tree: 720ab0d8a2e03fc2c7c90ab01a9e6aa6253af4b9 [path history] [tgz]
  1. custom-tests.json
  3. rust-vmm-ci-tests.json

buildkite custom pipelines

This folder contains the custom pipelines for this repository.

If we add a new pipeline we need to enable it in

Custom pipelines currently defined are:

  • custom-tests.json Custom tests to enable only certain features.

  • rust-vmm-ci-tests.json This is based on rust-vmm-ci/.buildkite/test_description.json. We can't run rust-vmm-ci tests because they enable all the features with --all-features and our crates have features that may not be compatible with others (e.g. xen). Waiting to solve this problem in rust-vmm-ci (see, we use a custom pipeline based on that but that does not use --all-features.