blob: ee87857bd334a807c133af446c73f8fc990c70f4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
namespace google\appengine\api\cloud_storage;
use google\appengine\BlobstoreServiceError\ErrorCode;
use google\appengine\CreateEncodedGoogleStorageKeyRequest;
use google\appengine\CreateEncodedGoogleStorageKeyResponse;
use google\appengine\CreateUploadURLRequest;
use google\appengine\CreateUploadURLResponse;
use google\appengine\ImagesDeleteUrlBaseRequest;
use google\appengine\ImagesDeleteUrlBaseResponse;
use google\appengine\ImagesGetUrlBaseRequest;
use google\appengine\ImagesGetUrlBaseResponse;
use google\appengine\ImagesServiceError;
use google\appengine\files\GetDefaultGsBucketNameRequest;
use google\appengine\files\GetDefaultGsBucketNameResponse;
use google\appengine\runtime\ApiProxy;
use google\appengine\runtime\ApplicationError;
use google\appengine\util as util;
require_once 'google/appengine/api/blobstore/blobstore_service_pb.php';
require_once 'google/appengine/api/cloud_storage/CloudStorageException.php';
require_once 'google/appengine/api/files/file_service_pb.php';
require_once 'google/appengine/api/images/images_service_pb.php';
require_once 'google/appengine/runtime/ApiProxy.php';
require_once 'google/appengine/runtime/ApplicationError.php';
require_once 'google/appengine/util/array_util.php';
* CloudStorageTools allows the user to create and serve data with
* <a href="">Google Cloud Storage
* </a>.
final class CloudStorageTools {
const GS_PREFIX = 'gs://';
const BLOB_KEY_HEADER = "X-AppEngine-BlobKey";
const BLOB_RANGE_HEADER = "X-AppEngine-BlobRange";
* The list of options that can be supplied to createUploadUrl.
* @see CloudStorageTools::createUploadUrl()
* @var array
private static $create_upload_url_options = ['gs_bucket_name',
'max_bytes_per_blob', 'max_bytes_total'];
* The list of options that can be suppied to serve.
* @var array
private static $serve_options = ['content_type', 'save_as', 'start', 'end',
private static $get_image_serving_url_default_options = [
'crop' => false,
'secure_url' => false,
'size' => null,
* Workaround for the 'Cannot modify header information' problem when
* trying to send headers from unit tests. If set, then $send_header is
* expected to be a closure that accepts a key, value pair where key is the
* header name, and value is the header value.
static private $send_header = null;
* Create an absolute URL that can be used by a user to asynchronously upload
* a large blob. Upon completion of the upload, a callback is made to the
* specified URL.
* @param string $success_path A relative URL which will be invoked after the
* user successfully uploads a blob.
* @param mixed[] $options A key value pair array of upload options. Valid
* options are:<ul>
* <li>'max_bytes_per_blob': integer The value of the largest size that any
* one uploaded blob may be. Default value: unlimited.
* <li>'max_bytes_total': integer The value that is the total size that sum of
* all uploaded blobs may be. Default value: unlimited.
* <li>'gs_bucket_name': string The name of a Google Cloud Storage
* bucket that the blobs should be uploaded to. Not specifying a value
* will result in the blob being uploaded to the application's default
* bucket.
* </ul>
* @return string The upload URL.
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException If $success_path is not valid, or one of
* the options is not valid.
* @throws CloudStorageException Thrown when there is a failure using the
* blobstore service.
public static function createUploadUrl($success_path, $options = array()) {
$req = new CreateUploadURLRequest();
$resp = new CreateUploadURLResponse();
if (!is_string($success_path)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('$success_path must be a string');
if (array_key_exists('max_bytes_per_blob', $options)) {
$val = $options['max_bytes_per_blob'];
if (!is_int($val)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
'max_bytes_per_blob must be an integer');
if ($val < 1) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
'max_bytes_per_blob must be positive.');
if (array_key_exists('max_bytes_total', $options)) {
$val = $options['max_bytes_total'];
if (!is_int($val)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
'max_bytes_total must be an integer');
if ($val < 1) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
'max_bytes_total must be positive.');
if (array_key_exists('gs_bucket_name', $options)) {
$val = $options['gs_bucket_name'];
if (!is_string($val)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('gs_bucket_name must be a string');
} else {
$bucket = self::getDefaultGoogleStorageBucketName();
if (!$bucket) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
'Application does not have a default Cloud Storage Bucket, ' .
'gs_bucket_name must be specified');
$extra_options = array_diff(array_keys($options),
if (!empty($extra_options)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid options supplied: ' .
implode(',', $extra_options));
try {
ApiProxy::makeSyncCall('blobstore', 'CreateUploadURL', $req, $resp);
} catch (ApplicationError $e) {
throw self::applicationErrorToException($e);
return $resp->getUrl();
* Returns a URL that serves an image.
* @param string $gs_filename The name of the Google Cloud Storage object to
* serve. In the format gs://bucket_name/object_name
* @param mixed[] $options Array of additional options for serving the object.
* Valid options are:
* <ul>
* <li>'crop': boolean Whether the image should be cropped. If set to true, a
* size must also be supplied. Default value: false.
* <li>'secure_url': boolean Whether to request an https URL. Default value:
* false.
* <li>'size': integer The size of the longest dimension of the resulting
* image. Size must be in the range 0 to 1600, with 0 specifying the size of
* the original image. The aspect ratio is preserved unless 'crop' is
* specified.
* </ul>
* @return string The image serving URL.
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException if any of the arguments are not valid.
* @throws CloudStorageException If there was a problem contacting the
* service.
public static function getImageServingUrl($gs_filename, $options = []) {
$blob_key = self::createGsKey($gs_filename);
if (!is_array($options)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('$options must be an array. ' .
'Actual type: ' . gettype($options));
$extra_options = array_diff(array_keys($options), array_keys(
if (!empty($extra_options)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid options supplied: ' .
implode(',', $extra_options));
$options = array_merge(self::$get_image_serving_url_default_options,
# Validate options.
if (!is_bool($options['crop'])) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
'$options[\'crop\'] must be a boolean. ' .
'Actual type: ' . gettype($options['crop']));
if ($options['crop'] && is_null($options['size'])) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
'$options[\'size\'] must be set because $options[\'crop\'] is true.');
if (!is_null($options['size'])) {
$size = $options['size'];
if (!is_int($size)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
'$options[\'size\'] must be an integer. ' .
'Actual type: ' . gettype($size));
if ($size < 0 || $size > self::MAX_IMAGE_SERVING_SIZE) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
'$options[\'size\'] must be >= 0 and <= ' .
self::MAX_IMAGE_SERVING_SIZE . '. Actual value: ' . $size);
if (!is_bool($options['secure_url'])) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
'$options[\'secure_url\'] must be a boolean. ' .
'Actual type: ' . gettype($options['secure_url']));
$req = new ImagesGetUrlBaseRequest();
$resp = new ImagesGetUrlBaseResponse();
try {
} catch (ApplicationError $e) {
throw self::imagesApplicationErrorToException($e);
$url = $resp->getUrl();
if (!is_null($options['size'])) {
$url .= ('=s' . $options['size']);
if ($options['crop']) {
$url .= '-c';
return $url;
* Deletes an image serving URL that was created using getImageServingUrl.
* @param string $gs_filename The name of the Google Cloud Storage object
* that has an existing URL to delete. In the format
* gs://bucket_name/object_name
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException if any of the arguments are not valid.
* @throws CloudStorageException If there was a problem contacting the
* service.
public static function deleteImageServingUrl($gs_filename) {
$blob_key = self::createGsKey($gs_filename);
$req = new ImagesDeleteUrlBaseRequest();
$resp = new ImagesDeleteUrlBaseResponse();
try {
} catch (ApplicationError $e) {
throw self::imagesApplicationErrorToException($e);
* Create a blob key for a Google Cloud Storage file.
* @param string $filename The google cloud storage filename, in the format
* gs://bucket_name/object_name
* @return string A blob key for this filename that can be used in other API
* calls.
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException if the filename is not in the correct
* format.
* @throws CloudStorageException If there was a problem contacting the
* service.
* @deprecated This method will be made private in the next version.
private static function createGsKey($filename) {
if (!is_string($filename)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('filename must be a string. ' .
'Actual type: ' . gettype($filename));
$gs_prefix_len = strlen(self::GS_PREFIX);
if (strncmp($filename, self::GS_PREFIX, $gs_prefix_len) != 0) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
sprintf('filename must start with the prefix %s.', self::GS_PREFIX));
$gs_filename = substr($filename, $gs_prefix_len);
if (!strpos($gs_filename, "/")) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
'filename not in the format gs://bucket_name/object_name.');
$gs_filename = sprintf('/gs/%s', $gs_filename);
$request = new CreateEncodedGoogleStorageKeyRequest();
$response = new CreateEncodedGoogleStorageKeyResponse();
try {
} catch (ApplicationError $e) {
throw self::applicationErrorToException($e);
return $response->getBlobKey();
* Serve a Google Cloud Storage file as the response.
* @param string $gs_filename The name of the Google Cloud Storage object to
* serve.
* @param mixed[] $options Array of additional options for serving the object.
* <ul>
* <li>'content_type': string Content-Type to override when known.
* <li>'save_as': boolean If True then send the file as an attachment.
* <li>'start': int Start index of content-range to send.
* <li>'end': int End index of content-range to send. End index is
* inclusive.
* <li>'use_range': boolean Use provided content range from the request's
* Range header. Mutually exclusive with start and end.
* </ul>
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException If invalid options are supplied.
public static function serve($gs_filename, $options = []) {
$extra_options = array_diff(array_keys($options), self::$serve_options);
if (!empty($extra_options)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid options supplied: ' .
implode(',', $extra_options));
// Determine the range to send
$start = util\findByKeyOrNull($options, "start");
$end = util\findByKeyOrNull($options, "end");
$use_range = util\findByKeyOrNull($options, "use_range");
$request_range_header = util\findByKeyOrNull($_SERVER, "HTTP_RANGE");
$range_header = self::checkRanges($start,
$save_as = util\findByKeyOrNull($options, "save_as");
if (isset($save_as) && !is_string($save_as)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Unexpected value for save_as.");
$blob_key = self::createGsKey($gs_filename);
self::sendHeader(self::BLOB_KEY_HEADER, $blob_key);
if (isset($range_header)) {
self::sendHeader(self::BLOB_RANGE_HEADER, $range_header);
$content_type = util\findByKeyOrNull($options, "content_type");
if (isset($content_type)) {
self::sendHeader("Content-Type", $content_type);
if (isset($save_as)) {
self::sendHeader("Content-Disposition", sprintf(
"attachment; filename=%s", $save_as));
* Return the name of the default Google Cloud Storage bucket for the
* application, if one has been configured.
* @return string The bucket name, or an empty string if no bucket has been
* configured.
public static function getDefaultGoogleStorageBucketName() {
$request = new GetDefaultGsBucketNameRequest();
$response = new GetDefaultGsBucketNameResponse();
return $response->getDefaultGsBucketName();
* This function is used for unit testing only, it allows replacement of the
* send_header function that is used to set headers on the response.
* @param mixed $new_header_func The function to use to set response headers.
* Set to null to use the inbuilt PHP method header().
public static function setSendHeaderFunction($new_header_func) {
self::$send_header = $new_header_func;
* @access private
private static function applicationErrorToException($error) {
switch($error->getApplicationError()) {
case ErrorCode::URL_TOO_LONG:
return new \InvalidArgumentException(
'The upload URL supplied was too long.');
return new CloudStorageException('Permission Denied');
return new \InvalidArgumentException($error->getMessage());
return new CloudStorageException(
'Error Code: ' . $error->getApplicationError());
* @access private
private static function imagesApplicationErrorToException($error) {
switch($error->getApplicationError()) {
case ImagesServiceError\ErrorCode::UNSPECIFIED_ERROR:
return new CloudStorageException('Unspecified error with image.');
case ImagesServiceError\ErrorCode::BAD_TRANSFORM_DATA:
return new CloudStorageException('Bad image transform data.');
case ImagesServiceError\ErrorCode::NOT_IMAGE:
return new CloudStorageException('Not an image.');
case ImagesServiceError\ErrorCode::BAD_IMAGE_DATA:
return new CloudStorageException('Bad image data.');
case ImagesServiceError\ErrorCode::IMAGE_TOO_LARGE:
return new CloudStorageException('Image too large.');
case ImagesServiceError\ErrorCode::INVALID_BLOB_KEY:
return new CloudStorageException('Invalid blob key for image.');
case ImagesServiceError\ErrorCode::ACCESS_DENIED:
return new CloudStorageException('Access denied to image.');
case ImagesServiceError\ErrorCode::OBJECT_NOT_FOUND:
return new CloudStorageException('Image object not found.');
return new CloudStorageException(
'Images Error Code: ' . $error->getApplicationError());
* @access private
private static function checkRanges($start, $end, $use_range, $range_header) {
if ($end && !$start) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
"May not specify an end range value without a start value.");
$use_indexes = isset($start);
if ($use_indexes) {
if (isset($end)) {
if ($start > $end) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
"Start range (%d) cannot be greater than the end range (%d).",
if ($start < 0) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
sprintf("The start range (%d) cannot be less than 0.", $start));
$range_indexes = self::serializeRange($start, $end);
// If both headers and index parameters are in use they must be the same.
if ($use_range && $use_indexes) {
if (strcmp($range_header, $range_indexes) != 0) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
sprintf("May not provide non-equivalent range indexes and " .
"range headers: (header) %s != (indexes) %s.",
if ($use_range && isset($range_header)) {
return $range_header;
} else if ($use_indexes) {
return $range_indexes;
} else {
return null;
* @access private
private static function serializeRange($start, $end) {
if ($start < 0) {
$range_str = sprintf('%d', $start);
} else if (!isset($end)) {
$range_str = sprintf("%d-", $start);
} else {
$range_str = sprintf("%d-%d", $start, $end);
return sprintf("bytes=%s", $range_str);
* @access private
private static function sendHeader($key, $value) {
if (isset(self::$send_header)) {
call_user_func(self::$send_header, $key, $value);
} else {
header(sprintf("%s: %s", $key, $value));