blob: d2d1dc864b2d0835b8514d26a26f0d928deff073 [file] [log] [blame]
package assertions
import (
// ShouldHaveSameTypeAs receives exactly two parameters and compares their underlying types for equality.
func ShouldHaveSameTypeAs(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string {
if fail := need(1, expected); fail != success {
return fail
first := reflect.TypeOf(actual)
second := reflect.TypeOf(expected[0])
if first != second {
return serializer.serialize(second, first, fmt.Sprintf(shouldHaveBeenA, actual, second, first))
return success
// ShouldNotHaveSameTypeAs receives exactly two parameters and compares their underlying types for inequality.
func ShouldNotHaveSameTypeAs(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string {
if fail := need(1, expected); fail != success {
return fail
first := reflect.TypeOf(actual)
second := reflect.TypeOf(expected[0])
if (actual == nil && expected[0] == nil) || first == second {
return fmt.Sprintf(shouldNotHaveBeenA, actual, second)
return success
// ShouldImplement receives exactly two parameters and ensures
// that the first implements the interface type of the second.
func ShouldImplement(actual interface{}, expectedList ...interface{}) string {
if fail := need(1, expectedList); fail != success {
return fail
expected := expectedList[0]
if fail := ShouldBeNil(expected); fail != success {
return shouldCompareWithInterfacePointer
if fail := ShouldNotBeNil(actual); fail != success {
return shouldNotBeNilActual
var actualType reflect.Type
if reflect.TypeOf(actual).Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
actualType = reflect.PtrTo(reflect.TypeOf(actual))
} else {
actualType = reflect.TypeOf(actual)
expectedType := reflect.TypeOf(expected)
if fail := ShouldNotBeNil(expectedType); fail != success {
return shouldCompareWithInterfacePointer
expectedInterface := expectedType.Elem()
if !actualType.Implements(expectedInterface) {
return fmt.Sprintf(shouldHaveImplemented, expectedInterface, actualType)
return success
// ShouldNotImplement receives exactly two parameters and ensures
// that the first does NOT implement the interface type of the second.
func ShouldNotImplement(actual interface{}, expectedList ...interface{}) string {
if fail := need(1, expectedList); fail != success {
return fail
expected := expectedList[0]
if fail := ShouldBeNil(expected); fail != success {
return shouldCompareWithInterfacePointer
if fail := ShouldNotBeNil(actual); fail != success {
return shouldNotBeNilActual
var actualType reflect.Type
if reflect.TypeOf(actual).Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
actualType = reflect.PtrTo(reflect.TypeOf(actual))
} else {
actualType = reflect.TypeOf(actual)
expectedType := reflect.TypeOf(expected)
if fail := ShouldNotBeNil(expectedType); fail != success {
return shouldCompareWithInterfacePointer
expectedInterface := expectedType.Elem()
if actualType.Implements(expectedInterface) {
return fmt.Sprintf(shouldNotHaveImplemented, actualType, expectedInterface)
return success
// ShouldBeError asserts that the first argument implements the error interface.
// It also compares the first argument against the second argument if provided
// (which must be an error message string or another error value).
func ShouldBeError(actual interface{}, expected ...interface{}) string {
if fail := atMost(1, expected); fail != success {
return fail
if !isError(actual) {
return fmt.Sprintf(shouldBeError, reflect.TypeOf(actual))
if len(expected) == 0 {
return success
if expected := expected[0]; !isString(expected) && !isError(expected) {
return fmt.Sprintf(shouldBeErrorInvalidComparisonValue, reflect.TypeOf(expected))
return ShouldEqual(fmt.Sprint(actual), fmt.Sprint(expected[0]))
func isString(value interface{}) bool { _, ok := value.(string); return ok }
func isError(value interface{}) bool { _, ok := value.(error); return ok }