blob: 0bdbadc53858575f1960f536223c03e2345f7cca [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<name>Parent of Unicode Tools</name>
For ICU versions, see
Note that we can't use the general ICU maven packages, because utilities isn't exported (yet).
For CLDR versions, see
<!-- these two set the JDK version for source and target -->
<!-- Good hygiene. This is Unicode after all! -->
<!-- Fix the JUnit version -->
<!-- Need to use an updated surefire plugin here. -->
<!-- icu -->
<!-- cldr -->
<!-- These are variables which are picked up by test runs -->
<!-- sibling of unicodetools-->
<argLine>-Xmx10g -enableassertions</argLine>
Spotless info:
- How to preview what `mvn spotless:apply` will do:
- Apply Spotless to specific files:
<!-- optional: limit format enforcement to just the files changed by this feature branch -->
<!-- You can explicitly disable ratchet functionality by providing the value 'NONE': -->
<!-- define a language-specific format -->
<!-- no need to specify files, inferred automatically, but you can if you want -->
<!-- apply a specific flavor of google-java-format and reflow long strings -->
<!-- version of google-java-style -->
We need to tell exec:java to not try run commands from the root/parent pom.xml because
the structure of the project as a multi-module one means there is no source code to be
found here to be compiled and run.
Instead, we should explicitly override this setting in the submodules in which we know
we need to run exec:java. We do so with a similar <build> -> <plugins> -> <plugin> entry
that contains `<skip>false</skip>` in the pom.xml.
See comments in this answer:
If we ever need to have more fine-grained customziation of which submodules should skip
(or not) the `exec:java` execution, then we might need to use profiles to configure which
submodules are skipping / not skipping `exec:java` for a particular execution, as described
in a sibling answer:
<name>GitHub unicode-org/icu Apache Maven Packages</name>
<name>GitHub unicode-org/cldr Apache Maven Packages</name>