blob: e2e7b9d4430e3d42e52cc9116f642c4fd2869016 [file] [log] [blame] [view]
# How to get an issue triaged
* *V8 tracker*: Set the state to `Untriaged`
* *Chromium tracker*: Set the state to `Untriaged` and add the component `Blink>JavaScript`
# How to assign V8 issues in the Chromium tracker
Please move issues to the V8 specialty sheriffs queue of one of the
following categories:
* Memory: `component:blink>javascript status=Untriaged label:Performance-Memory`
* Will show up in [this]( query
* Stability: `status=available,untriaged component:Blink>JavaScript label:Stability -label:Clusterfuzz`
* Will show up in [this]( query
* No CC needed, will be triaged by a sheriff automatically
* Performance:
* Clusterfuzz: Set the bug to the following state:
* `label:ClusterFuzz component:Blink>JavaScript status:Untriaged`
* Will show up in [this]( query.
* No CC needed, will be triaged by a sheriff automatically
* Security: All security issues are triaged by Chromium Security sheriffs. Please use the security template to create a new bug:
If you need the attention of a sheriff, please consult the rotation information.
Use the component `Blink>JavaScript` on all issues.
**Please note that this only applies to issues tracked in the Chromium issue tracker.**