blob: be2be2c849f507d108b3fe4b2d6a3810b003b156 [file] [log] [blame]
// -*- mode: ObjC -*-
// This file is part of class-dump, a utility for examining the Objective-C segment of Mach-O files.
// Copyright (C) 1997-1998, 2000-2001, 2004-2010 Steve Nygard.
#import "CDClassDump.h"
#import "NSArray-Extensions.h"
#import "NSString-Extensions.h"
#import "CDFatArch.h"
#import "CDFatFile.h"
#import "CDLCDylib.h"
#import "CDMachOFile.h"
#import "CDObjectiveCProcessor.h"
#import "CDStructureTable.h"
#import "CDSymbolReferences.h"
#import "CDType.h"
#import "CDTypeFormatter.h"
#import "CDTypeParser.h"
#import "CDVisitor.h"
#import "CDLCSegment.h"
#import "CDTypeController.h"
#import "CDSearchPathState.h"
@implementation CDClassDump
- (id)init;
if ([super init] == nil)
return nil;
searchPathState = [[CDSearchPathState alloc] init];
sdkRoot = nil;
machOFiles = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
machOFilesByID = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
objcProcessors = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
typeController = [[CDTypeController alloc] initWithClassDump:self];
// These can be ppc, ppc7400, ppc64, i386, x86_64
targetArch.cputype = CPU_TYPE_ANY;
targetArch.cpusubtype = 0;
flags.shouldShowHeader = YES;
return self;
- (void)dealloc;
[searchPathState release];
[sdkRoot release];
[machOFiles release];
[machOFilesByID release];
[objcProcessors release];
[typeController release];
if (flags.shouldMatchRegex)
[super dealloc];
@synthesize searchPathState;
- (BOOL)shouldProcessRecursively;
return flags.shouldProcessRecursively;
- (void)setShouldProcessRecursively:(BOOL)newFlag;
flags.shouldProcessRecursively = newFlag;
- (BOOL)shouldSortClasses;
return flags.shouldSortClasses;
- (void)setShouldSortClasses:(BOOL)newFlag;
flags.shouldSortClasses = newFlag;
- (BOOL)shouldSortClassesByInheritance;
return flags.shouldSortClassesByInheritance;
- (void)setShouldSortClassesByInheritance:(BOOL)newFlag;
flags.shouldSortClassesByInheritance = newFlag;
- (BOOL)shouldSortMethods;
return flags.shouldSortMethods;
- (void)setShouldSortMethods:(BOOL)newFlag;
flags.shouldSortMethods = newFlag;
- (BOOL)shouldShowIvarOffsets;
return flags.shouldShowIvarOffsets;
- (void)setShouldShowIvarOffsets:(BOOL)newFlag;
flags.shouldShowIvarOffsets = newFlag;
- (BOOL)shouldShowMethodAddresses;
return flags.shouldShowMethodAddresses;
- (void)setShouldShowMethodAddresses:(BOOL)newFlag;
flags.shouldShowMethodAddresses = newFlag;
- (BOOL)shouldMatchRegex;
return flags.shouldMatchRegex;
- (void)setShouldMatchRegex:(BOOL)newFlag;
if (flags.shouldMatchRegex && newFlag == NO)
flags.shouldMatchRegex = newFlag;
- (BOOL)shouldShowHeader;
return flags.shouldShowHeader;
- (void)setShouldShowHeader:(BOOL)newFlag;
flags.shouldShowHeader = newFlag;
- (BOOL)setRegex:(char *)regexCString errorMessage:(NSString **)errorMessagePointer;
int result;
if (flags.shouldMatchRegex)
result = regcomp(&compiledRegex, regexCString, REG_EXTENDED);
if (result != 0) {
char regex_error_buffer[256];
if (regerror(result, &compiledRegex, regex_error_buffer, 256) > 0) {
if (errorMessagePointer != NULL) {
*errorMessagePointer = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:regex_error_buffer];
} else {
if (errorMessagePointer != NULL)
*errorMessagePointer = nil;
return NO;
[self setShouldMatchRegex:YES];
return YES;
- (BOOL)regexMatchesString:(NSString *)aString;
int result;
result = regexec(&compiledRegex, [aString UTF8String], 0, NULL, 0);
if (result != 0) {
if (result != REG_NOMATCH) {
char regex_error_buffer[256];
if (regerror(result, &compiledRegex, regex_error_buffer, 256) > 0)
NSLog(@"Error with regex matching string, %@", [NSString stringWithUTF8String:regex_error_buffer]);
return NO;
return YES;
@synthesize sdkRoot;
- (NSArray *)machOFiles;
return machOFiles;
- (NSArray *)objcProcessors;
return objcProcessors;
@synthesize targetArch;
- (BOOL)containsObjectiveCData;
for (CDObjectiveCProcessor *processor in objcProcessors) {
if ([processor hasObjectiveCData])
return YES;
return NO;
- (BOOL)hasEncryptedFiles;
for (CDMachOFile *machOFile in machOFiles) {
if ([machOFile isEncrypted]) {
return YES;
return NO;
- (CDTypeController *)typeController;
return typeController;
- (BOOL)loadFile:(CDFile *)aFile;
CDMachOFile *aMachOFile;
//NSLog(@"targetArch: (%08x, %08x)", targetArch.cputype, targetArch.cpusubtype);
aMachOFile = [aFile machOFileWithArch:targetArch];
//NSLog(@"aMachOFile: %@", aMachOFile);
if (aMachOFile == nil) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error: file doesn't contain the specified arch.\n\n");
return NO;
// Set before processing recursively. This was getting caught on CoreUI on 10.6
assert([aMachOFile filename] != nil);
[machOFiles addObject:aMachOFile];
[machOFilesByID setObject:aMachOFile forKey:[aMachOFile filename]];
if ([self shouldProcessRecursively]) {
@try {
for (CDLoadCommand *loadCommand in [aMachOFile loadCommands]) {
if ([loadCommand isKindOfClass:[CDLCDylib class]]) {
CDLCDylib *aDylibCommand;
aDylibCommand = (CDLCDylib *)loadCommand;
if ([aDylibCommand cmd] == LC_LOAD_DYLIB) {
[searchPathState pushSearchPaths:[aMachOFile runPaths]];
[self machOFileWithID:[aDylibCommand path]]; // Loads as a side effect
[searchPathState popSearchPaths];
@catch (NSException *exception) {
[aMachOFile release];
return NO;
return YES;
- (void)processObjectiveCData;
for (CDMachOFile *machOFile in machOFiles) {
CDObjectiveCProcessor *aProcessor;
aProcessor = [[[machOFile processorClass] alloc] initWithMachOFile:machOFile];
[aProcessor process];
[objcProcessors addObject:aProcessor];
[aProcessor release];
// This visits everything segment processors, classes, categories. It skips over modules. Need something to visit modules so we can generate separate headers.
- (void)recursivelyVisit:(CDVisitor *)aVisitor;
[aVisitor willBeginVisiting];
if ([self containsObjectiveCData] || [self hasEncryptedFiles]) {
for (CDObjectiveCProcessor *processor in objcProcessors) {
[processor recursivelyVisit:aVisitor];
[aVisitor didEndVisiting];
- (CDMachOFile *)machOFileWithID:(NSString *)anID;
NSString *adjustedID = nil;
CDMachOFile *aMachOFile;
NSString *executablePathPrefix = @"@executable_path";
NSString *rpathPrefix = @"@rpath";
if ([anID hasPrefix:executablePathPrefix]) {
adjustedID = [anID stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:executablePathPrefix withString:searchPathState.executablePath];
} else if ([anID hasPrefix:rpathPrefix]) {
//NSLog(@"Searching for %@ through run paths: %@", anID, [searchPathState searchPaths]);
for (NSString *searchPath in [searchPathState searchPaths]) {
NSString *str = [anID stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:rpathPrefix withString:searchPath];
//NSLog(@"trying %@", str);
if ([[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:str]) {
adjustedID = str;
//NSLog(@"Found it!");
if (adjustedID == nil) {
adjustedID = anID;
//NSLog(@"Did not find it.");
} else if (sdkRoot != nil) {
adjustedID = [sdkRoot stringByAppendingPathComponent:anID];
} else {
adjustedID = anID;
aMachOFile = [machOFilesByID objectForKey:adjustedID];
if (aMachOFile == nil) {
NSData *data;
CDFile *aFile;
data = [[NSData alloc] initWithContentsOfMappedFile:adjustedID];
aFile = [CDFile fileWithData:data filename:adjustedID searchPathState:searchPathState];
[data release];
if (aFile == nil || [self loadFile:aFile] == NO)
NSLog(@"Warning: Failed to load: %@", adjustedID);
aMachOFile = [machOFilesByID objectForKey:adjustedID];
if (aMachOFile == nil) {
NSLog(@"Warning: Couldn't load MachOFile with ID: %@, adjustedID: %@", anID, adjustedID);
return aMachOFile;
- (void)appendHeaderToString:(NSMutableString *)resultString;
// Since this changes each version, for regression testing it'll be better to be able to not show it.
if (flags.shouldShowHeader == NO)
[resultString appendString:@"/*\n"];
[resultString appendFormat:@" * Generated by class-dump %s.\n", CLASS_DUMP_VERSION];
[resultString appendString:@" *\n"];
[resultString appendString:@" * class-dump is Copyright (C) 1997-1998, 2000-2001, 2004-2010 by Steve Nygard.\n"];
[resultString appendString:@" */\n\n"];
if (sdkRoot != nil) {
[resultString appendString:@"/*\n"];
[resultString appendFormat:@" * SDK Root: %@\n", sdkRoot];
[resultString appendString:@" */\n\n"];
- (void)registerTypes;
for (CDObjectiveCProcessor *processor in objcProcessors) {
[processor registerTypesWithObject:typeController phase:0];
[typeController endPhase:0];
[typeController workSomeMagic];
- (void)showHeader;
if ([machOFiles count] > 0) {
[[[machOFiles lastObject] headerString:YES] print];
- (void)showLoadCommands;
if ([machOFiles count] > 0) {
[[[machOFiles lastObject] loadCommandString:YES] print];