tree: 8119837a59f3b4ae73e865b2b9bde03758960244 [path history] [tgz]
  1. api/
  2. cmd/
  3. managedfs/

The LUCI cloud services deployment tool

The LUCI project hosts code on Google AppEngine, Google Container Engine (via Kubernetes), and several other locations. The code layout is complex and modular, which is oftentimes at odds with the layout requirements of supported deployment tools such as gcloud and docker. The luci_deploy attempts to smooth that over by providing:

  • A common declarative deployment configuration language.
  • Hermetic, pinned source checkouts.
  • A single tool capable of organizing and executing deployment programs.
  • A utility that facilitates deployment management given its understanding of the deployment parameters.

While much of the underlying code in the deployment tool is cross-platform, it is specifically targeting Linux support. Any deployment from other platforms is, at this time, unsupported.

The deployment tool doesn't reimplement all of the functionality of existing tools; instead, it manages configurations and layouts and employs existing tooling to perform the actual deployment operations. Some tools that it uses are:

  • gcloud, the Google Cloud SDK tool.
  • kubectl, the Kubernetes control tool.
  • aedeploy, a tool which collects GOPATH packages for Docker deployment.
  • docker, a container management system used by Kubernetes.

Deployment configuration for a given deployable component is stored in two places:

  1. Generic component configuration and requirements are stored alongside the component in its source repository.
  2. Deployment-specific parameters are stored in a separate repository, and project the generic component layout into a product space.

The component-specific configuration details which resources the component needs, which services it employs, and its relationship with other components. The deployment projection then takes that generic configuration and applies it to a set of specific deployment parameters. For example:

  • One deployment may project a component into a production environment, allocating expensive CPU resources.
  • A development deployment may project the same component into a development environment.
  • A staging deployment may project the same component into a staging enviornment alongside other components from other projects.

Overview and Terminology

Deployment configuration uses the following concepts:

  • A source is a specific named repository checked out at a specific revision.
  • A source group is a collection of source repositories.
  • A component is a single buildable and deployable entity. Its configuration resides in a specific source.
  • An application is a collection of deployable component pointers. Each pointer is a subpath to the component configuration within its source.
  • A resource is a global cloud resource (e.g., cloud project, Kubernetes cluster, etc.).
  • A deployment binds an application to a source group (and, consequently, a specific set of sources) and a set of resources.

During deployment, several operations are performed:

  • The working directory is used to contain files generated and managed by the luci_deploy.
  • The checkout is a read-only directory containing all of the sources checked out at their specific revisions and initialized.
  • The staging directory is a constructed environment containing deployment and component sources and generated files organized such that deployment tools can operate on them. See Staging for more information.

A user will first perform a checkout, which loads all of the configured sources at their specified revisions into the working directory. Afterwards, the user performs operations on the checkout:

  • deploy, which deploy the configured deployments and their composite components.
  • manage, which offers component management utilities based on the deployment configuration.

Deployment Layout

The deployment layout is a filesystem-based configuration structure that defines the parameters of the configured deployments. Unless stated otherwise, all layout component names may only contain:

  • Alphanumeric characters ([0-9a-zA-Z])
  • A hyphen (-).

Configuration files are text-encoded protobufs. All protobufs used by the luci_deploy are defined in its api directory. Text protobuf configuration files have the “.cfg” suffix. The protobuf messages used in the layout are defined in config.proto.

The default deployment layout consists of a root layout.cfg file and several subdirectories defining source groups, applications, and deployments. Note that the layout depicted below is the default layout; the specific config directory paths may be overridden in layout.cfg.

  <source-group-name>/     (Defines a source group).
    <source-name>.cfg      (Defines a source within the source group).

  <application-name>.cfg   (Defines a application).

  <deployment-name>.cfg    (Defines a deployment).

All configuration files

  • layout.cfg, a text protobuf file containing a Layout message.
  • <source-group-name>, which defines a source group.
  • <source-name>.cfg, which defines a Source message within its source group parent directory.
  • <application-name>.cfg, which defines an Application message.
  • <deployment-name>.cfg, which defines a Deployment message.


Sources define a fully-specified repository in which component configuration and data are stored. luci_deploy will manage the source checkouts configured in the deployment layout.

A source is a file located within a source group directory named <source-name>.cfg. The source is specified using the Source text protobuf, defined in config.proto. Each source name is unique within its source group, but source names can (and likely will) be re-used across other source groups to enable deployment tracks (see Source Group Versioning).

Each source checkout is read-only, meaning that after the checkout operation is complete, no other deployment operations will modify its contents.

Source Initialization

Sources may require additional post-checkout steps to render them usable. Such sources can offer initialization scripts that will be run by luci_deploy during the checkout phase after the source has been checked out.

Initialization scripts are specified by adding a SourceLayout text protobuf file called luci-deploy.cfg, to the root of the source. If present, this file will be interpreted, and any initialization options present will be included as part of the source's checkout operation.

The SourceLayout protobuf is defined in checkout.proto.

Note that the source‘s definition must have run_scripts set to true in order for initialization scripts to be executed. This is a security precaution to prevent untrusted source repositories from adding and executing luci_deploy commands without the user’s permission.

Source Group Versioning

Applications bind components to source name. Deployments then bind those applications to source groups. Therefore, the specific source that is used in a deployment is determined by the deployment's choice of source group.

An example is a directory layout with two source groups, one named canary and one named production.


The source named base is defined in both source groups is then used in an application. At this point, the application's specific source is not known, since the choice of which base to use requires a source group to be selected. In other words, the application is bound to sources/*/base.cfg, and the choice of which * to use is left to a specific deployment.

A canary deployment can bind the application to the canary source group, causing its components to be loaded from the version of base defined in sources/canary/base.cfg. A production deployment can bind the same application to the production source group, causing its components to be loaded from sources/production/base.cfg.

Source-Relative Paths

Paths referenced within a source are referenced using “source-relative paths”. These paths are:

  • Operating system independent, as they all use “/” as their delimiter.
  • Either absolute (starting with a “/”) or relative (not starting with a “/”). Relative paths are relative to the configuration file in which they are specified.


Prior to deployment, a user must sync the checked out sources with the configured sources using the checkout sub-command. This checks out all sources defined in the deployment layout and runs any configured initialization scripts to initialize them.

A checkout is a manual operation. If the configured sources change, a new checkout operation must be performed to sync the on-disk checkout with the configured sources.

Performing a checkout is simple:

$ luci_deploy checkout

Local Checkout

It is oftentimes useful for a user to stage (for testing) or deploy (for triage) code from their local checkout. Rather than editing the source files to use file:/// URLs, the user may define a set of repository overrides in their User Configuration. Running the checkout sub-command with the --local flag will cause the checkout to prefer the user configuration repositroies to those configured in the sources.

$ luci_deploy checkout --local

NOTE: The checkout will continue to use the local overrides until the checkout sub-command is re-run without the --local flag. However, also note that a checkout containing a local override is considered tainted.


Deployment is accessed using the deploy sub-command. A user may deploy a single component or a full deployment. All deployment operations are run in stages, and, within each stage, in parallel.

# Deploy all Components within a Deployment.
$ luci_deploy deploy mydeployment

# Deploy a specific set of Components.
$ luci_deploy deploy mydeployment/component-a mydeployment/component-b

The deploy operation consists of several sub-stages:

  1. stage, where deployable components are generated from their sources and configurations. See Staging for more information.
  2. localbuild, where any local build operations are performed on the staged components. For some component types, this doubles as a sanity check prior to engaging remote services.
  3. push, where components are uploaded to their remote platforms.
  4. commit, where the uploaded components are activated and become live.

For testing and debugging purposes, a deployment can be stopped prior to a full commit by using the --stage parameter. For example, to assert that all components in a deployment can be successfully staged and locally built, a user may run:

$ luci_deploy deploy --stage=localbuild mydeployment

Component Configuration

A component is a single buildable/deployable unit. Components are defined in application configuration files, and are specified as paths to Component messages within a source. Component messages are defined in component.proto.

Components are intentionally defined within a source, as opposed to the deployment layout, because their specific composition and resource requirements will be versioned alongside their deployable code. For example, different versions of a Google AppEngine app may define different datastore indexes based on the underlying functionality of their code.

User Configuration

The user may include a configuration file in their home directory at ~/.luci_deploy.cfg. If present, this file will be loaded alongside the layout configuration and incorporated into luci_deploy behavior.

The user configuration file is a UserConfig text protobuf defined in userconfig.proto.


A staging space is created for each deployable Component. Staging offers luci_deploy an isolated canvas with which it can the filesystem layouts for that Component's actual deployment tooling to operate. All file operations, generation, and structuring are performed in the staging state such that the resulting staging directory is available for tooling or humans to use.

The staging space for a given Component depends on that Component‘s type. A staging layout is intended to be human-navigatable while conforming to any layout requirements imposed by that Component’s deployment tooling.

One goal that is enforced is that the actual checkout directories used by any given Component are considered read-only. This means that staging for Components which require generated files to exist alongside source must copy or mirror that source elsewhere. Some of the more convoluted aspects of staging layouts are the result of this requirement.


AppEngine deployments are composed of two sets of information:

  • Individual AppEngine modules, including the default module.
  • AppEngine Project-wide globals such as Index, Cron, Dispatch, and Queue settings.

The individual Components are staged and deployed independently. The globals are composed of their respective settings in each individual Component associated with the AppEngine project regardless of whether that Component is actually being deployed. The aggregate globals are re-asserted once per cloud project at the end of module deployment.

References to static content are flattened into static directories within the staging area. The generated YAML files are configured to point to this flattened space regardless of the original static content's location within the source.


Moving Component configuration into protobufs and constructing composite GOPATH and generated configuration files prevents AppEngine tooling from working out of the box in the source repository.

The offered solution is to manually stage the Components under test, then run tooling against the staged Component directories. The user may optionally install the staged paths (GOPATH, etc.) or use their default environment's paths.

One downside to this solution is that staging operates on a snapshot of the repository, meaning that changes to the repository won‘t be reflected in the staged environment. The user can address this by either manually re-staging the Deployment when a file changes. The user may also structure their application such that the staged content doesn’t change frequently (e.g., for Go, have a simple entry point that immediately imports the main app logic). Specific structures depend on the type of Component and how it is staged (see below).

In the future, a command to bootstrap “dev_appserver” through the staged environment would be useful.

Go on Classic AppEngine

Go Classic AppEngine Components are deployed using the tool, which is the fastest available method to deploy such applications.

Because the “app.yaml” file must exist alongside the deployed source, a stub entry point is generated in the staging area. This stub simply imports the actual entry point package.

The Component‘s Sources which declare GOPATH presence are combined in a virutal GOPATH within the Component’s staging area. This GOPATH is then installed and's “update” method is invoked to upload the Component.

Go on Managed VM

Go AppEngine Managed VMs use a set of tools for deployment:

  • aedeploy, an AppEngine project tool which copies the various referenced sources across GOPATH entries into a single GOPATH hierarchy for Docker isolation.
  • gcloud, which engages the remote AppEngine service and offers deployment utility.
  • Behind the scenes, gcloud uses docker to build the actual deployed image from the source (aedeploy target) and assembled GOPATH.

Because the “app.yaml” file must exist alongside the entry point code, the contents of the entry package are copied (via symlink) into a generated entry point package in the staging area.

The Component‘s Sources which declare GOPATH presence are combined in a virutal GOPATH within the Component’s staging area. This GOPATH is then collapsed by aedeploy when the Managed VM image is built.

NOTE: because the entry point is actually a clone of the entry point package, “internal/” imports will not work. This can be easily worked around by having the entry point import another non-internal package within the project, and having that package act as the actual entry point.

Static Content Module

The luci_deploy supports the concept of a static content module. This is an AppEngine module whose sole purpose is to, via AppEngine handler definitions, map to uploaded static content. The utility of a static module is that it can be effortlessly updated without impacting actual AppEngine runtime processes. Static modules can be used in conjunction with module-referencing handlers in the default AppEngine module to create the effect of the default module actually hosting the static content.

Static content modules are staged like other AppEngine modules, only with no running code.

Container Engine / Kubernetes

The luci_deploy supports depoying services to Google Container Engine, which is backed by Kubernetes. A project's Container Engine configuration consists of a series of Container Engine clusters, each of which hosts a series of homogenous machines. Kubernetes Pods, each of which are composed of one or more Kubernetes Components (i.e., Docker images), are deployed to one or more Google Container Engine Clusters.

The Deployment Component defines a series of Container Engine Pods, an amalgam of a Kubernetes Pod definition and Container Engine requirements of that Kubernetes Pod. Each Kubernetes Pod's Component is built in its own staging area and deployed as part of that Pod to one or more Container Engine clusters.

The Build phase of Container Engine deployment constructs a local Docker image of each Kubernetes Component. The Push phase pushes those images to the remote Docker image service. The Commit phase enacts the generated Kubernetes/ configuration which references those images on the Container Engine configuration.

Container Engine management is done in two layers: firstly, the Container Engine configuration is managed with gcloud commands. This configures:

  • Which managed Clusters exist on Google Container Engine.
  • What scopes, system specs, and node count each Cluster has.

Within a Cluster, several managed Kubernetes pods are deployed. The deployment is done using the kubectl tool, selecting the cluster using the “--context” flag to select the gcloud-generated Kubernetes context.

Each luci_deploy Component (Kubernetes Pod, at this level) is managed as a Kubernetes Deployment ( A luci_deploy-managed Deployment will have the following metadata annotations:

  • “luci.managedBy”, set to “luci-deploytool”
  • “luci.deploytool/version” set to the deploytool Deployment's version string.
  • “luci.deploytool/sourceVersion” set to the revision of the Deployment Component's source.

The Kubernetes Deployment for a Component will be named “--”.

luci_deploy-driven Kubernetes depoyment is fairly straightforward:

  • Use “kubectl get deployments/” to get the current Deployment state.
  • If there is a current Deployment,
    • If its “luci.managedBy” annotation doesn't equal “luci-deploytool”, fail. The user must manually correct this situation.
    • Check if the “luci.deploytool/version” matches the container version. If it does, succeed.
  • Create/update the Deployment's configuration using “kubectl apply”.

Go Container Engine Pod Components

Go Container Engine Pods use a set of tools for deployment:

  • aedeploy, an AppEngine project tool which copies the various referenced sources across GOPATH entries into a single GOPATH hierarchy for Docker isolation.
  • gcloud, which engages the remote AppEngine service and offers deployment utility.
  • docker, which is used to build and manage the Docker images.

The Component‘s Sources which declare GOPATH presence are combined in a virutal GOPATH within the Component’s staging area. This GOPATH is then collapsed by aedeploy when the Docker image is built.

The actual Component is built directly from the Source using aedeploy and docker build. This is acceptable, since this is a read-only operation and will not modify the Source.

To Do

Following are some ideas of “planned” features that would be useful to add to luci_deploy:

  • Add a “manage” command to manage a specific Deployment and/or Component. Each invocation would load special set of subcommands based on that resource:
    • If the resource is a Deployment, query status?
    • Other common automatable management macros.
  • Offer a dev_appserver fallthrough to create a staging area and bootstrap dev_appserver for the named staged AppEngine Components.