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Copyright 2015-present the Material Foundation for iOS authors. All Rights Reserved.
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you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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#import <XCTest/XCTest.h>
#import "MaterialFontDiskLoader.h"
static const CGFloat kEpsilonAccuracy = 0.001f;
// We use the bundle from MDFRobotoFontLoader to test loading functionality
static NSString *MDFRobotoFontLoaderClassname = @"FontDiskLoaderSimpleExample";
static NSString *MDFRobotoRegularFontName = @"Roboto-Regular";
static NSString *MDFRobotoRegularFontFilename = @"Roboto-Regular.ttf";
static NSString *MDFRobotoBundle = @"CustomFont.bundle";
static NSString *kBlackPixel = @"BlackPixel.png";
For our tests we are following a Given When Then structure as defined in
The essential idea is to break down writing a scenario (or test) into three sections:
The |given| part describes the state of the world before you begin the behavior you're specifying
in this scenario. You can think of it as the pre-conditions to the test.
The |when| section is that behavior that you're specifying.
Finally the |then| section describes the changes you expect due to the specified behavior.
For us this just means that we have the Given When Then guide posts as comments for each unit test.
@interface MDFFontDiskLoader (Testing)
@property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL disableSanityChecks;
@interface FontDiskLoaderTests : XCTestCase
@implementation FontDiskLoaderTests
- (MDFFontDiskLoader *)validFontLoader {
NSBundle *bundle = [NSBundle bundleForClass:NSClassFromString(MDFRobotoFontLoaderClassname)];
return [[MDFFontDiskLoader alloc] initWithFontName:MDFRobotoRegularFontName
- (MDFFontDiskLoader *)invalidFontLoader {
NSBundle *bundle = [NSBundle bundleForClass:NSClassFromString(MDFRobotoFontLoaderClassname)];
// This attempts to use a png asset instead of a valid font file.
return [[MDFFontDiskLoader alloc] initWithFontName:@"some invalid font name"
- (void)testConvenienceInitCreatesAFontURL {
// Given
MDFFontDiskLoader *loader = [self validFontLoader];
// Then
XCTAssertNotNil(loader.fontURL, @"The font URL must not be nil when using the convenience init.");
XCTAssertTrue([[loader.fontURL path] containsString:MDFRobotoRegularFontFilename],
@"The font URL's path must contain %@", MDFRobotoRegularFontFilename);
XCTAssertTrue([[loader.fontURL path] containsString:MDFRobotoBundle],
@"The font URL's path must contain %@", MDFRobotoBundle);
- (void)testload {
// Given
MDFFontDiskLoader *loader = [self validFontLoader];
// When
[loader load];
// Then
XCTAssertTrue(loader.loaded, @"Loading a valid font must mark its state loaded.");
- (void)testUnload {
// Given
MDFFontDiskLoader *loader = [self validFontLoader];
[loader load];
XCTAssertTrue(loader.loaded, @"Loading a valid font must mark its state loaded.");
// When
BOOL success = [loader unload];
// Then
XCTAssertFalse(loader.loaded, @"Unloading a loaded font must not mark its state loaded.");
XCTAssertTrue(success, @"Unloading a loaded font must return success.");
- (void)testUnloadFailedRegistration {
// Given
MDFFontDiskLoader *loader = [self invalidFontLoader];
[loader load];
// When
[loader unload];
// Then
@"Unloading a previously failed fontloader must not mark it loaded");
@"Unloading a previously failed fontloader must reset its loadFailed.");
- (void)testUnloadNotloaded {
// Given
MDFFontDiskLoader *loader = [self invalidFontLoader];
// When
[loader unload];
// Then
@"Unloading a fontLoader that was never loaded must not mark it loaded.");
XCTAssertFalse(loader.loadFailed, @"Unloading a fontloader must reset its loadFailed flag.");
- (void)testloadFailure {
// Given
MDFFontDiskLoader *loader = [self invalidFontLoader];
loader.disableSanityChecks = YES;
// When
[loader load];
// Then
XCTAssertNil([loader fontOfSize:10],
@"Asking for a font with an invalid font url must not return a UIFont.");
@"Asking for a font with an invalid font url must set the loadFailed flag to YES");
- (void)testCopy {
// Given
MDFFontDiskLoader *loader = [self validFontLoader];
// When
MDFFontDiskLoader *secondFontLoader = [loader copy];
// Then
XCTAssertEqualObjects(secondFontLoader, loader,
@"A copy of a fontloader must equal the original");
- (void)testloadedOfSecondFontLoader {
// Given
MDFFontDiskLoader *loader = [self validFontLoader];
MDFFontDiskLoader *secondFontLoader =
[[MDFFontDiskLoader alloc] initWithFontName:loader.fontName fontURL:loader.fontURL];
// When
[loader load];
// Then
XCTAssertEqual(secondFontLoader.loaded, loader.loaded, @"Loading the fontloader with the same "
@"url and name must also update the "
@"loaded state of both fontloaders.");
- (void)testProvidesACustomFont {
// Given
MDFFontDiskLoader *loader = [self validFontLoader];
CGFloat randomSize = arc4random() * 100 / CGFLOAT_MAX;
// When
UIFont *font = [loader fontOfSize:randomSize];
// Then
XCTAssertNotNil(font, @"Asking for a font of any size of a valid font url and name must return a"
XCTAssertEqualWithAccuracy(font.pointSize, randomSize, kEpsilonAccuracy,
@"The font size of the font returned from fontOfSize: must match ");
XCTAssertEqualObjects(font.fontName, MDFRobotoRegularFontName);
- (void)testReturnNilWhenTheCustomFontCanNotBeFound {
// Given
MDFFontDiskLoader *validLoader = [self validFontLoader];
MDFFontDiskLoader *loader = [[MDFFontDiskLoader alloc] initWithFontName:@"some invalid font name"
loader.disableSanityChecks = YES;
CGFloat randomSize = arc4random() * 100 / CGFLOAT_MAX;
// When
UIFont *font = [loader fontOfSize:randomSize];
// Then
XCTAssertNil(font, @"Asking for a font must not return a font when the font name is not found.");
- (void)testDescriptionNotloaded {
// Given
MDFFontDiskLoader *loader = [self validFontLoader];
[loader unload];
NSString *expected =
[NSString stringWithFormat:@"font name: %@; font url: %@;", loader.fontName, loader.fontURL];
// When
NSString *actual = [loader description];
// Then
XCTAssertTrue([actual hasSuffix:expected],
@"When not loaded the description of the font loader `%@` must end with: `%@`",
actual, expected);
- (void)testDescriptionloaded {
// Given
MDFFontDiskLoader *loader = [self validFontLoader];
[loader load];
NSString *expected = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"font name: %@; loaded = YES; font url: %@;",
loader.fontName, loader.fontURL];
UIView *view = [UIView new];
view.userInteractionEnabled = NO;
// When
NSString *actual = [loader description];
// Then
XCTAssertTrue([actual hasSuffix:expected],
@"When loaded the description of the font loader `%@` must end with: %@", actual,
- (void)testDescriptionFailedRegistration {
// Given
MDFFontDiskLoader *loader = [self invalidFontLoader];
[loader load];
NSString *expected = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"font name: %@; failed registration = YES; "
@"font url: %@;",
loader.fontName, loader.fontURL];
UIView *view = [UIView new];
view.userInteractionEnabled = NO;
// When
NSString *actual = [loader description];
// Then
XCTAssertTrue([actual hasSuffix:expected],
@"When load fails the description of the font loader %@ must end with: %@", actual,
- (void)testNotEquals {
// Given
NSString *name = @"some name";
NSString *otherName = @"some other name";
NSURL *url = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:@"some url string"];
NSURL *otherUrl = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:@"some other url string"];
MDFFontDiskLoader *loader = [[MDFFontDiskLoader alloc] initWithFontName:name fontURL:url];
MDFFontDiskLoader *secondLoader =
[[MDFFontDiskLoader alloc] initWithFontName:otherName fontURL:url];
MDFFontDiskLoader *thirdLoader =
[[MDFFontDiskLoader alloc] initWithFontName:name fontURL:otherUrl];
NSObject *object = [[NSObject alloc] init];
// Then
XCTAssertNotEqualObjects(loader, secondLoader,
@"Fontloaders with different font names must not equal eachother.");
XCTAssertNotEqual([loader hash], [secondLoader hash],
@"Fontloaders with different font names must not have equal hashes.");
XCTAssertNotEqualObjects(loader, thirdLoader,
@"Fontloaders with different font urls must not equal eachother.");
XCTAssertNotEqual([loader hash], [secondLoader hash],
@"Fontloaders with different font urls must not have equal hashes.");
XCTAssertNotEqualObjects(secondLoader, thirdLoader,
@"Fontloaders with different font names and different names must not"
@"equal eachother.");
XCTAssertNotEqual([loader hash], [secondLoader hash],
@"Fontloaders with different font names and different names must not have equal"
XCTAssertNotEqualObjects(loader, object, @"A fontloader must not equal a object instance.");
XCTAssertNotEqual([loader hash], [object hash],
@"A fontloader must not have the same hash as a object instance.");
XCTAssertNotEqualObjects(loader, nil, @"A font loader must not equal nil");
- (void)testEquals {
// Given
NSURL *url = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:@"some url string"];
MDFFontDiskLoader *loader = [[MDFFontDiskLoader alloc] initWithFontName:@"some name" fontURL:url];
MDFFontDiskLoader *secondLoader =
[[MDFFontDiskLoader alloc] initWithFontName:@"some name" fontURL:url];
// Then
XCTAssertEqualObjects(loader, secondLoader,
@"Fontloaders with the same font names and font urls must equal"
XCTAssertEqual([loader hash], [secondLoader hash],
@"Fontloaders with the same font name and font urls must have the same hash.");