| @echo off |
| goto Run |
| :Usage |
| echo.%~nx0 [flags and arguments] [quoted MSBuild options] |
| echo. |
| echo.Build CPython from the command line. Requires the appropriate |
| echo.version(s) of Microsoft Visual Studio to be installed (see readme.txt). |
| echo. |
| echo.After the flags recognized by this script, up to 9 arguments to be passed |
| echo.directly to MSBuild may be passed. If the argument contains an '=', the |
| echo.entire argument must be quoted (e.g. `%~nx0 "/p:PlatformToolset=v100"`). |
| echo.Alternatively you can put extra flags for MSBuild in a file named |
| echo.`msbuild.rsp` in the `PCbuild` directory, one flag per line. This file |
| echo.will be picked automatically by MSBuild. Flags put in this file does not |
| echo.need to be quoted. You can still use environment variables inside the |
| echo.response file. |
| echo. |
| echo.Available flags: |
| echo. -h Display this help message |
| echo. -V Display version information for the current build |
| echo. -r Target Rebuild instead of Build |
| echo. -d Set the configuration to Debug |
| echo. -E Don't fetch or build external libraries. Extension modules that |
| echo. depend on external libraries will not attempt to build if this flag |
| echo. is present; -e is also accepted to explicitly enable fetching and |
| echo. building externals. |
| echo. -m Enable parallel build (enabled by default) |
| echo. -M Disable parallel build |
| echo. -v Increased output messages |
| echo. -vv Verbose output messages |
| echo. -q Quiet output messages (errors and warnings only) |
| echo. -k Attempt to kill any running Pythons before building (usually done |
| echo. automatically by the pythoncore project) |
| echo. --pgo Build with Profile-Guided Optimization. This flag |
| echo. overrides -c and -d |
| echo. --test-marker Enable the test marker within the build. |
| echo. |
| echo.Available flags to avoid building certain modules. |
| echo.These flags have no effect if '-e' is not given: |
| echo. --no-ctypes Do not attempt to build _ctypes |
| echo. --no-ssl Do not attempt to build _ssl |
| echo. --no-tkinter Do not attempt to build Tkinter |
| echo. |
| echo.Available arguments: |
| echo. -c Release ^| Debug ^| PGInstrument ^| PGUpdate |
| echo. Set the configuration (default: Release) |
| echo. -p x64 ^| Win32 ^| ARM ^| ARM64 |
| echo. Set the platform (default: Win32) |
| echo. -t Build ^| Rebuild ^| Clean ^| CleanAll |
| echo. Set the target manually |
| echo. --pgo-job The job to use for PGO training; implies --pgo |
| echo. (default: "-m test --pgo") |
| exit /b 127 |
| |
| :Run |
| setlocal |
| set platf=Win32 |
| set conf=Release |
| set target=Build |
| set dir=%~dp0 |
| set parallel=/m |
| set verbose=/nologo /v:m /clp:summary |
| set kill= |
| set do_pgo= |
| set pgo_job=-m test --pgo |
| |
| :CheckOpts |
| if "%~1"=="-h" goto Usage |
| if "%~1"=="-c" (set conf=%2) & shift & shift & goto CheckOpts |
| if "%~1"=="-p" (set platf=%2) & shift & shift & goto CheckOpts |
| if "%~1"=="-r" (set target=Rebuild) & shift & goto CheckOpts |
| if "%~1"=="-t" (set target=%2) & shift & shift & goto CheckOpts |
| if "%~1"=="-d" (set conf=Debug) & shift & goto CheckOpts |
| if "%~1"=="-m" (set parallel=/m) & shift & goto CheckOpts |
| if "%~1"=="-M" (set parallel=) & shift & goto CheckOpts |
| if "%~1"=="-v" (set verbose=/v:n) & shift & goto CheckOpts |
| if "%~1"=="-vv" (set verbose=/v:d /ds) & shift & goto CheckOpts |
| if "%~1"=="-q" (set verbose=/v:q /nologo /clp:summary) & shift & goto CheckOpts |
| if "%~1"=="-k" (set kill=true) & shift & goto CheckOpts |
| if "%~1"=="--pgo" (set do_pgo=true) & shift & goto CheckOpts |
| if "%~1"=="--pgo-job" (set do_pgo=true) & (set pgo_job=%~2) & shift & shift & goto CheckOpts |
| if "%~1"=="--test-marker" (set UseTestMarker=true) & shift & goto CheckOpts |
| if "%~1"=="-V" shift & goto :Version |
| rem These use the actual property names used by MSBuild. We could just let |
| rem them in through the environment, but we specify them on the command line |
| rem anyway for visibility so set defaults after this |
| if "%~1"=="-e" (set IncludeExternals=true) & shift & goto CheckOpts |
| if "%~1"=="-E" (set IncludeExternals=false) & shift & goto CheckOpts |
| if "%~1"=="--no-ctypes" (set IncludeCTypes=false) & shift & goto CheckOpts |
| if "%~1"=="--no-ssl" (set IncludeSSL=false) & shift & goto CheckOpts |
| if "%~1"=="--no-tkinter" (set IncludeTkinter=false) & shift & goto CheckOpts |
| |
| if "%IncludeExternals%"=="" set IncludeExternals=true |
| if "%IncludeCTypes%"=="" set IncludeCTypes=true |
| if "%IncludeSSL%"=="" set IncludeSSL=true |
| if "%IncludeTkinter%"=="" set IncludeTkinter=true |
| |
| if "%IncludeExternals%"=="true" call "%dir%get_externals.bat" |
| |
| if "%do_pgo%" EQU "true" if "%platf%" EQU "x64" ( |
| echo.ERROR: Cannot cross-compile with PGO |
| echo. 32bit operating system detected. Ensure your PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE |
| echo. and PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432 environment variables are correct. |
| exit /b 1 |
| ) |
| ) |
| |
| if not exist "%GIT%" where git > "%TEMP%\git.loc" 2> nul && set /P GIT= < "%TEMP%\git.loc" & del "%TEMP%\git.loc" |
| if exist "%GIT%" set GITProperty=/p:GIT="%GIT%" |
| if not exist "%GIT%" echo Cannot find Git on PATH & set GITProperty= |
| |
| rem Setup the environment |
| call "%dir%find_msbuild.bat" %MSBUILD% |
| if ERRORLEVEL 1 (echo Cannot locate MSBuild.exe on PATH or as MSBUILD variable & exit /b 2) |
| |
| if "%kill%"=="true" call :Kill |
| if ERRORLEVEL 1 exit /B 3 |
| |
| if "%do_pgo%"=="true" ( |
| set conf=PGInstrument |
| call :Build %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 |
| ) |
| rem %VARS% are evaluated eagerly, which would lose the ERRORLEVEL |
| rem value if we didn't split it out here. |
| if "%do_pgo%"=="true" if ERRORLEVEL 1 exit /B %ERRORLEVEL% |
| if "%do_pgo%"=="true" ( |
| del /s "%dir%\*.pgc" |
| del /s "%dir%\..\Lib\*.pyc" |
| echo on |
| call "%dir%\..\python.bat" %pgo_job% |
| @echo off |
| call :Kill |
| set conf=PGUpdate |
| set target=Build |
| ) |
| goto :Build |
| |
| :Kill |
| echo on |
| %MSBUILD% "%dir%\pythoncore.vcxproj" /t:KillPython %verbose%^ |
| /p:Configuration=%conf% /p:Platform=%platf%^ |
| /p:KillPython=true |
| |
| @echo off |
| exit /B %ERRORLEVEL% |
| |
| :Build |
| rem Call on MSBuild to do the work, echo the command. |
| rem Passing %1-9 is not the preferred option, but argument parsing in |
| rem batch is, shall we say, "lackluster" |
| echo on |
| %MSBUILD% "%dir%pcbuild.proj" /t:%target% %parallel% %verbose%^ |
| /p:Configuration=%conf% /p:Platform=%platf%^ |
| /p:IncludeExternals=%IncludeExternals%^ |
| /p:IncludeCTypes=%IncludeCTypes%^ |
| /p:IncludeSSL=%IncludeSSL% /p:IncludeTkinter=%IncludeTkinter%^ |
| /p:UseTestMarker=%UseTestMarker% %GITProperty%^ |
| %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 |
| |
| @echo off |
| exit /b %ERRORLEVEL% |
| |
| :Version |
| rem Display the current build version information |
| call "%dir%find_msbuild.bat" %MSBUILD% |
| if ERRORLEVEL 1 (echo Cannot locate MSBuild.exe on PATH or as MSBUILD variable & exit /b 2) |
| %MSBUILD% "%dir%pythoncore.vcxproj" /t:ShowVersionInfo /v:m /nologo %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 |
| if ERRORLEVEL 1 exit /b 3 |