In, remove old changelog and add guide to repo

This is done to address #97 . I previously accidentally commited this; what I meant to do was make a pull request, so I reverted it and I'm mailing it again as a pull request
diff --git a/ b/
index 8db8ba2..c882637 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,35 +1,8 @@
 # ecmascript_simd
-128-bit SIMD numeric value type ECMAScript straw man proposal.
-## Recent Changes (Most recent at the top)
-* Added full set of operations on SIMD.float64x2, including compares
-* Replaced SIMD.XXX.toYYY() conversion operators with SIMD.YYY.fromXXX() operators
-* Added corresponding bitwise conversion operators named SIMD.YYY.fromXXXBits()
-* Introduced operators for float32x4, float64x2, and int32x4
-* Made the SIMD.int32x4.fromFloat32x4() and SIMD.int32x4.fromFloat64x2 do proper truncation
-* Added tests for all new operators
-* Added shiftLeft, shiftRightLogical, shiftRightArithmetic on int32x4.
-* Added equals, greaterThan, and lessThan that operate on int32x4.
-* Add bit operations (and, or, xor, and not) that operate directly on float32x4.
-* Moved constructors into SIMD module.
-* API refactor: all operations bucketed by type (SIMD.float32x4 and SIMD.int32x4)
-* Replaced Uint32x4 and Uint32x4Array with Int32x4 and Int32x4Array.
-* Added Uint32x4Array.
-* Support for typed array views on Float32x4Array.
-* Support for Float32x4Array views of other typed arrays.
-* Support for Float32x4Array copy constructor.
-* Initial implementation of Float32x4Array ([] -> getAt, []= -> setAt).
-* Added add, subtract, multiply operations for uint32x4.
-* Add .signMask getter to uint32x4 and float32x4.
-* Added value cast and renamed existing cast to bitCast.
-* All operations have been moved from being member methods to module methods
-  on the SIMD module.
-* Types have been renamed to be lower case.
-* The shuffle getters (xxxx...wwww) have been removed. There is now a shuffle SIMD module function.
-## API
-The authoritative API reference documentation is generated from tc39/spec.html. You can view a rendered copy at .
+This repository contains:
+*  The authoritative API reference documentation is generated from tc39/spec.html. You can view a rendered copy at .
+*  A polyfill at src/ecmascript_simd.js, which can't implement value semantics, but includes a correct implementation of all functions
+*  Extensive tests at src/ecmascript_simd_tests.js, which can be run using other files in src/. Benchmarks and example code live in the same directory.
+*  A presentation explaining the motivation and outlining the approach at [tc39/SIMD-128 TC-39.pdf](