
An skeleton example App used to measure the size of Material Components for iOS.

Latest Measurement

Bare AppSize
without Material Components iOS:2.7MB
with Material Components iOS:8.9MB
Delta by adding Material Components iOS:7.2MB

The Material Components iOS framework adds ~7.2MB to your project. Measured on the 19.0.0 release.


Bare uses CocoaPods for dependency management. You will need CocoaPods as well as SSH access to material-components-ios. Needing SSH access is only temporary until MDC launches publicly.

To install/build, cd into this directory and run pod install. Then run open Bare.xcworkspace. Do not open Bare.xcodeproj or the project will not build.

How we measured

These are the instructions for how we took this measurement.

Create a base line

  • Go to the Podfile and remove the pod 'MaterialComponents', :path => '../../' entry
  • Measure the size of the App without Material Components.

Measure the increase with Material Components iOS

  • Go to the Podfile and re-add the pod 'MaterialComponents', :path => '../../' entry
  • Measure the size of the App with Material Components iOS.

Size of the App generated

  • Run pod install from the Bare root folder.
  • Open the Bare.xcworkspace.
  • Clean the build.
  • Archive the Bare App.
  • Find the xcarchive file and open it via Show Contents of Package
  • Report back the size of Products/Applications/