blob: c85184b0a6bc1bbfbb00a5f3fb1c3110cdccd60b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package engine implements the core logic of the scheduler service.
package engine
import (
ds ""
mc ""
tq ""
var (
ErrNoOwnerPermission = errors.New("no OWNER permission on a job")
ErrNoSuchJob = errors.New("no such job")
ErrNoSuchInvocation = errors.New("the invocation doesn't exist")
// Engine manages all scheduler jobs: keeps track of their state, runs state
// machine transactions, starts new invocations, etc. A method returns
// errors.Transient if the error is non-fatal and the call should be retried
// later. Any other error means that retry won't help.
// ACLs are enforced unlike EngineInternal with the following implications:
// * if caller lacks READER access to Jobs, methods behave as if Jobs do not
// exist.
// * if caller lacks OWNER access, calling mutating methods will result in
// ErrNoOwnerPermission (assuming caller has READER access, else see above).
type Engine interface {
// GetVisibleJobs returns a list of all enabled scheduler jobs in no
// particular order.
GetVisibleJobs(c context.Context) ([]*Job, error)
// GetVisibleProjectJobs returns a list of enabled scheduler jobs of some
// project in no particular order.
GetVisibleProjectJobs(c context.Context, projectID string) ([]*Job, error)
// GetVisibleJob returns single scheduler job given its full ID.
// ErrNoSuchJob error is returned if job doesn't exist OR isn't visible.
GetVisibleJob(c context.Context, jobID string) (*Job, error)
// ListVisibleInvocations returns invocations of a visible job, most recent first.
// Returns fetched invocations and cursor string if there's more.
// error is ErrNoSuchJob if job doesn't exist or isn't visible.
ListVisibleInvocations(c context.Context, jobID string, pageSize int, cursor string) ([]*Invocation, string, error)
// GetVisibleInvocation returns single invocation of some job given its ID.
// ErrNoSuchInvocation is returned if either job or invocation doesn't exist
// or job and hence invocation isn't visible.
GetVisibleInvocation(c context.Context, jobID string, invID int64) (*Invocation, error)
// GetVisibleInvocationsByNonce returns a list of Invocations with given nonce.
// Invocation nonce is a random number that identifies an intent to start
// an invocation. Normally one nonce corresponds to one Invocation entity,
// but there can be more if job fails to start with a transient error.
GetVisibleInvocationsByNonce(c context.Context, invNonce int64) ([]*Invocation, error)
// PauseJob replaces job's schedule with "triggered", effectively preventing
// it from running automatically (until it is resumed). Manual invocations are
// still allowed. Does nothing if job is already paused. Any pending or
// running invocations are still executed.
PauseJob(c context.Context, jobID string) error
// ResumeJob resumes paused job. Does nothing if the job is not paused.
ResumeJob(c context.Context, jobID string) error
// AbortJob resets the job to scheduled state, aborting a currently pending or
// running invocation (if any).
// Returns nil if the job is not currently running.
AbortJob(c context.Context, jobID string) error
// AbortInvocation forcefully moves the invocation to failed state.
// It opportunistically tries to send "abort" signal to a job runner if it
// supports cancellation, but it doesn't wait for reply. It proceeds to
// modifying local state in the scheduler service datastore immediately.
// AbortInvocation can be used to manually "unstuck" jobs that got stuck due
// to missing PubSub notifications or other kinds of unexpected conditions.
// Does nothing if invocation is already in some final state.
AbortInvocation(c context.Context, jobID string, invID int64) error
// TriggerInvocation launches job invocation right now if job isn't running
// now. Used by "Run now" UI button.
// Returns new invocation nonce (a random number that identifies an intent to
// start an invocation). Normally one nonce corresponds to one Invocation
// entity, but there can be more if job fails to start with a transient error.
TriggerInvocation(c context.Context, jobID string) (int64, error)
// EngineInternal is to be used by frontend initialization code only.
type EngineInternal interface {
// GetAllProjects returns a list of all projects that have at least one
// enabled scheduler job.
GetAllProjects(c context.Context) ([]string, error)
// UpdateProjectJobs adds new, removes old and updates existing jobs.
UpdateProjectJobs(c context.Context, projectID string, defs []catalog.Definition) error
// ResetAllJobsOnDevServer forcefully resets state of all enabled jobs.
// Supposed to be used only on devserver, where task queue stub state is not
// preserved between appserver restarts and it messes everything.
ResetAllJobsOnDevServer(c context.Context) error
// ExecuteSerializedAction is called via a task queue to execute an action
// produced by job state machine transition. These actions are POSTed
// to TimersQueue and InvocationsQueue defined in Config by Engine.
// 'retryCount' is 0 on first attempt, 1 if task queue service retries
// request once, 2 - if twice, and so on. Returning transient errors here
// causes the task queue to retry the task.
ExecuteSerializedAction(c context.Context, body []byte, retryCount int) error
// ProcessPubSubPush is called whenever incoming PubSub message is received.
ProcessPubSubPush(c context.Context, body []byte) error
// PullPubSubOnDevServer is called on dev server to pull messages from PubSub
// subscription associated with given publisher.
// It is needed to be able to manually tests PubSub related workflows on dev
// server, since dev server can't accept PubSub push messages.
PullPubSubOnDevServer(c context.Context, taskManagerName, publisher string) error
// PublicAPI returns ACL-enforced API.
PublicAPI() Engine
// Config contains parameters for the engine.
type Config struct {
Catalog catalog.Catalog // provides task.Manager's to run tasks
TimersQueuePath string // URL of a task queue handler for timer ticks
TimersQueueName string // queue name for timer ticks
InvocationsQueuePath string // URL of a task queue handler that starts jobs
InvocationsQueueName string // queue name for job starts
PubSubPushPath string // URL to use in PubSub push config
// NewEngine returns default implementation of EngineInternal.
func NewEngine(conf Config) EngineInternal {
return &engineImpl{
Config: conf,
doneFlags: make(map[string]bool),
//// Implementation.
const (
// invocationRetryLimit is how many times to retry an invocation before giving
// up and resuming the job's schedule.
invocationRetryLimit = 5
// maxInvocationRetryBackoff is how long to wait before retrying a failed
// invocation.
maxInvocationRetryBackoff = 10 * time.Second
// debugLogSizeLimit is how many bytes the invocation debug log can be before
// it gets trimmed. See 'trimDebugLog'. The debug log isn't supposed to be
// huge.
debugLogSizeLimit = 200000
// debugLogTailLines is how many last log lines to keep when trimming the log.
debugLogTailLines = 100
// actionTaskPayload is payload for task queue jobs emitted by the engine.
// Serialized as JSON, produced by enqueueJobActions and enqueueInvTimers, used
// as inputs in ExecuteSerializedAction.
// Union of all possible payloads for simplicity.
type actionTaskPayload struct {
JobID string `json:",omitempty"` // ID of relevant Job
InvID int64 `json:",omitempty"` // ID of relevant Invocation
// For Job actions and timers (InvID == 0).
Kind string `json:",omitempty"` // defines what fields below to examine
TickNonce int64 `json:",omitempty"` // valid for "TickLaterAction" kind
InvocationNonce int64 `json:",omitempty"` // valid for "StartInvocationAction" kind
TriggeredBy string `json:",omitempty"` // valid for "StartInvocationAction" kind
Overruns int `json:",omitempty"` // valid for "RecordOverrunAction" kind
RunningInvocationID int64 `json:",omitempty"` // valid for "RecordOverrunAction" kind
// For Invocation actions and timers (InvID != 0).
InvTimer *invocationTimer `json:",omitempty"` // used for AddTimer calls
// invocationTimer is carried as part of task queue task payload for tasks
// created by AddTimer calls.
// It will be serialized to JSON, so all fields are public.
type invocationTimer struct {
Delay time.Duration
Name string
Payload []byte
// Job stores the last known definition of a scheduler job, as well as its
// current state. Root entity, its kind is "Job".
type Job struct {
_kind string `gae:"$kind,Job"`
_extra ds.PropertyMap `gae:"-,extra"`
// cachedSchedule and cachedScheduleErr are used by parseSchedule().
cachedSchedule *schedule.Schedule `gae:"-"`
cachedScheduleErr error `gae:"-"`
// JobID is '<ProjectID>/<JobName>' string. JobName is unique with a project,
// but not globally. JobID is unique globally.
JobID string `gae:"$id"`
// ProjectID exists for indexing. It matches <projectID> portion of JobID.
ProjectID string
// Flavor describes what category of jobs this is, see the enum.
Flavor catalog.JobFlavor `gae:",noindex"`
// Enabled is false if the job was disabled or removed from config.
// Disabled jobs do not show up in UI at all (they are still kept in the
// datastore though, for audit purposes).
Enabled bool
// Paused is true if job's schedule is ignored and job can only be started
// manually via "Run now" button.
Paused bool `gae:",noindex"`
// Revision is last seen job definition revision.
Revision string `gae:",noindex"`
// RevisionURL is URL to human readable page with config file at
// an appropriate revision.
RevisionURL string `gae:",noindex"`
// Schedule is the job's schedule in regular cron expression format.
Schedule string `gae:",noindex"`
// Task is the job's payload in serialized form. Opaque from the point of view
// of the engine. See Catalog.UnmarshalTask().
Task []byte `gae:",noindex"`
// ACLs are the latest ACLs applied to Job and all its invocations.
Acls acl.GrantsByRole `gae:",noindex"`
// State is the job's state machine state, see StateMachine.
State JobState
// GetJobName returns name of this Job as defined its project's config.
func (e *Job) GetJobName() string {
// JobID has form <project>/<id>. Split it into components.
chunks := strings.Split(e.JobID, "/")
return chunks[1]
// effectiveSchedule returns schedule string to use for the job, considering its
// Paused field.
// Paused jobs always use "triggered" schedule.
func (e *Job) effectiveSchedule() string {
if e.Paused {
return "triggered"
return e.Schedule
// parseSchedule returns *Schedule object, parsing e.Schedule field.
// If job is paused e.Schedule field is ignored and triggered schedule is
// returned instead.
func (e *Job) parseSchedule() (*schedule.Schedule, error) {
if e.cachedSchedule == nil && e.cachedScheduleErr == nil {
hash := fnv.New64()
seed := hash.Sum64()
e.cachedSchedule, e.cachedScheduleErr = schedule.Parse(e.effectiveSchedule(), seed)
if e.cachedSchedule == nil && e.cachedScheduleErr == nil {
panic("no schedule and no error")
return e.cachedSchedule, e.cachedScheduleErr
// isEqual returns true iff 'e' is equal to 'other'.
func (e *Job) isEqual(other *Job) bool {
return e == other || (e.JobID == other.JobID &&
e.ProjectID == other.ProjectID &&
e.Flavor == other.Flavor &&
e.Enabled == other.Enabled &&
e.Paused == other.Paused &&
e.Revision == other.Revision &&
e.RevisionURL == other.RevisionURL &&
e.Schedule == other.Schedule &&
e.Acls.Equal(&other.Acls) &&
bytes.Equal(e.Task, other.Task) &&
e.State == other.State)
// matches returns true if job definition in the entity matches the one
// specified by catalog.Definition struct. UpdateProjectJobs skips updates for
// such jobs (assuming they are up-to-date).
func (e *Job) matches(def catalog.Definition) bool {
return e.JobID == def.JobID &&
e.Flavor == def.Flavor &&
e.Schedule == def.Schedule &&
e.Acls.Equal(&def.Acls) &&
bytes.Equal(e.Task, def.Task)
// Invocation entity stores single attempt to run a job. Its parent entity
// is corresponding Job, its ID is generated based on time.
type Invocation struct {
_kind string `gae:"$kind,Invocation"`
_extra ds.PropertyMap `gae:"-,extra"`
// ID is identifier of this particular attempt to run a job. Multiple attempts
// to start an invocation result in multiple entities with different IDs, but
// with same InvocationNonce.
ID int64 `gae:"$id"`
// JobKey is the key of parent Job entity.
JobKey *ds.Key `gae:"$parent"`
// Started is time when this invocation was created.
Started time.Time `gae:",noindex"`
// Finished is time when this invocation transitioned to a terminal state.
Finished time.Time `gae:",noindex"`
// InvocationNonce identifies a request to start a job, produced by
// StateMachine.
InvocationNonce int64
// TriggeredBy is identity of whoever triggered the invocation, if it was
// triggered via TriggerInvocation ("Run now" button).
// Empty identity string if it was triggered by the service itself.
TriggeredBy identity.Identity
// Revision is revision number of config.cfg when this invocation was created.
// For informational purpose.
Revision string `gae:",noindex"`
// RevisionURL is URL to human readable page with config file at
// an appropriate revision. For informational purpose.
RevisionURL string `gae:",noindex"`
// Task is the job payload for this invocation in binary serialized form.
// For informational purpose. See Catalog.UnmarshalTask().
Task []byte `gae:",noindex"`
// DebugLog is short free form text log with debug messages.
DebugLog string `gae:",noindex"`
// RetryCount is 0 on a first attempt to launch the task. Increased with each
// retry. For informational purposes.
RetryCount int64 `gae:",noindex"`
// Status is current status of the invocation (e.g. "RUNNING"), see the enum.
Status task.Status
// ViewURL is optional URL to a human readable page with task status, e.g.
// Swarming task page. Populated by corresponding TaskManager.
ViewURL string `gae:",noindex"`
// TaskData is a storage where TaskManager can keep task-specific state
// between calls.
TaskData []byte `gae:",noindex"`
// MutationsCount is used for simple compare-and-swap transaction control.
// It is incremented on each change to the entity. See 'saveImpl' below.
MutationsCount int64 `gae:",noindex"`
// isEqual returns true iff 'e' is equal to 'other'.
func (e *Invocation) isEqual(other *Invocation) bool {
return e == other || (e.ID == other.ID &&
(e.JobKey == other.JobKey || e.JobKey.Equal(other.JobKey)) &&
e.Started == other.Started &&
e.Finished == other.Finished &&
e.InvocationNonce == other.InvocationNonce &&
e.Revision == other.Revision &&
e.RevisionURL == other.RevisionURL &&
bytes.Equal(e.Task, other.Task) &&
e.DebugLog == other.DebugLog &&
e.RetryCount == other.RetryCount &&
e.Status == other.Status &&
e.ViewURL == other.ViewURL &&
bytes.Equal(e.TaskData, other.TaskData) &&
e.MutationsCount == other.MutationsCount)
// debugLog appends a line to DebugLog field.
func (e *Invocation) debugLog(c context.Context, format string, args ...interface{}) {
debugLog(c, &e.DebugLog, format, args...)
// trimDebugLog makes sure DebugLog field doesn't exceed limits.
// It cuts the middle of the log. We need to do this to keep the entity small
// enough to fit the datastore limits.
func (e *Invocation) trimDebugLog() {
if len(e.DebugLog) <= debugLogSizeLimit {
const cutMsg = "--- the log has been cut here ---"
giveUp := func() {
e.DebugLog = e.DebugLog[:debugLogSizeLimit-len(cutMsg)-2] + "\n" + cutMsg + "\n"
// We take last debugLogTailLines lines of log and move them "up", so that
// the total log size is less than debugLogSizeLimit. We then put a line with
// the message that some log lines have been cut. If these operations are not
// possible (e.g. we have some giant lines or something), we give up and just
// cut the end of the log.
// Find debugLogTailLines-th "\n" from the end, e.DebugLog[tailStart:] is the
// log tail.
tailStart := len(e.DebugLog)
for i := 0; i < debugLogTailLines; i++ {
tailStart = strings.LastIndex(e.DebugLog[:tailStart-1], "\n")
if tailStart <= 0 {
// Figure out how many bytes of head we can keep to make trimmed log small
// enough.
tailLen := len(e.DebugLog) - tailStart + len(cutMsg) + 1
headSize := debugLogSizeLimit - tailLen
if headSize <= 0 {
// Find last "\n" in the head.
headEnd := strings.LastIndex(e.DebugLog[:headSize], "\n")
if headEnd <= 0 {
// We want to keep 50 lines of the head no matter what.
headLines := strings.Count(e.DebugLog[:headEnd], "\n")
if headLines < 50 {
// Remove duplicated 'cutMsg' lines. They may appear if 'debugLog' (followed
// by 'trimDebugLog') is called on already trimmed log multiple times.
lines := strings.Split(e.DebugLog[:headEnd], "\n")
lines = append(lines, cutMsg)
lines = append(lines, strings.Split(e.DebugLog[tailStart:], "\n")...)
trimmed := make([]byte, 0, debugLogSizeLimit)
trimmed = append(trimmed, lines[0]...)
for i := 1; i < len(lines); i++ {
if !(lines[i-1] == cutMsg && lines[i] == cutMsg) {
trimmed = append(trimmed, '\n')
trimmed = append(trimmed, lines[i]...)
e.DebugLog = string(trimmed)
// Jan 1 2015, in UTC.
var invocationIDEpoch time.Time
func init() {
var err error
invocationIDEpoch, err = time.Parse(time.RFC822, "01 Jan 15 00:00 UTC")
if err != nil {
// generateInvocationID is called within a transaction to pick a new Invocation
// ID and ensure it isn't taken yet.
// Format of the invocation ID:
// - highest order bit set to 0 to keep the value positive.
// - next 43 bits set to negated time since some predefined epoch, in ms.
// - next 16 bits are generated by math.Rand
// - next 4 bits set to 0. They indicate ID format.
func generateInvocationID(c context.Context, parent *ds.Key) (int64, error) {
rnd := mathrand.Get(c)
// See
invTs := int64(clock.Now(c).UTC().Sub(invocationIDEpoch) / time.Millisecond)
invTs = ^invTs & 8796093022207 // 0b111....1, 42 bits (clear highest bit)
invTs = invTs << 20
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
randSuffix := rnd.Int63n(65536)
invID := invTs | (randSuffix << 4)
exists, err := ds.Exists(c, ds.NewKey(c, "Invocation", "", invID, parent))
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if !exists.All() {
return invID, nil
return 0, errors.New("could not find available invocationID after 10 attempts")
// debugLog mutates a string by appending a line to it.
func debugLog(c context.Context, str *string, format string, args ...interface{}) {
prefix := clock.Now(c).UTC().Format("[15:04:05.000] ")
*str += prefix + fmt.Sprintf(format+"\n", args...)
// engineImpl.
type engineImpl struct {
lock sync.Mutex
doneFlags map[string]bool // see doIfNotDone
// configureTopic is used by prepareTopic, mocked in tests.
configureTopic func(c context.Context, topic, sub, pushURL, publisher string) error
// doIfNotDone calls callback only if it wasn't called before.
// Works on best effort basis: callback can and will be called multiple times
// (just not the every time 'doIfNotDone' is called).
// Keeps "done" flag in local memory and in memcache (using 'key' as
// identifier). The callback should be idempotent, since it still may be called
// multiple times if multiple processes attempt to execute the action at once.
func (e *engineImpl) doIfNotDone(c context.Context, key string, cb func() error) error {
// Check the local cache.
if e.doneFlags[key] {
return nil
// Check the global cache.
switch _, err := mc.GetKey(c, key); {
case err == nil:
defer e.lock.Unlock()
e.doneFlags[key] = true
return nil
case err == mc.ErrCacheMiss:
return transient.Tag.Apply(err)
// Do it.
if err := cb(); err != nil {
return err
// Store in the global cache. Ignore errors, it's not a big deal.
item := mc.NewItem(c, key)
item.SetExpiration(24 * time.Hour)
if err := mc.Set(c, item); err != nil {
logging.Warningf(c, "Failed to write item to memcache - %s", err)
// Store in the local cache.
defer e.lock.Unlock()
e.doneFlags[key] = true
return nil
func (e *engineImpl) GetAllProjects(c context.Context) ([]string, error) {
q := ds.NewQuery("Job").
Eq("Enabled", true).
entities := []Job{}
if err := ds.GetAll(c, q, &entities); err != nil {
return nil, transient.Tag.Apply(err)
// Filter out duplicates, sort.
projects := stringset.New(len(entities))
for _, ent := range entities {
out := projects.ToSlice()
return out, nil
func (e *engineImpl) GetVisibleJobs(c context.Context) ([]*Job, error) {
q := ds.NewQuery("Job").Eq("Enabled", true)
return e.queryEnabledVisibleJobs(c, q)
func (e *engineImpl) GetVisibleProjectJobs(c context.Context, projectID string) ([]*Job, error) {
q := ds.NewQuery("Job").Eq("Enabled", true).Eq("ProjectID", projectID)
return e.queryEnabledVisibleJobs(c, q)
func (e *engineImpl) queryEnabledVisibleJobs(c context.Context, q *ds.Query) ([]*Job, error) {
entities := []*Job{}
if err := ds.GetAll(c, q, &entities); err != nil {
return nil, transient.Tag.Apply(err)
// Non-ancestor query used, need to recheck filters.
filtered := make([]*Job, 0, len(entities))
for _, job := range entities {
if !job.Enabled {
// TODO(tandrii): improve batch ACLs check here to take advantage of likely
// shared ACLs between most jobs of the same project.
if ok, err := job.Acls.IsReader(c); err != nil {
return nil, transient.Tag.Apply(err)
} else if ok {
filtered = append(filtered, job)
return filtered, nil
func (e *engineImpl) GetVisibleJob(c context.Context, jobID string) (*Job, error) {
job, err := e.getJob(c, jobID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if job == nil {
return nil, ErrNoSuchJob
if ok, err := job.Acls.IsReader(c); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if !ok {
return nil, ErrNoSuchJob
return job, nil
func (e *engineImpl) getOwnedJob(c context.Context, jobID string) (*Job, error) {
job, err := e.getJob(c, jobID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if job == nil {
return nil, ErrNoSuchJob
switch owner, err := job.Acls.IsOwner(c); {
case err != nil:
return nil, err
case owner:
return job, nil
// Not owner, but maybe reader? Give nicer error in such case.
switch reader, err := job.Acls.IsReader(c); {
case err != nil:
return nil, err
case reader:
return nil, ErrNoOwnerPermission
return nil, ErrNoSuchJob
func (e *engineImpl) getJob(c context.Context, jobID string) (*Job, error) {
job := &Job{JobID: jobID}
switch err := ds.Get(c, job); {
case err == nil:
return job, nil
case err == ds.ErrNoSuchEntity:
return nil, nil
return nil, transient.Tag.Apply(err)
func (e *engineImpl) PublicAPI() Engine {
return e
func (e *engineImpl) ListVisibleInvocations(c context.Context, jobID string, pageSize int, cursor string) ([]*Invocation, string, error) {
if _, err := e.GetVisibleJob(c, jobID); err != nil {
return nil, "", err
if pageSize == 0 || pageSize > 500 {
pageSize = 500
// Deserialize the cursor.
var cursorObj ds.Cursor
if cursor != "" {
var err error
cursorObj, err = ds.DecodeCursor(c, cursor)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", err
// Prepare the query. Fetch 'pageSize' worth of entities as a single batch.
q := ds.NewQuery("Invocation").
Ancestor(ds.NewKey(c, "Job", jobID, 0, nil)).
if cursorObj != nil {
q = q.Start(cursorObj)
// Fetch pageSize worth of invocations, then grab the cursor.
out := make([]*Invocation, 0, pageSize)
var newCursor string
err := ds.Run(c, q, func(obj *Invocation, getCursor ds.CursorCB) error {
out = append(out, obj)
if len(out) < pageSize {
return nil
cur, err := getCursor()
if err != nil {
return err
newCursor = cur.String()
return ds.Stop
if err != nil {
return nil, "", transient.Tag.Apply(err)
return out, newCursor, nil
func (e *engineImpl) GetVisibleInvocation(c context.Context, jobID string, invID int64) (*Invocation, error) {
switch _, err := e.GetVisibleJob(c, jobID); {
case err == ErrNoSuchJob:
return nil, ErrNoSuchInvocation
case err != nil:
return nil, err
return e.getInvocation(c, jobID, invID)
func (e *engineImpl) getInvocation(c context.Context, jobID string, invID int64) (*Invocation, error) {
inv := &Invocation{
ID: invID,
JobKey: ds.NewKey(c, "Job", jobID, 0, nil),
switch err := ds.Get(c, inv); {
case err == nil:
return inv, nil
case err == ds.ErrNoSuchEntity:
return nil, nil
return nil, transient.Tag.Apply(err)
func (e *engineImpl) GetVisibleInvocationsByNonce(c context.Context, invNonce int64) ([]*Invocation, error) {
q := ds.NewQuery("Invocation").Eq("InvocationNonce", invNonce)
entities := []*Invocation{}
if err := ds.GetAll(c, q, &entities); err != nil {
return nil, transient.Tag.Apply(err)
if len(entities) > 0 {
// All Invocations with the same nonce must belong to the same Job.
switch _, err := e.GetVisibleJob(c, entities[0].JobKey.StringID()); {
case err == ErrNoSuchJob:
return []*Invocation{}, nil
case err != nil:
return nil, err
return entities, nil
func (e *engineImpl) UpdateProjectJobs(c context.Context, projectID string, defs []catalog.Definition) error {
// JobID -> *Job map.
existing, err := e.getProjectJobs(c, projectID)
if err != nil {
return err
// JobID -> new definition revision map.
updated := make(map[string]string, len(defs))
for _, def := range defs {
updated[def.JobID] = def.Revision
// List of job ids to disable.
toDisable := []string{}
for id := range existing {
if updated[id] == "" {
toDisable = append(toDisable, id)
wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
// Add new jobs, update existing ones.
updateErrs := errors.NewLazyMultiError(len(defs))
for i, def := range defs {
if ent := existing[def.JobID]; ent != nil {
if ent.Enabled && ent.matches(def) {
go func(i int, def catalog.Definition) {
updateErrs.Assign(i, e.updateJob(c, def))
}(i, def)
// Disable old jobs.
disableErrs := errors.NewLazyMultiError(len(toDisable))
for i, jobID := range toDisable {
go func(i int, jobID string) {
disableErrs.Assign(i, e.disableJob(c, jobID))
}(i, jobID)
if updateErrs.Get() == nil && disableErrs.Get() == nil {
return nil
return transient.Tag.Apply(errors.NewMultiError(updateErrs.Get(), disableErrs.Get()))
func (e *engineImpl) ResetAllJobsOnDevServer(c context.Context) error {
if !info.IsDevAppServer(c) {
return errors.New("ResetAllJobsOnDevServer must not be used in production")
q := ds.NewQuery("Job").Eq("Enabled", true)
keys := []*ds.Key{}
if err := ds.GetAll(c, q, &keys); err != nil {
return transient.Tag.Apply(err)
wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
errs := errors.NewLazyMultiError(len(keys))
for i, key := range keys {
go func(i int, key *ds.Key) {
errs.Assign(i, e.resetJobOnDevServer(c, key.StringID()))
}(i, key)
return transient.Tag.Apply(errs.Get())
// getProjectJobs fetches from ds all enabled jobs belonging to a given
// project.
func (e *engineImpl) getProjectJobs(c context.Context, projectID string) (map[string]*Job, error) {
q := ds.NewQuery("Job").
Eq("Enabled", true).
Eq("ProjectID", projectID)
entities := []*Job{}
if err := ds.GetAll(c, q, &entities); err != nil {
return nil, transient.Tag.Apply(err)
out := make(map[string]*Job, len(entities))
for _, job := range entities {
if job.Enabled && job.ProjectID == projectID {
out[job.JobID] = job
return out, nil
// txnCallback is passed to 'txn' and it modifies 'job' in place. 'txn' then
// puts it into datastore. The callback may return errSkipPut to instruct 'txn'
// not to call datastore 'Put'. The callback may do other transactional things
// using the context.
type txnCallback func(c context.Context, job *Job, isNew bool) error
// errSkipPut can be returned by txnCallback to cancel ds.Put call.
var errSkipPut = errors.New("errSkipPut")
// defaultTransactionOptions is used for all transactions. The scheduler service
// has no user facing API, all activity is in background task queues. So tune it
// to do more retries.
var defaultTransactionOptions = ds.TransactionOptions{
Attempts: 10,
// txn reads Job, calls callback, then dumps the modified entity back into
// datastore (unless callback returns errSkipPut).
func (e *engineImpl) txn(c context.Context, jobID string, txn txnCallback) error {
c = logging.SetField(c, "JobID", jobID)
fatal := false
attempt := 0
err := ds.RunInTransaction(c, func(c context.Context) error {
if attempt != 1 {
logging.Warningf(c, "Retrying transaction...")
stored := Job{JobID: jobID}
err := ds.Get(c, &stored)
if err != nil && err != ds.ErrNoSuchEntity {
return err
modified := stored
err = txn(c, &modified, err == ds.ErrNoSuchEntity)
if err != nil && err != errSkipPut {
fatal = !transient.Tag.In(err)
return err
if err != errSkipPut && !modified.isEqual(&stored) {
return ds.Put(c, &modified)
return nil
}, &defaultTransactionOptions)
if err != nil {
logging.Errorf(c, "Job transaction failed: %s", err)
if fatal {
return err
// By now err is already transient (since 'fatal' is false) or it is commit
// error (i.e. produced by RunInTransaction itself, not by its callback).
// Need to wrap commit errors too.
return transient.Tag.Apply(err)
if attempt > 1 {
logging.Infof(c, "Committed on %d attempt", attempt)
return nil
// rollSM is called under transaction to perform a single state machine
// transition. It sets up StateMachine instance, calls the callback, mutates
// job.State in place (with a new state) and enqueues all emitted actions to
// task queues.
func (e *engineImpl) rollSM(c context.Context, job *Job, cb func(*StateMachine) error) error {
sched, err := job.parseSchedule()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("bad schedule %q - %s", job.effectiveSchedule(), err)
now := clock.Now(c).UTC()
rnd := mathrand.Get(c)
sm := StateMachine{
State: job.State,
Now: now,
Schedule: sched,
Nonce: func() int64 { return rnd.Int63() + 1 },
Context: c,
// All errors returned by state machine transition changes are transient.
// Fatal errors (when we have them) should be reflected as a state changing
// into "BROKEN" state.
if err := cb(&sm); err != nil {
return transient.Tag.Apply(err)
if len(sm.Actions) != 0 {
if err := e.enqueueJobActions(c, job.JobID, sm.Actions); err != nil {
return err
if sm.State.State != job.State.State {
logging.Infof(c, "%s -> %s", job.State.State, sm.State.State)
job.State = sm.State
return nil
// enqueueJobActions submits all actions emitted by a job state transition by
// adding corresponding tasks to task queues. See ExecuteSerializedAction for
// place where these actions are interpreted.
func (e *engineImpl) enqueueJobActions(c context.Context, jobID string, actions []Action) error {
// AddMulti can't put tasks into multiple queues at once, split by queue name.
qs := map[string][]*tq.Task{}
for _, a := range actions {
switch a := a.(type) {
case TickLaterAction:
payload, err := json.Marshal(actionTaskPayload{
JobID: jobID,
Kind: "TickLaterAction",
TickNonce: a.TickNonce,
if err != nil {
return err
logging.Infof(c, "Scheduling tick %d after %.1f sec", a.TickNonce, a.When.Sub(time.Now()).Seconds())
qs[e.TimersQueueName] = append(qs[e.TimersQueueName], &tq.Task{
Path: e.TimersQueuePath,
ETA: a.When,
Payload: payload,
case StartInvocationAction:
payload, err := json.Marshal(actionTaskPayload{
JobID: jobID,
Kind: "StartInvocationAction",
InvocationNonce: a.InvocationNonce,
TriggeredBy: string(a.TriggeredBy),
if err != nil {
return err
qs[e.InvocationsQueueName] = append(qs[e.InvocationsQueueName], &tq.Task{
Path: e.InvocationsQueuePath,
Delay: time.Second, // give the transaction time to land
Payload: payload,
RetryOptions: &tq.RetryOptions{
// Give 5 attempts to mark the job as failed. See 'startInvocation'.
RetryLimit: invocationRetryLimit + 5,
MinBackoff: time.Second,
MaxBackoff: maxInvocationRetryBackoff,
AgeLimit: time.Duration(invocationRetryLimit+5) * maxInvocationRetryBackoff,
case RecordOverrunAction:
payload, err := json.Marshal(actionTaskPayload{
JobID: jobID,
Kind: "RecordOverrunAction",
Overruns: a.Overruns,
RunningInvocationID: a.RunningInvocationID,
if err != nil {
return err
qs[e.InvocationsQueueName] = append(qs[e.InvocationsQueueName], &tq.Task{
Path: e.InvocationsQueuePath,
Delay: time.Second, // give the transaction time to land
Payload: payload,
logging.Errorf(c, "Unexpected action type %T, skipping", a)
wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
errs := errors.NewLazyMultiError(len(qs))
i := 0
for queueName, tasks := range qs {
go func(i int, queueName string, tasks []*tq.Task) {
errs.Assign(i, tq.Add(c, queueName, tasks...))
}(i, queueName, tasks)
return transient.Tag.Apply(errs.Get())
// enqueueInvTimers submits all timers emitted by an invocation manager by
// adding corresponding tasks to the task queue. See ExecuteSerializedAction for
// place where these actions are interpreted.
func (e *engineImpl) enqueueInvTimers(c context.Context, inv *Invocation, timers []invocationTimer) error {
tasks := make([]*tq.Task, len(timers))
for i, timer := range timers {
payload, err := json.Marshal(actionTaskPayload{
JobID: inv.JobKey.StringID(),
InvID: inv.ID,
InvTimer: &timer,
if err != nil {
return err
tasks[i] = &tq.Task{
Path: e.TimersQueuePath,
ETA: clock.Now(c).Add(timer.Delay),
Payload: payload,
return transient.Tag.Apply(tq.Add(c, e.TimersQueueName, tasks...))
func (e *engineImpl) ExecuteSerializedAction(c context.Context, action []byte, retryCount int) error {
payload := actionTaskPayload{}
if err := json.Unmarshal(action, &payload); err != nil {
return err
if payload.InvID == 0 {
return e.executeJobAction(c, &payload, retryCount)
return e.executeInvAction(c, &payload, retryCount)
func (e *engineImpl) executeJobAction(c context.Context, payload *actionTaskPayload, retryCount int) error {
switch payload.Kind {
case "TickLaterAction":
return e.jobTimerTick(c, payload.JobID, payload.TickNonce)
case "StartInvocationAction":
return e.startInvocation(
c, payload.JobID, payload.InvocationNonce,
identity.Identity(payload.TriggeredBy), retryCount)
case "RecordOverrunAction":
return e.recordOverrun(c, payload.JobID, payload.Overruns, payload.RunningInvocationID)
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected job action kind %q", payload.Kind)
func (e *engineImpl) executeInvAction(c context.Context, payload *actionTaskPayload, retryCount int) error {
switch {
case payload.InvTimer != nil:
return e.invocationTimerTick(c, payload.JobID, payload.InvID, payload.InvTimer)
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected invocation action kind %q", payload)
func (e *engineImpl) TriggerInvocation(c context.Context, jobID string) (int64, error) {
// First, we check ACLs.
if _, err := e.getOwnedJob(c, jobID); err != nil {
return 0, err
var err error
var invNonce int64
err2 := e.txn(c, jobID, func(c context.Context, job *Job, isNew bool) error {
if isNew {
err = ErrNoSuchJob
return errSkipPut
if !job.Enabled {
err = errors.New("the job is disabled")
return errSkipPut
invNonce = 0
return e.rollSM(c, job, func(sm *StateMachine) error {
if err := sm.OnManualInvocation(auth.CurrentIdentity(c)); err != nil {
return err
invNonce = sm.State.InvocationNonce
return nil
if err == nil {
err = err2
return invNonce, err
func (e *engineImpl) PauseJob(c context.Context, jobID string) error {
return e.setPausedFlag(c, jobID, true, auth.CurrentIdentity(c))
func (e *engineImpl) ResumeJob(c context.Context, jobID string) error {
return e.setPausedFlag(c, jobID, false, auth.CurrentIdentity(c))
func (e *engineImpl) setPausedFlag(c context.Context, jobID string, paused bool, who identity.Identity) error {
// First, we check ACLs outside of transaction. Yes, this allows for races
// between (un)pausing and ACLs changes but these races have no impact.
if _, err := e.getOwnedJob(c, jobID); err != nil {
return err
return e.txn(c, jobID, func(c context.Context, job *Job, isNew bool) error {
if isNew || !job.Enabled {
return ErrNoSuchJob
if job.Paused == paused {
return errSkipPut
if paused {
logging.Warningf(c, "Job is paused by %s", who)
} else {
logging.Warningf(c, "Job is resumed by %s", who)
job.Paused = paused
return e.rollSM(c, job, func(sm *StateMachine) error {
return nil
func (e *engineImpl) AbortInvocation(c context.Context, jobID string, invID int64) error {
if _, err := e.getOwnedJob(c, jobID); err != nil {
return err
return e.abortInvocation(c, jobID, invID)
func (e *engineImpl) abortInvocation(c context.Context, jobID string, invID int64) error {
c = logging.SetField(c, "JobID", jobID)
c = logging.SetField(c, "InvID", invID)
var inv *Invocation
var err error
switch inv, err = e.getInvocation(c, jobID, invID); {
case err != nil:
logging.Errorf(c, "Failed to fetch the invocation - %s", err)
return err
case inv == nil:
logging.Errorf(c, "The invocation doesn't exist")
return ErrNoSuchInvocation
case inv.Status.Final():
return nil
ctl, err := e.controllerForInvocation(c, inv)
if err != nil {
logging.Errorf(c, "Cannot get controller - %s", err)
return err
ctl.DebugLog("Invocation is manually aborted by %q", auth.CurrentUser(c))
if err = ctl.manager.AbortTask(c, ctl); err != nil {
logging.Errorf(c, "Failed to abort the task - %s", err)
return err
ctl.State().Status = task.StatusAborted
if err = ctl.Save(c); err != nil {
logging.Errorf(c, "Failed to save the invocation - %s", err)
return err
return nil
// AbortJob resets the job to scheduled state, aborting a currently pending or
// running invocation (if any).
// Returns nil if the job is not currently running.
func (e *engineImpl) AbortJob(c context.Context, jobID string) error {
// First, we check ACLs.
if _, err := e.getOwnedJob(c, jobID); err != nil {
return err
// Second, we switch the job to the default state and disassociate the running
// invocation (if any) from the job entity.
var invID int64
err := e.txn(c, jobID, func(c context.Context, job *Job, isNew bool) error {
if isNew {
return errSkipPut // the job was removed, nothing to abort
invID = job.State.InvocationID
return e.rollSM(c, job, func(sm *StateMachine) error {
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
// Now we kill the invocation. We do it separately because it may involve
// an RPC to remote service (e.g. to cancel a task) that can't be done from
// the transaction.
if invID != 0 {
return e.abortInvocation(c, jobID, invID)
return nil
// updateJob updates an existing job if its definition has changed, adds
// a completely new job or enables a previously disabled job.
func (e *engineImpl) updateJob(c context.Context, def catalog.Definition) error {
return e.txn(c, def.JobID, func(c context.Context, job *Job, isNew bool) error {
if !isNew && job.Enabled && job.matches(def) {
return errSkipPut
if isNew {
// JobID is <projectID>/<name>, it's ensured by Catalog.
chunks := strings.Split(def.JobID, "/")
if len(chunks) != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected jobID format: %s", def.JobID)
*job = Job{
JobID: def.JobID,
ProjectID: chunks[0],
Flavor: def.Flavor,
Enabled: false, // to trigger 'if !oldEnabled' below
Schedule: def.Schedule,
Task: def.Task,
State: JobState{State: JobStateDisabled},
oldEnabled := job.Enabled
oldEffectiveSchedule := job.effectiveSchedule()
// Update the job in full before running any state changes.
job.Flavor = def.Flavor
job.Revision = def.Revision
job.RevisionURL = def.RevisionURL
job.Acls = def.Acls
job.Enabled = true
job.Schedule = def.Schedule
job.Task = def.Task
// Do state machine transitions.
if !oldEnabled {
err := e.rollSM(c, job, func(sm *StateMachine) error {
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
if job.effectiveSchedule() != oldEffectiveSchedule {
logging.Infof(c, "Job's schedule changed")
return e.rollSM(c, job, func(sm *StateMachine) error {
return nil
return nil
// disableJob moves a job to disabled state.
func (e *engineImpl) disableJob(c context.Context, jobID string) error {
return e.txn(c, jobID, func(c context.Context, job *Job, isNew bool) error {
if isNew || !job.Enabled {
return errSkipPut
job.Enabled = false
return e.rollSM(c, job, func(sm *StateMachine) error {
return nil
// resetJobOnDevServer sends "off" signal followed by "on" signal.
// It effectively cancels any pending actions and schedules new ones. Used only
// on dev server.
func (e *engineImpl) resetJobOnDevServer(c context.Context, jobID string) error {
return e.txn(c, jobID, func(c context.Context, job *Job, isNew bool) error {
if isNew || !job.Enabled {
return errSkipPut
logging.Infof(c, "Resetting job")
err := e.rollSM(c, job, func(sm *StateMachine) error {
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
return e.rollSM(c, job, func(sm *StateMachine) error {
return nil
// jobTimerTick is invoked via task queue in a task with some ETA. It what makes
// cron tick.
func (e *engineImpl) jobTimerTick(c context.Context, jobID string, tickNonce int64) error {
return e.txn(c, jobID, func(c context.Context, job *Job, isNew bool) error {
if isNew {
logging.Errorf(c, "Scheduled job is unexpectedly gone")
return errSkipPut
logging.Infof(c, "Tick %d has arrived", tickNonce)
return e.rollSM(c, job, func(sm *StateMachine) error { return sm.OnTimerTick(tickNonce) })
// recordOverrun is invoked via task queue when a job should have been started,
// but previous invocation was still running.
// It creates new Invocation entity (in 'FAILED' state) in the datastore,
// to keep record of all overruns. Doesn't modify Job entity.
func (e *engineImpl) recordOverrun(c context.Context, jobID string, overruns int, runningInvID int64) error {
now := clock.Now(c).UTC()
jobKey := ds.NewKey(c, "Job", jobID, 0, nil)
invID, err := generateInvocationID(c, jobKey)
if err != nil {
return err
inv := Invocation{
ID: invID,
JobKey: jobKey,
Started: now,
Finished: now,
Status: task.StatusOverrun,
if runningInvID == 0 {
inv.debugLog(c, "New invocation should be starting now, but previous one is still starting")
} else {
inv.debugLog(c, "New invocation should be starting now, but previous one is still running: %d", runningInvID)
inv.debugLog(c, "Total overruns thus far: %d", overruns)
return transient.Tag.Apply(ds.Put(c, &inv))
// invocationTimerTick is called via Task Queue to handle AddTimer callbacks.
// See also handlePubSubMessage, it is quite similar.
func (e *engineImpl) invocationTimerTick(c context.Context, jobID string, invID int64, timer *invocationTimer) error {
c = logging.SetField(c, "JobID", jobID)
c = logging.SetField(c, "InvID", invID)
logging.Infof(c, "Handling invocation timer %q", timer.Name)
inv, err := e.getInvocation(c, jobID, invID)
if err != nil {
logging.Errorf(c, "Failed to fetch the invocation - %s", err)
return err
if inv == nil {
return ErrNoSuchInvocation
// Finished invocations are immutable, skip the message.
if inv.Status.Final() {
logging.Infof(c, "Skipping the timer, the invocation is in final state %q", inv.Status)
return nil
// Build corresponding controller.
ctl, err := e.controllerForInvocation(c, inv)
if err != nil {
logging.Errorf(c, "Cannot get controller - %s", err)
return err
// Hand the message to the TaskManager.
err = ctl.manager.HandleTimer(c, ctl, timer.Name, timer.Payload)
if err != nil {
logging.Errorf(c, "Error when handling the timer - %s", err)
if !transient.Tag.In(err) && ctl.State().Status != task.StatusFailed {
ctl.DebugLog("Fatal error when handling timer, aborting invocation - %s", err)
ctl.State().Status = task.StatusFailed
// Save anyway, to preserve the invocation log.
saveErr := ctl.Save(c)
if saveErr != nil {
logging.Errorf(c, "Error when saving the invocation - %s", saveErr)
// Retry the delivery if at least one error is transient. HandleTimer must be
// idempotent.
switch {
case err == nil && saveErr == nil:
return nil
case transient.Tag.In(err):
return saveErr
return err // transient or fatal
// startInvocation is called via task queue to start running a job. This call
// may be retried by task queue service.
func (e *engineImpl) startInvocation(c context.Context, jobID string, invocationNonce int64,
triggeredBy identity.Identity, retryCount int) error {
c = logging.SetField(c, "JobID", jobID)
c = logging.SetField(c, "InvNonce", invocationNonce)
c = logging.SetField(c, "Attempt", retryCount)
// Create new Invocation entity in StatusStarting state and associated it with
// Job entity.
// Task queue guarantees not to execute same task concurrently (i.e. retry
// happens only if previous attempt finished already).
// There are 4 possibilities here:
// 1) It is a first attempt. In that case we generate new Invocation in
// state STARTING and update Job with a reference to it.
// 2) It is a retry and previous attempt is still starting (indicated by
// IsExpectingInvocation returning true). Assume it failed to start
// and launch a new one. Mark old one as obsolete.
// 3) It is a retry and previous attempt has already started (in this case
// the job is in RUNNING state and IsExpectingInvocation returns
// false). Assume this retry was unnecessary and skip it.
// 4) It is a retry and we have retried too many times. Mark the invocation
// as failed and resume the job's schedule. This branch executes only if
// retryCount check at the end of this function failed to run (e.g. request
// handler crashed).
inv := Invocation{}
skipRunning := false
err := e.txn(c, jobID, func(c context.Context, job *Job, isNew bool) error {
if isNew {
logging.Errorf(c, "Queued job is unexpectedly gone")
skipRunning = true
return errSkipPut
if !job.State.IsExpectingInvocation(invocationNonce) {
logging.Errorf(c, "No longer need to start invocation with nonce %d", invocationNonce)
skipRunning = true
return errSkipPut
jobKey := ds.KeyForObj(c, job)
invID, err := generateInvocationID(c, jobKey)
if err != nil {
return err
// Put new invocation entity, generate its ID.
inv = Invocation{
ID: invID,
JobKey: jobKey,
Started: clock.Now(c).UTC(),
InvocationNonce: invocationNonce,
TriggeredBy: triggeredBy,
Revision: job.Revision,
RevisionURL: job.RevisionURL,
Task: job.Task,
RetryCount: int64(retryCount),
Status: task.StatusStarting,
inv.debugLog(c, "Invocation initiated (attempt %d)", retryCount+1)
if triggeredBy != "" {
inv.debugLog(c, "Manually triggered by %s", triggeredBy)
if retryCount >= invocationRetryLimit {
logging.Errorf(c, "Too many attempts, giving up")
inv.debugLog(c, "Too many attempts, giving up")
inv.Status = task.StatusFailed
inv.Finished = clock.Now(c).UTC()
skipRunning = true
if err := ds.Put(c, &inv); err != nil {
return err
// Move previous invocation (if any) to failed state. It has failed to
// start.
if job.State.InvocationID != 0 {
prev := Invocation{
ID: job.State.InvocationID,
JobKey: jobKey,
err := ds.Get(c, &prev)
if err != nil && err != ds.ErrNoSuchEntity {
return err
if err == nil && !prev.Status.Final() {
prev.debugLog(c, "New invocation is starting (%d), marking this one as failed.", inv.ID)
prev.Status = task.StatusFailed
prev.Finished = clock.Now(c).UTC()
if err := ds.Put(c, &prev); err != nil {
return err
// Store the reference to the new invocation ID. Unblock the job if we are
// giving up on retrying.
return e.rollSM(c, job, func(sm *StateMachine) error {
sm.OnInvocationStarting(invocationNonce, inv.ID, retryCount)
if inv.Status == task.StatusFailed {
return nil
if err != nil {
logging.WithError(err).Errorf(c, "Failed to update job state")
return err
if skipRunning {
logging.Warningf(c, "No need to start the invocation anymore")
return nil
c = logging.SetField(c, "InvID", inv.ID)
// Now we have a new Invocation entity in the datastore in StatusStarting
// state. Grab corresponding TaskManager and launch task through it, keeping
// track of the progress in created Invocation entity.
ctl, err := e.controllerForInvocation(c, &inv)
if err != nil {
// Note: controllerForInvocation returns both ctl and err on errors, with
// ctl not fully initialized (but good enough for what's done below).
ctl.DebugLog("Failed to initialize task controller - %s", err)
ctl.State().Status = task.StatusFailed
return ctl.Save(c)
// Ask manager to start the task. If it returns no errors, it should also move
// invocation out of StatusStarting state (a failure to do so is an error). If
// it returns an error, invocation is forcefully moved to StatusFailed state.
// In either case, invocation never ends up in StatusStarting state.
err = ctl.manager.LaunchTask(c, ctl)
if ctl.State().Status == task.StatusStarting {
ctl.State().Status = task.StatusFailed
if err == nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("LaunchTask didn't move invocation out of StatusStarting")
// Give up retrying on transient errors after some number of attempts.
if transient.Tag.In(err) && retryCount+1 >= invocationRetryLimit {
err = fmt.Errorf("Too many retries, giving up (original error - %s)", err)
// If asked to retry the invocation (by returning a transient error), do not
// touch Job entity when saving the current (failed) invocation. That way Job
// stays in "QUEUED" state (indicating it's queued for a new invocation).
if saveErr := ctl.saveImpl(c, !transient.Tag.In(err)); saveErr != nil {
logging.Errorf(c, "Failed to save invocation state - %s", saveErr)
if err == nil {
err = saveErr
// Returning transient error here causes the task queue to retry the task.
if err != nil {
logging.WithError(err).Errorf(c, "Invocation failed to start")
return err
// controllerForInvocation returns new instance of taskController configured
// to work with given invocation.
// If task definition can't be deserialized, returns both controller and error.
func (e *engineImpl) controllerForInvocation(c context.Context, inv *Invocation) (*taskController, error) {
ctl := &taskController{
ctx: c, // for DebugLog
eng: e,
saved: *inv,
var err error
ctl.task, err = e.Catalog.UnmarshalTask(inv.Task)
if err != nil {
return ctl, fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal the task - %s", err)
ctl.manager = e.Catalog.GetTaskManager(ctl.task)
if ctl.manager == nil {
return ctl, fmt.Errorf("TaskManager is unexpectedly missing")
return ctl, nil
// PubSub stuff
// topicParams is passed to prepareTopic by task.Controller.
type topicParams struct {
inv *Invocation // invocation being handled by Controller
manager task.Manager // task manager for the invocation
publisher string // name of publisher to add to PubSub topic.
// pubsubAuthToken describes how to generate HMAC protected tokens used to
// authenticate PubSub messages.
var pubsubAuthToken = tokens.TokenKind{
Algo: tokens.TokenAlgoHmacSHA256,
Expiration: 48 * time.Hour,
SecretKey: "pubsub_auth_token",
Version: 1,
// genTopicAndSubNames derives PubSub topic and subscription names to use for
// notifications from given publisher.
func (e *engineImpl) genTopicAndSubNames(c context.Context, manager, publisher string) (topic string, sub string) {
// Avoid accidental override of the topic when running on dev server.
prefix := "scheduler"
if info.IsDevAppServer(c) {
prefix = "dev-scheduler"
// Each publisher gets its own topic (and subscription), so it's clearer from
// logs and PubSub console who's calling what. PubSub topics can't have "@" in
// them, so replace "@" with "~". URL encoding could have been used too, but
// Cloud Console confuses %40 with its own URL encoding and doesn't display
// all pages correctly.
id := fmt.Sprintf("%s+%s+%s",
strings.Replace(publisher, "@", "~", -1))
appID := info.AppID(c)
topic = fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/topics/%s", appID, id)
sub = fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/subscriptions/%s", appID, id)
// prepareTopic creates a pubsub topic that can be used to pass task related
// messages back to the task.Manager that handles the task.
// It returns full topic name, as well as a token that securely identifies the
// task. It should be put into 'auth_token' attribute of PubSub messages by
// whoever publishes them.
func (e *engineImpl) prepareTopic(c context.Context, params topicParams) (topic string, tok string, err error) {
// If given URL, ask the service for name of its default service account.
// FetchServiceInfo implements efficient cache internally, so it's fine to
// call it often.
if strings.HasPrefix(params.publisher, "https://") {
logging.Infof(c, "Fetching info about %q", params.publisher)
serviceInfo, err := signing.FetchServiceInfoFromLUCIService(c, params.publisher)
if err != nil {
logging.Errorf(c, "Failed to fetch info about %q - %s", params.publisher, err)
return "", "", err
logging.Infof(c, "%q is using %q", params.publisher, serviceInfo.ServiceAccountName)
params.publisher = serviceInfo.ServiceAccountName
topic, sub := e.genTopicAndSubNames(c, params.manager.Name(), params.publisher)
// Put same parameters in push URL to make them visible in logs. On dev server
// use pull based subscription, since localhost push URL is not valid.
pushURL := ""
if !info.IsDevAppServer(c) {
urlParams := url.Values{}
urlParams.Add("kind", params.manager.Name())
urlParams.Add("publisher", params.publisher)
pushURL = fmt.Sprintf(
"https://%s%s?%s", info.DefaultVersionHostname(c), e.PubSubPushPath, urlParams.Encode())
// Create and configure the topic. Do it only once.
err = e.doIfNotDone(c, fmt.Sprintf("prepareTopic:v1:%s", topic), func() error {
if e.configureTopic != nil {
return e.configureTopic(c, topic, sub, pushURL, params.publisher)
return configureTopic(c, topic, sub, pushURL, params.publisher, "")
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
// Encode full invocation identifier (job key + invocation ID) into HMAC
// protected token.
tok, err = pubsubAuthToken.Generate(c, nil, map[string]string{
"job": params.inv.JobKey.StringID(),
"inv": fmt.Sprintf("%d", params.inv.ID),
}, 0)
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
return topic, tok, nil
func (e *engineImpl) ProcessPubSubPush(c context.Context, body []byte) error {
var pushBody struct {
Message pubsub.PubsubMessage `json:"message"`
if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &pushBody); err != nil {
return err
return e.handlePubSubMessage(c, &pushBody.Message)
func (e *engineImpl) PullPubSubOnDevServer(c context.Context, taskManagerName, publisher string) error {
_, sub := e.genTopicAndSubNames(c, taskManagerName, publisher)
msg, ack, err := pullSubcription(c, sub, "")
if err != nil {
return err
if msg == nil {
logging.Infof(c, "No new PubSub messages")
return nil
err = e.handlePubSubMessage(c, msg)
if err == nil || !transient.Tag.In(err) {
ack() // ack only on success of fatal errors (to stop redelivery)
return err
func (e *engineImpl) handlePubSubMessage(c context.Context, msg *pubsub.PubsubMessage) error {
logging.Infof(c, "Received PubSub message %q", msg.MessageId)
// Extract Job and Invocation ID from validated auth_token.
var jobID string
var invID int64
data, err := pubsubAuthToken.Validate(c, msg.Attributes["auth_token"], nil)
if err != nil {
logging.Errorf(c, "Bad auth_token attribute - %s", err)
return err
jobID = data["job"]
if invID, err = strconv.ParseInt(data["inv"], 10, 64); err != nil {
logging.Errorf(c, "Could not parse 'inv' %q - %s", data["inv"], err)
return err
c = logging.SetField(c, "JobID", jobID)
c = logging.SetField(c, "InvID", invID)
inv, err := e.getInvocation(c, jobID, invID)
if err != nil {
logging.Errorf(c, "Failed to fetch the invocation - %s", err)
return err
if inv == nil {
return ErrNoSuchInvocation
// Finished invocations are immutable, skip the message.
if inv.Status.Final() {
logging.Infof(c, "Skipping the notification, the invocation is in final state %q", inv.Status)
return nil
// Build corresponding controller.
ctl, err := e.controllerForInvocation(c, inv)
if err != nil {
logging.Errorf(c, "Cannot get controller - %s", err)
return err
// Hand the message to the TaskManager.
err = ctl.manager.HandleNotification(c, ctl, msg)
if err != nil {
logging.Errorf(c, "Error when handling the message - %s", err)
if !transient.Tag.In(err) && ctl.State().Status != task.StatusFailed {
ctl.DebugLog("Fatal error when handling PubSub notification, aborting invocation - %s", err)
ctl.State().Status = task.StatusFailed
// Save anyway, to preserve the invocation log.
saveErr := ctl.Save(c)
if saveErr != nil {
logging.Errorf(c, "Error when saving the invocation - %s", saveErr)
// Retry the delivery if at least one error is transient. HandleNotification
// must be idempotent.
switch {
case err == nil && saveErr == nil:
return nil
case transient.Tag.In(saveErr):
return saveErr
return err // transient or fatal
// TaskController.
type taskController struct {
ctx context.Context
eng *engineImpl
manager task.Manager
task proto.Message // extracted from saved.Task blob
saved Invocation // what have been given initially or saved in Save()
state task.State // state mutated by TaskManager
debugLog string // mutated by DebugLog
timers []invocationTimer // mutated by AddTimer
// populateState populates 'state' using data in 'saved'.
func (ctl *taskController) populateState() {
ctl.state = task.State{
Status: ctl.saved.Status,
ViewURL: ctl.saved.ViewURL,
TaskData: append([]byte(nil), ctl.saved.TaskData...), // copy
// JobID is part of task.Controller interface.
func (ctl *taskController) JobID() string {
return ctl.saved.JobKey.StringID()
// InvocationID is part of task.Controller interface.
func (ctl *taskController) InvocationID() int64 {
return ctl.saved.ID
// InvocationNonce is part of task.Controller interface.
func (ctl *taskController) InvocationNonce() int64 {
return ctl.saved.InvocationNonce
// Task is part of task.Controller interface.
func (ctl *taskController) Task() proto.Message {
return ctl.task
// State is part of task.Controller interface.
func (ctl *taskController) State() *task.State {
return &ctl.state
// DebugLog is part of task.Controller interface.
func (ctl *taskController) DebugLog(format string, args ...interface{}) {
logging.Infof(ctl.ctx, format, args...)
debugLog(ctl.ctx, &ctl.debugLog, format, args...)
// AddTimer is part of Controller interface.
func (ctl *taskController) AddTimer(ctx context.Context, delay time.Duration, name string, payload []byte) {
ctl.DebugLog("Scheduling timer %q after %s", name, delay)
ctl.timers = append(ctl.timers, invocationTimer{
Delay: delay,
Name: name,
Payload: payload,
// PrepareTopic is part of task.Controller interface.
func (ctl *taskController) PrepareTopic(ctx context.Context, publisher string) (topic string, token string, err error) {
return ctl.eng.prepareTopic(ctx, topicParams{
inv: &ctl.saved,
manager: ctl.manager,
publisher: publisher,
// GetClient is part of task.Controller interface
func (ctl *taskController) GetClient(ctx context.Context, timeout time.Duration) (*http.Client, error) {
// TODO(vadimsh): Use per-project service accounts, not a global service
// account.
ctx, _ = clock.WithTimeout(ctx, timeout)
t, err := auth.GetRPCTransport(ctx, auth.AsSelf)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &http.Client{Transport: t}, nil
// Save is part of task.Controller interface.
func (ctl *taskController) Save(ctx context.Context) error {
return ctl.saveImpl(ctx, true)
// errUpdateConflict means Invocation is being modified by two TaskController's
// concurrently. It should not be happening often. If it happens, task queue
// call is retried to rerun the two-part transaction from scratch.
var errUpdateConflict = errors.New("concurrent modifications of single Invocation", transient.Tag)
// saveImpl uploads updated Invocation to the datastore. If updateJob is true,
// it will also roll corresponding state machine forward.
func (ctl *taskController) saveImpl(ctx context.Context, updateJob bool) (err error) {
// Mutate copy in case transaction below fails. Also unpacks ctl.state back
// into the entity (reverse of 'populateState').
saving := ctl.saved
saving.Status = ctl.state.Status
saving.TaskData = append([]byte(nil), ctl.state.TaskData...)
saving.ViewURL = ctl.state.ViewURL
saving.DebugLog += ctl.debugLog
if saving.isEqual(&ctl.saved) && len(ctl.timers) == 0 { // no changes at all?
return nil
// Update local copy of Invocation with what's in the datastore on success.
defer func() {
if err == nil {
ctl.saved = saving
ctl.debugLog = "" // debug log was successfully flushed
ctl.timers = nil // timers were successfully scheduled
hasStartedOrFailed := ctl.saved.Status == task.StatusStarting && saving.Status != task.StatusStarting
hasFinished := !ctl.saved.Status.Final() && saving.Status.Final()
if hasFinished {
saving.Finished = clock.Now(ctx)
ctx, "Invocation finished in %s with status %s",
saving.Finished.Sub(saving.Started), saving.Status)
if !updateJob {
saving.debugLog(ctx, "It will probably be retried")
// Finished invocations can't schedule timers.
for _, t := range ctl.timers {
saving.debugLog(ctx, "Ignoring timer %s...", t.Name)
// Store the invocation entity, mutate Job state accordingly, schedule all
// timer ticks.
return ctl.eng.txn(ctx, saving.JobKey.StringID(), func(c context.Context, job *Job, isNew bool) error {
// Grab what's currently in the store to compare MutationsCount to what we
// expect it to be.
mostRecent := Invocation{
ID: saving.ID,
JobKey: saving.JobKey,
switch err := ds.Get(c, &mostRecent); {
case err == ds.ErrNoSuchEntity: // should not happen
logging.Errorf(c, "Invocation is suddenly gone")
return errors.New("invocation is suddenly gone")
case err != nil:
return transient.Tag.Apply(err)
// Make sure no one touched it while we were handling the invocation.
if saving.MutationsCount != mostRecent.MutationsCount+1 {
logging.Errorf(c, "Invocation was modified by someone else while we were handling it")
return errUpdateConflict
// Store the invocation entity and schedule invocation timers regardless of
// the current state of the Job entity. The table of all invocations is
// useful on its own (e.g. for debugging) even if Job entity state has
// desynchronized for some reason.
if err := ds.Put(c, &saving); err != nil {
return err
// Finished invocations can't schedule timers.
if !hasFinished && len(ctl.timers) > 0 {
if err := ctl.eng.enqueueInvTimers(c, &saving, ctl.timers); err != nil {
return err
// Is Job entity still have this invocation as a current one?
switch {
case !updateJob:
logging.Warningf(c, "Asked not to touch Job entity")
return errSkipPut
case isNew:
logging.Errorf(c, "Active job is unexpectedly gone")
return errSkipPut
case job.State.InvocationID != saving.ID:
logging.Warningf(c, "The invocation is no longer current, the current is %d", job.State.InvocationID)
return errSkipPut
// Make the state machine transitions.
if hasStartedOrFailed {
err := ctl.eng.rollSM(c, job, func(sm *StateMachine) error {
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
if hasFinished {
return ctl.eng.rollSM(c, job, func(sm *StateMachine) error {
return nil
return nil