NumPy Logo Guidelines

These guidelines are meant to help keep the NumPy logo consistent and recognizable across all its uses. They also provide a common language for referring to the logos and their components.

The primary logo is the horizontal option (logomark and text next to each other) and the secondary logo is the stacked version (logomark over text). I’ve also provided the logomark on its own (meaning it doesn’t have text). When in doubt, it’s preferable to use primary or secondary options over the logomark alone.


The full color options are a combo of Maximum Blue (#4DABCF) and Han Blue (#4D77CF), while light options are white (#FFFFFF) and dark options Warm Black (#013243).

Whenever possible, use the full color logos. One color logos (light or dark) are to be used when full color will not have enough contrast, usually when logos must be on colored backgrounds.

Minimum Size

Please do not make the primary logo smaller than 50px wide, secondary logo smaller than 35px wide, or logomark smaller than 20px wide.

Logo Integrity

A few other notes to keep in mind when using the logo:

  • Make sure to scale the logo proportionally.
  • Maintain a good amount of space around the logo. Don’t let it overlap with text, images, or other elements.
  • Do not try and recreate or modify the logo. For example, do not use the logomark and then try to write NumPy in another font.