blob: a1b03ffb3f911c80021500830f777a5136371836 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# limitations under the License.
"""Document matcher for Full Text Search API stub.
DocumentMatcher provides an approximation of the Full Text Search API's query
import logging
from google.appengine.datastore import document_pb
from google.appengine._internal.antlr3 import tree
from import query_parser
from import QueryParser
from import search_util
from import simple_tokenizer
from import tokens
MSEC_PER_DAY = 86400000
class ExpressionTreeException(Exception):
"""An error occurred while analyzing/translating the expression parse tree."""
def __init__(self, msg):
Exception.__init__(self, msg)
class DocumentMatcher(object):
"""A class to match documents with a query."""
def __init__(self, query, inverted_index):
self._query = query
self._inverted_index = inverted_index
self._parser = simple_tokenizer.SimpleTokenizer()
def _PostingsForToken(self, token):
"""Returns the postings for the token."""
return self._inverted_index.GetPostingsForToken(token)
def _PostingsForFieldToken(self, field, value):
"""Returns postings for the value occurring in the given field."""
value = simple_tokenizer.NormalizeString(value)
return self._PostingsForToken(
tokens.Token(chars=value, field_name=field))
def _MatchPhrase(self, field, match, document):
"""Match a textual field with a phrase query node."""
field_text = field.value().string_value()
phrase_text = query_parser.GetPhraseQueryNodeText(match)
if field.value().type() == document_pb.FieldValue.ATOM:
return (field_text == phrase_text)
phrase = self._parser.TokenizeText(phrase_text)
field_text = self._parser.TokenizeText(field_text)
if not phrase:
return True
posting = None
for post in self._PostingsForFieldToken(, phrase[0].chars):
if post.doc_id ==
posting = post
if not posting:
return False
def ExtractWords(token_list):
return (token.chars for token in token_list)
for position in posting.positions:
match_words = zip(ExtractWords(field_text[position:]),
if len(match_words) != len(phrase):
match = True
for doc_word, match_word in match_words:
if doc_word != match_word:
match = False
if match:
return True
return False
def _MatchTextField(self, field, match, document):
"""Check if a textual field matches a query tree node."""
if match.getType() == QueryParser.VALUE:
if query_parser.IsPhrase(match):
return self._MatchPhrase(field, match, document)
if field.value().type() == document_pb.FieldValue.ATOM:
return (field.value().string_value() ==
query_tokens = self._parser.TokenizeText(
if not query_tokens:
return True
if len(query_tokens) > 1:
def QueryNode(token):
return query_parser.CreateQueryNode(token.chars, QueryParser.TEXT)
return all(self._MatchTextField(field, QueryNode(token), document)
for token in query_tokens)
token_text = query_tokens[0].chars
matching_docids = [
post.doc_id for post in self._PostingsForFieldToken(, token_text)]
return in matching_docids
def ExtractGlobalEq(node):
if node.getType() == QueryParser.EQ and len(node.children) >= 2:
if node.children[0].getType() == QueryParser.GLOBAL:
return node.children[1]
return node
if match.getType() == QueryParser.CONJUNCTION:
return all(self._MatchTextField(field, ExtractGlobalEq(child), document)
for child in match.children)
if match.getType() == QueryParser.DISJUNCTION:
return any(self._MatchTextField(field, ExtractGlobalEq(child), document)
for child in match.children)
if match.getType() == QueryParser.NEGATION:
return not self._MatchTextField(
field, ExtractGlobalEq(match.children[0]), document)
return False
def _MatchDateField(self, field, match, operator, document):
"""Check if a date field matches a query tree node."""
return self._MatchComparableField(
field, match, _DateStrToDays, operator, document)
def _MatchNumericField(self, field, match, operator, document):
"""Check if a numeric field matches a query tree node."""
return self._MatchComparableField(field, match, float, operator, document)
def _MatchComparableField(
self, field, match, cast_to_type, op, document):
"""A generic method to test matching for comparable types.
Comparable types are defined to be anything that supports <, >, <=, >=, ==.
For our purposes, this is numbers and dates.
field: The document_pb.Field to test
match: The query node to match against
cast_to_type: The type to cast the node string values to
op: The query node type representing the type of comparison to perform
document: The document that the field is in
True iff the field matches the query.
UnsupportedOnDevError: Raised when an unsupported operator is used, or
when the query node is of the wrong type.
ExpressionTreeException: Raised when a != inequality operator is used.
field_val = cast_to_type(field.value().string_value())
if match.getType() == QueryParser.VALUE:
match_val = cast_to_type(query_parser.GetPhraseQueryNodeText(match))
except ValueError:
return False
return False
if op == QueryParser.EQ:
return field_val == match_val
if op == QueryParser.NE:
raise ExpressionTreeException('!= comparison operator is not available')
if op == QueryParser.GT:
return field_val > match_val
if op == QueryParser.GE:
return field_val >= match_val
if op == QueryParser.LESSTHAN:
return field_val < match_val
if op == QueryParser.LE:
return field_val <= match_val
raise search_util.UnsupportedOnDevError(
'Operator %s not supported for numerical fields on development server.'
% match.getText())
def _MatchField(self, field, match, operator, document):
"""Check if a field matches a query tree.
field_query_node: Either a string containing the name of a field, a query
node whose text is the name of the field, or a document_pb.Field.
match: A query node to match the field with.
operator: The a query node type corresponding to the type of match to
perform (eg QueryParser.EQ, QueryParser.GT, etc).
document: The document to match.
if isinstance(field, (basestring, tree.CommonTree)):
if isinstance(field, tree.CommonTree):
field = query_parser.GetQueryNodeText(field)
fields = search_util.GetAllFieldInDocument(document, field)
return any(self._MatchField(f, match, operator, document) for f in fields)
if field.value().type() in search_util.TEXT_DOCUMENT_FIELD_TYPES:
if operator != QueryParser.EQ:
return False
return self._MatchTextField(field, match, document)
if field.value().type() in search_util.NUMBER_DOCUMENT_FIELD_TYPES:
return self._MatchNumericField(field, match, operator, document)
if field.value().type() == document_pb.FieldValue.DATE:
return self._MatchDateField(field, match, operator, document)
type_name = document_pb.FieldValue.ContentType_Name(
raise search_util.UnsupportedOnDevError(
'Matching fields of type %s is unsupported on dev server (searched for '
'field %s)' % (type_name,
def _MatchGlobal(self, match, document):
for field in document.field_list():
if self._MatchField(, match, QueryParser.EQ, document):
return True
except search_util.UnsupportedOnDevError:
return False
def _CheckMatch(self, node, document):
"""Check if a document matches a query tree."""
if node.getType() == QueryParser.CONJUNCTION:
return all(self._CheckMatch(child, document) for child in node.children)
if node.getType() == QueryParser.DISJUNCTION:
return any(self._CheckMatch(child, document) for child in node.children)
if node.getType() == QueryParser.NEGATION:
return not self._CheckMatch(node.children[0], document)
if node.getType() in query_parser.COMPARISON_TYPES:
field, match = node.children
if field.getType() == QueryParser.GLOBAL:
return self._MatchGlobal(match, document)
return self._MatchField(field, match, node.getType(), document)
return False
def Matches(self, document):
return self._CheckMatch(self._query, document)
except search_util.UnsupportedOnDevError, e:
return False
def FilterDocuments(self, documents):
return (doc for doc in documents if self.Matches(doc))
def _DateStrToDays(date_str):
date = search_util.DeserializeDate(date_str)
return search_util.EpochTime(date) / MSEC_PER_DAY