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Registers a single custom font asset from disk
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### Material Design Specifications
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## Overview
In order to use custom fonts on iOS the font assets need to be registered before they can be used.
Font Disk Loader lazily registers your custom fonts.
## Installation
### Requirements
- Xcode 7.0 or higher.
- iOS SDK version 7.0 or higher.
### Installation with CocoaPods
To add this component to your Xcode project using CocoaPods, add the following to your `Podfile`:
pod 'MDFFontDiskLoader'
Then, run the following command:
~~~ bash
pod install
### Importing
Before using Font Disk Loader, you'll need to import it:
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#### Objective-C
~~~ objc
#import "MaterialFontDiskLoader.h"
#### Swift
~~~ swift
import MDFFontDiskLoader
## Usage
Make sure to add your font (or the bundle it is in) to your app target. The FontDiskLoader will lazy
register the font using a CoreText API so adding a the font to your `info.plist` is not necessary.
All you need to do is initialize the loader with the font name and url to the file and ask for the
## Code snippets
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#### Objective-C
~~~ objc
MDFFontDiskLoader *fontDiskLoader =
[[MDFFontDiskLoader alloc] initWithFontName:nameOfFontInFile URL:fontURLOnDisk];
UIFont *font = [fontDiskLoader fontOfSize:16];
#### Swift
~~~ swift
let fontLoader = MDFFontDiskLoader.init(fontName: nameOfFontInFile, fontURL: fontURLOnDisk);
let myFont:UIFont = fontLoader.fontOfSize(16)!;