blob: 2df0de00378761d819c8ed65c8225cf0bf028c1a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Tests the throttle.
#include "google/cacheinvalidation/deps/googletest.h"
#include "google/cacheinvalidation/impl/proto-helpers.h"
#include "google/cacheinvalidation/impl/throttle.h"
#include "google/cacheinvalidation/test/deterministic-scheduler.h"
#include "google/cacheinvalidation/test/test-logger.h"
namespace invalidation {
class ThrottleTest : public testing::Test {
ThrottleTest() : call_count_(0) {}
virtual ~ThrottleTest() {}
// Increments the call count.
void IncrementCounter() {
// Increments the call count and checks state to ensure that rate limits are
// being observed.
void IncrementAndCheckRateLimits() {
// Increment the call count.
// Check that we haven't been called within the last one second.
Time now = scheduler_->GetCurrentTime();
ASSERT_TRUE((now - last_call_time_) >= TimeDelta::FromSeconds(1));
// Update the last time we were called to now.
last_call_time_ = now;
// Check that enough time has passed to allow the number of calls we've
// received.
Time min_time = start_time_ + TimeDelta::FromMinutes(
(call_count_ - 1) / kMessagesPerMinute);
ASSERT_TRUE(min_time <= now);
void SetUp() {
logger_.reset(new TestLogger());
scheduler_.reset(new DeterministicScheduler(logger_.get()));
start_time_ = scheduler_->GetCurrentTime();
call_count_ = 0;
last_call_time_ = Time() - TimeDelta::FromHours(1);
ProtoHelpers::InitRateLimitP(1000, kMessagesPerSecond, rate_limits_.Add());
ProtoHelpers::InitRateLimitP(60 * 1000, kMessagesPerMinute,
int call_count_;
Time start_time_;
Time last_call_time_;
scoped_ptr<DeterministicScheduler> scheduler_;
scoped_ptr<Logger> logger_;
RepeatedPtrField<RateLimitP> rate_limits_;
static const int kMessagesPerSecond;
static const int kMessagesPerMinute;
const int ThrottleTest::kMessagesPerSecond = 1;
const int ThrottleTest::kMessagesPerMinute = 6;
/* Make a throttler similar to what we expect the Ticl to use and check that it
* behaves as expected when called at a number of specific times. More
* specifically:
* 1. Check that the first call to Fire() triggers a call immediately.
* 2. Subsequent calls within the next one second don't trigger any calls.
* 3. After one second, one (and only one) buffered call is triggered.
* 4. If we Fire() slowly, each will trigger an immediate call until we reach
* the per-minute rate limit.
* 5. However, after a minute, another call i.
TEST_F(ThrottleTest, ThrottlingScripted) {
Closure* listener =
NewPermanentCallback(this, &ThrottleTest::IncrementCounter);
scoped_ptr<Throttle> throttle(
new Throttle(rate_limits_, scheduler_.get(), listener));
// The first time we fire(), it should call right away.
ASSERT_EQ(1, call_count_);
// However, if we now fire() a bunch more times within one second, there
// should be no more calls to the listener ...
TimeDelta short_interval = TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(80);
int fire_count = 10;
ASSERT_TRUE(short_interval * fire_count < TimeDelta::FromSeconds(1));
for (int i = 0; i < fire_count; ++i) {
ASSERT_EQ(1, call_count_);
// Time since first event is now fireCount * intervalBetweenFires, i.e., 800.
// ... until the short throttle interval passes, at which time it should be
// called once more.
start_time_ + TimeDelta::FromSeconds(1) - scheduler_->GetCurrentTime());
ASSERT_EQ(2, call_count_);
// However, the prior fire() calls don't get queued up, so no more calls to
// the listener will occur unless we fire() again.
ASSERT_EQ(2, call_count_);
// At this point, we've fired twice within a few seconds. We can fire
// (kMessagesPerMinute - 2) more times within a minute until we get
// throttled.
TimeDelta long_interval = TimeDelta::FromSeconds(3);
for (int i = 0; i < kMessagesPerMinute - 2; ++i) {
ASSERT_EQ(3 + i, call_count_);
ASSERT_EQ(3 + i, call_count_);
// Now we've sent kMessagesPerMinute times. If we fire again, nothing should
// happen.
ASSERT_EQ(kMessagesPerMinute, call_count_);
// Now if we fire slowly, we still shouldn't make calls, since we'd violate
// the larger rate limit interval.
int fire_attempts =
((start_time_ + TimeDelta::FromMinutes(1) - scheduler_->GetCurrentTime())
/ long_interval) - 1;
// This value should be 20.
for (int i = 0; i < fire_attempts; ++i) {
ASSERT_EQ(kMessagesPerMinute, call_count_);
Time time_to_send_again = start_time_ + TimeDelta::FromMinutes(1);
scheduler_->PassTime(time_to_send_again - scheduler_->GetCurrentTime());
ASSERT_EQ(kMessagesPerMinute + 1, call_count_);
/* Test that if we keep calling fire() every millisecond, we never violate the
* rate limits, and the expected number of total events is allowed through.
TEST_F(ThrottleTest, ThrottlingStorm) {
Closure* listener =
NewPermanentCallback(this, &ThrottleTest::IncrementAndCheckRateLimits);
// Throttler allowing one call per second and six per minute.
scoped_ptr<Throttle> throttle(
new Throttle(rate_limits_, scheduler_.get(), listener));
// For five minutes, call Fire() every ten milliseconds, and make sure the
// rate limits are respected.
TimeDelta fine_interval = TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(10);
int duration_minutes = 5;
TimeDelta duration = TimeDelta::FromMinutes(duration_minutes);
int num_iterations = duration / fine_interval;
for (int i = 0; i < num_iterations; ++i) {
// Expect kMessagesPerMinute to be sent per minute for duration_minutes, plus
// one extra because we end on the precise boundary at which the next message
// is allowed to be sent.
ASSERT_EQ((kMessagesPerMinute * duration_minutes) + 1, call_count_);
} // namespace invalidation