blob: 22327bbdae27ebf5b16e70ff6236b18f9de4a805 [file] [log] [blame]
package bencode
import (
func TestEncode(t *testing.T) {
type encodeTestCase struct {
in interface{}
out string
err bool
type eT struct {
A string
X string `bencode:"D"`
Y string `bencode:"B"`
Z string `bencode:"C"`
type sortProblem struct {
A string
B string `bencode:","`
type issue18Sub struct {
Name string
type issue18 struct {
T *issue18Sub
type Embedded struct {
B string
type issue22 struct {
Time myTimeType `bencode:"t"`
Foo myBoolType `bencode:"f"`
type issue22WithErrorChild struct {
Name string `bencode:"n"`
Error errorMarshalType `bencode:"e"`
type issue26 struct {
Answer int64 `bencode:"a"`
Foo myBoolTextType `bencode:"f"`
Name string `bencode:"n"`
type issue26WithErrorChild struct {
Name string `bencode:"n"`
Error errorTextMarshalType `bencode:"e"`
type issue28 struct {
X string `bencode:"x"`
Time *myTimeType `bencode:"t"`
Foo myBoolPtrType `bencode:"f"`
Y string `bencode:"y"`
now := time.Now()
var encodeCases = []encodeTestCase{
// integers
{10, `i10e`, false},
{-10, `i-10e`, false},
{0, `i0e`, false},
{int(10), `i10e`, false},
{int8(10), `i10e`, false},
{int16(10), `i10e`, false},
{int32(10), `i10e`, false},
{int64(10), `i10e`, false},
{uint(10), `i10e`, false},
{uint8(10), `i10e`, false},
{uint16(10), `i10e`, false},
{uint32(10), `i10e`, false},
{uint64(10), `i10e`, false},
{(*int)(nil), ``, false},
// ptr-to-integer
{func() *int {
i := 42
return &i
}(), `i42e`, false},
// strings
{"foo", `3:foo`, false},
{"barbb", `5:barbb`, false},
{"", `0:`, false},
{(*string)(nil), ``, false},
// ptr-to-string
{func() *string {
str := "foo"
return &str
}(), `3:foo`, false},
// lists
{[]interface{}{"foo", 20}, `l3:fooi20ee`, false},
{[]interface{}{90, 20}, `li90ei20ee`, false},
{[]interface{}{[]interface{}{"foo", "bar"}, 20}, `ll3:foo3:barei20ee`, false},
{"a": 0, "b": 1},
{"c": 2, "d": 3},
}, `ld1:ai0e1:bi1eed1:ci2e1:di3eee`, false},
[]byte{'0', '2', '4', '6', '8'},
[]byte{'a', 'c', 'e'},
}, `l5:024683:acee`, false},
{(*[]interface{})(nil), ``, false},
// boolean
{true, "i1e", false},
{false, "i0e", false},
{(*bool)(nil), ``, false},
// dicts
"a": "foo",
"c": "bar",
"b": "tes",
}, `d1:a3:foo1:b3:tes1:c3:bare`, false},
{eT{"foo", "bar", "far", "boo"}, `d1:A3:foo1:B3:far1:C3:boo1:D3:bare`, false},
"a": {0, 1},
"b": {2, 3},
}, `d1:ali0ei1ee1:bli2ei3eee`, false},
{struct{ A, b int }{1, 2}, "d1:Ai1ee", false},
{(*struct{ A int })(nil), ``, false},
// raw
{RawMessage(`i5e`), `i5e`, false},
}, `li5e5:helloldededeee`, false},
"a": RawMessage(`i5e`),
"b": RawMessage(`5:hello`),
"c": RawMessage(`ldededee`),
}, `d1:ai5e1:b5:hello1:cldededeee`, false},
// problem sorting
{sortProblem{A: "foo", B: "bar"}, `d1:A3:foo1:B3:bare`, false},
// nil values dropped from maps and structs
{map[string]*int{"a": nil}, `de`, false},
{struct{ A *int }{nil}, `de`, false},
{issue18{}, `de`, false},
{map[string]interface{}{"a": nil}, `de`, false},
{struct{ A interface{} }{nil}, `de`, false},
// embedded structs
{struct {
A string
}{"foo", Embedded{"bar"}}, `d1:A3:foo1:B3:bare`, false},
{struct {
A string
Embedded `bencode:"C"`
}{"foo", Embedded{"bar"}}, `d1:A3:foo1:Cd1:B3:baree`, false},
// embedded structs order issue #20
{struct {
A string
}{Embedded{"bar"}, "foo"}, `d1:A3:foo1:B3:bare`, false},
// types which implement the Marshal interface will
// be marshalled using this interface
{myBoolType(true), `1:y`, false},
{myBoolType(false), `1:n`, false},
{myTimeType{now}, fmt.Sprintf("i%de", now.Unix()), false},
{errorMarshalType{}, "", true},
// pointers to types which implement the Marshal interface will
// be marshalled using this interface
{func() *myBoolType {
b := myBoolType(true)
return &b
}(), `1:y`, false},
{func() *myTimeType {
t := myTimeType{now}
return &t
}(), fmt.Sprintf("i%de", now.Unix()), false},
{func() *errorMarshalType {
e := errorMarshalType{}
return &e
}(), "", true},
// nil-pointers to types which implement the Marshal interface will be ignored
{(*myBoolType)(nil), "", false},
{(*myTimeType)(nil), "", false},
{(*errorMarshalType)(nil), "", false},
// ptr-types which implements the Marshal interface will
// be marshalled using this interface
{func() *myBoolPtrType {
b := myBoolPtrType(true)
return &b
}(), `1:y`, false},
{func() *myBoolPtrType {
b := myBoolPtrType(false)
return &b
}(), `1:n`, false},
{(*myBoolPtrType)(nil), ``, false},
// structures can also have children which support
// the Marshal interface
issue22{Time: myTimeType{now}, Foo: myBoolType(true)},
fmt.Sprintf("d1:f1:y1:ti%dee", now.Unix()),
{ // an error will be returned if a child can't be marshalled
issue22WithErrorChild{Name: "Foo", Error: errorMarshalType{}},
"", true,
// structures passed by reference which have children that support
// the (Text)Marshal interface (by value or by reference),
// will be marshaled using that interface
&issue22{Time: myTimeType{now}, Foo: myBoolType(true)},
fmt.Sprintf("d1:f1:y1:ti%dee", now.Unix()),
{ // an error will be returned if a child can't be marshalled
&issue22WithErrorChild{Name: "Foo", Error: errorMarshalType{}},
"", true,
// types which implement the TextMarshal interface will
// be marshalled into a bencode string value using this interface
{myBoolTextType(true), `1:y`, false},
{myBoolTextType(false), `1:n`, false},
{errorTextMarshalType{}, "", true},
// structures can also have children which support
// the TextMarshal interface
issue26{Answer: 42, Foo: myBoolTextType(true), Name: "Nova"},
{ // an error will be returned if a child TextMarshaler returns an error
issue26WithErrorChild{Name: "Foo", Error: errorTextMarshalType{}},
"", true,
// ptr types which are used as value types,
// but which ptr version implement the Marshaler/TextMarshaler interface,
// will still get marshalling using this interface, when possible
&issue28{X: "x", Time: &myTimeType{now}, Foo: myBoolPtrType(true), Y: "y"},
fmt.Sprintf(`d1:f1:y1:ti%de1:x1:x1:y1:ye`, now.Unix()),
for i, tt := range encodeCases {
t.Logf("%d: %#v", i,
data, err := EncodeString(
if !tt.err && err != nil {
t.Errorf("#%d: Unexpected err: %v", i, err)
if tt.err && err == nil {
t.Errorf("#%d: Expected err is nil", i)
if tt.out != data {
t.Errorf("#%d: Val: %q != %q", i, data, tt.out)
type myBoolPtrType bool
// MarshalBencode implements Marshaler.MarshalBencode
func (mbt *myBoolPtrType) MarshalBencode() ([]byte, error) {
var c string
if *mbt {
c = "y"
} else {
c = "n"
return EncodeBytes(c)
// UnmarshalBencode implements Unmarshaler.UnmarshalBencode
func (mbt *myBoolPtrType) UnmarshalBencode(b []byte) error {
var str string
err := DecodeBytes(b, &str)
if err != nil {
return err
switch str {
case "y":
*mbt = true
case "n":
*mbt = false
err = errors.New("invalid myBoolType")
return err
func TestEncodeOmit(t *testing.T) {
type encodeTestCase struct {
in interface{}
out string
err bool
type eT struct {
A string `bencode:",omitempty"`
B int `bencode:",omitempty"`
C *int `bencode:",omitempty"`
var encodeCases = []encodeTestCase{
{eT{}, `de`, false},
{eT{A: "a"}, `d1:A1:ae`, false},
{eT{B: 5}, `d1:Bi5ee`, false},
{eT{C: new(int)}, `d1:Ci0ee`, false},
for i, tt := range encodeCases {
data, err := EncodeString(
if !tt.err && err != nil {
t.Errorf("#%d: Unexpected err: %v", i, err)
if tt.err && err == nil {
t.Errorf("#%d: Expected err is nil", i)
if tt.out != data {
t.Errorf("#%d: Val: %q != %q", i, data, tt.out)