blob: 0d43a66c1773a65294cb4256ccf97c9164f352ed [file] [log] [blame]
// This file is part of class-dump, a utility for examining the Objective-C segment of Mach-O files.
// Copyright (C) 1997-1998, 2000-2001, 2004-2007 Steve Nygard
#import "CDStructureTable.h"
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "NSArray-Extensions.h"
#import "CDClassDump.h"
#import "CDSymbolReferences.h"
#import "CDType.h"
#import "CDTypeFormatter.h"
#import "CDTypeName.h"
#import "CDTypeParser.h"
// Phase 1, registration: Only looks at anonymous (no name, or name is "?") structures
// Phase 1, finish: - sets up replacementSignatures
// Phase 1, results: - replacementSignatures used in phase 2, remapping of some sort
// - replacementSignatures used in -replacementForType:
// The goal of phase 1 is to build a mapping of annonymous structures that don't have member names, to unambiguous keyTypeStrings that do have member names.
// For example, if we have a union (?="thin"[128c]"fat"[128S]), this generates this mapping:
// (?=[128c][128S]) = (?="thin"[128c]"fat"[128S])
// So if we find unions like this (?=[128c][128S]), we can replace it with one that has member names.
// On the other hand, if we have two unions that have different member names but have the same structure, we can't unambigously map from the bareTypeString to one with member names.
// For example, (?="thin"[128c]"fat"[128S]) and (?="foo"[128c]"bar"[128S]) both have (?=[128c][128S]) as the bareTypeString.
// In a marvel of efficiency, it looks like we parse every type _three_ times!
@implementation CDStructureTable
- (id)init;
if ([super init] == nil)
return nil;
structuresByName = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
anonymousStructureCountsByType = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
anonymousStructuresByType = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
anonymousStructureNamesByType = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
forcedTypedefs = [[NSMutableSet alloc] init];
anonymousBaseName = nil;
replacementSignatures = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
keyTypeStringsByBareTypeStrings = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
flags.shouldDebug = NO;
return self;
- (void)dealloc;
[structuresByName release];
[anonymousStructureCountsByType release];
[anonymousStructuresByType release];
[anonymousStructureNamesByType release];
[forcedTypedefs release];
[anonymousBaseName release];
[replacementSignatures release];
[keyTypeStringsByBareTypeStrings release];
[super dealloc];
- (NSString *)name;
return name;
- (void)setName:(NSString *)newName;
if (newName == name)
[name release];
name = [newName retain];
- (NSString *)anonymousBaseName;
return anonymousBaseName;
- (void)setAnonymousBaseName:(NSString *)newName;
if (newName == anonymousBaseName)
[anonymousBaseName release];
anonymousBaseName = [newName retain];
- (BOOL)shouldDebug;
return flags.shouldDebug;
- (void)setShouldDebug:(BOOL)newFlag;
flags.shouldDebug = newFlag;
- (void)logPhase1Data;
NSLog(@"[%p](%@) > %s ----------------------------------------", self, name, _cmd);
NSLog(@"keyTypeStringsByBareTypeStrings:\n%@", keyTypeStringsByBareTypeStrings);
// Some anonymous structs don't have member names, but others do.
// Here we find the structs with member names and check to see if
// there's an identical struct without names. If there's only one
// we'll make the one without names use the one with names. If
// there's more, though, we don't try to guess which it should be.
- (void)finishPhase1;
NSArray *keys;
unsigned int count, index;
//NSLog(@"[%p](%@) > %s ----------------------------------------", self, name, _cmd);
keys = [keyTypeStringsByBareTypeStrings allKeys];
count = [keys count];
for (index = 0; index < count; index++) {
NSString *key;
NSMutableSet *value;
key = [keys objectAtIndex:index];
value = [keyTypeStringsByBareTypeStrings objectForKey:key];
[value removeObject:key]; // Remove the bare string. This should leave only ones with member names.
// If there's more than one, it means they have different member names.
if ([value count] == 1) {
[replacementSignatures setObject:[value anyObject] forKey:key];
} else if ([value count] == 2) {
if (flags.shouldDebug)
NSLog(@"%s, %@ -> (%u) %@", _cmd, key, [value count], value);
- (void)logInfo;
int count, index;
NSArray *keys;
NSString *key;
NSLog(@"[%p](%@) > %s ----------------------------------------", self, name, _cmd);
keys = [structuresByName allKeys];
count = [keys count];
NSLog(@"%d named:", count);
for (index = 0; index < count; index++) {
key = [keys objectAtIndex:index];
NSLog(@"%d: %@ => %@", index, key, [[structuresByName objectForKey:key] typeString]);
keys = [anonymousStructuresByType allKeys];
count = [keys count];
NSLog(@"%d anonymous:", count);
for (index = 0; index < count; index++) {
key = [keys objectAtIndex:index];
NSLog(@"%d: %@ -> %@", index, key, [anonymousStructureCountsByType objectForKey:key]);
NSLog(@"[%p](%@) < %s ----------------------------------------", self, name, _cmd);
// Need to name anonymous structs if:
// - used more than once
// - OR used in a method
- (void)generateNamesForAnonymousStructures;
int nameIndex = 1;
NSArray *keys;
int count, index;
NSString *key;
keys = [anonymousStructuresByType allKeys];
count = [keys count];
for (index = 0; index < count; index++) {
key = [keys objectAtIndex:index];
if ([[anonymousStructureCountsByType objectForKey:key] intValue] > 1
|| [forcedTypedefs containsObject:key] == YES) {
[anonymousStructureNamesByType setObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%d", anonymousBaseName, nameIndex++] forKey:key];
// TODO (2003-12-23): Add option to show/hide this section
// TODO (2003-12-23): sort by name or by dependency
// TODO (2003-12-23): declare in modules where they were first used
- (void)appendNamedStructuresToString:(NSMutableString *)resultString classDump:(CDClassDump *)aClassDump formatter:(CDTypeFormatter *)aTypeFormatter symbolReferences:(CDSymbolReferences *)symbolReferences;
NSArray *keys;
NSString *key;
int count, index;
NSString *formattedString;
CDType *type;
keys = [[structuresByName allKeys] sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(compare:)];
count = [keys count];
for (index = 0; index < count; index++) {
key = [keys objectAtIndex:index];
type = [structuresByName objectForKey:key];
if ([aClassDump shouldMatchRegex] == YES && [aClassDump regexMatchesString:[[type typeName] description]] == NO)
formattedString = [aTypeFormatter formatVariable:nil type:[type typeString] symbolReferences:symbolReferences];
if (formattedString != nil) {
[resultString appendString:formattedString];
[resultString appendString:@";\n\n"];
- (void)appendTypedefsToString:(NSMutableString *)resultString classDump:(CDClassDump *)aClassDump formatter:(CDTypeFormatter *)aTypeFormatter symbolReferences:(CDSymbolReferences *)symbolReferences;
NSArray *keys;
int count, index;
NSString *key, *typeString, *formattedString, *aName;
//keys = [[anonymousStructureNamesByType allKeys] sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(compare:)];
keys = [anonymousStructureNamesByType allKeys];
count = [keys count];
for (index = 0; index < count; index++) {
key = [keys objectAtIndex:index];
aName = [anonymousStructureNamesByType objectForKey:key];
if ([aClassDump shouldMatchRegex] == YES && [aClassDump regexMatchesString:aName] == NO)
typeString = [[anonymousStructuresByType objectForKey:key] typeString];
formattedString = [aTypeFormatter formatVariable:nil type:typeString symbolReferences:symbolReferences];
if (formattedString != nil) {
[resultString appendString:@"typedef "];
[resultString appendString:formattedString];
[resultString appendFormat:@" %@;\n\n", aName];
- (void)forceTypedefForStructure:(NSString *)typeString;
[forcedTypedefs addObject:typeString];
- (CDType *)replacementForType:(CDType *)aType;
return [anonymousStructuresByType objectForKey:[replacementSignatures objectForKey:[aType keyTypeString]]];
- (NSString *)typedefNameForStructureType:(CDType *)aType;
NSString *result;
result = [anonymousStructureNamesByType objectForKey:[aType keyTypeString]];
if (flags.shouldDebug == YES) {
NSLog(@"[%p] %s, %@ -> %@", self, _cmd, [aType keyTypeString], result);
return result;
// Out of phase one we want any mappings we need, and maybe to know which anonymous structs map ambiguously.
- (void)phase1RegisterStructure:(CDType *)aStructure;
NSString *aName;
//NSLog(@" > %s", _cmd);
//NSLog(@"keySignature: %@", [aStructure keyTypeString]);
aName = [[aStructure typeName] description];
if (aName == nil || [aName isEqual:@"?"] == YES) {
NSString *bareStr, *keyStr;
NSMutableSet *values;
bareStr = [aStructure bareTypeString]; // No member names at all
keyStr = [aStructure keyTypeString]; // Only top level member names
values = [keyTypeStringsByBareTypeStrings objectForKey:bareStr];
if (values == nil) {
values = [[NSMutableSet alloc] init];
[keyTypeStringsByBareTypeStrings setObject:values forKey:bareStr];
[values release];
[values addObject:keyStr];
//NSLog(@"< %s", _cmd);
// Returns YES to indicate that we should count references for children.
- (BOOL)phase2RegisterStructure:(CDType *)aStructure withObject:(id <CDStructureRegistration>)anObject usedInMethod:(BOOL)isUsedInMethod
BOOL shouldCountMembers = NO;
NSString *aName;
NSString *keySignature;
//NSLog(@"[%p](%@) > %s", self, name, _cmd);
//NSLog(@"aStructure: %p", aStructure);
aName = [[aStructure typeName] description];
keySignature = [aStructure keyTypeString];
if (isUsedInMethod == YES)
[self forceTypedefForStructure:keySignature];
// Handle anonymous structs
if (aName == nil || [aName isEqual:@"?"] == YES) {
CDType *previousType;
NSString *remappedSignature;
NSString *old;
// ((Remapped - just add reference to original (but it may not exist yet) ))
// Exists already - add reference
// new - add reference, recursively count references
old = keySignature;
remappedSignature = [replacementSignatures objectForKey:keySignature];
if (remappedSignature != nil) {
// There may not be an object for the replaced type yet.
keySignature = remappedSignature;
//NSLog(@"%s, remappedSignature: %@, aStructure: %@", _cmd, old, [aStructure keyTypeString]);
previousType = [anonymousStructuresByType objectForKey:keySignature];
if (previousType == nil) {
[anonymousStructuresByType setObject:aStructure forKey:keySignature];
[anonymousStructureCountsByType setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:1] forKey:keySignature];
shouldCountMembers = YES;
} else {
//NSLog(@"Already registered this anonymous struct, previous: %@, current: %@", [previousType typeString], typeString);
if ([previousType canMergeWithType:aStructure]) {
//NSLog(@"Case zulu"); // Happens lots with i386 AppKit.
[previousType mergeWithType:aStructure];
// Not sure what we should do with this if we couldn't merge the types...
if (shouldCountReferences == YES) {
NSNumber *oldCount;
// Just count anonymous structs
oldCount = [anonymousStructureCountsByType objectForKey:keySignature];
if (oldCount == nil) {
NSLog(@"Warning: This should already have a count.");
[anonymousStructureCountsByType setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:1] forKey:keySignature];
} else
[anonymousStructureCountsByType setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:[oldCount intValue] + 1] forKey:keySignature];
} else {
// Handle named structs
// We don't count them because they'll always be declared at the top.
CDType *existingType;
//NSLog(@"Looking up name in structuresByName: %@", aName);
existingType = [structuresByName objectForKey:aName];
//NSLog(@"\nNamed structure: %@\n existingType: %@", [aStructure typeString], [existingType typeString]);
//NSLog(@"keySignature: %@", keySignature);
if (existingType == nil) {
[structuresByName setObject:aStructure forKey:aName];
shouldCountMembers = YES;
} else /*if ([[aStructure typeString] isEqual:keySignature] == NO)*/ {
NSString *before;
before = [existingType keyTypeString];
if ([existingType canMergeWithType:aStructure]) {
[existingType mergeWithType:aStructure];
if ([self shouldDebug] == YES) {
if ([before isEqual:[existingType keyTypeString]] == NO) {
NSLog(@"Merging %@ with %@", before, [aStructure keyTypeString]);
NSLog(@"Merged result: %@", [existingType keyTypeString]);
} else {
//NSLog(@"No change from merging types.");
// We always register recursively (so that we can merge member names if necessary) but we don't always add references?
//NSLog(@"[%p](%@) < %s", self, name, _cmd);
return shouldCountMembers;
- (void)generateMemberNames;
[[structuresByName allValues] makeObjectsPerformSelector:@selector(generateMemberNames)];
[[anonymousStructuresByType allValues] makeObjectsPerformSelector:@selector(generateMemberNames)];