| # UCA (UTS #10) |
| |
| ## DUCET |
| |
| For each new Unicode version, once the repertoire is final and |
| the character properties are pretty stable (coming up on the beta), |
| Ken inserts all of the new characters into the default sort order. |
| |
| For a few releases, he has documented his incremental progress with valuable notes |
| sent to the properties mailing list (formerly the ucd-dev list). |
| Markus has been taking the incremental file changes, and the notes, into this repo. |
| |
| See the history of commits that changed decomps.txt and allkeys.txt. |
| (We lost some of that history in the Unicode server crash of 2020.) |
| - For UCA 15.1 see https://github.com/unicode-org/unicodetools/pull/403 |
| - For UCA 15 see https://github.com/unicode-org/unicodetools/pull/246 |
| - For UCA 14 see https://github.com/unicode-org/unicodetools/pull/71 |
| - For the collection of notes for UCA 10 see ducet.md. |
| |
| ## Before generating |
| |
| (Same prerequisite as for [security data](../security.md).) |
| |
| First, in CLDR, update the script metadata: |
| https://cldr.unicode.org/development/updating-codes/updating-script-metadata |
| |
| We need the script “ID Usage” (e.g., Limited_Use) and script sample characters |
| for the CLDR/ICU FractionalUCA.txt data. |
| |
| ## Tools & tests |
| |
| 1. Note: This will only work after building the UCD files for this version. |
| Starting with Unicode 15, those files should always be in |
| https://github.com/unicode-org/unicodetools/tree/main/unicodetools/data/ucd/dev |
| 2. We also need the UCA/DUCET files in |
| https://github.com/unicode-org/unicodetools/tree/main/unicodetools/data/uca/dev |
| When they become first available for a new version, or when they are updated: |
| 1. We get the updated files from Ken, or we run the sifter tool, and |
| update the files in .../data/uca/dev. |
| 1. Download Ken's UCA files (allkeys.txt & decomps.txt). |
| 1. Update the input files for the UCA tools, at |
| {this repo}/unicodetools/data/uca/dev |
| 3. You will use `org.unicode.text.UCA.Main` as your main class. |
| Normally use the command-line options `writeCollationValidityLog ICU`. |
| Possible additional options (VM arguments): |
| - -DNODATE (suppresses date output, to avoid gratuitous diffs during |
| development) |
| - -DAUTHOR (suppresses only the author suffix from the date) |
| - -DAUTHOR=XYZ (sets the author suffix to " \[XYZ\]") |
| |
| Using the `writeCollationValidityLog` option tests whether the UCA files are valid. |
| It will create a file: `{Generated}/UCA/{version}/CheckCollationValidity.html` |
| 1. Review this file. It will list errors. Some of those are actually |
| warnings, and indicate possible problems (this is indicated in the text, |
| such as by: "These are not necessarily errors, but should be examined |
| for *possible* errors"). In those cases, the items should be reviewed to |
| make sure that there are no inadvertent problems. |
| 2. If it is not so marked, it is a true error, and must be fixed. |
| 3. At the end, there is section **11. Coverage**. There are two sections: |
| 1. In UCDxxx, but not in allkeys. Check this over to make sure that |
| these are all the characters that should get ***implicit*** weights. |
| 2. In allkeys, but not in UCD. These should be ***only*** contractions. |
| Check them over to make sure they look right also. |
| |
| (The `ICU` option also builds the files needed by CLDR & ICU, and tests additional aspects.) |
| |
| ### UCA for CLDR & ICU |
| |
| To build all the UCA files used by CLDR and ICU, use the option: |
| ``` |
| ICU |
| ``` |
| |
| They will be built into: |
| ``` |
| {Generated}/UCA/{version}/ |
| ``` |
| |
| Sometimes there are errors, and the tool stops with an exception, |
| especially the first time we run the tool for a new Unicode version. |
| |
| A common error is when we add a script (or just some additional characters) |
| to a group of scripts that share a compressible primary lead byte |
| in the CLDR/ICU FractionalUCA.txt data file, and |
| we now get too many primary weights for that lead byte. |
| Check the Console output for error messages. |
| (Sometimes the stdout/stderr output is out of order, |
| so an error message may not fit to its immediate surroundings.) |
| For example: |
| ``` |
| [76 F3 02] # Osage first primary |
| last weight: 76 F3 FE |
| [76 F5 02] # CANADIAN-ABORIGINAL first primary |
| error in class PrimaryWeight: overflow of compressible lead byte last weight: 77 0D ED |
| [77 0E 02] # OGHAM first primary |
| last weight: 77 0E B8 |
| ... |
| reordering group {Tale Talu Lana Cham Bali Java Mong Olck Cher Osge Cans Ogam} marked for compression but uses more than one lead byte 76..77 |
| ``` |
| |
| For that, read the comments in the PrimariesToFractional constructor and |
| adjust the code there that sets per-script collation “properties”. |
| In particular, look for existing adjustments with comments like |
| “Ancient script, avoid lead byte overflow.” |
| You may just need to change the script in one of these existing lines, |
| starting a new lead byte for an earlier script than in the previous version. |
| |
| Watch for new scripts that get precious two-byte primaries although |
| they have very small user communities. |
| Ensuring that they use three-byte primary weights also avoids lead byte overflows. |
| On the other hand, when a minor script is cased (has lowercase+uppercase forms), |
| then it may make sense to use two-byte primaries in order to minimize the |
| size of the binary ICU data file. (The tool should default to doing this.) |
| Judgment call. See Cherokee, Deseret, Osage, Vithkuqi for examples. |
| |
| After running the tool, diff the main mapping file and look for bad changes |
| (for example, more bytes per weight for common characters). |
| ``` |
| ~/unitools/mine/src$ sed -r -f ~/cldr/uni/src/tools/scripts/uca/blankweights.sed ~/cldr/uni/src/common/uca/FractionalUCA.txt > ../frac-14.0.txt |
| ~/unitools/mine/src$ sed -r -f ~/cldr/uni/src/tools/scripts/uca/blankweights.sed ../Generated/UCA/15.0.0/CollationAuxiliary/FractionalUCA.txt > ../frac-15.0.txt |
| ~/unitools/mine/src$ meld ../frac-14.0.txt ../frac-15.0.txt |
| ``` |
| |
| CLDR root data files are checked into $CLDR_SRC/common/uca/ |
| ``` |
| cp {Generated}/UCA/{version}/CollationAuxiliary/* $CLDR_SRC/common/uca/ |
| ``` |
| |
| See the [Unihan for CLDR](../unihan.md) page for generating new versions of |
| CJK collation tailorings and transliterator (transform) rules. |
| |
| > :point_right: **Note**: Some of the following is outdated. |
| > Markus has been keeping a |
| > [log of what he has been doing in the ICU repo](https://github.com/unicode-org/icu/blob/main/icu4c/source/data/unidata/changes.txt). |
| > Look there for the latest (top-most) section “collation: CLDR collation root, UCA DUCET”. |
| |
| ---- |
| |
| 1. NFSkippable |
| 1. Obsolete: ICU does not actually need/use this file any more. |
| 1. A file is needed by ICU that is generated with the same tool. Just use |
| the input parameter "NFSkippable" to generate the file NFSafeSets.txt. |
| This is also a default if you do the ICU files. |
| |
| 1. You should then build a set of the ICU files for the previous version, if |
| you don't have them. Use the options: |
| ``` |
| version 4.2.0 ICU |
| ``` |
| |
| Or whatever the last version was. |
| |
| 2. Now, you will want to compare versions. The key file is `UCA_Rules_NoCE.txt`. |
| It contains the rules expressed in ICU format, which |
| allows for comparison across versions of UCA without spurious variations of |
| the numbers getting in the way. |
| 1. Do a Diff between the last and current versions of these files, and |
| verify that all the differences are either new characters, or were |
| authorized to be changed by the UTC. |
| |
| Review the generated data; compare files, use |
| [blankweights.sed](https://github.com/unicode-org/cldr/blob/master/tools/scripts/uca/blankweights.sed) |
| or similar: |
| ``` |
| ~/unitools/mine/Generated$ sed -r -f ~/cldr/uni/src/tools/scripts/uca/blankweights.sed ~/cldr/uni/src/common/uca/FractionalUCA.txt > ../frac-9.txt |
| ~/unitools/mine/Generated$ sed -r -f ~/cldr/uni/src/tools/scripts/uca/blankweights.sed uca/10.0.0/CollationAuxiliary/FractionalUCA.txt > ../frac-10.txt && meld ../frac-9.txt ../frac-10.txt |
| ``` |
| |
| Copy all generated files to unicode.org for review & staging by Ken & editors. |
| |
| Once the files look good: |
| |
| * Make sure there is a CLDR ticket for the new UCA version. |
| * Create a branch for it. |
| * Copy the generated `CollationAuxiliary/*` files to the CLDR branch at `common/uca/` and commit for review. |
| ``` |
| ~/unitools/mine$ cp Generated/uca/15.0.0/CollationAuxiliary/* ~/cldr/uni/src/common/uca/ |
| ``` |
| Ignore files that were copied but are not version-controlled, that is, |
| `git status` shows a question mark status for them. |
| |
| ### UCA for previous version |
| |
| Some of the tools code only works with the latest UCD/UCA versions. When I |
| (Markus) worked on UCA 7 files while UCD/UCA 8 were under way, |
| I set `version 7.0.0` on the command line and made the following temporary |
| (not committed to the repository) code changes: |
| |
| ``` |
| Index: org/unicode/text/UCA/UCA.java |
| |
| =================================================================== |
| |
| --- org/unicode/text/UCA/UCA.java (revision 742) |
| |
| +++ org/unicode/text/UCA/UCA.java (working copy) |
| |
| @@ -1354,7 +1354,7 @@ |
| |
| {0x10FFFE}, |
| |
| {0x10FFFF}, |
| |
| {UCD_Types.CJK_A_BASE, UCD_Types.CJK_A_LIMIT}, |
| |
| - {UCD_Types.CJK_BASE, UCD_Types.CJK_LIMIT}, |
| |
| + {UCD_Types.CJK_BASE, 0x9FCC+1}, // TODO: restore for UCA 8.0! {UCD_Types.CJK_BASE, UCD_Types.CJK_LIMIT}, |
| |
| {0xAC00, 0xD7A3}, |
| |
| {0xA000, 0xA48C}, |
| |
| {0xE000, 0xF8FF}, |
| |
| @@ -1361,7 +1361,7 @@ |
| |
| {UCD_Types.CJK_B_BASE, UCD_Types.CJK_B_LIMIT}, |
| |
| {UCD_Types.CJK_C_BASE, UCD_Types.CJK_C_LIMIT}, |
| |
| {UCD_Types.CJK_D_BASE, UCD_Types.CJK_D_LIMIT}, |
| |
| - {UCD_Types.CJK_E_BASE, UCD_Types.CJK_E_LIMIT}, |
| |
| + // TODO: restore for UCA 8.0! {UCD_Types.CJK_E_BASE, UCD_Types.CJK_E_LIMIT}, |
| |
| {0xE0000, 0xE007E}, |
| |
| {0xF0000, 0xF00FD}, |
| |
| {0xFFF00, 0xFFFFD}, |
| |
| Index: org/unicode/text/UCD/UCD.java |
| |
| =================================================================== |
| |
| --- org/unicode/text/UCD/UCD.java (revision 743) |
| |
| +++ org/unicode/text/UCD/UCD.java (working copy) |
| |
| @@ -1345,7 +1345,7 @@ |
| |
| if (ch <= 0x9FCC && rCompositeVersion >= 0x60100) { |
| |
| return CJK_BASE; |
| |
| } |
| |
| - if (ch <= 0x9FD5 && rCompositeVersion >= 0x80000) { |
| |
| + if (ch <= 0x9FD5 && rCompositeVersion > 0x80000) { // TODO: restore ">=" when really going to 8.0! |
| |
| return CJK_BASE; |
| |
| } |
| |
| if (ch <= 0xAC00) |
| |
| Index: org/unicode/text/UCD/UCD_Types.java |
| |
| =================================================================== |
| |
| --- org/unicode/text/UCD/UCD_Types.java (revision 742) |
| |
| +++ org/unicode/text/UCD/UCD_Types.java (working copy) |
| |
| @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ |
| |
| // 4E00;<CJK Ideograph, First>;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;; |
| |
| // 9FD5;<CJK Ideograph, Last>;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;; |
| |
| CJK_BASE = 0x4E00, |
| |
| - CJK_LIMIT = 0x9FD5+1, |
| |
| + CJK_LIMIT = 0x9FCC+1, // TODO: restore for UCD 8.0! 0x9FD5+1, |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| ``` |
| |