blob: cbe45e216f859af533760bb0fda108dff318e082 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Unit tests for the RecurringTask class.
#include "google/cacheinvalidation/client_test_internal.pb.h"
#include "google/cacheinvalidation/deps/googletest.h"
#include "google/cacheinvalidation/deps/random.h"
#include "google/cacheinvalidation/deps/string_util.h"
#include "google/cacheinvalidation/impl/recurring-task.h"
#include "google/cacheinvalidation/test/deterministic-scheduler.h"
#include "google/cacheinvalidation/test/test-logger.h"
#include "google/cacheinvalidation/test/test-utils.h"
namespace invalidation {
class RecurringTaskTest;
/* A Test task that tracks how many times it has been called and returns
* true when the number of times, it has been called is less than the expected
* number.
class TestTask : public RecurringTask {
/* Initial delay used by the TestTask. */
static TimeDelta initial_delay;
/* Timeout delay used by the TestTask. */
static TimeDelta timeout_delay;
/* Creates a test task.
* |scheduler| Scheduler for the scheduling the task as needed.
* |logger| A logger.
* |smearer| For spreading/randomizing the delays.
* |delay_generator| An exponential backoff generator for task retries (if
* any).
* |test_name| The name of the current test.
* |max_runs| Maximum number of runs that are allowed.
* Space for all the objects with pointers is owned by the caller.
TestTask(Scheduler* scheduler, Logger* logger, Smearer* smearer,
ExponentialBackoffDelayGenerator* delay_generator,
const string& test_name, int max_runs)
: RecurringTask(test_name, scheduler, logger, smearer, delay_generator,
initial_delay, timeout_delay),
logger_(logger) {
virtual ~TestTask() {}
// The actual implementation as required by the RecurringTask.
virtual bool RunTask() {
TLOG(logger_, INFO, "(%d) Task running: %d",
scheduler_->GetCurrentTime().ToInternalValue(), current_runs);
return current_runs < max_runs_;
/* The number of times that the task has been run. */
int current_runs;
/* Maximum number of runs that are allowed. */
int max_runs_;
/* Scheduler for the task. */
Scheduler* scheduler_;
/* A logger. */
Logger* logger_;
// Tests the basic functionality of the RecurringTask abstraction.
class RecurringTaskTest : public testing::Test {
virtual ~RecurringTaskTest() {}
// Performs setup for RecurringTask test.
virtual void SetUp() {
// Initialize values that are really constants.
initial_exp_backoff_delay = TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(100);
TestTask::initial_delay = TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(10);
TestTask::timeout_delay = TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(50);
end_of_test_delay = 1000 * TestTask::timeout_delay;
// Initialize state for every test.
random.reset(new FakeRandom(0.99)); // The test expects a value close to 1.
logger.reset(new TestLogger());
scheduler.reset(new SimpleDeterministicScheduler(logger.get()));
smearer.reset(new Smearer(random.get(), 0));
delay_generator = new ExponentialBackoffDelayGenerator(
random.get(), initial_exp_backoff_delay, kMaxExpBackoffFactor);
/* Maximum delay factory used by the ExponentialBackoffDelayGenerator. */
static const int kMaxExpBackoffFactor;
/* Default number of runs that runTask is called in TestTask. */
static const int kDefaultNumRuns;
/* Initial delay used by the ExponentialBackoffDelayGenerator. */
static TimeDelta initial_exp_backoff_delay;
/* A long time delay that the scheduler is run for at the end of the test. */
static TimeDelta end_of_test_delay;
// Test state maintained for every test.
// A logger.
scoped_ptr<Logger> logger;
// Deterministic scheduler for careful scheduling of the tasks.
scoped_ptr<DeterministicScheduler> scheduler;
// For randomizing delays.
scoped_ptr<Smearer> smearer;
// A random number generator that always generates 1.
scoped_ptr<Random> random;
// A delay generator (if used in the test). Not a scoped_ptr since it ends
// up being owned by the RecurringTask.
ExponentialBackoffDelayGenerator* delay_generator;
// Definitions for the static variables.
TimeDelta TestTask::initial_delay;
TimeDelta TestTask::timeout_delay;
TimeDelta RecurringTaskTest::initial_exp_backoff_delay;
TimeDelta RecurringTaskTest::end_of_test_delay;
const int RecurringTaskTest::kMaxExpBackoffFactor = 10;
const int RecurringTaskTest::kDefaultNumRuns = 8;
/* Tests a task that is run periodically at regular intervals (not exponential
* backoff).
TEST_F(RecurringTaskTest, PeriodicTask) {
/* Create a periodic task and pass time - make sure that the task runs exactly
* the number of times as expected.
TestTask task(scheduler.get(), logger.get(), smearer.get(), NULL,
"PeriodicTask", kDefaultNumRuns);
TimeDelta delay = TestTask::initial_delay + TestTask::timeout_delay;
// Pass time so that the task is run kDefaultNumRuns times.
// First time, the task is scheduled after initial_delay. Then for
// numRuns - 1, it is scheduled after a delay of
// initial_delay + timeout_delay.
scheduler->PassTime(TestTask::initial_delay +
((kDefaultNumRuns - 1) * delay));
ASSERT_EQ(kDefaultNumRuns, task.current_runs);
// Check that the passage of more time does not cause any more runs.
ASSERT_EQ(kDefaultNumRuns, task.current_runs);
delete delay_generator;
/* Tests a task that is run periodically at regular intervals with
* exponential backoff.
TEST_F(RecurringTaskTest, ExponentialBackoffTask) {
/* Create a periodic task and pass time - make sure that the task runs
* exactly the number of times as expected.
TestTask task(scheduler.get(), logger.get(), smearer.get(),
delay_generator, "ExponentialBackoffTask", kDefaultNumRuns);
// Pass enough time so that exactly one event runs, two events run etc.
ASSERT_EQ(1, task.current_runs);
scheduler->PassTime(TestTask::timeout_delay + initial_exp_backoff_delay);
ASSERT_EQ(2, task.current_runs);
TestTask::timeout_delay + (2 * initial_exp_backoff_delay));
ASSERT_EQ(3, task.current_runs);
TestTask::timeout_delay + (4 * initial_exp_backoff_delay));
ASSERT_EQ(4, task.current_runs);
// Check that the passage of more time does not cause any more runs.
ASSERT_EQ(kDefaultNumRuns, task.current_runs);
/* Tests a one-shot task (i.e. no repetition) that is run twice. */
TEST_F(RecurringTaskTest, OneShotTask) {
/* Create a no-repeating task and pass time - make sure that the task runs
* exactly once. Run it again - and make sure it is run again.
// Call ensureScheduled multiple times; ensure that the event is not scheduled
// multiple times.
TestTask task(scheduler.get(), logger.get(), smearer.get(),
delay_generator, "OneShotTask", 1);
// Pass enough time so that exactly one event runs.
ASSERT_EQ(1, task.current_runs);
// Pass enough time so that exactly another event runs.
ASSERT_EQ(2, task.current_runs);
// Check that the passage of more time does not cause any more runs.
ASSERT_EQ(2, task.current_runs);
} // namespace invalidation