Installing client-go

Using the latest version

If you want to use the latest version of this library, use go1.16+ and run:

go get

This will record a dependency on in your go module. You can now import and use the APIs in your project. The next time you go build, go test, or go run your project, and its dependencies will be downloaded (if needed), and detailed dependency version info will be added to your go.mod file (or you can also run go mod tidy to do this directly).

Using a specific version

If you want to use a particular version of the library, you can indicate which version of client-go your project requires:

  • If you are using Kubernetes versions >= v1.17.0, use a corresponding v0.x.y tag. For example, corresponds to Kubernetes v1.20.4:
go get
  • If you are using Kubernetes versions < v1.17.0, use a corresponding kubernetes-1.x.y tag. For example, corresponds to Kubernetes v1.16.3:
go get

You can now import and use the APIs in your project. The next time you go build, go test, or go run your project, and its dependencies will be downloaded (if needed), and detailed dependency version info will be added to your go.mod file (or you can also run go mod tidy to do this directly).


Go versions prior to 1.16

If you get a message like module found (v1.5.2), but does not contain package, you are likely using a go version prior to 1.16 and must explicitly specify the version you want. For example:

go get

Conflicting requirements for older client-go versions

If you get a message like module found, but does not contain package, something in your build is likely requiring an old version of like v11.0.0+incompatible.

First, try to fetch a more recent version. For example:

go get

If that doesn't resolve the problem, see what is requiring an ...+incompatible version of client-go, and update to use a newer version of that library, if possible:

go mod graph | grep ""

As a last resort, you can force the build to use a specific version of client-go, even if some of your dependencies still want ...+incompatible versions. For example:

go mod edit
go get

Go modules disabled

If you get a message like cannot use path@version syntax in GOPATH mode, you likely do not have go modules enabled.

Dependency management tools are built into go 1.11+ in the form of go modules. These are used by the main Kubernetes repo (>= v1.15.0) and client-go (>= kubernetes-1.15.0) to manage dependencies. If you are using go 1.11 or 1.12 and are working with a project located within $GOPATH, you must opt into using go modules:

export GO111MODULE=on

Ensure your project has a go.mod file defined at the root of your project. If you do not already have one, go mod init will create one for you:

go mod init