blob: 2e81b26b50f16920f142e5c731460531f591f146 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0+
# Copyright (C) 2017 Omar Sandoval
# fio helper functions.
. common/shellcheck
_have_fio() {
if ! _have_program fio; then
return 1
if ! fio --parse-only --terse-version=4 >/dev/null 2>&1; then
SKIP_REASON="Fio version too old (does not support --terse-version=4)"
return 1
return 0
_have_fio_zbd_zonemode() {
_have_fio || return $?
if ! fio --cmdhelp=zonemode 2>&1 | grep -q zbd; then
SKIP_REASON="Fio version too old (does not support --zonemode=zbd)"
return 1
return 0
# Read status
["read io"]=6
["read bandwidth"]=7
["read iops"]=8
["read runtime"]=9
["read slat min"]=10
["read slat max"]=11
["read slat mean"]=12
["read slat stdev"]=13
["read clat min"]=14
["read clat max"]=15
["read clat mean"]=16
["read clat stdev"]=17
# read clat percentiles are 18-37
["read lat min"]=38
["read lat max"]=39
["read lat mean"]=40
["read lat stdev"]=41
["read bandwidth min"]=42
["read bandwidth max"]=43
["read bandwidth %"]=44
["read bandwidth mean"]=45
["read bandwidth stdev"]=46
# Write status
["write io"]=47
["write bandwidth"]=48
["write iops"]=49
["write runtime"]=50
["write slat min"]=51
["write slat max"]=52
["write slat mean"]=53
["write slat stdev"]=54
["write clat min"]=55
["write clat max"]=56
["write clat mean"]=57
["write clat stdev"]=58
# write clat percentiles are 59-78
["write lat min"]=79
["write lat max"]=80
["write lat mean"]=81
["write lat stdev"]=82
["write bandwidth min"]=83
["write bandwidth max"]=84
["write bandwidth %"]=85
["write bandwidth mean"]=86
["write bandwidth stdev"]=87
# Trim status
["trim io"]=88
["trim bandwidth"]=89
["trim iops"]=90
["trim runtime"]=91
["trim slat min"]=92
["trim slat max"]=93
["trim slat mean"]=94
["trim slat stdev"]=95
["trim clat min"]=96
["trim clat max"]=97
["trim clat mean"]=98
["trim clat stdev"]=99
# trim clat percentiles are 100-119
["trim lat min"]=120
["trim lat max"]=121
["trim lat mean"]=122
["trim lat stdev"]=123
["trim bandwidth min"]=124
["trim bandwidth max"]=125
["trim bandwidth %"]=126
["trim bandwidth mean"]=127
["trim bandwidth stdev"]=128
# CPU usage
["user cpu"]=129
["system cpu"]=130
["context switches"]=131
["major page faults"]=132
["minor page faults"]=133
# IO depth distribution
["io depth <=1"]=134
["io depth 2"]=135
["io depth 4"]=136
["io depth 8"]=137
["io depth 16"]=138
["io depth 32"]=139
["io depth >=64"]=140
# IO latency distribution
["io latency <=2 us"]=141
["io latency 4 us"]=142
["io latency 10 us"]=143
["io latency 20 us"]=144
["io latency 50 us"]=145
["io latency 100 us"]=146
["io latency 250 us"]=147
["io latency 500 us"]=148
["io latency 750 us"]=149
["io latency 1000 us"]=150
["io latency <=2 ms"]=151
["io latency 4 ms"]=152
["io latency 10 ms"]=153
["io latency 20 ms"]=154
["io latency 50 ms"]=155
["io latency 100 ms"]=156
["io latency 250 ms"]=157
["io latency 500 ms"]=158
["io latency 750 ms"]=159
["io latency 1000 ms"]=160
["io latency 2000 ms"]=161
["io latency >=2000 ms"]=162
# Disk utilization (11 fields per disk)
# Run fio and report performance data. The metrics to gather are specified by
# the $FIO_PERF_FIELDS array. E.g., FIO_PERF_FIELDS=("read iops" "system cpu").
# The possible fields are specified above. The optional $FIO_PERF_PREFIX
# variable is prepended to the field name when reporting.
_fio_perf() {
_run_fio "$@"
# Wrapper around fio that handles:
# - Recording perf results
# You should usually use this instead of calling fio directly. An explicitly
# passed --runtime will override the configured $TIMEOUT, which is useful for
# tests that should run for a specific amount of time.
_run_fio() {
local args=("--output=$TMPDIR/fio_perf" "--output-format=terse" "--terse-version=4" "--group_reporting=1")
if [[ "${TIMEOUT:-}" ]]; then
if ! fio "${args[@]}" "$@"; then
echo "fio exited with status $?"
cat "$TMPDIR"/fio_perf
# Wrapper around _run_fio used if you need some I/O but don't really care much
# about the details
_run_fio_rand_io() {
_run_fio --bs=4k --rw=randread --norandommap --numjobs="$(nproc)" \
--name=reads --direct=1 "$@"
_run_fio_verify_io() {
_run_fio --name=verify --rw=randwrite --direct=1 --ioengine=libaio --bs=4k \
--norandommap --iodepth=16 --verify=crc32c "$@"
_fio_perf_report() {
# If there is more than one group, we don't know what to report.
if [[ $(wc -l < "$TMPDIR/fio_perf") -gt 1 ]]; then
echo "_fio_perf: too many terse lines" >&2
local name field value
for name in "${FIO_PERF_FIELDS[@]}"; do
if [[ -z $field ]]; then
echo "_fio_perf: unknown fio terse field '$name'" >&2
value="$(cut -d ';' -f "$field" "$TMPDIR/fio_perf")"