != val) {
return -{{{ cDefine('EWOULDBLOCK') }}};
// Mark us as waiting once more, and continue the loop.
lastAddr =, PThread.mainThreadFutex >> 2, addr);
assert(lastAddr == 0);
PThread.setThreadStatusConditional(_pthread_self(), {{{ cDefine('EM_THREAD_STATUS_RUNNING') }}}, {{{ cDefine('EM_THREAD_STATUS_WAITFUTEX') }}});
return 0;
// Returns the number of threads (>= 0) woken up, or the value -EINVAL on error.
// Pass count == INT_MAX to wake up all threads.
emscripten_futex_wake: function(addr, count) {
if (addr <= 0 || addr > HEAP8.length || addr&3 != 0 || count < 0) return -{{{ cDefine('EINVAL') }}};
if (count == 0) return 0;
// Waking (at least) INT_MAX waiters is defined to mean wake all callers.
// For Atomics.notify() API Infinity is to be passed in that case.
if (count >= {{{ cDefine('INT_MAX') }}}) count = Infinity;
// See if main thread is waiting on this address? If so, wake it up by resetting its wake location to zero.
// Note that this is not a fair procedure, since we always wake main thread first before any workers, so
// this scheme does not adhere to real queue-based waiting.
assert(PThread.mainThreadFutex > 0);
var mainThreadWaitAddress = Atomics.load(HEAP32, PThread.mainThreadFutex >> 2);
var mainThreadWoken = 0;
if (mainThreadWaitAddress == addr) {
// We only use mainThreadFutex on the main browser thread, where we
// cannot block while we wait. Therefore we should only see it set from
// other threads, and not on the main thread itself. In other words, the
// main thread must never try to wake itself up!
var loadedAddr = Atomics.compareExchange(HEAP32, PThread.mainThreadFutex >> 2, mainThreadWaitAddress, 0);
if (loadedAddr == mainThreadWaitAddress) {
mainThreadWoken = 1;
if (count <= 0) return 1;
// Wake any workers waiting on this address.
var ret = Atomics.notify(HEAP32, addr >> 2, count);
if (ret >= 0) return ret + mainThreadWoken;
throw 'Atomics.notify returned an unexpected value ' + ret;
__atomic_is_lock_free: function(size, ptr) {
return size <= 4 && (size & (size-1)) == 0 && (ptr&(size-1)) == 0;
__call_main: function(argc, argv) {
var returnCode = _main(argc, argv);
if (!noExitRuntime) {
// exitRuntime enabled, proxied main() finished in a pthread, shut down the process.
out('Proxied main thread 0x' + _pthread_self().toString(16) + ' finished with return code ' + returnCode + '. EXIT_RUNTIME=1 set, quitting process.');
postMessage({ 'cmd': 'exitProcess', 'returnCode': returnCode });
return returnCode;
// EXIT_RUNTIME==0 set on command line, keeping main thread alive.
out('Proxied main thread 0x' + _pthread_self().toString(16) + ' finished with return code ' + returnCode + '. EXIT_RUNTIME=0 set, so keeping main thread alive for asynchronous event operations.');
emscripten_conditional_set_current_thread_status_js: function(expectedStatus, newStatus) {
PThread.setThreadStatusConditional(_pthread_self(), expectedStatus, newStatus);
emscripten_set_current_thread_status_js: function(newStatus) {
PThread.setThreadStatus(_pthread_self(), newStatus);
emscripten_set_thread_name_js: function(threadId, name) {
PThread.setThreadName(threadId, UTF8ToString(name));
// The profiler setters are defined twice, here in asm.js so that they can be #ifdeffed out
// without having to pay the impact of a FFI transition for a no-op in non-profiling builds.
emscripten_conditional_set_current_thread_status__asm: true,
emscripten_conditional_set_current_thread_status__sig: 'vii',
emscripten_conditional_set_current_thread_status__deps: ['emscripten_conditional_set_current_thread_status_js'],
emscripten_conditional_set_current_thread_status: function(expectedStatus, newStatus) {
expectedStatus = expectedStatus|0;
newStatus = newStatus|0;
_emscripten_conditional_set_current_thread_status_js(expectedStatus|0, newStatus|0);
emscripten_set_current_thread_status__asm: true,
emscripten_set_current_thread_status__sig: 'vi',
emscripten_set_current_thread_status__deps: ['emscripten_set_current_thread_status_js'],
emscripten_set_current_thread_status: function(newStatus) {
newStatus = newStatus|0;
emscripten_set_thread_name__asm: true,
emscripten_set_thread_name__sig: 'vii',
emscripten_set_thread_name__deps: ['emscripten_set_thread_name_js'],
emscripten_set_thread_name: function(threadId, name) {
threadId = threadId|0;
name = name|0;
_emscripten_set_thread_name_js(threadId|0, name|0);
emscripten_proxy_to_main_thread_js__docs: '/** @type{function(number, (number|boolean), ...(number|boolean))} */',
emscripten_proxy_to_main_thread_js: function(index, sync) {
// Additional arguments are passed after those two, which are the actual
// function arguments.
// The serialization buffer contains the number of call params, and then
// all the args here.
// We also pass 'sync' to C separately, since C needs to look at it.
var numCallArgs = arguments.length - 2;
if (numCallArgs > {{{ cDefine('EM_QUEUED_JS_CALL_MAX_ARGS') }}}-1) throw 'emscripten_proxy_to_main_thread_js: Too many arguments ' + numCallArgs + ' to proxied function idx=' + index + ', maximum supported is ' + ({{{ cDefine('EM_QUEUED_JS_CALL_MAX_ARGS') }}}-1) + '!';
// Allocate a buffer, which will be copied by the C code.
var stack = stackSave();
// First passed parameter specifies the number of arguments to the function.
var args = stackAlloc(numCallArgs * 8);
var b = args >> 3;
for (var i = 0; i < numCallArgs; i++) {
HEAPF64[b + i] = arguments[2 + i];
var ret = _emscripten_run_in_main_runtime_thread_js(index, numCallArgs, args, sync);
return ret;
emscripten_receive_on_main_thread_js_callArgs: '=[]',
emscripten_receive_on_main_thread_js__deps: [
emscripten_receive_on_main_thread_js: function(index, numCallArgs, args) {
_emscripten_receive_on_main_thread_js_callArgs.length = numCallArgs;
var b = args >> 3;
for (var i = 0; i < numCallArgs; i++) {
_emscripten_receive_on_main_thread_js_callArgs[i] = HEAPF64[b + i];
// Proxied JS library funcs are encoded as positive values, and
// EM_ASMs as negative values (see include_asm_consts)
var isEmAsmConst = index < 0;
var func = !isEmAsmConst ? proxiedFunctionTable[index] : ASM_CONSTS[-index - 1];
assert(func.length == numCallArgs, 'Call args mismatch in emscripten_receive_on_main_thread_js');
return func.apply(null, _emscripten_receive_on_main_thread_js_callArgs);
$establishStackSpace: function(stackTop, stackMax) {
STACK_MAX = stackMax;
___set_stack_limits(STACK_BASE, STACK_MAX);
// Call inside wasm module to set up the stack frame for this pthread in asm.js/wasm module scope
// Write the stack cookie last, after we have set up the proper bounds and
// current position of the stack.
// allow pthreads to check if noExitRuntime from worker.js
$getNoExitRuntime: function() {
return noExitRuntime;
// When using postMessage to send an object, it is processed by the structured clone algorithm.
// The prototype, and hence methods, on that object is then lost. This function adds back the lost prototype.
// This does not work with nested objects that has prototypes, but it suffices for WasmSourceMap and WasmOffsetConverter.
$resetPrototype: function(constructor, attrs) {
var object = Object.create(constructor.prototype);
for (var key in attrs) {
if (attrs.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
object[key] = attrs[key];
return object;
// This function is called internally to notify target thread ID that it has messages it needs to
// process in its message queue inside the Wasm heap. As a helper, the caller must also pass the
// ID of the main browser thread to this function, to avoid needlessly ping-ponging between JS and
// Wasm boundaries.
_emscripten_notify_thread_queue: function(targetThreadId, mainThreadId) {
if (targetThreadId == mainThreadId) {
postMessage({'cmd' : 'processQueuedMainThreadWork'});
postMessage({'targetThread': targetThreadId, 'cmd': 'processThreadQueue'});
} else {
var pthread = PThread.pthreads[targetThreadId];
var worker = pthread && pthread.worker;
if (!worker) {
err('Cannot send message to thread with ID ' + targetThreadId + ', unknown thread ID!');
return /*0*/;
worker.postMessage({'cmd' : 'processThreadQueue'});
return 1;
autoAddDeps(LibraryPThread, '$PThread');
mergeInto(LibraryManager.library, LibraryPThread);