blob: 52cefe11942be0495dc549174fa28d6e7d2882c9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 Kevin Gillette. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package set
import "sort"
// The Op type can be used to represent any of the mutating functions, such
// as Inter.
type Op func(data sort.Interface, pivot int) (size int)
// Uniq swaps away duplicate elements in data, returning the size of the
// unique set. data is expected to be pre-sorted, and the resulting set in
// the range [0:size] will remain in sorted order. Uniq, following a
// sort.Sort call, can be used to prepare arbitrary inputs for use as sets.
func Uniq(data sort.Interface) (size int) {
p, l := 0, data.Len()
if l <= 1 {
return l
for i := 1; i < l; i++ {
if !data.Less(p, i) {
if p < i {
data.Swap(p, i)
return p + 1
// Inter performs an in-place intersection on the two sets [0:pivot] and
// [pivot:Len]; the resulting set will occupy [0:size]. Inter is both
// associative and commutative.
func Inter(data sort.Interface, pivot int) (size int) {
k, l := pivot, data.Len()
p, i, j := 0, 0, k
for i < k && j < l {
switch {
case data.Less(i, j):
case data.Less(j, i):
case p < i:
data.Swap(p, i)
p, i, j = p+1, i+1, j+1
return p
// Union performs an in-place union on the two sets [0:pivot] and
// [pivot:Len]; the resulting set will occupy [0:size]. Union is both
// associative and commutative.
func Union(data sort.Interface, pivot int) (size int) {
// BUG(extemporalgenome): Union currently uses a multi-pass implementation
return Uniq(data)
// Diff performs an in-place difference on the two sets [0:pivot] and
// [pivot:Len]; the resulting set will occupy [0:size]. Diff is neither
// associative nor commutative.
func Diff(data sort.Interface, pivot int) (size int) {
k, l := pivot, data.Len()
p, i, j := 0, 0, k
for i < k && j < l {
switch {
case data.Less(i, j):
if p < i {
data.Swap(p, i)
p, i = p+1, i+1
case data.Less(j, i):
i, j = i+1, j+1
return xcopy(data, p, i, k, k)
// SymDiff performs an in-place symmetric difference on the two sets
// [0:pivot] and [pivot:Len]; the resulting set will occupy [0:size].
// SymDiff is both associative and commutative.
func SymDiff(data sort.Interface, pivot int) (size int) {
// BUG(extemporalgenome): SymDiff currently uses a multi-pass implementation
i := Inter(data, pivot)
l := data.Len()
b := boundspan{data, span{i, l}}
size = Uniq(b)
slide(data, 0, i, size)
l = i + size
sort.Sort(boundspan{data, span{size, l}})
return Diff(data, size)