| # UTS #51 |
| |
| ## Data Generation |
| |
| 1. Get the UCD tools updated (see [Building Unicode Tools](../index.md)) |
| 2. \[If New version\] |
| 1. Set **the version as per instructions in** the header of Emoji.java. |
| 2. Create a new folder **{unicode-draft}**/emoji/**X**.0/ |
| 3. Copy in the ReadMe.txt from the last version, but add the word "draft" |
| in front of "emoji". |
| 4. And add the images to the images repository. |
| 5. Make sure that docRegistry.txt is up to date. |
| 1. Look at the last line in docRegistry.txt, eg L2/20-153 ... |
| 2. Go to the https://www.unicode.org/L2/L-curdoc.htm |
| 3. Find the year, and copy the first column after L2/20-153 down to the last real line. |
| 3. Paste at the end of docRegistry.txt. Make sure there are 4 tab delimited columns. |
| 4. Repeat for any later years. |
| 5. NOTE: sometimes there are some glytches in the columns. Typically when there are multiple lines in a cell. You'll see that when a line doesn't start with L2/... In that case, fix the lines (typically by joining with previous line) |
| 6. *Note that the data files with the new emoji will not be generated until candidateData.txt has Status=Draft Candidate.* |
| 3. Run **{unicodetools/org/unicode/text}**/tools/GenerateEmoji.java |
| 1. For VM arguments see the section below. |
| 2. Sometimes the candidateData.txt file will be malformed, and you'll see some errors. Fix them. |
| 4. That will generate updated files in one of two places, according to the |
| setting Emoji.IS_BETA. |
| 1. **{unicode-draft}**/Public/emoji/**CURRENT**.0/\* |
| 2. **{unicode-draft}**/emoji/**charts-CURRENT**.0/\* |
| 2. **BETA VERSION** |
| 1. **{unicode-draft}**/Public/emoji/**NEXT.0**/\* |
| 2. **{unicode-draft}**/emoji/**charts-NEXT.0**/\* |
| 5. Special small versions of the charts are in corresponding directories like: |
| 1. **{unicode-draft}**/emoji/π΄charts-11.0/emoji-list.html |
| 6. Sanity-check data files, diffing against old files. |
| 1. Old data files will be in unicodetools/unicodetools/data/emoji/**CURRENT**.0/ |
| 2. New data files in **{unicode-draft}** |
| 3. If all looks good, copy the new data files into will go into unicodetools/unicodetools/data/emoji/**NEXT**.0/ |
| 7. If you are not doing this the first time: |
| 1. Sanity check the new charts (Don't use Eclipse diff for the big chart files: they are too big for it.) |
| 2. Copy them into https://github.com/unicode-org/emoji/tree/main/docs/emoji |
| 1. /**NEXT**.0/ |
| 2. /future/ |
| |
| |
| \[If New version\] |
| Some things will not be fixed yet, so you have to take a second pass. |
| |
| 1. Update emojiOrdering.txt |
| Diff unicodetools/src/main/resources/org/unicode/tools/emoji/emojiOrdering.txt with the new |
| unicodetools/data/emoji/**NEXT**/internal/emojiOrdering.txt |
| Copy in the new characters from internal/emojiOrdering.txt to emoji/emojiOrdering.txt. |
| **Don't** remove the sets of ZWJ sequences like π±ββ π±ββοΈ π±ββ π±ββοΈ π±π»ββ π±π»ββοΈ π±π»ββ π±π»ββοΈ π±πΌββ π±πΌββοΈ π±πΌββ π±πΌββοΈ π±π½ββ π±π½ββοΈ ; those are still needed. |
| |
| 2. Run GenerateEmoji.java again. |
| If you missed one of the new characters you will probably get an error in building the EmojiOrder. |
| This will update the generated files to have **NEXT** instead of E0.0. Example: |
| `` |
| 1F6DC ; Emoji # E0.0 [1] (π) wireless |
| becomes |
| `` |
| 1F6DC ; Emoji # E15.0 [1] (π) wireless |
| `` |
| It will also add the new characters to emoji-test.txt (they will be missing in the first pass.) |
| |
| 3. Copy over the data files again |
| From: **{unicode-draft}**/Public/emoji/**NEXT.0**/\* |
| To: unicodetools/unicodetools/data/emoji/**NEXT**.0/ |
| |
| 1. Go to step 7 above to copy the charts. |
| 2. |
| |
| ### CLDR |
| CLDR uses some files once the correct emoji-test.txt file is built. For details, see https://cldr.unicode.org/development/generate-emoji-paths |
| |
| ### GenerateEmoji: VM Arguments |
| |
| Eclipse > Debug Configurations > Arguments --> lower box "VM Arguments" |
| |
| In addition to the [regular VM arguments](../index.md) β |
| |
| Markus VM arguments for in-progress Unicode 13/emoji 13: |
| ``` |
| -Demoji-beta=true |
| ``` |
| |
| ## File Locations in the repo |
| |
| :construction: **TODO**: Work with Mark on working replacements for "draft" URLs. |
| |
| 1. https://www.unicode.org/draft/Public/emoji/X.0/* |
| 2. https://www.unicode.org/draft/emoji/charts-X.0/* |
| |
| ## Posting (Rick) |
| |
| Once you get the OK from Peter/Mark that the files look good, you can start the |
| rollout. |
| |
| 1. Get the announcement ready on the blog site, and let Peter/Mark know to |
| review. |
| 2. Post from the *File Locations in the repo* (see above) to the corresponding |
| public directories. |
| 1. https://www.unicode.org/emoji/charts-X.0/* |
| 1. skip internal directories |
| 2. you can copy the flag directories to a location for sanity checking. |
| 2. https://www.unicode.org/Public/emoji/X.0/ |
| 1. ReadMe.txt |
| 2. emoji-data.txt |
| 3. emoji-sequences.txt |
| 4. emoji-zwj-sequences.txt |
| 5. **(and others!)** |
| 3. https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr51/ |
| 1. tr51.html |
| 1. Copy up as a specific version, like tr51-13.html |
| 2. Also copy and rename to either **proposed.html** or to |
| **index.html**, depending on release status. |
| 2. images/\* |
| 3. Sanity check the files, now that they are on the regular web site, and in |
| the right locations. If there are serious problems, then notify Mark/Peter |
| 4. Otherwise you are golden, and you can post the announcement. |
| |
| ## Release Process (Rick) |
| |
| * Post the final files. Right now: |
| * we are doing emoji/charts, and Public/emoji early in the year |
| * tr51 sync'ed with the Unicode standard |
| * *That will change in 2019, when it will all be at the same time.* |
| * Modify **{unicode-draft}**/emoji/**X**.0/ReadMe.txt to remove the word |
| 'draft' (if not already done). |
| * Check that there is no "Ξ²" on the release charts, once posted, eg |
| * http://www.unicode.org/emoji/charts-11.0/ |
| * Change redirections. Examples below use 11.0, but it should be whatever is |
| current: |
| * https://www.unicode.org/emoji/charts/ β https://www.unicode.org/emoji/charts-11.0/ |
| * https://www.unicode.org/Public/emoji/latest/ β |
| https://www.unicode.org/Public/emoji/11.0/ |