| # Copyright (c) 2020 and later Unicode, Inc. and others. All Rights Reserved. |
| FROM alpine as cbuild |
| WORKDIR /build |
| RUN apk add --update wget make gcc musl-dev |
| ARG CPATH=https://www.unicode.org/Public/PROGRAMS/BidiReferenceC/ |
| ARG CVERSION=15.1.0 |
| RUN wget -np -nv --reject-regex='.*\.(lib|exe)$' --cut-dirs=4 -nH -r ${CPATH}${CVERSION}/ |
| RUN cd source && gcc -I ../include/ -static -Os -o3 -o bidiref1 bidiref1.c brutils.c brtest.c brtable.c brrule.c |
| RUN ls -lh /build/source/bidiref1 && (/build/source/bidiref1 || true) |
| # copy and unpack to /tmp/data |
| ADD ./target/cldr-unicodetools.tgz /build/data/ |
| ADD ./target/generated.tgz /build/data/ |
| # move this into place (including unicodetools/unicodetools) |
| RUN rm -rf /build/data/cldr/.git # unneeded |
| FROM jetty:9-jre11-alpine-eclipse-temurin AS run |
| ADD port-entrypoint.sh /port-entrypoint.sh |
| ADD ./jetty.d/ROOT /var/lib/jetty/webapps/ROOT/ |
| ENTRYPOINT [ "/port-entrypoint.sh" ] |
| # copy the .war |
| ADD ./target/UnicodeJsps.war /var/lib/jetty/webapps/ |
| # copy the UCD for bidiref1 |
| COPY src/main/resources/org/unicode/jsp/bidiref1/ucd/ /usr/local/share/ucd/ |
| # this is the parent to 'ucd' |
| ENV BIDIREFHOME /usr/local/share |
| # copy the bidiref1 bin |
| ENV BIDIREF1 /usr/local/bin/bidiref1 |
| COPY --from=cbuild /build/source/bidiref1 /usr/local/bin/ |
| RUN mkdir -p /var/lib/jetty/data/unicodetools/Generated |
| COPY --from=cbuild /build/data/cldr /var/lib/jetty/data/cldr |
| COPY --from=cbuild /build/data/unicodetools/ /var/lib/jetty/data/unicodetools/unicodetools/ |
| COPY --from=cbuild /build/data/Generated /var/lib/jetty/data/unicodetools/Generated |
| ENV JAVA_OPTIONS -DCLDR_DIR=/var/lib/jetty/data/cldr -DUNICODETOOLS_REPO_DIR=/var/lib/jetty/data/unicodetools -DUNICODETOOLS_GEN_DIR=/var/lib/jetty/data/unicodetools/Generated -Xmx4g |
| # This is the default PORT. Override by setting PORT. |
| EXPOSE 8080 |