title: “Material Components for iOS” layout: “homepage” path: /

{% contentfor benefits %}

Getting Started

An easy way to create beautiful apps with modular and customizable UI components.

  1. {: .step-list-item } ### Install CocoaPods

    CocoaPods is the easiest way to get started. If you're new to CocoaPods, check out their getting started documentation.

    To install CocoaPods, run the following commands:

    sudo gem install cocoapods
  2. {: .step-list-item } ### Create Podfile

    Once you've created an iOS application in Xcode you can start using Material Components for iOS.

    To initialize CocoaPods in your project, run the following commands:

    cd your-project-directory
    pod init
  3. {: .step-list-item } ### Edit Podfile

    Once you've initialized CocoaPods, add the Material Components for iOS Pod to your target in your Podfile:

    target "MyApp" do
      pod 'MaterialComponents'

    If you are using Swift, don’t forget to uncomment the use_frameworks! line at the top of your Podfile.

    Then run the command:

    pod install
    open your-project.xcworkspace

    Now you're ready to get started in Xcode.

  4. {: .step-list-item } ### Usage

    Now you’re ready to add a component (e.g. Buttons) to your app! Include the Material Components header for the component you're interested in to your app (detailed below) to get all of the required classes.

    Choose from Objective-C or Swift:


    #import "MaterialButtons.h"
    @implementation ViewController
    - (void)viewDidLoad {
      [super viewDidLoad];
      MDCRaisedButton *raisedButton = [MDCRaisedButton new];
      [raisedButton setTitle:@"Raised Button" forState:UIControlStateNormal];
      [raisedButton sizeToFit];
      [raisedButton addTarget:self
      [self.view addSubview:raisedButton];
    - (void)tapped:(id)sender {
      NSLog(@"Button was tapped!");


    import MaterialComponents.MaterialButtons
    class MDCBuildTestViewController: UIViewController {
        override func viewDidLoad() {
            let raiseButton = MDCRaisedButton.init();
            raiseButton.setTitle("Raised Button", forState: .Normal);
            raiseButton.addTarget(self, action: "tapped:", forControlEvents: .TouchUpInside);
        func tapped(sender: UIButton!){
            NSLog("Button was tapped!");
  5. {: .step-list-item } ### What's next?

{: .step-list }