blob: e1536193f957304a308b5637e8d5540d5c7c1ca5 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "env-inl.h"
#include "node_internals.h"
#include "node_process.h"
#include "async_wrap.h"
namespace node {
using v8::Context;
using v8::HandleScope;
using v8::Integer;
using v8::Isolate;
using v8::Local;
using v8::NewStringType;
using v8::Object;
using v8::String;
using v8::Value;
void RunAtExit(Environment* env) {
void AtExit(void (*cb)(void* arg), void* arg) {
auto env = Environment::GetThreadLocalEnv();
AtExit(env, cb, arg);
void AtExit(Environment* env, void (*cb)(void* arg), void* arg) {
env->AtExit(cb, arg);
void EmitBeforeExit(Environment* env) {
TraceEventScope trace_scope(TRACING_CATEGORY_NODE1(environment),
"BeforeExit", env);
if (!env->destroy_async_id_list()->empty())
HandleScope handle_scope(env->isolate());
Context::Scope context_scope(env->context());
Local<Value> exit_code_v;
if (!env->process_object()->Get(env->context(), env->exit_code_string())
.ToLocal(&exit_code_v)) return;
Local<Integer> exit_code;
if (!exit_code_v->ToInteger(env->context()).ToLocal(&exit_code)) return;
ProcessEmit(env, "beforeExit", exit_code).ToLocalChecked();
int EmitExit(Environment* env) {
// process.emit('exit')
HandleScope handle_scope(env->isolate());
Context::Scope context_scope(env->context());
Local<Object> process_object = env->process_object();
FIXED_ONE_BYTE_STRING(env->isolate(), "_exiting"),
Local<String> exit_code = env->exit_code_string();
int code = process_object->Get(env->context(), exit_code)
ProcessEmit(env, "exit", Integer::New(env->isolate(), code));
// Reload exit code, it may be changed by `emit('exit')`
return process_object->Get(env->context(), exit_code)
typedef void (*CleanupHook)(void* arg);
typedef void (*AsyncCleanupHook)(void* arg, void(*)(void*), void*);
struct AsyncCleanupHookInfo final {
Environment* env;
AsyncCleanupHook fun;
void* arg;
bool started = false;
// Use a self-reference to make sure the storage is kept alive while the
// cleanup hook is registered but not yet finished.
std::shared_ptr<AsyncCleanupHookInfo> self;
// Opaque type that is basically an alias for `shared_ptr<AsyncCleanupHookInfo>`
// (but not publicly so for easier ABI/API changes). In particular,
// std::shared_ptr does not generally maintain a consistent ABI even on a
// specific platform.
struct ACHHandle final {
std::shared_ptr<AsyncCleanupHookInfo> info;
// This is implemented as an operator on a struct because otherwise you can't
// default-initialize AsyncCleanupHookHandle, because in C++ for a
// std::unique_ptr to be default-initializable the deleter type also needs
// to be default-initializable; in particular, function types don't satisfy
// this.
void DeleteACHHandle::operator ()(ACHHandle* handle) const { delete handle; }
void AddEnvironmentCleanupHook(Isolate* isolate,
CleanupHook fun,
void* arg) {
Environment* env = Environment::GetCurrent(isolate);
env->AddCleanupHook(fun, arg);
void RemoveEnvironmentCleanupHook(Isolate* isolate,
CleanupHook fun,
void* arg) {
Environment* env = Environment::GetCurrent(isolate);
env->RemoveCleanupHook(fun, arg);
static void FinishAsyncCleanupHook(void* arg) {
AsyncCleanupHookInfo* info = static_cast<AsyncCleanupHookInfo*>(arg);
std::shared_ptr<AsyncCleanupHookInfo> keep_alive = info->self;
static void RunAsyncCleanupHook(void* arg) {
AsyncCleanupHookInfo* info = static_cast<AsyncCleanupHookInfo*>(arg);
info->started = true;
info->fun(info->arg, FinishAsyncCleanupHook, info);
AsyncCleanupHookHandle AddEnvironmentCleanupHook(
Isolate* isolate,
AsyncCleanupHook fun,
void* arg) {
Environment* env = Environment::GetCurrent(isolate);
auto info = std::make_shared<AsyncCleanupHookInfo>();
info->env = env;
info->fun = fun;
info->arg = arg;
info->self = info;
env->AddCleanupHook(RunAsyncCleanupHook, info.get());
return AsyncCleanupHookHandle(new ACHHandle { info });
void RemoveEnvironmentCleanupHook(
AsyncCleanupHookHandle handle) {
if (handle->info->started) return;
handle->info->env->RemoveCleanupHook(RunAsyncCleanupHook, handle->info.get());
async_id AsyncHooksGetExecutionAsyncId(Isolate* isolate) {
Environment* env = Environment::GetCurrent(isolate);
if (env == nullptr) return -1;
return env->execution_async_id();
async_id AsyncHooksGetTriggerAsyncId(Isolate* isolate) {
Environment* env = Environment::GetCurrent(isolate);
if (env == nullptr) return -1;
return env->trigger_async_id();
async_context EmitAsyncInit(Isolate* isolate,
Local<Object> resource,
const char* name,
async_id trigger_async_id) {
HandleScope handle_scope(isolate);
Local<String> type =
String::NewFromUtf8(isolate, name, NewStringType::kInternalized)
return EmitAsyncInit(isolate, resource, type, trigger_async_id);
async_context EmitAsyncInit(Isolate* isolate,
Local<Object> resource,
Local<String> name,
async_id trigger_async_id) {
DebugSealHandleScope handle_scope(isolate);
Environment* env = Environment::GetCurrent(isolate);
// Initialize async context struct
if (trigger_async_id == -1)
trigger_async_id = env->get_default_trigger_async_id();
async_context context = {
env->new_async_id(), // async_id_
trigger_async_id // trigger_async_id_
// Run init hooks
AsyncWrap::EmitAsyncInit(env, resource, name, context.async_id,
return context;
void EmitAsyncDestroy(Isolate* isolate, async_context asyncContext) {
EmitAsyncDestroy(Environment::GetCurrent(isolate), asyncContext);
void EmitAsyncDestroy(Environment* env, async_context asyncContext) {
AsyncWrap::EmitDestroy(env, asyncContext.async_id);
} // namespace node