blob: 183ffa175d90aef977b475adfec8d7b3a854c70f [file] [log] [blame]
// -*- mode: ObjC -*-
// This file is part of class-dump, a utility for examining the Objective-C segment of Mach-O files.
// Copyright (C) 1997-1998, 2000-2001, 2004-2009 Steve Nygard.
#import "CDTextClassDumpVisitor.h"
#include <mach-o/arch.h>
#import "NSArray-Extensions.h"
#import "CDClassDump.h"
#import "CDObjectiveC1Processor.h"
#import "CDMachOFile.h"
#import "CDOCProtocol.h"
#import "CDLCDylib.h"
#import "CDOCClass.h"
#import "CDOCCategory.h"
#import "CDSymbolReferences.h"
#import "CDOCMethod.h"
#import "CDOCProperty.h"
#import "CDTypeFormatter.h"
#import "CDTypeController.h"
#import "CDVisitorPropertyState.h"
static BOOL debug = NO;
@implementation CDTextClassDumpVisitor
- (id)init;
if ([super init] == nil)
return nil;
resultString = [[NSMutableString alloc] init];
symbolReferences = [[CDSymbolReferences alloc] init];
return self;
- (void)dealloc;
[resultString release];
[symbolReferences release];
[super dealloc];
- (void)writeResultToStandardOutput;
NSData *data;
data = [resultString dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
[(NSFileHandle *)[NSFileHandle fileHandleWithStandardOutput] writeData:data];
- (void)willVisitClass:(CDOCClass *)aClass;
NSArray *protocols;
[resultString appendFormat:@"@interface %@", [aClass name]];
if ([aClass superClassName] != nil)
[resultString appendFormat:@" : %@", [aClass superClassName]];
protocols = [aClass protocols];
if ([protocols count] > 0) {
[resultString appendFormat:@" <%@>", [[protocols arrayByMappingSelector:@selector(name)] componentsJoinedByString:@", "]];
[symbolReferences addProtocolNamesFromArray:[protocols arrayByMappingSelector:@selector(name)]];
[resultString appendString:@"\n"];
- (void)didVisitClass:(CDOCClass *)aClass;
if ([aClass hasMethods])
[resultString appendString:@"\n"];
[resultString appendString:@"@end\n\n"];
- (void)willVisitIvarsOfClass:(CDOCClass *)aClass;
[resultString appendString:@"{\n"];
- (void)didVisitIvarsOfClass:(CDOCClass *)aClass;
[resultString appendString:@"}\n\n"];
- (void)willVisitCategory:(CDOCCategory *)aCategory;
NSArray *protocols;
[resultString appendFormat:@"@interface %@ (%@)", [aCategory className], [aCategory name]];
protocols = [aCategory protocols];
if ([protocols count] > 0) {
[resultString appendFormat:@" <%@>", [[protocols arrayByMappingSelector:@selector(name)] componentsJoinedByString:@", "]];
[symbolReferences addProtocolNamesFromArray:[protocols arrayByMappingSelector:@selector(name)]];
[resultString appendString:@"\n"];
- (void)didVisitCategory:(CDOCCategory *)aCategory;
[resultString appendString:@"@end\n\n"];
- (void)willVisitProtocol:(CDOCProtocol *)aProtocol;
NSArray *protocols;
[resultString appendFormat:@"@protocol %@", [aProtocol name]];
protocols = [aProtocol protocols];
if ([protocols count] > 0) {
[resultString appendFormat:@" <%@>", [[protocols arrayByMappingSelector:@selector(name)] componentsJoinedByString:@", "]];
[symbolReferences addProtocolNamesFromArray:[protocols arrayByMappingSelector:@selector(name)]];
[resultString appendString:@"\n"];
- (void)willVisitOptionalMethods;
[resultString appendString:@"\n@optional\n"];
- (void)didVisitProtocol:(CDOCProtocol *)aProtocol;
[resultString appendString:@"@end\n\n"];
- (void)visitClassMethod:(CDOCMethod *)aMethod;
[resultString appendString:@"+ "];
[aMethod appendToString:resultString typeController:[classDump typeController] symbolReferences:symbolReferences];
[resultString appendString:@"\n"];
- (void)visitInstanceMethod:(CDOCMethod *)aMethod propertyState:(CDVisitorPropertyState *)propertyState;
CDOCProperty *property;
property = [propertyState propertyForAccessor:[aMethod name]];
if (property == nil) {
//NSLog(@"No property for method: %@", [aMethod name]);
[resultString appendString:@"- "];
[aMethod appendToString:resultString typeController:[classDump typeController] symbolReferences:symbolReferences];
[resultString appendString:@"\n"];
} else {
if ([propertyState hasUsedProperty:property] == NO) {
//NSLog(@"Emitting property %@ triggered by method %@", [property name], [aMethod name]);
[self visitProperty:property];
[propertyState useProperty:property];
} else {
//NSLog(@"Have already emitted property %@ triggered by method %@", [property name], [aMethod name]);
- (void)visitIvar:(CDOCIvar *)anIvar;
[anIvar appendToString:resultString typeController:[classDump typeController] symbolReferences:symbolReferences];
[resultString appendString:@"\n"];
- (void)_visitProperty:(CDOCProperty *)aProperty parsedType:(CDType *)parsedType attributes:(NSArray *)attrs;
NSMutableArray *alist, *unknownAttrs;
NSString *backingVar = nil;
NSString *formattedString;
BOOL isWeak = NO;
BOOL isDynamic = NO;
alist = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
unknownAttrs = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
// objc_v2_encode_prop_attr() in gcc/objc/objc-act.c
for (NSString *attr in attrs) {
if ([attr hasPrefix:@"T"]) {
if (debug) NSLog(@"Warning: Property attribute 'T' should occur only occur at the beginning");
} else if ([attr hasPrefix:@"R"]) {
[alist addObject:@"readonly"];
} else if ([attr hasPrefix:@"C"]) {
[alist addObject:@"copy"];
} else if ([attr hasPrefix:@"&"]) {
[alist addObject:@"retain"];
} else if ([attr hasPrefix:@"G"]) {
[alist addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"getter=%@", [attr substringFromIndex:1]]];
} else if ([attr hasPrefix:@"S"]) {
[alist addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"setter=%@", [attr substringFromIndex:1]]];
} else if ([attr hasPrefix:@"V"]) {
backingVar = [attr substringFromIndex:1];
} else if ([attr hasPrefix:@"N"]) {
[alist addObject:@"nonatomic"];
} else if ([attr hasPrefix:@"W"]) {
// @property(assign) __weak NSObject *prop;
// Only appears with GC.
isWeak = YES;
} else if ([attr hasPrefix:@"P"]) {
// @property(assign) __strong NSObject *prop;
// Only appears with GC.
// This is the default.
isWeak = NO;
} else if ([attr hasPrefix:@"D"]) {
// Dynamic property. Implementation supplied at runtime.
// @property int prop; // @dynamic prop;
isDynamic = YES;
} else {
if (debug) NSLog(@"Warning: Unknown property attribute '%@'", attr);
[unknownAttrs addObject:attr];
if ([alist count] > 0) {
[resultString appendFormat:@"@property(%@) ", [alist componentsJoinedByString:@", "]];
} else {
[resultString appendString:@"@property "];
if (isWeak)
[resultString appendString:@"__weak "];
formattedString = [[[classDump typeController] propertyTypeFormatter] formatVariable:[aProperty name] parsedType:parsedType symbolReferences:symbolReferences];
[resultString appendFormat:@"%@;", formattedString];
if (isDynamic) {
[resultString appendFormat:@" // @dynamic %@;", [aProperty name]];
} else if (backingVar != nil) {
if ([backingVar isEqualToString:[aProperty name]]) {
[resultString appendFormat:@" // @synthesize %@;", [aProperty name]];
} else {
[resultString appendFormat:@" // @synthesize %@=%@;", [aProperty name], backingVar];
[resultString appendString:@"\n"];
if ([unknownAttrs count] > 0) {
[resultString appendFormat:@"// Preceding property had unknown attributes: %@\n", [unknownAttrs componentsJoinedByString:@","]];
if ([[aProperty attributeString] length] > 80) {
[resultString appendFormat:@"// Original attribute string (following type): %@\n\n", [aProperty attributeStringAfterType]];
} else {
[resultString appendFormat:@"// Original attribute string: %@\n\n", [aProperty attributeString]];
[alist release];
[unknownAttrs release];
- (void)visitProperty:(CDOCProperty *)aProperty;
CDType *parsedType;
parsedType = [aProperty type];
if (parsedType == nil) {
if ([[aProperty attributeString] hasPrefix:@"T"]) {
[resultString appendFormat:@"// Error parsing type for property %@:\n", [aProperty name]];
[resultString appendFormat:@"// Property attributes: %@\n\n", [aProperty attributeString]];
} else {
[resultString appendFormat:@"// Error: Property attributes should begin with the type ('T') attribute, property name: %@\n", [aProperty name]];
[resultString appendFormat:@"// Property attributes: %@\n\n", [aProperty attributeString]];
} else {
[self _visitProperty:aProperty parsedType:parsedType attributes:[aProperty attributes]];
#define ADD_SPACE
- (void)didVisitPropertiesOfClass:(CDOCClass *)aClass;
#ifdef ADD_SPACE
if ([[aClass properties] count] > 0)
[resultString appendString:@"\n"];
- (void)willVisitPropertiesOfCategory:(CDOCCategory *)aCategory;
#ifdef ADD_SPACE
if ([[aCategory properties] count] > 0)
[resultString appendString:@"\n"];
- (void)didVisitPropertiesOfCategory:(CDOCCategory *)aCategory;
#ifdef ADD_SPACE
if ([[aCategory properties] count] > 0/* && [aCategory hasMethods]*/)
[resultString appendString:@"\n"];
- (void)willVisitPropertiesOfProtocol:(CDOCProtocol *)aProtocol;
#ifdef ADD_SPACE
if ([[aProtocol properties] count] > 0)
[resultString appendString:@"\n"];
- (void)didVisitPropertiesOfProtocol:(CDOCProtocol *)aProtocol;
#ifdef ADD_SPACE
if ([[aProtocol properties] count] > 0 /*&& [aProtocol hasMethods]*/)
[resultString appendString:@"\n"];
- (void)visitRemainingProperties:(CDVisitorPropertyState *)propertyState;
NSArray *remaining = [propertyState remainingProperties];
if ([remaining count] > 0) {
[resultString appendString:@"\n"];
[resultString appendFormat:@"// Remaining properties\n"];
//NSLog(@"Warning: remaining undeclared property count: %u", [remaining count]);
//NSLog(@"remaining: %@", remaining);
for (CDOCProperty *property in remaining)
[self visitProperty:property];