
These instructions describe how to cut a new release.

MDC follows the “git flow” style of development, where the default branch is called develop. stable (instead of the traditional master) is reserved for releases. The develop branch is periodically copied to a release branch, tested, and then merged into stable, which serves as the stable “vetted” branch.

Before you start

Check for issues that might affect the release process

Occasionally there are temporary issues with the release process, check the release tag for anything that might be affecting the release.

Check the release milestone

We use weekly release milestones to track important issues that need to land in a given release. These issues may come from client teams that are shipping to the App Store on a given date.

Look in the Tasks for Next Release milestone for issues that must be resolved before or during release. If there are open issues you must identify why the issues are still open and either close them if resolved or determine whether it's acceptable to move the issue to a subsequent release.

Cutting and testing the release

Reset your state

Releasing is important enough that we want to start with a clean slate:

git fetch -a
git checkout develop

Cut a release branch and notify clients

Verify that there are no existing release-candidate branches either locally or on origin:

git fetch -a
git remote prune origin
git branch -a | grep release-candidate

Run the following command to cut a release:

git add
git commit -m "Cut release candidate."

You will now have a local release-candidate branch and a new section in titled “release-candidate”.

The scripts/release/cut script will output the body of an email you should now send so clients can test the release.

Test the release branch


Identify why any failures occurred and resolve them before continuing.

Push release-candidate to GitHub with git push origin release-candidate as you make changes. This allows other people and machines to track the progress of the release.

Making changes

You or clients may find problems with the release that need fixing before continuing. You have two options for making those changes:

  1. If the change does not touch library code and is trivial, then you can make the change directly on the release candidate branch.
  2. If the change touches library code, is non-trivial, or you just want a second opinion, create a pull request targeting release-candidate and get it reviewed.

Note that in both cases, changes made to the release candidate branch will be merged back into develop at the end of the release.

Determining the new version and drafting the release notes

The two most important bits of metadata about a release is the new version number and the release notes. While we have tooling to help, your job is to make sure these are correct. If you're not familiar with MDC's version number policy, please review it now.

You will now begin adding release notes to in the “release-candidate” section. You will not know the version number yet, to figure it out you will need to examine the release's changes.

You have several tools available for deciding if a release is major, minor, or a patch.

Generate the API diff

Use scripts/release/diff to determine API changes

Inspect changes to public component headers and manually generate the API diff by hand.

scripts/release/diff components/*/src/*.h

Generate the API diff using scripts/release/api_diff:

The api_diff script is broken. Manually generate the API diff using scripts/release/diff as noted above and continue to the next step, Commit the changes. - Mar.28,2017 (ianegordon)

  • Append the command‘s output to’s “release-candidate” section.
  • Delete any component sections that state “No public API changes detected.”

Commit the changes to the release branch.

git add
git commit -m "Added API diff to"
git push origin release-candidate
  1. If any part of a public API is deleted or changed, then this release is a major release.
  2. If any public API's nullability annotations have changed then this release is a major release.
  3. Otherwise, if any public APIs added, then this release is a minor release.
  4. Otherwise, this release might still be a bug fix release.

Generate the change logs

Run the following command to generate a list of changes organized by component:


Paste the results into's “release-candidate” section after the “API diffs” section.

Verify API changes

While we do primarily lean on the api_diff tool to call out API diffs, it isn't perfect. For each API change, open the source at the latest checkout and verify that the API change does, in fact, reflect the change that occurred.

Adjust the API diffs in based on your visual inspection of the code.

Commit the final results to your branch.

git add
git commit -m "Hand-modified API diff."
git push origin release-candidate

Identify visual changes

We do not presently have an automated way to identify visual changes between releases. See GitHub issue #290 for a discussion on the topic.

Sanity check: inspect the changes

Diff just the components

The final sanity check is to visually inspect the diff.

If you have configured Git with a GUI diff tool (git difftool), then you can add --use_diff_tool to scripts/release/diff below.

Generate a list of component public header changes:


Show changes to component headers:

scripts/release/diff components/*/src/*.h

Show all changes to components:

scripts/release/diff components/*/src/

Diff everything

Show all changes that are part of this release:


Classify the release type

You should now be able to identify the release type and its new version number. Bump the release (change the version number everywhere):

scripts/release/bump <major.minor.patch>

Add the version number to the change log in the “release-candidate” section:


Commit the results to your branch:

git commit -am "Bumped version number to $(pod ipc spec MaterialComponents.podspec | grep '"version"' | cut -d'"' -f4)."
git push origin release-candidate

Verify CocoaPods podspec and trunk access

Send our local podspec through the CocoaPods linter:

pod lib lint MaterialComponents.podspec

CocoaPods publishes a directory of publicly available pods through its trunk service. Note: Ensure that you can push the podspec later by checking for MaterialComponents in your list of available Pods when you:

pod trunk me

If this fails or MaterialComponents is not listed register an account and session.

Testing with release-blocking clients

Before you can merge the release branch into either develop or stable you must get the release go-ahead from the following clients:

  • Google: must verify that the release branch passes all internal tests. If you are a Googler, see the internal “mirroring” document for further instructions. Notably you must not continue this releasing process until the internal synchronization CL has been tested.

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Send the release out for review

Send the release-candidate branch out for review by opening a pull request from release-candidate to stable.

Get a reviewer to approve the change.

Do not use GitHub's big green button to merge the approved pull request. Release are an exception to our normal squash-and-merge procedure.

Merge the release candidate branch

Once the release-candidate has passed all tests by clients, you may merge the release into the develop and stable branches.

# Did you listen to the dragon?
# Do not run this until all release-blocking clients have given the go-ahead.
# Ensure that you've checked off every item in the commit message's checklist.

Once you've resolved any merge conflicts your local develop and stable branches will both include the latest changes from release-candidate.

Before pushing these changes to GitHub it's a good idea to run a final sanity check:

git checkout stable

git checkout develop

You can now push both branches to GitHub:

git push origin stable develop

and delete the release branch:

git branch -d release-candidate
git push origin :release-candidate

Publish the official release

  1. Have all release-blocking clients given the go-ahead? Do not create the official release until all release-blocking clients are ready. Otherwise you might publish a release that isn't actually stable.
  2. Visit our GitHub list of releases, click on “Draft a new release”.
  3. Tag the release “vX.Y.Z”.
  4. Select the stable branch.
  5. Title the release “Release X.Y.Z”.
  6. In the body of the release notes, paste the text from for this release.
  7. Publish the release.

Publish to Cocoapods

git checkout stable
pod trunk push MaterialComponents.podspec

Reply to the original release email message

Post a reply to your message on Material Components for iOS Discuss indicating that you are done.

Coordinate with release-blocking clients to finish work

Any work that was started by the Release-blocking clients (dragon) step above may need to be finalized.