GCE Backend

A GCE backend for Machine Provider.

GCE Backend is composed of a series of cron jobs. Each cron runs independently of the others and performs idempotent operations. Many of the jobs are only eventually consistent, converging on the desired state over multiple calls.

Setting up

  • Visit http://console.cloud.google.com and create a project. Replace <appid> below with your project id.
  • Visit Google Cloud Console,
    • IAM & Admin, click Add Member and add someone else so you can safely be hit by a bus.
    • Compute Engine, to enable Compute Engine.
  • Upload the code with: ./tools/gae upl -x -A <appid>
  • Visit https://<appid>.appspot.com/auth/bootstrap and click Proceed.
  • If you plan to use a config service,
  • If you plan to use an auth_service,
  • Configure the Machine Provider with the config service or the instance\_url property of the components.machine_provider.utils.MachineProviderConfiguration entity in the datastore.
  • TODO(smut): Simplify the above.

TODO(smut): Move the following into doc/ as applicable.


The configuration defines the desired instance templates, and the desired instance group managers created from those templates. Configured in the config service as templates.cfg and managers.cfg respectively.


Responsible for importing the current GCE configuration from the config service. When a new config is detected, the local copy of the config in the datastore is updated. This task ensures that the valid manager and template configurations are updated synchronously.


Responsible for creating an entity structure corresponding to the config.

A models.InstanceTemplate is created for each template defined in templates.cfg which has a globally unique base_name. Any reuse of base_name, even when the configured project is different, is considered to be another revision of the same instance template. A revision of an instance template is one set of fields for it, and a corresponding models.InstanceTemplateRevision is created. Each time a template in templates.cfg with the same name has its other fields changed a new models.InstanceTemplateRevision is created for it.

A models.InstanceGroupManager is created for each manager defined in managers.cfg which refers to an existing template by template_base_name. At most one instance group manager in each zone may exist for each template.


Ensures a GCE instance template exists for each template in the config. Updates models.InstanceTemplateRevisions with the URL of the created instance template.


Ensures a GCE instance group manager exists for each manager in the config. Updates models.InstanceGroupManagers with the URL of the created instance group manager. Waits for an instance template to exist for the template the manager is configured to use before attempting to create the instance group manager.


Fetches the list of instances created by each instance group manager, creating a models.Instance for each one. Waits for the instance group manager to exist before attempting to fetch the list of instances.


Adds instances to the Machine Provider catalog. Any instance not cataloged and not pending deletion is added to the catalog.


Checks the state of the instance in the Machine Provider catalog. If the Machine Provider has created a Pub/Sub topic for the instance, schedules a metadata operation to add Pub/Sub subscription information to the instance. If the Machine Provider has reclaimed the instance after lease expiration, schedules an operation to delete the GCE instance.


Looks for an active_metadata_update with a url in a models.Instance and checks the status of the operation. If succeeded, active_metadata_update is cleared, otherwise only the url is cleared and the operation is moved to the front of the pending_metadata_updates. If there is an active_metadata_update without a url, creates the GCE zone operation to apply the metadata update. If there is no active_metadata_update, compresses all pending_metadata_updates into a single metadata update and sets it as the active_metadata_update.


Deletes GCE instances for each models.Instance with pending_deletion set.


Embiggens a GCE managed instance group whose size has fallen below the minimum configured size.


Removes each models.Instance from the Machine Provider catalog that wasn't created from an instance template currently referenced in the config.


Deletes GCE instances for each models.Instance that was removed from the Machine Provider catalog for being created from an instance template not currently referenced in the config.


Deletes GCE instance group managers that aren't found in the config and have no instances created from them.


Deletes GCE instance templates that aren't found in the config and have no instance group managers configured to use them.


Deletes entities that are no longer needed.