Test on various Go OS versions. (#112)

* Test on various Go OS versions.

Setup a test matrix to make sure we avoid platform issues.
* Add test matrix to CircleCI
* Drop Travis use.

Refactor internal util.SysReadFile()

* Move SysReadFile() function to a non-windows build file.
* Add build hint for non-windows to sysfs functions.

Signed-off-by: Ben Kochie <superq@gmail.com>
8 files changed
tree: b8aacf39fa340b11f2d680a6ea63e22bf59cd82d
  1. .circleci/
  2. bcache/
  3. internal/
  4. nfs/
  5. scripts/
  6. sysfs/
  7. xfs/
  8. .gitignore
  9. buddyinfo.go
  10. buddyinfo_test.go
  12. doc.go
  13. fixtures.ttar
  14. fs.go
  15. fs_test.go
  16. ipvs.go
  17. ipvs_test.go
  20. Makefile
  21. mdstat.go
  22. mdstat_test.go
  23. mountstats.go
  24. mountstats_test.go
  25. net_dev.go
  26. net_dev_test.go
  27. NOTICE
  28. proc.go
  29. proc_io.go
  30. proc_io_test.go
  31. proc_limits.go
  32. proc_limits_test.go
  33. proc_ns.go
  34. proc_ns_test.go
  35. proc_stat.go
  36. proc_stat_test.go
  37. proc_test.go
  38. README.md
  39. stat.go
  40. stat_test.go
  41. ttar
  42. xfrm.go
  43. xfrm_test.go


This procfs package provides functions to retrieve system, kernel and process metrics from the pseudo-filesystem proc.

WARNING: This package is a work in progress. Its API may still break in backwards-incompatible ways without warnings. Use it at your own risk.

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