blob: 0c8587b678ca167351d941d3bdd3306e48cbc47a [file] [log] [blame]
* @license
* Copyright 2015 The Emscripten Authors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
var emscriptenMemoryProfiler = {
// If true, walks all allocated pointers at graphing time to print a detailed
// memory fragmentation map. If false, used memory is only graphed in one
// block (at the bottom of DYNAMIC memory space). Set this to false to improve
// performance at the expense of accuracy.
detailedHeapUsage: true,
// Allocations of memory blocks larger than this threshold will get their
// detailed callstack captured and logged at runtime.
trackedCallstackMinSizeBytes: (typeof new Error().stack === 'undefined') ? Infinity : 16*1024*1024,
// Allocations from call sites having more than this many outstanding
// allocated pointers will get their detailed callstack captured and logged at
// runtime.
trackedCallstackMinAllocCount: (typeof new Error().stack === 'undefined') ? Infinity : 10000,
// If true, we hook into stackAlloc to be able to catch better estimate of the
// maximum used STACK space. You might only ever want to set this to false
// for performance reasons. Since stack allocations may occur often, this
// might impact performance.
hookStackAlloc: true,
// How often the log page is refreshed.
uiUpdateIntervalMsecs: 2000,
// Tracks data for the allocation statistics.
allocationsAtLoc: {},
allocationSitePtrs: {},
// Stores an associative array of records HEAP ptr -> size so that we can
// retrieve how much memory was freed in calls to _free() and decrement the
// tracked usage accordingly.
// E.g. sizeOfAllocatedPtr[address] returns the size of the heap pointer
// starting at 'address'.
sizeOfAllocatedPtr: {},
// Conceptually same as the above array, except this one tracks only pointers
// that were allocated during the application preRun step, which corresponds
// to the data added to the VFS with --preload-file.
sizeOfPreRunAllocatedPtr: {},
resizeMemorySources: [],
// stack: <string>,
// begin: <int>,
// end: <int>
sbrkSources: [],
// stack: <string>,
// begin: <int>,
// end: <int>
// Once set to true, preRun is finished and the above array is not touched anymore.
pagePreRunIsFinished: false,
// Grand total of memory currently allocated via malloc(). Decremented on free()s.
totalMemoryAllocated: 0,
// The running count of the number of times malloc() and free() have been
// called in the app. Used to keep track of # of currently alive pointers.
// TODO: Perhaps in the future give a statistic of allocations per second to
// see how trashing memory usage is.
totalTimesMallocCalled: 0,
totalTimesFreeCalled: 0,
// Tracks the highest seen location of the STACKTOP variable.
stackTopWatermark: Infinity,
// The canvas DOM element to which to draw the allocation map.
canvas: null,
// The 2D drawing context on the canvas.
drawContext: null,
// Converts number f to string with at most two decimals, without redundant trailing zeros.
truncDec: function truncDec(f) {
f = f || 0;
var str = f.toFixed(2);
if (str.indexOf('.00', str.length-3) !== -1) return str.substr(0, str.length-3);
else if (str.indexOf('0', str.length-1) !== -1) return str.substr(0, str.length-1);
else return str;
// Converts a number of bytes pretty-formatted as a string.
formatBytes: function formatBytes(bytes) {
if (bytes >= 1000*1024*1024) return emscriptenMemoryProfiler.truncDec(bytes/(1024*1024*1024)) + ' GB';
else if (bytes >= 1000*1024) return emscriptenMemoryProfiler.truncDec(bytes/(1024*1024)) + ' MB';
else if (bytes >= 1000) return emscriptenMemoryProfiler.truncDec(bytes/1024) + ' KB';
else return emscriptenMemoryProfiler.truncDec(bytes) + ' B';
// HSV values in [0..1[, returns a RGB string in format '#rrggbb'
hsvToRgb: function hsvToRgb(h, s, v) {
var h_i = (h*6)|0;
var f = h*6 - h_i;
var p = v * (1 - s);
var q = v * (1 - f*s);
var t = v * (1 - (1 - f) * s);
var r, g, b;
switch(h_i) {
case 0: r = v; g = t; b = p; break;
case 1: r = q; g = v; b = p; break;
case 2: r = p; g = v; b = t; break;
case 3: r = p; g = q; b = v; break;
case 4: r = t; g = p; b = v; break;
case 5: r = v; g = p; b = q; break;
function toHex(v) {
v = (v*255|0).toString(16);
return (v.length == 1) ? '0' + v : v;
return '#' + toHex(r) + toHex(g) + toHex(b);
onSbrkGrow: function onSbrkGrow(oldLimit, newLimit) {
var self = emscriptenMemoryProfiler;
// On first sbrk(), account for the initial size.
if (self.sbrkSources.length == 0) {
stack: "initial heap sbrk limit<br>",
begin: 0,
end: oldLimit,
color: self.hsvToRgb(self.sbrkSources.length * 0.618033988749895 % 1, 0.5, 0.95)
if (newLimit <= oldLimit) return;
stack: self.filterCallstackForHeapResize(new Error().stack.toString()),
begin: oldLimit,
end: newLimit,
color: self.hsvToRgb(self.sbrkSources.length * 0.618033988749895 % 1, 0.5, 0.95)
onMemoryResize: function onMemoryResize(oldSize, newSize) {
var self = emscriptenMemoryProfiler;
// On first heap resize, account for the initial size.
if (self.resizeMemorySources.length == 0) {
stack: "initial heap size<br>",
begin: 0,
end: oldSize,
color: self.resizeMemorySources.length % 2 ? '#ff00ff' : '#ff80ff'
if (newSize <= oldSize) return;
stack: self.filterCallstackForHeapResize(new Error().stack.toString()),
begin: oldSize,
end: newSize,
color: self.resizeMemorySources.length % 2 ? '#ff00ff' : '#ff80ff'
console.log('memory resize: ' + oldSize + ' ' + newSize);
recordStackWatermark: function() {
var self = emscriptenMemoryProfiler;
self.stackTopWatermark = Math.min(self.stackTopWatermark, STACKTOP);
onMalloc: function onMalloc(ptr, size) {
if (!ptr) return;
if (emscriptenMemoryProfiler.sizeOfAllocatedPtr[ptr])
// Uncomment to debug internal workings of tracing:
// console.error('Allocation error in onMalloc! Pointer ' + ptr + ' had already been tracked as allocated!');
// console.error('Previous site of allocation: ' + emscriptenMemoryProfiler.allocationSitePtrs[ptr]);
// console.error('This doubly attempted site of allocation: ' + new Error().stack.toString());
// throw 'malloc internal inconsistency!';
var self = emscriptenMemoryProfiler;
// Gather global stats.
self.totalMemoryAllocated += size;
// Remember the size of the allocated block to know how much will be _free()d later.
self.sizeOfAllocatedPtr[ptr] = size;
// Also track if this was a _malloc performed at preRun time.
if (!self.pagePreRunIsFinished) self.sizeOfPreRunAllocatedPtr[ptr] = size;
var loc = new Error().stack.toString();
if (!self.allocationsAtLoc[loc]) self.allocationsAtLoc[loc] = [0, 0, self.filterCallstackForMalloc(loc)];
self.allocationsAtLoc[loc][0] += 1;
self.allocationsAtLoc[loc][1] += size;
self.allocationSitePtrs[ptr] = loc;
onFree: function onFree(ptr) {
if (!ptr) return;
var self = emscriptenMemoryProfiler;
// Decrement global stats.
var sz = self.sizeOfAllocatedPtr[ptr];
if (!isNaN(sz)) self.totalMemoryAllocated -= sz;
// Uncomment to debug internal workings of tracing:
// console.error('Detected double free of pointer ' + ptr + ' at location:\n'+ new Error().stack.toString());
// throw 'double free!';
var loc = self.allocationSitePtrs[ptr];
if (loc) {
var allocsAtThisLoc = self.allocationsAtLoc[loc];
if (allocsAtThisLoc) {
allocsAtThisLoc[0] -= 1;
allocsAtThisLoc[1] -= sz;
if (allocsAtThisLoc[0] <= 0) delete self.allocationsAtLoc[loc];
delete self.allocationSitePtrs[ptr];
delete self.sizeOfAllocatedPtr[ptr];
delete self.sizeOfPreRunAllocatedPtr[ptr]; // Also free if this happened to be a _malloc performed at preRun time.
onRealloc: function onRealloc(oldAddress, newAddress, size) {
emscriptenMemoryProfiler.onMalloc(newAddress, size);
onPreloadComplete: function onPreloadComplete() {
emscriptenMemoryProfiler.pagePreRunIsFinished = true;
// Installs startup hook and periodic UI update timer.
initialize: function initialize() {
// Inject the memoryprofiler hooks.
Module['onMalloc'] = function onMalloc(ptr, size) { emscriptenMemoryProfiler.onMalloc(ptr, size); };
Module['onRealloc'] = function onRealloc(oldAddress, newAddress, size) { emscriptenMemoryProfiler.onRealloc(oldAddress, newAddress, size); };
Module['onFree'] = function onFree(ptr) { emscriptenMemoryProfiler.onFree(ptr); };
// Add a tracking mechanism to detect when VFS loading is complete.
if (!Module['preRun']) Module['preRun'] = [];
Module['preRun'].push(function() { emscriptenMemoryProfiler.onPreloadComplete(); });
if (emscriptenMemoryProfiler.hookStackAlloc && typeof stackAlloc === 'function') {
// Inject stack allocator.
var prevStackAlloc = stackAlloc;
var hookedStackAlloc = function(size) {
var ptr = prevStackAlloc(size);
return ptr;
stackAlloc = hookedStackAlloc;
if ('trackbytes=') != -1) {
emscriptenMemoryProfiler.trackedCallstackMinSizeBytes = parseInt('trackbytes=') + 'trackbytes='.length), undefined /* / */);
if ('trackcount=') != -1) {
emscriptenMemoryProfiler.trackedCallstackMinAllocCount = parseInt('trackcount=') + 'trackcount='.length), undefined);
emscriptenMemoryProfiler.memoryprofiler_summary = document.getElementById('memoryprofiler_summary');
var div;
if (!emscriptenMemoryProfiler.memoryprofiler_summary) {
div = document.createElement("div");
div.innerHTML = "<div style='border: 2px solid black; padding: 2px;'><canvas style='border: 1px solid black; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; display: block;' id='memoryprofiler_canvas' width='100%' height='50'></canvas><input type='checkbox' id='showHeapResizes' onclick='emscriptenMemoryProfiler.updateUi()'>Display heap and sbrk() resizes. Filter sbrk() and heap resize callstacks by keywords: <input type='text' id='sbrkFilter'>(reopen page with ?sbrkFilter=foo,bar query params to prepopulate this list)<br/>Track all allocation sites larger than <input id='memoryprofiler_min_tracked_alloc_size' type=number value="+emscriptenMemoryProfiler.trackedCallstackMinSizeBytes+"></input> bytes, and all allocation sites with more than <input id='memoryprofiler_min_tracked_alloc_count' type=number value="+emscriptenMemoryProfiler.trackedCallstackMinAllocCount+"></input> outstanding allocations. (visit this page via URL query params foo.html?trackbytes=1000&trackcount=100 to apply custom thresholds starting from page load)<br/><div id='memoryprofiler_summary'></div><input id='memoryprofiler_clear_alloc_stats' type='button' value='Clear alloc stats' ></input><br />Sort allocations by:<select id='memoryProfilerSort'><option value='bytes'>Bytes</option><option value='count'>Count</option><option value='fixed'>Fixed</option></select><div id='memoryprofiler_ptrs'></div>";
var populateHtmlBody = function() {
if (div) {
function getValueOfParam(key) {
var results = (new RegExp("[\\?&]"+key+"=([^&#]*)")).exec(location.href);
return results ? results[1] : '';
// Allow specifying a precreated filter in page URL ?query parameters for convenience.
if (document.getElementById('sbrkFilter').value = getValueOfParam('sbrkFilter')) {
document.getElementById('showHeapResizes').checked = true;
var self = emscriptenMemoryProfiler;
self.memoryprofiler_summary = document.getElementById('memoryprofiler_summary');
self.memoryprofiler_ptrs = document.getElementById('memoryprofiler_ptrs');
document.getElementById('memoryprofiler_min_tracked_alloc_size').addEventListener("change", function(e){self.trackedCallstackMinSizeBytes=parseInt(this.value, undefined /* / */);});
document.getElementById('memoryprofiler_min_tracked_alloc_count').addEventListener("change", function(e){self.trackedCallstackMinAllocCount=parseInt(this.value, undefined);});
document.getElementById('memoryprofiler_clear_alloc_stats').addEventListener("click", function(e){self.allocationsAtLoc = {}; self.allocationSitePtrs = {};});
self.canvas = document.getElementById('memoryprofiler_canvas');
self.canvas.width = document.documentElement.clientWidth - 32;
self.drawContext = self.canvas.getContext('2d');
setInterval(function() { emscriptenMemoryProfiler.updateUi() }, self.uiUpdateIntervalMsecs);
// User might initialize memoryprofiler in the <head> of a page, when
// document.body does not yet exist. In that case, delay initialization
// of the memoryprofiler UI until page has loaded
if (document.body) populateHtmlBody();
else setTimeout(populateHtmlBody, 1000);
// Given a pointer 'bytes', compute the linear 1D position on the graph as
// pixels, rounding down for start address of a block.
bytesToPixelsRoundedDown: function bytesToPixelsRoundedDown(bytes) {
return (bytes * emscriptenMemoryProfiler.canvas.width * emscriptenMemoryProfiler.canvas.height / HEAP8.length) | 0;
// Same as bytesToPixelsRoundedDown, but rounds up for the end address of a
// block. The different rounding will guarantee that even 'thin' allocations
// should get at least one pixel dot in the graph.
bytesToPixelsRoundedUp: function bytesToPixelsRoundedUp(bytes) {
return ((bytes * emscriptenMemoryProfiler.canvas.width * emscriptenMemoryProfiler.canvas.height + HEAP8.length - 1) / HEAP8.length) | 0;
// Graphs a range of allocated memory. The memory range will be drawn as a
// top-to-bottom, left-to-right stripes or columns of pixels.
fillLine: function fillLine(startBytes, endBytes) {
var self = emscriptenMemoryProfiler;
var startPixels = self.bytesToPixelsRoundedDown(startBytes);
var endPixels = self.bytesToPixelsRoundedUp(endBytes);
// Starting pos (top-left corner) of this allocation on the graph.
var x0 = (startPixels / self.canvas.height) | 0;
var y0 = startPixels - x0 * self.canvas.height;
// Ending pos (bottom-right corner) of this allocation on the graph.
var x1 = (endPixels / self.canvas.height) | 0;
var y1 = endPixels - x1 * self.canvas.height;
// Draw the left side partial column of the allocation block.
if (y0 > 0 && x0 < x1) {
self.drawContext.fillRect(x0, y0, 1, self.canvas.height - y0);
// Proceed to the start of the next full column.
y0 = 0;
// Draw the right side partial column.
if (y1 < self.canvas.height && x0 < x1) {
self.drawContext.fillRect(x1, 0, 1, y1);
// Decrement to the previous full column.
y1 = self.canvas.height - 1;
// After filling the previous leftovers with one-pixel-wide lines, we are
// only left with a rectangular shape of full columns to blit.
self.drawContext.fillRect(x0, 0, x1 - x0 + 1, self.canvas.height);
// Fills a rectangle of given height % that overlaps the byte range given.
fillRect: function fillRect(startBytes, endBytes, heightPercentage) {
var self = emscriptenMemoryProfiler;
var startPixels = self.bytesToPixelsRoundedDown(startBytes);
var endPixels = self.bytesToPixelsRoundedUp(endBytes);
var x0 = (startPixels / self.canvas.height) | 0;
var x1 = (endPixels / self.canvas.height) | 0;
self.drawContext.fillRect(x0, self.canvas.height * (1.0 - heightPercentage), x1 - x0 + 1, self.canvas.height);
countOpenALAudioDataSize: function countOpenALAudioDataSize() {
if (typeof AL == "undefined" || !AL.currentContext) return 0;
var totalMemory = 0;
for (var i in AL.currentContext.buf) {
var buffer = AL.currentContext.buf[i];
for (var channel = 0; channel < buffer.numberOfChannels; ++channel) totalMemory += buffer.getChannelData(channel).length * 4;
return totalMemory;
// Print accurate map of individual allocations. This will show information about
// memory fragmentation and allocation sizes.
// Warning: This will walk through all allocations, so it is slow!
printAllocsWithCyclingColors: function printAllocsWithCyclingColors(colors, allocs) {
var colorIndex = 0;
for (var i in allocs) {
emscriptenMemoryProfiler.drawContext.fillStyle = colors[colorIndex];
colorIndex = (colorIndex + 1) % colors.length;
var start = i|0;
var sz = allocs[start]|0;
emscriptenMemoryProfiler.fillLine(start, start + sz);
filterURLsFromCallstack: function(callstack) {
// Hide paths from URLs to make the log more readable
callstack = callstack.replace(/@((file)|(http))[\w:\/\.]*\/([\w\.]*)/g, '@$4');
callstack = callstack.replace(/\n/g, '<br />');
return callstack;
// given callstack of func1\nfunc2\nfunc3... and function name, cuts the tail from the callstack
// for anything after the function func.
filterCallstackAfterFunctionName: function(callstack, func) {
var i = callstack.indexOf(func);
if (i != -1) {
var end = callstack.indexOf('<br />', i);
if (end != -1) {
return callstack.substr(0, end);
return callstack;
filterCallstackForMalloc: function(callstack) {
// Do not show Memoryprofiler's own callstacks in the callstack prints.
var i = callstack.indexOf('emscripten_trace_record_');
if (i != -1) {
callstack = callstack.substr(callstack.indexOf('\n', i)+1);
return emscriptenMemoryProfiler.filterURLsFromCallstack(callstack);
filterCallstackForHeapResize: function(callstack) {
// Do not show Memoryprofiler's own callstacks in the callstack prints.
var i = callstack.indexOf('emscripten_asm_const_iii');
var j = callstack.indexOf('emscripten_realloc_buffer');
i = (i == -1) ? j : (j == -1 ? i : Math.min(i, j));
if (i != -1) {
callstack = callstack.substr(callstack.indexOf('\n', i)+1);
callstack = callstack.replace(/(wasm-function\[\d+\]):0x[0-9a-f]+/g, "$1");
return emscriptenMemoryProfiler.filterURLsFromCallstack(callstack);
printHeapResizeLog: function(heapResizes) {
var demangler = typeof demangleAll !== 'undefined' ? demangleAll : function(x) { return x; };
var html = '';
for(var i = 0; i < heapResizes.length; ++i) {
var j = i+1;
while(j < heapResizes.length) {
if ((heapResizes[j].filteredStack || heapResizes[j].stack) == (heapResizes[i].filteredStack || heapResizes[i].stack)) {
} else {
var resizeFirst = heapResizes[i];
var resizeLast = heapResizes[j-1];
var count = j - i;
html += '<div style="background-color: ' + resizeFirst.color + '"><b>' + resizeFirst.begin + '-' + resizeLast.end + ' (' + count + ' times, ' + emscriptenMemoryProfiler.formatBytes(resizeLast.end-resizeFirst.begin) + ')</b>:' + demangler(resizeFirst.filteredStack || resizeFirst.stack) + '</div><br>';
i = j-1;
return html;
// Main UI update entry point.
updateUi: function updateUi() {
// It is common to set 'overflow: hidden;' on canvas pages that do WebGL. When MemoryProfiler is being used, there will be a long block of text on the page, so force-enable scrolling.
if ( != '') = '';
function colorBar(color) {
return '<span style="padding:0px; border:solid 1px black; width:28px;height:14px; vertical-align:middle; display:inline-block; background-color:'+color+';"></span>';
// Naive function to compute how many bits will be needed to represent the number 'n' in binary. This will be our pointer 'word width' in the UI.
function nBits(n) {
var i = 0;
while (n >= 1) {
n /= 2;
return i;
// Returns i formatted to string as fixed-width hexadecimal.
function toHex(i, width) {
var str = i.toString(16);
while (str.length < width) str = '0' + str;
return '0x'+str;
var self = emscriptenMemoryProfiler;
// Poll whether user as changed the browser window, and if so, resize the profiler window and redraw it.
if (self.canvas.width != document.documentElement.clientWidth - 32) {
self.canvas.width = document.documentElement.clientWidth - 32;
var width = (nBits(HEAP8.length) + 3) / 4; // Pointer 'word width'
var html = 'Total HEAP size: ' + self.formatBytes(HEAP8.length) + '.';
html += '<br />' + colorBar('#202020') + 'STATIC memory area size: ' + self.formatBytes(Math.min(STACK_BASE, STACK_MAX) - {{{ GLOBAL_BASE }}});
html += '. {{{ GLOBAL_BASE }}}: ' + toHex({{{ GLOBAL_BASE }}}, width);
html += '<br />' + colorBar('#FF8080') + 'STACK memory area size: ' + self.formatBytes(Math.abs(STACK_MAX - STACK_BASE));
html += '. STACK_BASE: ' + toHex(STACK_BASE, width);
html += '. STACKTOP: ' + toHex(STACKTOP, width);
html += '. STACK_MAX: ' + toHex(STACK_MAX, width) + '.';
html += '<br />STACK memory area used now (should be zero): ' + self.formatBytes(STACKTOP - STACK_BASE) + '.' + colorBar('#FFFF00') + ' STACK watermark highest seen usage (approximate lower-bound!): ' + self.formatBytes(Math.abs(self.stackTopWatermark - STACK_BASE));
if (runtimeInitialized) {
// During startup sbrk may not be defined yet. Ideally we should probably
// refactor memoryprofiler so that it only gets here after compiled code is
// ready to be called. For now, if the runtime is not yet initialized,
// assume the brk is right after the stack.
var heap_base = Module['___heap_base'];
var heap_end = _sbrk();
} else {
var heap_base = STACK_BASE;
var heap_end = STACK_BASE;
html += "<br />DYNAMIC memory area size: " + self.formatBytes(heap_end - heap_base);
html += ". start: " + toHex(heap_base, width);
html += ". end: " + toHex(heap_end, width) + ".";
html += "<br />" + colorBar("#6699CC") + colorBar("#003366") + colorBar("#0000FF") + "DYNAMIC memory area used: " + self.formatBytes(self.totalMemoryAllocated) + " (" + (self.totalMemoryAllocated * 100 / (HEAP8.length - heap_base)).toFixed(2) + "% of all dynamic memory and unallocated heap)";
html += "<br />Free memory: " + colorBar("#70FF70") + "DYNAMIC: " + self.formatBytes(heap_end - heap_base - self.totalMemoryAllocated) + ", " + colorBar('#FFFFFF') + 'Unallocated HEAP: ' + self.formatBytes(HEAP8.length - heap_end) + " (" + ((HEAP8.length - heap_base - self.totalMemoryAllocated) * 100 / (HEAP8.length - heap_base)).toFixed(2) + "% of all dynamic memory and unallocated heap)";
var preloadedMemoryUsed = 0;
for (i in self.sizeOfPreRunAllocatedPtr) preloadedMemoryUsed += self.sizeOfPreRunAllocatedPtr[i]|0;
html += '<br />' + colorBar('#FF9900') + colorBar('#FFDD33') + 'Preloaded memory used, most likely memory reserved by files in the virtual filesystem : ' + self.formatBytes(preloadedMemoryUsed);
html += '<br />OpenAL audio data: ' + self.formatBytes(self.countOpenALAudioDataSize()) + ' (outside HEAP)';
html += '<br /># of total malloc()s/free()s performed in app lifetime: ' + self.totalTimesMallocCalled + '/' + self.totalTimesFreeCalled + ' (currently alive pointers: ' + (self.totalTimesMallocCalled-self.totalTimesFreeCalled) + ')';
// Background clear
self.drawContext.fillStyle = "#FFFFFF";
self.drawContext.fillRect(0, 0, self.canvas.width, self.canvas.height);
self.drawContext.fillStyle = "#FF8080";
self.fillLine(STACK_BASE, STACK_MAX);
self.drawContext.fillStyle = "#FFFF00";
self.fillLine(Math.min(STACK_BASE, self.stackTopWatermark), Math.max(STACK_BASE, self.stackTopWatermark));
self.drawContext.fillStyle = "#FF0000";
self.fillLine(Math.min(STACK_BASE, STACKTOP), Math.max(STACK_BASE, STACKTOP));
self.drawContext.fillStyle = "#70FF70";
self.fillLine(heap_base, heap_end);
if (self.detailedHeapUsage) {
self.printAllocsWithCyclingColors(["#6699CC", "#003366", "#0000FF"], self.sizeOfAllocatedPtr);
self.printAllocsWithCyclingColors(["#FF9900", "#FFDD33"], self.sizeOfPreRunAllocatedPtr);
} else {
// Print only a single naive blob of individual allocations. This will not be accurate, but is constant-time.
self.drawContext.fillStyle = "#0000FF";
self.fillLine(heap_base, heap_base + self.totalMemoryAllocated);
if (document.getElementById('showHeapResizes').checked) {
// Print heap resize traces.
for(var i in self.resizeMemorySources) {
var resize = self.resizeMemorySources[i];
self.drawContext.fillStyle = resize.color;
self.fillRect(resize.begin, resize.end, 0.5);
// Print sbrk() traces.
var uniqueSources = {};
var filterWords = document.getElementById('sbrkFilter').value.split(',');
for(var i in self.sbrkSources) {
var sbrk = self.sbrkSources[i];
var stack = sbrk.stack;
for (var j in filterWords) {
var s = filterWords[j].trim();
if (s.length > 0)
stack = self.filterCallstackAfterFunctionName(stack, s);
sbrk.filteredStack = stack;
if (!uniqueSources[stack]) {
uniqueSources[stack] = self.hsvToRgb(Object.keys(uniqueSources).length * 0.618033988749895 % 1, 0.5, 0.95);
self.drawContext.fillStyle = sbrk.color = uniqueSources[stack];
self.fillRect(sbrk.begin, sbrk.end, 0.25);
// Print a divider line to make the sbrk()/heap resize block more prominently visible compared to the rest of the allocations.
function line(x0, y0, x1, y1) {
self.drawContext.moveTo(x0, y0);
self.drawContext.lineTo(x1, y1);
self.drawContext.lineWidth = 2;
if (self.sbrkSources.length > 0) line(0, 0.75*self.canvas.height, self.canvas.width, 0.75*self.canvas.height);
if (self.resizeMemorySources.length > 0) line(0, 0.5*self.canvas.height, self.canvas.width, 0.5*self.canvas.height);
self.memoryprofiler_summary.innerHTML = html;
var sort = document.getElementById('memoryProfilerSort');
var sortOrder = sort.options[sort.selectedIndex].value;
var html = '';
// Print out sbrk() and memory resize subdivisions:
if (document.getElementById('showHeapResizes').checked) {
// Print heap resize traces.
html += '<div style="background-color: #c0c0c0"><h4>Heap resize locations:</h4>';
html += self.printHeapResizeLog(self.resizeMemorySources);
html += '</div>'
// Print heap sbrk traces.
html += '<div style="background-color: #c0c0ff"><h4>Memory sbrk() locations:</h4>';
html += self.printHeapResizeLog(self.sbrkSources);
html += '</div>'
} else {
var demangler = typeof demangleAll !== 'undefined' ? demangleAll : function(x) { return x; };
// Print out statistics of individual allocations if they were tracked.
if (Object.keys(self.allocationsAtLoc).length > 0) {
var calls = [];
for (var i in self.allocationsAtLoc) {
if (self.allocationsAtLoc[i][0] >= self.trackedCallstackMinAllocCount || self.allocationsAtLoc[i][1] >= self.trackedCallstackMinSizeBytes) {
if (calls.length > 0) {
if (sortOrder != 'fixed') {
var sortIdx = (sortOrder == 'count') ? 0 : 1;
calls.sort(function(a,b) { return b[sortIdx] - a[sortIdx]; });
html += '<h4>Allocation sites with more than ' + self.formatBytes(self.trackedCallstackMinSizeBytes) + ' of accumulated allocations, or more than ' + self.trackedCallstackMinAllocCount + ' simultaneously outstanding allocations:</h4>'
for (var i in calls) {
if (calls[i].length == 3) calls[i] = [calls[i][0], calls[i][1], calls[i][2], demangler(calls[i][2])];
html += "<b>" + self.formatBytes(calls[i][1]) + '/' + calls[i][0] + " allocs</b>: " + calls[i][3] + "<br />";
self.memoryprofiler_ptrs.innerHTML = html;
// Backwards compatibility with previously compiled code. Don't call this
// anymore!
function memoryprofiler_add_hooks() { emscriptenMemoryProfiler.initialize(); }
if (typeof Module !== 'undefined' && typeof document !== 'undefined' && typeof window !== 'undefined' && typeof process === 'undefined') emscriptenMemoryProfiler.initialize();