blob: 2f55a6b117849b82437cd75d50f3a75f68ed61c4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 Seamia Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
//go:generate go run -src assets.txt -root .
package main
import (
type Kind int
const (
Unknown Kind = 0
Simple Kind = 1 + iota
const (
typenameRPC = "rpc"
typenameService = "service"
typenameEnum = "enum"
typenameMessage = "message"
typenameMissing = "missing"
appVersion = "generated by"
entryGenerated = "generated"
generateSvg = "generate .svg file"
generatePng = "generate .png file"
// use explicit string type to alleviate potential mismatch problems
type OriginalName string // name as it appears in the source
type FullName string // fully qualified name = enough to identify the target (within given set of the source files). may have '.' in it
type UniqueName string // a short alias for a FullName
type tinfo struct {
fullname FullName // "one.two.three.WhatEver"
unique UniqueName // "WhatEver$1"
name string // "WhatEver"
typename string // "enum", ...
filename string
comment string
raw string
protopack string
parent FullName // full type of the parent
object interface{}
type pkgInfo struct {
packageName string
fileName string
dependencies []string
weak bool
missing bool
proto3 bool
type pbstate struct {
knownFiles map[string]*pkgInfo
types237 map[FullName]tinfo
translate map[OriginalName][]FullName
inclusions map[UniqueName]map[UniqueName]int
resolutions map[FullName]map[OriginalName]FullName // maps + short.type to full.type
diveDepth int
counter int
knownNames map[UniqueName]FullName // maps 'unique' to 'full'
dive bool
proto string
pkg string
rootDir string
writer *ForkWriter
outputFile string
selection string
incMapping map[string]string
func (pbs *pbstate) full2info(name FullName) *tinfo {
if back, found := pbs.types237[name]; found {
return &back
return nil
func (pbs *pbstate) unique2info(name UniqueName) *tinfo {
if full, found := pbs.knownNames[name]; found {
return pbs.full2info(full)
return nil
func (pbs *pbstate) currentPkgInfo() *pkgInfo {
if pbs != nil && pbs.knownFiles != nil && len(pbs.proto) > 0 {
if info, found := pbs.knownFiles[pbs.proto]; found {
return info
assert("somehow there is no pkgInfo available...")
return &pkgInfo{}
func NewPbs() *pbstate {
one := pbstate{}
one.knownFiles = make(map[string]*pkgInfo)
one.types237 = make(map[FullName]tinfo)
one.translate = make(map[OriginalName][]FullName)
one.inclusions = make(map[UniqueName]map[UniqueName]int)
one.resolutions = make(map[FullName]map[OriginalName]FullName)
one.counter = 100
one.knownNames = make(map[UniqueName]FullName)
one.dive = true
one.writer = NewForkWriter()
return &one
func (pbs *pbstate) AddWriter(target io.Writer) {
func (pbs *pbstate) target() io.Writer {
if pbs.writer != nil {
return pbs.writer
} else {
return os.Stdout
func (pbs *pbstate) addIncMapping(mapping map[string]string) {
if mapping != nil && len(mapping) > 0 {
if pbs.incMapping == nil {
pbs.incMapping = make(map[string]string)
for k, v := range mapping {
pbs.incMapping[k] = v
func (pbs *pbstate) getUniqueName(short OriginalName, full FullName) UniqueName {
if got, found := pbs.knownNames[UniqueName(short)]; found && got == full {
return UniqueName(short)
name := UniqueName(fmt.Sprintf("Ja_%d", pbs.counter))
pbs.knownNames[name] = full
return UniqueName(name)
func (pbs *pbstate) addResolution(scope FullName, shorttype OriginalName, fulltype FullName) {
if _, found := pbs.resolutions[scope]; !found {
pbs.resolutions[scope] = make(map[OriginalName]FullName)
pbs.resolutions[scope][shorttype] = fulltype
func (pbs *pbstate) getResolution(scope FullName, shorttype OriginalName) *tinfo {
if fulltype, found := pbs.resolutions[scope][shorttype]; found {
if info, found := pbs.types237[fulltype]; found {
return &info
for _, info := range pbs.types237 {
if info.typename == typenameMissing && == string(shorttype) {
return &info
// alert("*** failed to resolve type:", shorttype) - it is okay to fail resolutuin (while we're resolving)
return nil
func (pbs *pbstate) recordInclusion(from UniqueName, field string, to UniqueName) {
fullFrom := from
if len(field) > 0 {
fullFrom += UniqueName(":" + field)
if _, there := pbs.inclusions[fullFrom]; !there {
pbs.inclusions[fullFrom] = make(map[UniqueName]int)
func renderMissingNode(name OriginalName, unique UniqueName, fullname FullName) string {
writer := bytes.NewBufferString("")
payload := EnumPayload{
Name: string(name),
Unique: unique,
FullName: fullname,
if err := plus.ApplyTemplate("missing.node", writer, payload); err != nil {
alert("failed to render", err)
return ""
return writer.String()
func (pbs *pbstate) recordMissingType(from UniqueName, missingType OriginalName) UniqueName {
fulltype := FullName("missing." + string(from) + "." + string(missingType))
if info, found := pbs.types237[fulltype]; !found {
unique := pbs.getUniqueName(missingType, fulltype)
pbs.types237[fulltype] = tinfo{
typename: typenameMissing,
fullname: fulltype,
unique: unique,
name: string(missingType),
protopack: pbs.proto,
raw: renderMissingNode(OriginalName(missingType), unique, fulltype),
return unique
} else {
return info.unique
func (pbs *pbstate) recordMissingInclusion(from UniqueName, field string, missingType OriginalName) {
debug("****** Field [", field, "] from [", from, "] refers to non-existing type [", missingType, "] ******")
if options("show missing types") {
// 1. save type (if not already)
unique := pbs.recordMissingType(from, missingType)
// 2. record the connection
pbs.recordInclusion(from, field, unique)
func (pbs *pbstate) getInclusion(from UniqueName, field string) (UniqueName, map[UniqueName]int) {
fullFrom := from
if len(field) > 0 {
fullFrom += UniqueName(":" + field)
if inc, found := pbs.inclusions[fullFrom]; found {
return fullFrom, inc
return "", nil
func (pbs *pbstate) applyTemplate(name string, payload interface{}) {
if err := plus.ApplyTemplate(name,, payload); err != nil {
alert("failed to render", err)
func (pbs *pbstate) expandSelection(selection string) ([]FullName, error) {
matches := make([]FullName, 0)
// deal with the special case(s) first
if selection == "*" {
// include only entities defined in the root file (and their dependencies)
for fulltype, info := range pbs.types237 {
if info.protopack == pbs.proto {
matches = append(matches, fulltype)
} else {
debug(" excluding:", fulltype)
return matches, nil
for _, root := range strings.Split(selection, ";") {
if len(root) == 0 {
locals := make([]FullName, 0)
for fulltype := range pbs.types237 {
if strings.HasSuffix(string(fulltype), root) {
locals = append(locals, fulltype)
if len(locals) == 0 {
// let's do a more relaxed search
for fulltype := range pbs.types237 {
if strings.Index(string(fulltype), root) >= 0 {
locals = append(locals, fulltype)
if len(locals) == 0 {
status("Cannot find anything matching your selection:", root)
return nil, errors.New("Cannot find anything matching your selection:" + root)
if len(locals) > 1 {
trace("Your selection ["+root+"] results in more than one entry:", locals)
return nil, errors.New(fmt.Sprint("Your selection ["+root+"] results in more than one entry:", locals))
matches = append(matches, locals[0])
return matches, nil
func (pbs *pbstate) showSelectedInclusion(selection string) {
// pbs.types237
// pbs.inclusions
status("limiting output to the following: ", selection)
matches, err := pbs.expandSelection(selection)
if err != nil {
// create new storage for the selections and their dependants
types := make(map[FullName]tinfo)
posttypes := make(map[FullName]tinfo)
inclusions := make(map[UniqueName]map[UniqueName]int)
for index := range matches {
info := pbs.types237[matches[index]]
if len(info.parent) > 0 {
parentInfo := pbs.types237[info.parent] // types237 map[FullName]tinfo
debug("", parentInfo)
debug("type of the selection:", info.typename)
switch info.typename {
case typenameService:
// just works =)
debug("------", info)
case typenameRPC:
// this is a bit elaborate
// service
// ...
// rpc -> request, response
// ...
rpc, ok := info.object.(*proto.RPC)
if ok {
parentType := info.parent
requestType := rpc.RequestType
returnsType := rpc.ReturnsType
// add 'parent' directly without all of its children
posttypes[parentType] = pbs.types237[parentType]
// add connections from 'parent' too children
for _, suffix := range []string{"_request", "_response"} {
from, to := pbs.getInclusion(pbs.types237[parentType].unique, rpc.Name+suffix)
if to != nil {
inclusions[from] = to
for _, one := range []string{requestType, returnsType} {
if inf := pbs.getResolution(parentType, OriginalName(one)); inf != nil {
matches = append(matches, inf.fullname)
} else {
// todo: react here? maybe?
} else {
assert("failed to get an expected type")
case typenameMessage:
// nothing special here to do
debug("------", info)
alert("entry of type [", info.typename, "] is not yet supported.")
for len(matches) > 0 {
candidate := matches[0]
matches = matches[1:]
trace("---------------------------- considering: ", candidate)
if _, found := types[candidate]; found {
trace(" already added:", candidate)
types[candidate] = pbs.types237[candidate]
unique := types[candidate].unique + ":"
for key, value := range pbs.inclusions {
if strings.HasPrefix(string(key), string(unique)) {
trace(" checking [", key, "]")
for child := range value {
if fullchild, found := pbs.knownNames[child]; found {
if _, found := types[fullchild]; !found {
// we have not seen this type before
matches = append(matches, fullchild)
trace(" adding [", child, "] [", value, "]")
} else {
trace(" already included [", fullchild, "]")
inclusions[key] = value
} else {
trace(" failed to find [", child, "]")
} else {
trace(" excluding [", key, "] cause it has no prefix [", unique, "]")
// copy posttypes to types237
for k, v := range posttypes {
types[k] = v
tmp := make([]string, 0, len(types))
for _, info := range types {
tmp = append(tmp,
trace("for your selections found the following dependencies:", tmp)
backupTypes, backupInclusions := pbs.types237, pbs.inclusions
pbs.types237, pbs.inclusions = types, inclusions
pbs.showInclusion(false, true)
pbs.types237, pbs.inclusions = backupTypes, backupInclusions
func (pbs *pbstate) showInclusion(groupByPackages bool, leaveRootPackageUnwrapped bool) {
payload := PBS{
Package: pbs.pkg,
Protoname: pbs.proto,
AppVersion: appVersion,
Timestamp: time.Now().Format(time.RFC850),
Selection: pbs.selection,
Options: "",
pbs.applyTemplate("document.header", payload)
pbs.applyTemplate("comment", "nodes")
if groupByPackages {
groups := make(map[string][]tinfo)
for _, info := range pbs.types237 {
if _, present := groups[info.protopack]; !present {
groups[info.protopack] = make([]tinfo, 0)
groups[info.protopack] = append(groups[info.protopack], info)
for group, members := range groups {
components := strings.Split(group, string(os.PathSeparator))
data := Cluster{
ProtoName: strings.Replace(group, "\\", "\\\\", -1),
ProtoNameKosher: support.NameToId(group, 12),
ShortName: components[len(components)-1],
if leaveRootPackageUnwrapped && group == pbs.proto {
pbs.applyTemplate("comment", "leaving the root package unwrapped")
for _, info := range members {
pbs.applyTemplate("entry", info.raw)
} else {
pbs.applyTemplate("cluster.prefix", data)
for _, info := range members {
pbs.applyTemplate("cluster.entry", info.raw)
pbs.applyTemplate("cluster.suffix", data)
} else {
for _, info := range pbs.types237 {
pbs.applyTemplate("entry", info.raw)
pbs.applyTemplate("comment", "connections")
var toTemplateName = map[string]string{
typenameEnum: "",
typenameMessage: "",
typenameMissing: "",
// from, field, to
for from, tos := range pbs.inclusions {
for to := range tos {
bits := strings.Split(string(from), ":")
args := Relationship{
From: bits[0],
To: to, // UniqueName
ToName: "", // todo: fill these up later
ToType: "", // FullName
if len(bits) > 1 {
args.Field = bits[1]
tmplName := toTemplateName[pbs.types237[pbs.knownNames[to]].typename]
pbs.applyTemplate(tmplName, args)
// pbs.applyTemplate(isMessage[pbs.uniqueIsMessage(to)], args)
pbs.applyTemplate("document.footer", payload)
func (pbs *pbstate) uniqueIsMessage(unique UniqueName) bool {
if full, found := pbs.knownNames[unique]; found {
if info, found := pbs.types237[full]; found {
if info.typename == typenameMessage {
return true
return false
func (pbs *pbstate) handleSyntax(syntax *proto.Syntax) {
trace("\tsyntax:", syntax.Value)
pbs.currentPkgInfo().proto3 = (syntax.Value == "proto3")
func (pbs *pbstate) handleImport(imp *proto.Import) {
trace("\timport:", imp.Filename)
if pbs.dive {
prev, prev_pkg := pbs.proto, pbs.pkg
self := pbs.currentPkgInfo()
self.dependencies = append(self.dependencies, imp.Filename)
debug("-- leaving [", pbs.proto, "] and diving into", imp.Filename)
if !process(pbs, imp.Filename, "") {
// this file was missing ...
pbs.pkg, pbs.proto = prev_pkg, prev
// pbs.proto = prev
debug("-- back to [", pbs.proto, "]")
func (pbs *pbstate) handlePackageDeclaration(pkg *proto.Package) {
trace("\tpackage:", pkg.Name)
pbs.pkg = pkg.Name
pbs.currentPkgInfo().packageName = pkg.Name
func (pbs *pbstate) saveMapping(short OriginalName, full FullName) {
// let's try to detect collisions
if _, found := pbs.translate[short]; found {
debug("ERROR: there is a collision for name:", short)
} else {
pbs.translate[short] = make([]FullName, 0, 1)
pbs.translate[short] = append(pbs.translate[short], full) // todo: do you need 'translate' ?
func (pbs *pbstate) handleEnumDeclaration(e *proto.Enum) {
fullname := getFullName(e)
unique := pbs.getUniqueName(OriginalName(e.Name), fullname)
pbs.saveMapping(OriginalName(e.Name), fullname)
writer := bytes.NewBufferString("")
payload := EnumPayload{
Name: e.Name,
Unique: unique,
FullName: fullname,
if err := plus.ApplyTemplate("enum.prefix", writer, payload); err != nil {
alert("failed to render", err)
for _, element := range e.Elements {
switch actual := element.(type) {
case *proto.EnumField:
payload.Name = actual.Name
payload.Value = strconv.Itoa(actual.Integer)
if err := plus.ApplyTemplate("enum.entry", writer, payload); err != nil {
alert("failed to render", err)
case *proto.Option:
ignoring("ignoring options for now")
case *proto.Comment:
ignoring("ignoring comment for now")
case *proto.Reserved:
ignoring("ignoring Reserved for now")
rname := reflect.TypeOf(actual).Elem().Name()
unhandled("\t", "UNKNOWN2", actual, "", rname)
payload.Value = ""
if err := plus.ApplyTemplate("enum.suffix", writer, payload); err != nil {
alert("failed to render", err)
pbs.types237[fullname] = tinfo{
typename: typenameEnum,
fullname: fullname,
unique: unique,
name: e.Name,
filename: e.Position.Filename,
raw: writer.String(),
protopack: pbs.pkg,
func (pbs *pbstate) dbgPrintKnownResolutions(fullname FullName) {
debug("-------------------------------------- all known resolutions for:", fullname)
if all, found := pbs.resolutions[fullname]; found { // map[FullName]map[OriginalName]FullName
for k, v := range all {
debug(" ", k, " ---> ", v)
var typename2kind = map[string]Kind{
typenameEnum: Enum,
typenameMessage: Message,
typenameMissing: Missing,
func (pbs *pbstate) getKind(fullname FullName, what OriginalName) Kind {
if isSimpleType(string(what)) {
return Simple
if info := pbs.getResolution(fullname, what); info != nil {
if kind, found := typename2kind[info.typename]; found {
return kind
assert("Unknown typename [", info.typename, "] find while resolving type: ", what)
return Unknown
assert("Unresolved type: ", what, "; source: ", fullname)
return Unknown
func getPackageName(pro *proto.Proto) string {
for _, element := range pro.Elements {
switch actual := element.(type) {
case *proto.Package:
return actual.Name
alert("Failed to find package name for: " + pro.Filename)
return ""
const separator string = "."
func getParent(what proto.Visitee) string {
cmd := ""
switch parent := what.(type) {
case *proto.Proto:
cmd = getPackageName(parent)
case *proto.Message:
cmd = getParent(parent.Parent) + separator + parent.Name // the message declared in another message scope
case *proto.Group:
ignoring("ignoring group for now")
rname := reflect.TypeOf(parent).Elem().Name()
unhandled("\t", "UNKNOWN3", parent, "", rname)
return cmd
func getFullName(what interface{}) FullName {
switch actual := what.(type) {
case *proto.Message:
return FullName(getParent(actual.Parent) + separator + actual.Name)
case *proto.Enum:
return FullName(getParent(actual.Parent) + separator + actual.Name)
case *proto.Service:
return FullName(getParent(actual.Parent) + separator + actual.Name)
panic("not yet supported type")
func (pbs *pbstate) handleMessageDeclaration(msg *proto.Message) {
if msg.IsExtend {
debug("-- excluding 'extend' messages:", msg.Name)
parent := getParent(msg.Parent)
fullname := getFullName(msg)
unique := pbs.getUniqueName(OriginalName(msg.Name), fullname)
pbs.saveMapping(OriginalName(msg.Name), fullname)
debug("*** type definition:", pbs.pkg, ">>", msg.Name, ">>", parent, ">>>>>>>>", fullname)
pbs.types237[fullname] = tinfo{
typename: typenameMessage,
fullname: fullname,
unique: unique,
name: msg.Name,
filename: msg.Position.Filename,
comment: parent,
protopack: pbs.proto,
func (pbs *pbstate) resolveType(full FullName, local OriginalName) {
if isSimpleType(string(local)) {
// no need to resolve simple types237
if info := pbs.getResolution(full, local); info != nil {
// looks like we already know what 'local' type maps to
if occurrences := len(pbs.translate[local]); occurrences > 1 {
var found FullName
for _, one := range pbs.translate[local] {
namespace := one[:len(one)-len(local)-len(separator)]
if strings.HasPrefix(string(full), string(namespace)) {
if len(one) > len(found) {
found = one
if len(found) > 0 {
trace("", full, ", mapping ", local, " to ", found)
pbs.addResolution(full, local, found)
} else {
alert("!! there is more than one definition of type [", local, "], used in ", full, "", pbs.translate[local])
} else {
parts := strings.Split(string(local), ".")
if len(parts) > 1 {
var found FullName
for typename, typeinfo := range pbs.types237 {
if strings.HasSuffix(string(typename), string(local)) {
prefix := typename[:len(typename)-len(local)]
if strings.HasSuffix(string(prefix), separator) {
prefix = prefix[:len(prefix)-len(separator)]
if strings.HasPrefix(string(full), string(prefix)) {
if len(typename) > len(found) {
found = typename
_ = typeinfo
trace("actual:", local, "; prefix:", prefix, "; full type", typename)
if len(found) > 0 {
trace("", full, ", mapping ", local, " to ", found)
pbs.addResolution(full, local, found)
} else {
alert("!! failed to find for type [", local, "], used in ", full)
} else {
if names, found := pbs.translate[local]; found && len(names) == 1 {
pbs.addResolution(full, local, names[0])
} else {
alert("failed to resolve type:", local, "; scope:", full)
func (pbs *pbstate) handleMessageTypeResolution(msg *proto.Message) {
fullname := getFullName(msg)
for _, element := range msg.Elements {
switch actual := element.(type) {
case *proto.Oneof:
for _, element := range actual.Elements {
switch fact := element.(type) {
case *proto.OneOfField:
if !isSimpleType(fact.Type) {
pbs.resolveType(fullname, OriginalName(fact.Type))
case *proto.NormalField:
pbs.resolveType(fullname, OriginalName(actual.Type))
case *proto.MapField:
pbs.resolveType(fullname, OriginalName(actual.Type))
func (pbs *pbstate) handleServiceTypeResolution(srv *proto.Service) {
fullname := getFullName(srv)
for _, element := range srv.Elements {
switch actual := element.(type) {
case *proto.RPC:
pbs.resolveType(fullname, OriginalName(actual.RequestType))
pbs.resolveType(fullname, OriginalName(actual.ReturnsType))
var isRepeated = map[bool]string{
false: "",
true: "[...]",
func (pbs *pbstate) handleMessageBody(msg *proto.Message) {
if msg.IsExtend {
debug("-- excluding 'extend' messages:", msg.Name)
full := getFullName(msg)
info := pbs.types237[full]
message := msg.Name
debug("message", msg.Name, "-------------------------------------")
t := newTable(message, info.fullname, info.unique, "style")
for _, element := range msg.Elements {
switch actual := element.(type) {
case *proto.NormalField:
if !isSimpleType(actual.Type) {
if inf := pbs.getResolution(full, OriginalName(actual.Type)); inf != nil {
pbs.encounteredType(info.unique, actual.Name, inf.unique)
} else {
alert("failed to resolve", actual.Type)
pbs.recordMissingInclusion(info.unique, actual.Name, OriginalName(actual.Type))
repeated := isRepeated[actual.Repeated]
t.addRow(repeated, actual.Type, actual.Name, strconv.Itoa(actual.Sequence), pbs.getKind(full, OriginalName(actual.Type)))
case *proto.Enum:
debug("\t", "enum:", actual.Name)
case *proto.Reserved:
debug("\t", "reserved:", actual.FieldNames)
case *proto.Option:
debug("\t", "option:", actual.Name)
case *proto.Message:
debug("\t", "message:", actual.Name)
case *proto.Oneof:
pbs.onOneof(full, info.unique, actual)
t.addOneof(full, actual, pbs)
case *proto.MapField:
debug("\t", "map-field:", actual.Name, ", map<", actual.KeyType, ", ", actual.Type, ">")
// Q: can map be 'repeated' ?
t.addMapRow(actual.Name, actual.KeyType, actual.Type, strconv.Itoa(actual.Sequence), pbs.getKind(full, OriginalName(actual.Type)))
if !isSimpleType(actual.Type) {
if inf := pbs.getResolution(full, OriginalName(actual.Type)); inf != nil {
pbs.recordInclusion(info.unique, actual.Name, inf.unique)
} else {
alert("failed to resolve type [", actual.Type, "] from ", full)
pbs.recordMissingInclusion(info.unique, actual.Name, OriginalName(actual.Type))
case *proto.Comment:
ignoring("\t", "comment:", actual.Message())
case *proto.Extensions:
ignoring("\t", "extensions:", "--ignored for now")
case *proto.Group:
ignoring("ignoring group for now")
rname := reflect.TypeOf(actual).Elem().Name()
unhandled("\t", "UNKNOWN4", actual, "", rname)
info.raw = t.generate()
pbs.types237[full] = info
func (pbs *pbstate) onOneof(fullname FullName, unique UniqueName, one *proto.Oneof) {
debug("oneof", one.Name)
if len(one.Elements) > 0 {
for _, element := range one.Elements {
switch actual := element.(type) {
case *proto.OneOfField:
debug("\t", "one-of-field:", actual.Name, ", type:", actual.Type)
if !isSimpleType(actual.Type) {
if inf := pbs.getResolution(fullname, OriginalName(actual.Type)); inf != nil {
pbs.encounteredType(unique, actual.Name, inf.unique)
} else {
alert("failed to get unique name for type", actual.Type)
pbs.recordMissingInclusion(unique, actual.Name, OriginalName(actual.Type))
case *proto.Option:
ignoring("ignoring options for now")
case *proto.Comment:
ignoring("ignoring comments for now")
case *proto.Group:
ignoring("ignoring group for now")
rname := reflect.TypeOf(actual).Elem().Name()
unhandled("\t", "UNKNOWN5", actual, "", rname)
func (pbs *pbstate) handleOption(opt *proto.Option) {
value := opt.Constant.Source
debug("\t\t", "option", opt.Name, ":", value)
for _, one := range opt.AggregatedConstants {
debug("\t", "\t", "constant:", one.Name, ">>>", one.Literal.Source)
var isStreaming = map[bool]string{
false: "",
true: "stream",
func (pbs *pbstate) handleServiceDeclaration(srv *proto.Service) {
name := getFullName(srv)
pbs.saveMapping(OriginalName(srv.Name), name) // todo: need this?
srvUniqueName := pbs.getUniqueName(OriginalName(srv.Name), name)
cmd := ""
switch parent := srv.Parent.(type) {
case *proto.Proto:
cmd = parent.Filename // the message declared in the file scope
case *proto.Message:
cmd = parent.Name // the message declared in another message scope
rname := reflect.TypeOf(parent).Elem().Name()
unhandled("\t", "UNKNOWN6", parent, "", rname)
writer := bytes.NewBufferString("")
payload := ServicePayload{
Name: srv.Name,
Unique: srvUniqueName,
FullName: name,
if err := plus.ApplyTemplate("service.prefix", writer, payload); err != nil {
alert("failed to render", err)
for _, element := range srv.Elements {
switch actual := element.(type) {
case *proto.RPC:
fullname := name + FullName("."+actual.Name)
pbs.saveMapping(OriginalName(actual.Name), fullname)
pbs.types237[fullname] = tinfo{
typename: typenameRPC,
fullname: fullname,
unique: pbs.getUniqueName(OriginalName(actual.Name), fullname),
name: actual.Name,
filename: srv.Position.Filename,
comment: cmd,
protopack: pbs.proto,
parent: name,
object: actual,
payload := RPC{
Name: actual.Name,
RequestType: actual.RequestType,
ReturnsType: actual.ReturnsType,
StreamsRequest: isStreaming[actual.StreamsRequest],
StreamsReturns: isStreaming[actual.StreamsReturns],
if err := plus.ApplyTemplate("service.rpc", writer, payload); err != nil {
alert("failed to render", err)
// unhandled("UNKNOWN21")
if err := plus.ApplyTemplate("service.suffix", writer, payload); err != nil {
alert("failed to render", err)
pbs.types237[name] = tinfo{
typename: typenameService,
fullname: name,
unique: srvUniqueName,
name: srv.Name,
filename: srv.Position.Filename,
comment: cmd,
protopack: pbs.proto,
raw: writer.String(),
object: srv,
func (pbs *pbstate) handleServiceBody(srv *proto.Service) {
trace("Service", srv.Name)
full := getFullName(srv)
info := pbs.full2info(full)
for _, element := range srv.Elements {
switch actual := element.(type) {
case *proto.RPC:
trace("\tMethod", actual.Name, "(", actual.RequestType, ")", actual.ReturnsType)
payload := RPC{
Name: actual.Name,
RequestType: actual.RequestType,
ReturnsType: actual.ReturnsType,
StreamsRequest: isStreaming[actual.StreamsRequest],
StreamsReturns: isStreaming[actual.StreamsReturns],
_ = payload
// request
if !isSimpleType(actual.RequestType) {
field := actual.Name + "_request"
if inf := pbs.getResolution(full, OriginalName(actual.RequestType)); inf != nil {
pbs.recordInclusion(info.unique, field, inf.unique)
} else {
alert("failed to resolve type [", actual.RequestType, "] from ", full)
pbs.recordMissingInclusion(info.unique, field, OriginalName(actual.RequestType))
// response
if !isSimpleType(actual.ReturnsType) {
field := actual.Name + "_response"
if inf := pbs.getResolution(full, OriginalName(actual.ReturnsType)); inf != nil {
pbs.recordInclusion(info.unique, field, inf.unique)
} else {
alert("failed to resolve type [", actual.ReturnsType, "] from ", full)
pbs.recordMissingInclusion(info.unique, field, OriginalName(actual.ReturnsType))
case *proto.Option:
ignoring("ignoring options for now")
case *proto.Comment:
ignoring("ignoring comments for now")
rname := reflect.TypeOf(actual).Elem().Name()
unhandled("\t", "UNKNOWN7", actual, "", rname)
func (pbs *pbstate) encounteredType(parent UniqueName, field string, typ UniqueName) {
pbs.recordInclusion(parent, field, typ)
var import2template = map[bool]string{
false: "imports.node",
true: "imports.node.missing",
func (pbs *pbstate) showDependencyTree() {
if pbs.diveDepth != 0 {
assert("need to be at the root")
getID := func(name string) string {
return "N" + support.NameToId(name, 16)
correctRootFileName := func(name string) string {
if name == pbs.proto {
parts := strings.Split(strings.Replace(name, "\\", "/", -1), "/")
return parts[len(parts)-1]
return name
payload := PBS{
Package: pbs.pkg,
Protoname: pbs.proto,
AppVersion: appVersion,
Timestamp: time.Now().Format(time.RFC850),
Selection: "(imports dependency)",
Options: "",
pbs.applyTemplate("imports.header", payload)
pbs.applyTemplate("comment", "nodes")
for name, info := range pbs.knownFiles {
payload := ImportNode{
NodeName: getID(name),
PackageName: info.packageName,
FileName: correctRootFileName(info.fileName),
Status: "",
pbs.applyTemplate(import2template[info.missing], payload)
_ = info
pbs.applyTemplate("comment", "connections")
for name, info := range pbs.knownFiles {
payload := ImportLink{
From: getID(name),
for _, toname := range info.dependencies {
payload.To = getID(toname)
pbs.applyTemplate("imports.connection", payload)
pbs.applyTemplate("imports.footer", payload)
func process(pbs *pbstate, name string, selection string) bool {
original := name
if len(pbs.incMapping) > 0 {
if replace, found := pbs.incMapping[name]; found {
trace("replacing [", name, "] with [", replace, "]")
name = replace
var reader io.Reader = nil
// need to differentiate between url/path and actual source
if strings.Count(name, "\n") > 1 {
trace("this seems to be a source code blob")
reader = strings.NewReader(name)
if name == original {
// it appears that we're given the blob directly
original = "blob_" + support.Hash([]byte(name))
if pbs.diveDepth == 0 {
pbs.rootDir = "~fake~"
pbs.selection = selection
} else if strings.HasSuffix(strings.ToLower(name), ".proto") {
} else {
assert("undetected type of input:", name)
if inf, found := pbs.knownFiles[original]; found {
// we already dealt with this one
return !inf.missing
if reader == nil {
var err error
if matches, err := filepath.Glob(name); err == nil {
if len(matches) > 1 {
for _, match := range matches {
// process found files individually
pbs2 := NewPbs()
process(pbs2, match, selection)
// todo: need to output combined result here, maybe?
return true // todo: why?
} else {
// fall through and just do 'single file' mode
} else {
assert("failed to find:", name, "; err:", err)
return false
if pbs.diveDepth == 0 {
pbs.rootDir, _ = pathSplit(name)
pbs.selection = selection
reader, err = Find(name, pbs.rootDir)
if err != nil {
if pbs.diveDepth > 0 && options("allow missing imports") {
// failed to find/open an import, but since this is not a main file and we're allowed to continue: do so
// remember the fact that this .proto is missing
pbs.knownFiles[original] = &pkgInfo{
fileName: original,
missing: true,
} else {
alert("failed to open", name, ", with error:", err)
panic("failed to open [" + name + "], with error: " + err.Error())
return false
if pbs.diveDepth == 0 {
genDir := getTargetPath()
outputFileName := getProtoName(original, pbs.selection)
if len(*g_output) > 0 {
outputFileName = *g_output
target := path.Join(genDir, outputFileName+".dot")
pbs.outputFile = target
parser := proto.NewParser(reader)
definition, _ := parser.Parse()
definition.Filename = original
trace("\tprocessing file:", definition.Filename)
pbs.knownFiles[original] = &pkgInfo{
fileName: original,
dependencies: make([]string, 0),
pbs.proto = original
debug("------------ all known types237:")
for key, value := range pbs.types237 {
debug("---", key, "---", value)
if pbs.diveDepth == 0 {
if len(selection) > 0 {
if selection == "imports" {
} else {
} else {
pbs.showInclusion(true, true)
} else {
// this is not a root .proto file
return true
func processOneProto(name, selection string) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
fmt.Println(".\n****** Recovered, ******\n\twhile processing", name, ", error: ", r)
pbs := NewPbs()
process(pbs, name, selection)
graphviz(pbs.outputFile, options(generateSvg), options(generatePng))
func applyToAllFiles(root, selection string) {
trace("collecting all the .proto files from under " + root)
var files []string
if err := filepath.Walk(root, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if strings.HasSuffix(path, ".proto") && strings.Index(path, "\\vendor\\") < 0 {
files = append(files, path)
return nil
}); err != nil {
alert("there was an error", err)
for _, file := range files {
trace(".\n.\n===================== processing: ", file, "=====================")
processOneProto(file, selection)
func applyToAllFilesFromList(listfilename string, selection string) {
file, err := os.Open(listfilename)
if err != nil {
assert("failed to open list: " + err.Error())
defer file.Close()
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file)
for scanner.Scan() {
name := scanner.Text()
processOneProto(name, selection)
if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil {
assert("failed to scan: " + err.Error())
const configDefaultName = "config.json"
var (
g_configPath = flag.String("config", configDefaultName, "Location and name of the configuration file")
g_logPath = flag.String("log", "", "Location and name of the debug log file")
g_source = flag.String("src", "", "Location and name of the source file (required)")
g_selection = flag.String("select", "", "Name(s) of the selected elements")
g_output = flag.String("output", "", "Name of the output file")
g_generated = flag.String("generated", "", "Where to store generated files (overwrites config.locations.generated)")
g_grpc = flag.String("grpc", "", "Port to listen, e.g. :50051")
g_action = flag.String("action", "", "custom action to run upon completion (overwrites config.locations.action)")
// ======================================================================================================================
func main() {
if len(os.Args) == 1 {
for _, one := range os.Args {
if one == "-install" {
err := assets.ExtractAssets("", false)
if err != nil {
status("There was an error during the installation process:", err, "Please address these issues and repeat the installation process.")
} else {
// load config from assets
// create dirs specified in the loaded config
config, err := support.LoadConfig(assets.AssetUriPrefix+configDefaultName, false)
if err == nil {
for _, name := range []string{"downloads"} {
if dir, err := support.GetLocation(config, name); err == nil {
config, err := support.LoadConfig(*g_configPath, (*g_configPath == configDefaultName))
if err != nil {
status("Error: failed to load config file")
g_config = config
if options("suppress all output") {
g_debugLevel = debugNone
if len(*g_logPath) > 0 {
log, err := os.Create(*g_logPath)
if err == nil {
defer log.Close()
g_logWriter = log
if len(*g_source) == 0 && len(*g_grpc) == 0 {
status("No source file specified.")
if len(*g_action) > 0 {
support.SetLocation(g_config, "action", *g_action)
{ // preload templates
aa := config["templates"].(map[string]interface{})
tmplDir, err := support.GetLocation(config, "templates")
if err != nil {
tmplDir = ""
if err := plus.PreloadTemplates(aa, templFuncs, tmplDir); err != nil {
status("failed to load templates", err)
if strings.HasPrefix(*g_source, "list:") {
name := (*g_source)[5:]
status("Processing the given list of the sources:", name)
applyToAllFilesFromList(name, *g_selection)
if len(*g_grpc) > 0 {
// err = grpc_main(*g_grpc)
if err != nil {
status("Failed to start daemon:", err)
} else {
pbs := NewPbs()
process(pbs, *g_source, *g_selection)
graphviz(pbs.outputFile, options(generateSvg), options(generatePng))