blob: ecc53b0c2b0aa03bffe167184b8ed4f3205ba0f5 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "async_wrap.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
// Use FORCE_INLINE on functions that have a debug-category-enabled check first
// and then ideally only a single function call following it, to maintain
// performance for the common case (no debugging used).
#ifdef __GNUC__
#define FORCE_INLINE __attribute__((always_inline))
#define COLD_NOINLINE __attribute__((cold, noinline))
namespace node {
class Environment;
template <typename T>
inline std::string ToString(const T& value);
// C++-style variant of sprintf()/fprintf() that:
// - Returns an std::string
// - Handles \0 bytes correctly
// - Supports %p and %s. %d, %i and %u are aliases for %s.
// - Accepts any class that has a ToString() method for stringification.
template <typename... Args>
inline std::string SPrintF(const char* format, Args&&... args);
template <typename... Args>
inline void FPrintF(FILE* file, const char* format, Args&&... args);
void FWrite(FILE* file, const std::string& str);
// Listing the AsyncWrap provider types first enables us to cast directly
// from a provider type to a debug category.
enum class DebugCategory {
#define V(name) name,
#undef V
class EnabledDebugList {
bool enabled(DebugCategory category) const {
DCHECK_GE(static_cast<int>(category), 0);
return enabled_[static_cast<int>(category)];
// Uses NODE_DEBUG_NATIVE to initialize the categories. When env is not a
// nullptr, the environment variables set in the Environment are used.
// Otherwise the system environment variables are used.
void Parse(Environment* env);
// Set all categories matching cats to the value of enabled.
void Parse(const std::string& cats, bool enabled);
void set_enabled(DebugCategory category, bool enabled) {
DCHECK_GE(static_cast<int>(category), 0);
enabled_[static_cast<int>(category)] = true;
bool enabled_[static_cast<int>(DebugCategory::CATEGORY_COUNT)] = {false};
template <typename... Args>
inline void FORCE_INLINE Debug(EnabledDebugList* list,
DebugCategory cat,
const char* format,
Args&&... args);
inline void FORCE_INLINE Debug(EnabledDebugList* list,
DebugCategory cat,
const char* message);
template <typename... Args>
inline void FORCE_INLINE
Debug(Environment* env, DebugCategory cat, const char* format, Args&&... args);
inline void FORCE_INLINE Debug(Environment* env,
DebugCategory cat,
const char* message);
template <typename... Args>
inline void Debug(Environment* env,
DebugCategory cat,
const std::string& format,
Args&&... args);
// Used internally by the 'real' Debug(AsyncWrap*, ...) functions below, so that
// the FORCE_INLINE flag on them doesn't apply to the contents of this function
// as well.
// We apply COLD_NOINLINE to tell the compiler that it's not worth optimizing
// this function for speed and it should rather focus on keeping it out of
// hot code paths. In particular, we want to keep the string concatenating code
// out of the function containing the original `Debug()` call.
template <typename... Args>
void COLD_NOINLINE UnconditionalAsyncWrapDebug(AsyncWrap* async_wrap,
const char* format,
Args&&... args);
template <typename... Args>
inline void FORCE_INLINE Debug(AsyncWrap* async_wrap,
const char* format,
Args&&... args);
template <typename... Args>
inline void FORCE_INLINE Debug(AsyncWrap* async_wrap,
const std::string& format,
Args&&... args);
// Debug helper for inspecting the currently running `node` executable.
class NativeSymbolDebuggingContext {
static std::unique_ptr<NativeSymbolDebuggingContext> New();
class SymbolInfo {
std::string name;
std::string filename;
size_t line = 0;
size_t dis = 0;
std::string Display() const;
NativeSymbolDebuggingContext() = default;
virtual ~NativeSymbolDebuggingContext() = default;
virtual SymbolInfo LookupSymbol(void* address) { return {}; }
virtual bool IsMapped(void* address) { return false; }
virtual int GetStackTrace(void** frames, int count) { return 0; }
NativeSymbolDebuggingContext(const NativeSymbolDebuggingContext&) = delete;
NativeSymbolDebuggingContext(NativeSymbolDebuggingContext&&) = delete;
NativeSymbolDebuggingContext operator=(NativeSymbolDebuggingContext&)
= delete;
NativeSymbolDebuggingContext operator=(NativeSymbolDebuggingContext&&)
= delete;
static std::vector<std::string> GetLoadedLibraries();
// Variant of `uv_loop_close` that tries to be as helpful as possible
// about giving information on currently existing handles, if there are any,
// but still aborts the process.
void CheckedUvLoopClose(uv_loop_t* loop);
void PrintLibuvHandleInformation(uv_loop_t* loop, FILE* stream);
namespace per_process {
extern EnabledDebugList enabled_debug_list;
template <typename... Args>
inline void FORCE_INLINE Debug(DebugCategory cat,
const char* format,
Args&&... args);
inline void FORCE_INLINE Debug(DebugCategory cat, const char* message);
} // namespace per_process
} // namespace node
#endif // SRC_DEBUG_UTILS_H_