Clone this repo:
  1. 678bb0e Rename deployment manifests back to source manifests. by iannucci · 8 years ago master
  2. e6bcce5 scheduler: make debug output for ACLs checks contain JobID. by tandrii · 8 years ago
  3. af941fc scheduler ACLs: Add debug lines. by tandrii · 8 years ago
  4. 8041575 scheduler ACLs: improve ACL-related error handling in UI and API. by tandrii · 8 years ago
  5. 23372de scheduler ACLs: fix ACLs saving upon job config change. by tandrii · 8 years ago

luci-go: LUCI services and tools in Go

GoDoc Build Status Coverage Status


go get -u
go get -u

Code layout

  • /appengine/... contains AppEngine server code. It imports packages from /common/... and /server/....
  • /client/... contains all client code.
  • /common/... contains code and structures shared between all of /appengine/..., /client/... and /server/...; for example, the structures used by the server APIs. These are inherently APIs.
  • /deploytool/... contains the LUCI cloud services deployment tool.
  • /logdog/... contains LogDog client and server code, as well as APIs, protobufs, and support libraries.
  • /server/... contains standalone server code. Its packages are reusable by /appengine/....
  • /tools/... contains support tools used by other LUCI components.


  • Branch go1 contains the stable code.
  • Branch master constains the latest code.


  • Sign the Google CLA.
  • Make sure your and are configured in git config.
  • Install test-only packages: go get -u -t
  • Install the pcg git hook: go get -u && pcg

Run the following to setup the code review tool and create your first review:

git clone $HOME/src/depot_tools
export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/src/depot_tools"
git checkout -b work origin/master

# hack hack

git commit -a -m "This is awesome\"
# This will ask for your Google Account credentials.
git cl upload -s
# Wait for LGTM over email.
# Check the commit queue box in codereview website.
# Wait for the change to be tested and landed automatically.

Use git cl help and git cl help <cmd> for more details.