blob: a436fc5ec48bb05b1953a69f02d86f9fb8c8412d [file] [log] [blame]
package gcfg
import (
const (
// 64 spaces
sp64 = " "
// 512 spaces
sp512 = sp64 + sp64 + sp64 + sp64 + sp64 + sp64 + sp64 + sp64
// 4096 spaces
sp4096 = sp512 + sp512 + sp512 + sp512 + sp512 + sp512 + sp512 + sp512
type sect01 struct{ Name string }
type conf01 struct{ Section sect01 }
type sect02 struct{ Bool bool }
type conf02 struct{ Section sect02 }
type sect03 struct{ Hyphen_In_Name string }
type conf03 struct{ Hyphen_In_Section sect03 }
type sect04 struct{ Name string }
type conf04 struct{ Sub map[string]*sect04 }
type readtest struct {
gcfg string
exp interface{}
ok bool
var readtests = []struct {
group string
tests []readtest
}{{"basic", []readtest{
// string value
{"[section]\nname=value", &conf01{sect01{"value"}}, true},
{"[section]\nname=", &conf01{sect01{""}}, true},
// non-string value
{"[section]\nbool=true", &conf02{sect02{true}}, true},
// default value (true)
{"[section]\nbool", &conf02{sect02{true}}, true},
// hyphen in name
{"[hyphen-in-section]\nhyphen-in-name=value", &conf03{sect03{"value"}}, true},
// quoted string value
{"[section]\nname=\"\"", &conf01{sect01{""}}, true},
{"[section]\nname=\" \"", &conf01{sect01{" "}}, true},
{"[section]\nname=\"value\"", &conf01{sect01{"value"}}, true},
{"[section]\nname=\" value \"", &conf01{sect01{" value "}}, true},
{"\n[section]\nname=\"value ; cmnt\"", &conf01{sect01{"value ; cmnt"}}, true},
}}, {"bool", []readtest{
{"[section]\nbool=true", &conf02{sect02{true}}, true},
{"[section]\nbool=yes", &conf02{sect02{true}}, true},
{"[section]\nbool=on", &conf02{sect02{true}}, true},
{"[section]\nbool=1", &conf02{sect02{true}}, true},
{"[section]\nbool=false", &conf02{sect02{false}}, true},
{"[section]\nbool=no", &conf02{sect02{false}}, true},
{"[section]\nbool=off", &conf02{sect02{false}}, true},
{"[section]\nbool=0", &conf02{sect02{false}}, true},
{"[section]\nbool=t", &conf02{}, false},
{"[section]\nbool=truer", &conf02{}, false},
{"[section]\nbool=-1", &conf02{}, false},
}}, {"whitespace", []readtest{
{" \n[section]\nbool=true", &conf02{sect02{true}}, true},
{" [section]\nbool=true", &conf02{sect02{true}}, true},
{"\t[section]\nbool=true", &conf02{sect02{true}}, true},
{"[ section]\nbool=true", &conf02{sect02{true}}, true},
{"[section ]\nbool=true", &conf02{sect02{true}}, true},
{"[section]\n bool=true", &conf02{sect02{true}}, true},
{"[section]\nbool =true", &conf02{sect02{true}}, true},
{"[section]\nbool= true", &conf02{sect02{true}}, true},
{"[section]\nbool=true ", &conf02{sect02{true}}, true},
{"[section]\r\nbool=true", &conf02{sect02{true}}, true},
{"[section]\r\nbool=true\r\n", &conf02{sect02{true}}, true},
{";cmnt\r\n[section]\r\nbool=true\r\n", &conf02{sect02{true}}, true},
}}, {"comments", []readtest{
{"; cmnt\n[section]\nname=value", &conf01{sect01{"value"}}, true},
{"# cmnt\n[section]\nname=value", &conf01{sect01{"value"}}, true},
{" ; cmnt\n[section]\nname=value", &conf01{sect01{"value"}}, true},
{"\t; cmnt\n[section]\nname=value", &conf01{sect01{"value"}}, true},
{"\n[section]; cmnt\nname=value", &conf01{sect01{"value"}}, true},
{"\n[section] ; cmnt\nname=value", &conf01{sect01{"value"}}, true},
{"\n[section]\nname=value; cmnt", &conf01{sect01{"value"}}, true},
{"\n[section]\nname=value ; cmnt", &conf01{sect01{"value"}}, true},
{"\n[section]\nname=\"value\" ; cmnt", &conf01{sect01{"value"}}, true},
{"\n[section]\nname=value ; \"cmnt", &conf01{sect01{"value"}}, true},
{"\n[section]\nname=\"value ; cmnt\" ; cmnt", &conf01{sect01{"value ; cmnt"}}, true},
{"\n[section]\nname=; cmnt", &conf01{sect01{""}}, true},
}}, {"subsections", []readtest{
{"\n[sub \"A\"]\nname=value", &conf04{map[string]*sect04{"A": &sect04{"value"}}}, true},
{"\n[sub \"b\"]\nname=value", &conf04{map[string]*sect04{"b": &sect04{"value"}}}, true},
}}, {"errors", []readtest{
// error: invalid line
{"\n[section]\n=", &conf01{}, false},
// error: line too long
{"[section]\nname=value\n" + sp4096, &conf01{}, false},
// error: no section
{"name=value", &conf01{}, false},
// error: failed to parse
{"\n[section]\nbool=maybe", &conf02{sect02{}}, false},
// error: empty subsection
{"\n[sub \"\"]\nname=value", &conf04{}, false},
// error: section name not matched
{"\n[nonexistent]\nname=value", &conf01{}, false},
// error: subsection name not matched
{"\n[section \"nonexistent\"]\nname=value", &conf01{}, false},
// error: variable name not matched
{"\n[section]\nnonexistent=value", &conf01{}, false},
func TestReadStringInto(t *testing.T) {
for _, tg := range readtests {
for i, tt := range tg.tests {
id := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d",, i)
// get the type of the expected result
restyp := reflect.TypeOf(tt.exp).Elem()
// create a new instance to hold the actual result
res := reflect.New(restyp).Interface()
err := ReadStringInto(res, tt.gcfg)
if tt.ok {
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("%s fail: got error %v, wanted ok", id, err)
} else if !reflect.DeepEqual(res, tt.exp) {
t.Errorf("%s fail: got %#v, wanted %#v", id, res, tt.exp)
if !testing.Short() {
t.Logf("%s pass: ok, %#v", id, res)
} else { // !tt.ok
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("%s fail: got %#v, wanted error", id, res)
if !testing.Short() {
t.Logf("%s pass: !ok, %#v", id, err)
func TestReadFileInto(t *testing.T) {
res := &struct{ Section struct{ Name string } }{}
err := ReadFileInto(res, "testdata/gcfg_test.gcfg")
if err != nil {
if "value" != res.Section.Name {
t.Errorf("got %q, wanted %q", res.Section.Name, "value")