Initial release.
Implemented all remaining time assertions.
4 files changed
tree: df8b2e990ade27c61265992992c9318ec71b1c99
  1. assertions/
  2. convey/
  3. examples/
  4. execution/
  5. gotest/
  6. printing/
  7. reporting/
  8. scripts/
  9. .gitignore
  10. license.txt

GoConvey - BDD in Go - by SmartyStreets, LLC

Welcome to GoConvey, a yummy BDD tool for gophers. You'll soon be enjoying the benefits of this robust, descriptive and fun-to-use bit of code. Among those benefits are the following:

  • An ever-growing suite of regression tests
  • Tests which are formatted to the console as a readable specification, understandable by any manager (IT or not).
  • Integration with the already excellent go test tool
  • Constant updates on the working state of your application via the bundled script (more below).


Assuming you have set your $GOPATH environment variable:

$ go get


See the examples folder.


Concise mode (default):

$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ go test

5 assertions and counting


9 assertions and counting

ok	0.022s

Verbose mode:

$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ go test -v
=== RUN TestScoring

  Subject: Bowling Game Scoring 
    Given a fresh score card 
      When all gutter balls are thrown 
        The score should be zero ✔
      When all throws knock down only one pin 
        The score should be 20 ✔
      When a spare is thrown 
        The score should include a spare bonus. ✔
      When a strike is thrown 
        The score should include a strike bonus. ✔
      When all strikes are thrown 
        The score should be 300. ✔

5 assertions and counting

--- PASS: TestScoring (0.00 seconds)
=== RUN TestSpec

  Subject: Integer incrementation and decrementation 
    Given a starting integer value 
      When incremented 
        The value should be greater by one ✔
        The value should NOT be what it used to be ✔
      When decremented 
        The value should be lesser by one ✔
        The value should NOT be what it used to be ✔

9 assertions and counting

--- PASS: TestSpec (0.00 seconds)
ok	0.023s

Happy? Well, it gets even better with the auto-reload script. This script detects changes below the directory where it is run and recurses that location, running go test wherever it finds *_test.go files. This means that once it‘s running you don’t ever have to leave your editor to run tests. It also accepts the -v argument for verbose mode. Check it out:

$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ $GOPATH/src/

-------------------------------------- 1 --------------------------------------


5 assertions and counting


9 assertions and counting

ok	0.022s

(now waiting for you to save changes to the application under test...)


Here's the listing of assertions that this project aims to implement (see the examples folder for actual usage):

XGeneral Equality
XSo(thing, ShouldEqual, thing2)
XSo(thing, ShouldNotEqual, thing2)
XSo(thing, ShouldResemble, thing2)
XSo(thing, ShouldNotResemble, thing2)
XSo(thing, ShouldPointTo, thing2)
XSo(thing, ShouldNotPointTo, thing2)
XSo(thing, ShouldBeNil, thing2)
XSo(thing, ShouldNotBeNil, thing2)
XSo(thing, ShouldBeTrue)
XSo(thing, ShouldBeFalse)
XNumeric Quantity comparison
XSo(1, ShouldBeGreaterThan, 0)
XSo(1, ShouldBeGreaterThanOrEqualTo, 0)
XSo(1, ShouldBeLessThan, 2)
XSo(1, ShouldBeLessThanOrEqualTo, 2)
XSo(1.1, ShouldBeBetween, .8, 1.2)
XSo(1.1, ShouldNotBeBetween, 2, 3)
XSo(1.1, ShouldBeBetweenOrEqual, .9, 1.1)
XSo(1.1, ShouldNotBeBetweenOrEqual, 1000, 2000)
XSo([]int{2, 4, 6}, ShouldContain, 4)
XSo([]int{2, 4, 6}, ShouldNotContain, 5)
XSo(4, ShouldBeIn, ...[]int{2, 4, 6})
XSo(4, ShouldNotBeIn, ...[]int{1, 3, 5})
XStrings (and []byte?)
XSo(“asdf”, ShouldStartWith, “as”)
XSo(“asdf”, ShouldNotStartWith, “df”)
XSo(“asdf”, ShouldEndWith, “df”)
XSo(“asdf”, ShouldNotEndWith, “df”)
XSo(“asdf”, ShouldContain, “sd”) // optional ‘expected occurences’ arguments?
XSo(“asdf”, ShouldNotContain, “er”)
XSo(func(), ShouldPanic)
XSo(func(), ShouldNotPanic)
XSo(func(), ShouldPanicWith, "") // or errors.New(“something”)
XSo(func(), ShouldNotPanicWith, "") // or errors.New(“something”)
XType checking
XSo(1, ShouldHaveSameTypeAs, 0)
XSo(1, ShouldNotHaveSameTypeAs, “asdf”)
XSo(time.Now(), ShouldHappenBefore, time.Now())
XSo(time.Now(), ShouldHappenOnOrBefore, time.Now())
XSo(time.Now(), ShouldHappenAfter, time.Now())
XSo(time.Now(), ShouldHappenOnOrAfter, time.Now())
XSo(time.Now(), ShouldHappenBetween, time.Now(), time.Now())
XSo(time.Now(), ShouldHappenOnOrBetween, time.Now(), time.Now())
XSo(time.Now(), ShouldNotHappenOnOrBetween, time.Now(), time.Now())
XSo(time.New(), ShouldHappenWithin, duration, time.Now())
XSo(time.New(), ShouldNotHappenWithin, duration, time.Now())

Thanks to for his excellent oglematchers library, which is what many of these methods make use of to do their jobs.

Future options:

  • json
    • ShouldMarshalLike
  • hashes
    • ?
  • hex (and other encodings)
    • convert from base64 then compare
  • bytes(?)
    • this might already be done with existing methods
  • containers (list, heap, ring)
    • might already be done with ShouldResemble
  • urls
    • should be part of [domain]

Writing your own assertions:

Sometimes a test suite will might need an assertion that is too specific to be included in this tool. Not to worry, simply implement a function with the following signature (fill in the bracketed parts and string values):

func should<do-something>(actual interface, expected ...interface{}) string {
    if <some-important-condition-is-met(actual, expected)> {
        return "" // empty string means the assertion passed
    } else {
        return "some descriptive message detailing why the assertion failed..."

Suppose I implemented the following assertion:

func shouldScareGophersMoreThan(actual interface, expected ...interface{}) string {
    if actual == "BOO!" && expected[0] == "boo" {
        return ""
    } else {
        return "Ha! You'll have to get a lot friendlier with the capslock if you want to scare a gopher!"

I can then make use of the assertion function when calling the So(...) method in the tests:

Convey("All caps always makes text more meaningful", func() {
    So("BOO!", shouldScareGophersMoreThan, "boo")